HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 2007-12-17 CITY OF SPKlJ~vl'IELD Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO' cOM2006-00201 ISSUED 06/18/2007 APPLIED. 02/17/2006 EXPIRES' 06/1712008 VALUE: $ 93,240.00 225 FIfth Street, SprIngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 54]-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme SITE ADDRESS 945 W L ST ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 170327340240] Sprmgfield TYPE OF WORK Garage TYPE OF USE New PROJECT DESCR]PTION Garage w.th storage above See aclIvlty for prevIOus permIt aclIvlty ResIdential Owner PATRICK MEKECH Address 844 MARILYN CRT SPRINGFIELD OR 97477 Phone Number 54]-736-066] I CONTRACTOR INFORMATION I Contractor Type General ElectrIcdl PlumblUg Contractor LIC~B\t RICK BROSTERHOUS CONSTRUCTIO~~~~~\\~\'I OWNER \e'4'l t - 'r\egO~ "\6 ~ t~ \ne~' -~'Oe.\1 . . OWNER --.<<\O'tt, ~_...\ed 'o'l_^'\1\e'O ~\,,'o-e,'2'~ L., ~\\~; ~~1~~~mftlQ~ '~~~&1 "o\\\lUlY~- ..()oI.IJ~~;cB\t- ~et~~~\\ol' ",O~9S Yf<eij~.wr, . \~O\\~\\'1 \-Io\~,,~'IOIl U Qo9O. 'f~liltlll}}! r!l~~'2--2~4.~ ~\\fI :'(D~ at.~99>--J VN t\u{t\l:l ~fpe. Range Type Energy Path SprInkled BnlldlDg EXpIratIOn Date 03/09/2009 Phone 54]-607-6336 # of VUltS PrImary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group PrImary ConstructIOn Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms Lot S,ze Sq Ft 1st Floor Sq Ft 2nd FloOl Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garagc/Carport Sq Ft Other Occnpdnt Load n/a r DEVELOPMENT INFORMA nON I Frontyard Setback SIde] Setback S,de 2 Setback Rearyard Setback Solar Setbacks 4000 13 00 Ovellay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved DrIve Rqd % of Lot Coverage Yes REQUIRED PARKING Total 2 HandIcapped Compact ~ ...\(\v..~ l- . I PUBLIC IMPROVEMENTS I P\v..<t. \~;;" \S "0\ Street Improvements Parltallv ImPloved ~01.\Cfi:." ~\\ c;,~~'t\~Ft~t.~ rev.. Storm Sewel AvaIlable Yes \'(I\S ~t.'i\ It.~ \}~~~sp.~~rams CUlb and Gutter Specldl InstructIOn )j\'(I0rr.\ Ct.\) err. 00. ~ t)~t.~ (0/ ?t.rr.~ Notes Storm dralDage pIped mto eXlStlDg to curb face 2124/200&,@ '\CO\! \)p; t-~ 2700 000 Paee 1 of 3 -~ Status Issued 225 FIfth Street, SprIngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 54 ]-726-3769 InspectIOn LlUe DescriptIOn Tvpe of ConstructIOn Dwelhnes Garaee V Wood Bonus Rm Garaee Fee DescrIption + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee + 8% State Surcharge Plan RevIew ResIdentIal ResIdence Wmng 1000 Sq Ft ReSIdence Wmng Ea AddtJ 500 + 10% AdmlUlstralIve Fee + 8% State Surcharge Garage/Carport Plan RevIew MlUor - Planmng SDC Samtary/Storm AdmlU Storm DralUage ImpervIOus Area Storm Sewer - 1st 50 Feet Storm Sewer Each AddtJ 100' + 10% AdmlUlstratlve Fee + 5% Technology Fee + 8% State Surcharge Fixture Total Amount PaId Strnctural RevIew 02/24/2006 ImlIal Review Pubhc Works RevIew 02/24/2006 02/24/2006 Plan DIne RevIew 02/24/2006 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD. Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: cOM2006-00201 ISSUED 06/1812007 APPLIED' 02/17/2006 EXPIRES: 06/17/2008 VALUE: $ 93,240.00 I Vall 'lj-lOn OescrlotlOn , .., $ Per Sq Ft or multlpher $85 00 $26 00 Square Footage or BId Amount 840 00 840 00 Valne Date Calculated Total Value of ProJect $71,400 00 $21,84000 $93,240 00 02/17/2006 02/17/2006 Fpp,. ~ Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $1630 $13 04 $352 46 $]0600 $57 00 $60 13 $4810 $542 25 $85 00 $542 $10908 $45 00 $1400 $980 $490 $784 $98 00 2/]7/06 2/17/06 2/17/06 2/17/06 2/17/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/10/06 4/1 0/06 4/]0/06 4/10/06 12/17/07 12/17/07 12/17/07 12/17/07 ]200600000000000]76 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000176 1200600000000000176 ]200600000000000176 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 ]200600000000000442 1200600000000000442 2200700000000001851 220070000000000]85] 2200700000000001851 2200700000000001851 $1,57432 I Plan Reviews I Problem wIth fl ont brdcewall Called contractOl-left messdge 4/5/06dlm 02/24/2006 02/24/2006 APP SKG APP CAS SDC fee's reflect CI edIt from 2000 Job#00-01630-01 amount added IS the dIfference from rdtes IU 2000 to 2006 03/24/2006 APP T AJ Pave 1St ]8' of drIveway Paee 2 of 3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD' Building/Combination Permit Status Issued PERMIT NO ISSUED. APPLIED' EXPIRES: VALUE. cOM2006-00201 06/18/2007 02/17/2006 06/17/2008 $ 93,240 00 225 FIfth Street, SprIngfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 54]-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme To Request an mspectlon call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All inspectIOns requested before 7.00 a.m WIll be made the same workmg day, mspectlOns requested after 7'00 a m will be made the followmg work day. RenUlred I nsnechons I Rough ElectrIc PrIor to Cover ElectrIc ServIce Approval reqUIred prIor to utIlIty company energlZlng servIce Fmal ElectrIe When all electrIcal work IS complete Footmg After trenches are excavated FonndatlOn After forms are erected but prIor to concrete placement Floor InsnlatlOn PrIor to deckmg Shear Wall Nalhng Before coverIng sheathmg WIth fiUlsh materIdls Frammg InspectIOn PrIor to cover and after all rough m mspectlOns have been approved Wall InsulatIon PrIor to cover Celhng InsulatIOn PrIor to cover F,rewdll Lncated and constrncted accordmg to plans Hold Downs Installed Special InspectIOn pel formed prIor to placement of concrete ProvIde report to CIty BuIldmg Inspector Fmal BUlldmg After all requIred mspectIons have been requested and approved and the buIldmg IS complete Storm Sewer Lme PrIor to filhng trench Rough Plumbmg Pnor to cover and IDcludmg reqUired testing FlDal Plumbmg When all plnmbmg work IS complete By sIgnature, I state dnd agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed dpphcatlOn dnd do hereby certlfv that all mformatlOn hereon IS trne dnd correct, and f further certIf) that any and all work performed shall be done 111 dccordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIty of SprIngfield and the Laws of the State ot Oregon pertammg to the work desLrIbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY WIll be mdde of any structure WIthout permIssIon of the CommuUlty ~ervlces DIVISIon, Bnlldmg Safety f further certIfy that only contractors and employees who are m comphance WIth ORS 70] 005 WIll be uscd on tillS project I further agree to ensure tbat all requIred mspectlOns aJ e requested at the proper tIme, that each address IS readdble Irom the street, that the permIt card IS located at the fl ont of the pI operty, and the approved set of plans wIll remam on the sIte at all times dUrIng constructIOn C~~ /;2. - /7- o::;Z- Owner or Contractors 19nature Date Paee 3 of3 ~ Construction Contractors Board 700 Summer St NE SUIte 300 PO Box 14140 Salem OR 97309-5052 Phone 503-378-4621 Web Address' www.cchstate.or.us Pemnt# COJl\ll'Z.Cc (,-o 0 c..O( 9"1) U L 51- ~ (S Date Il/;~7 I I Address Issued by Statement: Information Notice to Property Owners About Construction Responsibilities Note Oregon Law. ORS 701 055(4) requzres reszdentzal constructIOn permzt applzcants who are not lzcensed With the ConstructIOn Contractors Board to Sign the following statement before a bUilding permit can be Issued This statement IS reqUired for residential bUilding, electrical, mechanzcal and plumbing permits Licensed archztect and engineer applzcants, exempt from licenSing under ORS 701010(7), need not submit thzs statement Thzs statement will befiled wzth the permzt FIll m the appropnate blanks and IDltIal boxes I and Z, and either box 3A or 3B ~I Hz I own, reside ill, or will resIde m the completed structure I understand that I must become licensed as a constructIOn contractor If the structure IS sold or offered for sale before or on completIon D 3A My general contractor IS (Name) (cCB #) I wIll Instruct my general contractor that all subcontractors who work on the structure must be licensed With the ConstructIon Contractors Board OR fi3B I Will be my own general contractor If! hire subcontractors, I wIll htre only subcontractors licensed With the ConstructIon Contractors Board If I change my mInd and rure a general contractor, 1 Will contract With a contractor who IS licensed With the ccB and Will nnmed13tely notIfy the office Issumg tIns bUlldmg permit of the name of the contractor I hereby certify that the above mformatlOn IS correct and that I have read and do understand the InformatIon NotIce to Property Owners about ConstructIon ResponsibilItIes on the reverse SIde of this form. ~L ~ /$<-/7- o?- (Sl~ture of permit applicant) (Date) (WhIte copy to ISSUing agency permit file. pink copy to applzcant) Property_owner doc 06-0 I -04 Aciinff as Your Own General-Contractor? \ " INFORMATION NOTICE TO,PROPERTY OWNERS ABOUT CONSTRUCTION RESPONSIBILITIES NOTE This InformatIOn Notice to Property Owners about Construct/on Responsibilities was developed by the Construction Contractors Board In accordance with ORS 701 055(5), passed by the 1989 Oregon Legislature If you are actIng as your own contractor to construct a new home or makc a substanhal unprovement to an eXlstmg structure, you can prevent many problems by bemg aware of the followmg responslbllIhes a~d concerns Employer Responsibilities " \ You will, III most mstance.s. be ruled to be an-"employer" and the contraptors you contract With WIll be "employees" If you use contractors not licensed With the ConstructIOn Contractors Board to do labor m constructmg or to assist III the - , , construchon or unprovement of,a residential structure As'the employer, you must comply with the following: Oregon's Withholding Tax Law: As an employer, you must WIthhold mcome'taxes from employee wages at the hme employees are paid You WIll be hable for the tax payments even If you don't actually Withhold the tax from your employees For more mformahon, call the Department of Revenue at 503-378-4988 ' Unemployment Insurance Tax: As an emPloyer, you are reqUIred to pay a tax for unemployment msurance purposes' on the wages of all employees For more mformatlon, call the Oregon Employment Department at 503-947-1488 ""'- The Oregon Busmess ldenllficatlon Number (BIN) IS a combmed number for both Oregon Wlthholdmg and Unemployment Insurance Tax To file for a BIN, call 503-945-8091 or www dor state or uslformsoav htmll for the appropnate forms Workers' Compensation Insurance: As an employer, you are subject to the Oregon Workers' Compensatlon Law, and must obtam workers' c~...y"..satlon msurance for your employees If you fall to obtam workers' compensahon msurance, you could be subject to penalties and be lIable for all c1atm costs If one of your employees IS Injured on the Job For more mformatlOn, call the Workers' CompensatIOn DIVISion at the Department of Consumer and Busmess ServJces at 503-947-7815 U.S Internal Revenue ServIce: As an employer, you must Withhold federal mcome tax from employees' wages'",,- You WIll be hable for the tax payment even tf you didn't actually Withhold the tax For a Federal EIN number, call the IRS at 1-800-829-4933 or VI&lt their web site at wv,w Irs l!OV ether Responsibilities a~d Areas' o'f Concerns Code Compliance: As the pernnt holder for thiS project, you arc responSible for resolVIng any failure to meet code requlremcnts that may be brought to your attention through mspe~tlOns LiabIlity and Property Damage Insurance: Contact your msurance agent to see If you have adequate Insurance coverage for aCCidents and omissions such as falhng tools, pamt over spray, water damage from pipe punctures, fire or work that must be redone - T Time: Make sure you have suffiCient hme to supervise your employees , , II!?' " .r, r. \ .... .;.." ExpertIse' Make sure you have the sIGlls to act as your own general contractor, to coordmate the work of rough-m and fimsh trades, and to notify bUlldmg offiCials as the appropnate times so they can perform the reqUIred mspecl10ns If you have addll10nal queSl10ns call the Construcl1on Contractors Board (503-378-4621) or wnte the agency at PO Box 14140, Salem, OR 97309-5052 , , ,Jl- Property_owner doc 06-01-04 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfield, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone Job/Journal Number COM2006-0020 I COM2006-0020 I COM2006-0020 I COM2006-0020 I Payments Type of Payment CredltCard cRecemtl RECEIPT #. DescriptIOn + 8% State Surcharge + 10% AdmInistrative Fee Fixture + 5% Technology Fee PaId By PATRICK MEKECH CIty of SprmgfieId OffiCIal Receipt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department 2200700000000001851 Date. 12/17/2007 Item Total Check Number AuthOrizatIOn ReceIVed By Batch Number Number How Received djb 632525 In Person Payment Total Page I of I 12 03 37PM Amount Due 784 980 9800 490 $120 54 Amount Paid $120 54 $120 54 12/1 7/2007