HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2007-12-18 -~~ Status Issued \U -"'" \ ('1'~/U 0?- - \ reQv \ 0'\! CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIOn Lme PERMIT NO ISSUED: APPLIED. EXPIRES. VALUE: COM2007-01857 12/18/2007 12/17/2007 06/17/2008 SITE ADDRESS 1243 RAINBOW DR ASSESSOR'S PARCEL NO 1703273402603 Spnngfield TYPE OF WORK Elect'lcal WOI k Only TYPE OF USE New PROJECT DESCRIPTION Dan Mart/Replace 2 lights and WIre m condUIt Commercial Owner ROSCOE DIVINE LLC Address 555 LINCOLN ST EUGENE OR 97401 '. CONTRACTOR INFORMA nON I Contractor Type Electncal Contractor MAG ELECTRIC INC LIcense 149834 EXpIratIOn Date 12/13/2009 Phone 541-461-0387 BUILDING INFORMATION I # ofUlIlts Primary Occupancy Group Secondary Occupancy Group Pnmary ConstructIon Type Secondary ConstructIOn Type # of Bedrooms # of StorIes Height of Structure Type of Heat Water Type Range Type Energy Path. Spnnkled BUlldmg Lot SIze Sq Ft I st Floor Sq Ft 2nd Floor Sq Ft Basement Sq Ft Garage/Ca. port Sq Ft Other Occupant Load nla I DEVELOPMENT INFORMATION I REQUIRED PARKING Front yard Setback SIde I Setback SIde 2 Setback Redryard Setback Solar Setbacks Overlay Dlst # Street Trees Rqd Paved Dnve Rqd % of Lot Cover dge Total HandIcapped Compact ATTENTJr'\M n...; __ . I PUBLIC IMPROVEME,JT..~ll'>' rtUJes adoptedbyij,~~6~;geoS YOUUt ,to ~' , '.l:a Ion Center rho n Illy 1\'1ffi,T[IUWtovements In OAR 95'~eY, 6 rM,~e rules are set fcrth s16\lii. g~[~hWJ. EXPIRE IF THE WORK 0090 You 19~.9JJto'\\lSI~o~~ OAR 952-001_ slAJaihl(}li'~O!D\ftIJMDER THIS PERMIT IS NOT calling the center (Not~ th of the ru'es by COMMENCED OR IS ABANDONED FOR numbe~~~t'he ,OreGon Utllltye ~~~f,~a~~oen rrew 180 DAY PERIOD er (o 1-800-332-2344) I ValuatIon Descriotion , DeSCription Type of Construction $ Per Sq Ft or multIplier Square Footdge or BId Amount Value Date Calculated Page I of2 Status Issued CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Building/Combination Permit PERMIT NO: COM2007-01857 ISSUED' 12/18/2007 APPLIED. 12/17/2007 EXPIRES: 06/17/2008 VALUE: 225 FIfth Street, Sprmgfield, OR 541-726-3753 Phone 541-726-3676 Fax 541-726-3769 InspectIon Lme Total Value of ProJect Fees .~~~dJ Fee DescnptlOn + 10% Admllllstratlve Fee + 5% Technology Fee + 8% State Surchdl ge Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Add, Alter, Extend Clrc Ed Add Amount PaId Date PaId ReceIpt Number $520 $260 $416 $48 00 $400 12/17/07 12/17/07 12/17/07 12/17107 12117/07 3200700000000000811 3200700000000000811 3200700000000000811 3200700000000000811 3200700000000000811 Total Amount PaId $63 96 I Plan ReYlews I To Request an inspectIOn call the 24 hour recordmg at 726-3769. All mspectlOns requested before 7 00 a.m. WIll be made the same workmg day, mspections requested after 7 00 a m. WIll be made the followmg work day. I Reolllred 11'lsnectJolls I I I. . 11111 " Rough Electnc. Pnor to Cover Fmal Electnc When all electncal work IS complete By sIgnature, I state and agree, that I have carefully exammed the completed applicatIOn and do hereby certify that all mformatlon hereon IS true and correct, and I further certify that dny and all work performed shall be done m accordance WIth the Ordmances of the CIty of SpnugIield and the Laws of the State of Oregon pertammg to the work descnbed herem, and that NO OCCUPANCY Will be made of any structure WIthout permIssIOn of the Commulllty ServIces DIVIsIOn, BUlldmg Safety I further certify that only contractors and employees who are m comphance WIth ORS 701 005 wIll be used on thiS proJect I further agree to ensure that all reqUIred mspectlOns are requested at the proper time, that each address IS readable from the street, that the permIt card IS located at the front of the property, and the approved set of plans WIll remam on the site at all times dunng construction Owner or Contractors Signature Date Page 2 of2 CIty of SprlOgfield ElectrIcal AuthorIzatIOn To Begm Work E-malled To MAGELECTRICINC@COMCASTNET ReceIpt # EC522617 12/17/200780751 AM ~ Check on status of perm It By Phone (541)726-3753 or EmaIl permllcenter@clspnngfield orus Cro:,s ~treet/dlrectlOns to Job .!lIte CENTENIAL AND RAINBOW ~==~FEE SCHEDULE I DescnptlOn ! Qty I }< a Totdl I RCMdi..nhal SINGLEM OR multi-family dwelling IIll1t Indudes dttdlhcd gar~ge IIOOOsqftorless I I Ca addl 500 sq ft or portlOn I I - LmlllLd energy, re~ldentJaI (wIth above SQ n) I ~ Limited energy, multlfamlly resIdential (with above SQ tt) I Servlce..~ OR ree~ders mstal!atlon, alteration, AND/OR relocatIOn 1200 amps or less 120 I d1nps to 400 amps 140 I ,lmps to 599 amps rT~MPORARY ~erVICC~ OR fct.dcrs IU!ltJllahon, alteration, I Ai"IJDlOR relocatIOn )200 amps or less I 20 I amps to 400 amps 401 amps to 599 amps Brdnch CirCUits - ~EW, alteratIOn, OR ntcnslOn, pef panel I A Fee for branch C\fl.-IIltS WIth above servIce or feedu fcc, each branch CITCUlt 18 Fcc for branch CIrCUIts Without service or feeder fee first bran"h CIrCUit, I each dddl brdJlch (...lr"UII I Mlsce"aneO~J~~ I Sl.rvll.(, reconnect only I Each manufactured or modular dv.ellmg service and/or feeder I Pump or IrngdtlOn "Irde I Sign or outline hghtmg I SIgnal clrcUlt(s) or llllllted- I energy panel alteratIOn or exlt-nSlOn II ) I I: II. I * City 01 Sprmgfield I $4800 $48 00 10 New wnstrUC{lOn TYPE.OF~WORK [K] AddltlOn/alteratlOn/replacement C~TEGO~Y OF CONSTRUCTION~ 10 1 or 2 famIly dwelling D Multi family [K] Commercia] Ilndus/f1al I JOB SITE INFORMATION AND LOCATION [Job no IJob addres!l 1243 RAINBOW DR IOty/SlalelZlP SPRINGFIFLD OR 97477-2876 I SUlte/bldg I.lpt no I Project name DAIRY MART I ~ubdJVISJolJ J lot 110 [Tax map/parcelllo 1703273402603 I DES,CRIPTION OF WORK REPLACE 2 LIGHTS REPLACE WIRE IN CONDUIT . SITE CONTACT I Name NATE BUSHNELL I Phone (541) 501-6845 I", I Em..1 MAGELECTRICINC@COMCASl NET I CONTRACTOR lEI he no 20-317C ICCBllc no 149834 I BUSIIILSS Name MAG ELECl R]C INC I Contact NATE BUSHNEll IAddress 2952 ALLANE LN STC C IOty/"a,elLIP EUGENE OR 974022077 I Phone (541)4610387 I hx None I ~m..1 MAGELECTRICINC@COMCASTNET J Metro he no I City hc no ISupervlslIIg clectncldu's he no 47425 I SupervIsing electnclan's name MARTIN ALAN GRAY $400 $400 I I I I I I Subtotdl I $52 00 I State Surcharge (8% ot permIt fee) $4 16 ! Cny Of Sprmgfield fees * I $7 80 I TO IAL PERMIr FEE I $6396 10% Local Admin Fee 5% Local Technology Fee not oft-ered ontllle at thiS Junsdlctlon ELECTRICAL PERMIT FEES Upon review and approval by your local JUrisdiction, your permit Will be e-malled or faxed Within one bUSiness day, With instructions on how to schedule your inspection NOTE ThiS AuthOrization To Begin Work expires wlthm 180 days If a permit IS not obtained The local bUilding department may determine that an AuthOrization To Begm Work IS null and VOid If It does not meet applicable land use laws and local ordmances COM~()U7- O/c{57 -<, RCPTII. ~ 2es-07 - Of{ I ( DATE ED' )~ SSfl~ . . / , _. .- '-.=cr.. ThiS AuthOrization To Begm Work must be posled al the Job site until repl 225 FIfth Street Sprmgfleld, Oregon 97477 541-726-3759 Phone 8P~RINQFI~ ' 1Ii.:_- f CIty of Sprmgfield OfficIal ReceIpt Development ServIces Department PublIc Works Department Job/Journal Number COM2007-0l857 COM2007-0l857 COM2007-0 1857 COM2007-0 1857 COM2007-0 1857 Payments Type of Paymeot ONLINE CHGS cRecemt 1 RECEIPT #: 3200700000000000811 Date: 12/17/2007 DeSCription Add, Alter, Extend CIrC Add, Alter, Extend CIrC Ea Add + 5% Technology Fee + 10% Admmlstratlve Fee + 8% State Surcharge PaId By ONLINE PERMIT CHGS Item Total Check Number AuthorizatIOn ReceIved By Batch Number Number How Received NJM ONLINE MAG Onhne ELECT Payment Total Page I of I 828 lOAM Amount Due 4800 400 260 520 4 16 $63 96 Amount Paid $63 96 $63 96 12117/2007