HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Demolition 2006-3-17 . CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SPRINGFIELD ~-~11 n, 1\1, ~ /-",/1 U-Lt;...- -" ! ~,,~~- ~ I ~~', ''p 1, ?,. .&.. "- L>"r~....~ "'-1 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATION Address: 4 5"f: ~ MIiIN t:r Structure to be Demolished: fuC~ CfL.. Job Number: ~? /J'f1'~ 005' ?tJ , The applicant IS hereby notified that any redevelopment of the subject site must comply With all of the applicable laws, codes, ordmances, polices and plans m effect at the time the redevelopment proposal IS accepted as complete for City reVlew This would mclude correctIOn of substandard conditions associated With the present development Examples of such correctIOns may mclude modification of madequate dramage facilities, compliance With bUlldmg set- backs from property hnes, correctIOn of substandard Sidewalks and street Improvements, mcludmg dnveway Width and placement, and other corrections which may be necessary to comply With eXlstmg development standards Furthermore, If an eXlstmg use IS demolished or othefWlse removed pnor to the development of the proposed use, then the system development charge credit for the preVlously eXlstmg use shall expire two years after the date of Issuance of the demolition permit or other removal of the preVIOusly eXlstmg use (Spnngfield MUOlClpal Code 3416(1)) My signature below mdlcates that I have read and understand the above conditions relatmg to the demohtlOn of the above mentIOned structure 7!~{~!tf/v / Signature 310/00 Date o CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON SPRINGFIELD 225 FIFTH STREET. SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 . PH (541)726-3753 . FAX (541)726-3689 ~ .DEMOLITION PERMIT APPLICATIONS Your demolItIOn permit IS currently bemg processed There may be a slIght delay, of up to 2 workmg days for small structures, due to the tIme reqUIred to reVIew the history of the structure to determme If It needs to be documented before demolItIOn This documentatIon IS for archIVal purposes only and wlll not affect the grantmg of the demolItIOn permit If the structure IS very large or complIcated the documentatIOn process may take up to a maJumum of 4 workmg days DocumentatIon wlll consist of photographmg the bUlldmg, takmg measurements and makmg scaled drawmgs The documentatIOn Will be undertaken by the City at no cost to you DocumentatIon IS bemg done on all structures dated pnor to 1940 that may have histone Importance to the City'S development THIS DOCUMENTATION WILL NOT IMPEDE THE DEMOLITION PROCESS. An age cut-off of 1940 was chosen because this IS the date that the NatIOnal Parks SerVIce and The Sprmgfield Development Code use to determme potentIal hlstonc slgmficance If you would prefer to complete this documentatIon yourself you must prOVIde the City With the follOWing mformatlOn I) black and white photographs of each elevatIOn, a floor plan With measurements, and 2) a set of elevatIon draWings With measurements Thank you for your patIence I grant the City of Spnngfield permission to enter my property to complete documentatIOn pnor to the requested demolition of the structure located at Address: t.{6'E;':) MI1(tJ 5T. _ Property Owner Signature: 1~ f ~1 Job Number: r./)l41 ?/;7tJh -6'O_~z.oDate: 3/171~ ~1/Jl/2ee5 11 27 lS419951ms ATEZ INC PAGE e 2 ATIEZ, Inc. Environmental Remediation Asbestos/Lead/Mold/Drug Labs CCB #64090 23525 Hwy. 99 E. Harrisburg, OR 97446 PH 541-995-6008 FX 541-995-1015 Emall atez@&lItezlnc.com CERTIFI~IlTE OF COMPLETION 4555 Mclin St. Spnngfield, OR ATEZ, Inc. has successfully completed the asbestos removal of approximately 41 square feet of asbestos containIng roofing mastIc from 4555 Main St Spnngfield, Oregon. (See attached LRAPA Small Scale Notif1cat1on) The work was completed on January 30, 2006 All work was completed by a cert,fied asbestos abatement SUpervisor and certified asbestos abatement workers. The work was completed without InCIdent All waste IS bemg stored Securely off sIte at 23525 Hwy 99 E, Harrrsburg, Oregon unbllt 's transported to Coffin Butte Landfill for dIsposal At that trme you Will receIve an ASN4 form shOWing the waste was dIsposed of properly So Certified ~~4/k ~dent .Y SMALL SCALE SHORT DURATION NOTIFICATION OF ''''TENT TO REMOVE OR ENCAPSULATE ASBESTOS IN LANE COUNTY OREGON Ft)t lRA,PA U!lO .. .. Ha;. a 'IUrv9Y been j COMp!,.ted' Yps...,,\ NOD Ir Yes By Whom 1 !\ L.lln@ ~eglon81 Air PollutIon AUthorIty 1010 Main Street Spnngfleld OR 97477 1541l7J6.,056_TrX ~~~"205 toll ff.. IB771 2B5 7272 fTYP(I of Abefomen. 12f.... DemolITion Annual Fee 5cIH'I'1I1IA for Non~Fr,,),br~ o Removal o Enc$lpsulatIQr'! I $ 394 n Non.~nab'e Proj(.Ctll; (It Schaab, COlleqes and Faelhttes o Renovation !:l MlImten~n(;eIRsp~l/r Annual FeG Schndule for Small <ic81~ Short DUfdtrof) o Of her $ 292 0 Friable PrOlects .s. 40 hn/BO sq 1t Submit NOhCe:5 Quarterly Xl" Quarter /Janl'''''f 1 thru MatCh 311 C\ 7"~ Quartet (Apnl 1 thru JunA 301 o 3~ Quarter {July 1 rhrlJ Septembpt 301 a 41~ OUl.Irt@( {October 1 thru December 31' PrOject Fee Rec d C Check # ~ ~ -----1 -J ABATEMENT PROJECT INFORMA )JON I Site Namo \/. (II ''1 + U1 n,A ~ -,1\.F ......__ Site Addre~s A..f0;._~1 fY\ I , , .r\ c......J loca~ton of Asbesios at the Stte \Zt '\r IL Sfte Ciitegory 0 School !tYf9srdence 0 COllege !J !ndustrl~l 0 romtnprClal 0 oThl;!r StartDatG \-::v... {\I., COmplE'!JOnD2Jte_J -1.r\ j\\...._ H(lursonS'te_'~>"""rJ,l"Y\ Emergenl"'Y pro/eet notJ11l::8~IOn r"'que~tod 0 No 0 Yeot Dlscu<;sed With O<lt9 Phone --- City "),/"'\.- In..... { I -r lIrll 'I , TYPE OF ASBESTOS MATERfAL iype & Percon~ 01 A'Jbestos. ~."'Ih (1 J.UA'f .V'...,. ( f.' . IEhtlmate Or {Llab L "j ~ <' Quantlty 01 asbestos In proJect"'rj . [lllnC!Fif [S]ouarp or ICJublc '001--, o PIDG InsulCltlfJn G Mpe 0 cementatlOu"l reg tr.un"It(,') 0 fl~or ttlp 0 'pofrnQ 0 felt 0 spmyon o valve ~ackjl'lQ 1:1 'THil!ltlC CJ sheet Vinyl )ti othet r L:-f1 f rl1t'r,.t.,.. - .Lp,~- ./ j " WORK PRACTICES AND REMOVAL PROCEDIJRES )ewer method r::J dry methods WIt" atr frlterlng 0 glovobl3g ~EPA vaC'Jum 0 vacuum truck WIth HEPA fIlter, 0 other Amblont BIt monltorlng to bl'! p~rfo'med Ji'J.. yes 0 no o contarnment, 0 neg8tlve air OISPOSAL PROCEDIJRES o chute to dtopbox 0 hand-load drontlo)( tK''(o'I'!t1''d cmd double bT.lQpGtj 0 othor o wa". .tored on ,,'. 'n '.'urod contaoner ~ we,,< '.Cur.d off "f. et....) ""', ,_-; '::L....., '1' Ie. ~ Waste romoved d:Jr1v 1:1 otner DISPOSAL SiTe o Shon MOlJn~aln Veoffln ButTe 0 other ~ fI...-,,<. ,I-" -, ('l. -' - ABATEMENT CONTRACTOR Contractor Narne......A.TE? _ :t:nc M"hng Addr." 2 3:; ~ 5 Ilwv 99 E City ~= :.....:.....i...s.J:u'.....7 Competent PerSon__I<..M....,. l'1 t ~ I lIcense No J>J:l("_~~~ j I PROPERTY OWNER II NamoS-I. j", 1( 1:;; i I?:. ~~ ( / l'v1elh~g..,Addre<;.s R~I id,.. ...Jv. _ ('\ ,., Crty,. .' , ,'_-:"..t Name (FI..s. ;, bert R .,-:!<Jtti:./on S'gnat"r. '~J~ ',~ State I,I<<~ m, 2'P , !"on._541-Clq~_';QQ.8 Certlfll:;cne No 1tOG-.S U Cell/Pager No :J,,~t) /. -'I ~ Stat.... 'X' ZIP 27':>'c~P;;on. ';\I,:...L:J-'l' '~.\" .;,-) 1 '" _ ~9 ___ Organll8tl,On..!' TEZ, I nc _ M2 ~:-~"--" _.__=./"ono 541-J/95-6!lQB:>... / _~ . Asb 070105., /<':5'1 RLID Property Report Account # 0129609 Page 1 of 1 PROPERTY REPORT - LANE COUNTY Map, Tax Lot, & SIC # 17-02-32-42-00800 Site Address 4555 MAIN ST SPRINGFIELD OR 97478 Owner Name & Address D-Iamb Inc PO Box 24608 Eugene, OR 97402 Multiple Owners? No Additional Accou_ot Numbers for this Tax Lot & SIC Approximate Tax Lot Acres Inc City UGB Census Tr/BlkGrp 069 30,056' Springfield Springfield 1904/1 -TaxR2l/er Name & Address D-Iamb Inc PO Box 24608 Eugene, OR 97402 SubdivIsion I School Springfield Name District Phase Elem Mt Vernon Lot # TL 00800 Middle Agnes Stewart Recording # High Springfield ZOning Parent/Overlay CC Statistical Class 120 Class 2 Single Family Home Land Use Property C'ass 1111 121 Single Family Housing Residential, Commercial Zone, Improved Property Value and Taxes Land Value Reg! !\II<1ckej $78,182 $66,256 2005 2004 2005 Ial!cabJe_Value $ 74,598 Improvement Value REl?1 Market $13,580 $12,570 Total Value Real Ma[~et A~s~s~e_cJ $91,762 $74,598 $78,826 $72,425 2005 Taxes $1,22659 Tax Code Area 01900 Two Most Recent Sales Date Price Grantor 10-20- $0 St Vincent De Paul Society Of Lane 2005 C 08-24- 2005 $205,000 Batchelor Jack & Opal ResIdentIal BUlldmg # 1 (of 1 ) CharacJer!sJtc_S 21 stat 110 or 120 Square feet Base FInished Basement First Second AttiC Total Year BUilt 1938 1 1 Bedrooms Full Baths Half Baths % Improvmt Complete 100 I Comments Instrument # 20-05- 084558 20-05- 066864 Grantee D-Iamb Inc St Vincent De Paul Society Of Lane C 720 Bsmt Garage Sqft All Garage Sqft Det Garage Sqft 576 All Carport Sqft 720 720 720 *Thls report extracts commonly used information from the Detailed Property Report CIiQi.here for the f.!J.!!jJJ;!trlllpd prooerty ReRort http Ilwww rhd org/OnePagePropertyReport/OnePagePropertyReport cfm?taxlot Id=] 5] 2 3/] 7/2006 , I RESOLUTIONS OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF LANE COUNTY, INC AUTHORIZING D-LAMB, INC , ACTIVITY The underSigned Board Chair of St V mcent de Paul Society of Lane County, lnc, an Oregon non-profit corporation, hereby certifies that the followmg resolutions were duly adopted by the Board of Directors of at a meetmg held on October 12, 2005 RESOLVED, that St Vmcent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc, an Oregon non-profit corporatIOn ("SVDP"), shall complete the fonnatlon of, and shall be, the sole member of D-Lamb, Inc , an Oregon non-profit corporatIOn (the "Company"), and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Terrence R McDonald and any Director ofSVDP, and each of them mdlvldually, are authOrIzed and empowered to act for and on behalf of and m the name of SVDP as ItS act and deed m all transactIOns m which SVDP IS actmg as the member of the Company, mcludmg but not lImited to the execution of any and all loan documents reqUIred (the "Loan Documents") for the acqUisItIon and deyelopment of property owned or to be owned by the Company, and and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that SVDP may act as a guarantor under the Loan Documents, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the authOrIty hereby conferred shall be deemed retroactive, and any and all acts authOrIzed herem which were perfonned prIor to the passage of these resolutIOns are hereby approyed and ratIfied The authOrIty hereby conferred IS 10 add,tIOn to that conferred by any other resolutIOn heretofore or hereafter dehvered to EnterprIse Housmg Fmanclal ServIces, Inc or any of ItS subSidiarIes or affihates, (collectIyely the "Lender") and shall contmue m full force and effect untIl Lender shall haye recelyed notIce m wrItmg, certIfied by the Secretary of SVDP or any authOrIzed signatory ofSVDP, of the reyocatlOn hereof by a resolutIOn duly adopted by SVDP Any such reyocatIon shall be effectlye only as to actIOns taken by SVDP, subsequent to Lender's receipt of such notIce, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregomg resolutIOns shallmure to the benefit of any successor m mterest to Lender, mcludmg any purchaser of any loan made by Lender to the Company DATED October 12,2005 ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF LANE COUNTY, INC. B ~ Cole, oard Chair , ) By /' -:\'..~..,,~ I\. IVicLlonald, ExecutIye DIrector I -OCTOBER 12, 2005 RESOLUTIONS OF ST VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY OF LANE COUNTY, INC 290542/I/W AG/J 02663-0002 RESOLUTIONS OF D-LAMB, INC. The undersigned, Executive DIrector of D-Lamb, Inc (the "Company"), hereby certifies that the followmg resolutIOns were duly adopted at a meetmg held on October] 2, 2005 RESOLVED, the Company may pledge collateral as may be reqUIred by the Lender, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that Terrence R McDonald and any other officer or Director of the Company, and each of them mdlvldually, are authorIzed and empowered to act for and on behalf of and m the name of the Company as ItS act and deed m all transactIons, mcludmg but not lImited to the execution of any and all loan documents reqUIred (the "Loan Documents") for the acqUIsition and development of property owned or to be owned by the Company and to secure the oblIgations Ihereunder, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the authorIty hereby conferred shall be deemed retroactIve, and any and all acts authorIzed herem which were performed prIor to the passage of these resolutIons are hereby approyed and ratified The authorIty hereby conferred IS m additIOn to that conferred by any other resolutIon heretofore or hereafter delIvered to Lender or any of ItS affilIates, and shall contmue III full force and effect until Lender shall have recelyed notIce !II wrltmg, certified by an officer of the Company or an authorIzed sIgnatory of the Company, of the reyocatlOn hereof by a resolutIon duly adopted by the Company Any such revocatIon shall be effectIve only as to actions taken by the Company, subsequent to Lender's receipt of such notice, and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the foregomg resolutIOns shall mure to the benefit of any successor m mterest to Lender, mcludmg any purchaser of any loan made by Lender to the Company pursuant to these resolutIOns DATED October 5, 2005 D-LAMB, INC By ~cDooaI uelI ,) 290572flrw AG/I 02663.QO02 UNANIMOUS WRITTEN CONSENT OFTHE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF D-LAMB,INC September 29, 2005 Pursuant to the Oregon Nonprofit CorporatIOn Act (the "Act"), the underSigned, beIng the sole Incorporator of D-Lamb, Inc (the "Company"), an Oregon non-profit corporatIOn, hereby names the follOWIng IndiViduals as the Inltlal board of directors of the Company Terrence R McDonald, Executive Director of St VIncent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc, JacquelIne A Cole, the current Board Charr of St VIncent de Paul Society of Lane County, Inc, and Kenneth COITlcello, the current Vice ChaIr ofSt VIncent de Paul SocIety of Lane County, Ine Wallace A Glausl, Incorporator September 29, 2005 In heu of an organIzatIOnal meetIng, the underSIgned InltJal Board of DJrectors of the Company deSIres to take the follOWIng actIOns and adopt the follOWIng resolutIOns Election of Officers. I RESOLVED, that the followlOg person IS hereby elected to the office set opposIte hiS name, to serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors and until successors are duly elected and qualified Executive Director Terrence R McDonald Articles of Incorporation. 2 RESOLVED, that the Executive Director IS hereby dlfected to file In the Company's corporate minute book the Articles of IncorporatIOn of the CompanCb that were filed With the office of the Oregon CorporatIOn DIVISion Amendment to Articles of Incorporation. 3 RESOLVED, that the Board of Directors of the Company does hereby authonze and approve the Amendment to the ArtIcles of IncorporatIOn attached hereto as Exhibit A that and directs the ExecutIve Director to file the Amendment With the office of the Oregon Corporation DIVISIOn ) / Page I - ORGANIZATIONAL CONSENT 295590/IIIAJ/I02663.{)OO2 AdoptIOn of Bylaws. 4 RESOLVED, that the attached bylaws (ExhibIt B) are hereby adopted as the Bylaws of the Company The Executive DIrector IS dlfected to file the same In the Company's corporate minute book ApplicatIOn for RecognitIOn of Tax exemptIOn 5 RESOLVED, that the Company shall apply for tax exemptIOn under SectIOn SOl(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, and for all other apphcable, federal, state, and local tax exemptIOns and benefits 6 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers of the Company are authonzed and directed to complete and file Form 1023 wIth the Internal Revenue Service, and to take all other actlons necessary or deSirable In connectlon with obtaining these tax exemptlons and benefits Bankmg ResolutIOns. 7 RESOLVED, that the dlfectors of the Company are hereby authonzed to open one or more savings and/or checking accounts on behalf of the Company With such banks or savings InstltutlOns as they shall determine 8 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the directors of the Company be hereby authonzed as slgnatones, each With the authonty to Sign alone, on the Company bank accounts Such authonty to act on behalf of the Company shall remain In full force and effect untll revoked by wntten notlficatlOn to the bank by the Board of Dlfectors of the Company 9 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the standard forms of corporate resolutIOns furnished and reqUIred by the bank are hereby adopted, and the Secretary IS authonzed to certIfy such adoptIOn and IS directed to file a copy of the resolutIOns In the Company's corporate minute book as part of the record oftlns action Borrowing Resolutions. 10 RESOLVED, that any two dlfectors of the Company are hereby authonzed to borrow money or othefWlse obhgate the Company by gIVing or recelvlOg cash, property, or other eVidence of IOdebtedness, and execute, dehver, and cause to be recorded deeds, mortgages, trust deeds, satisfactIOns, eVidence of Indebtedness, contracts, certIficates, and other documents on thelf SIgnature, With or Without the corporate seal, as they deem necessary or appropnate m the furtherance of the buslOess of the Company, and to estabhsh Imes of credit, loan accounts, factonng arrangements or other loan arrangements for the purpose ofthts Company Fiscal Year. \ I / 11 RESOLVED, that the Company's fiscal year shall be (fiscal year begm date) to (fiscal year end date). Page 2 - ORGANIZA llONAL CONSENT 29SS90It/JAJ/I02663-0002 Orgamzatwnal Actions and Expenses 12 RESOLVED, that any and all acts done and any and all documents executed by the mcorporator preparatory to the filmg of the ArtIcles of IncorporatIOn and the organlzallon of the Company are fully accepted, rallfied and confirmed 13 RESOLVED FURTHER, that the officers are authonzed to pay all expenses Incurred In the mcorporallon and organlzallon of the Company, Includmg those Incurred pnor to IncorporatIOn and pnor to the date hereof General Autlwrlzatwn 14 RESOLVED, that the officers of the Company are hereby authonzed and dIrected to take all acllons necessary or appropnate to orgamze the Company and carry out the foregOIng resolutIons "'- '- ~~ DATED and EFFECTIVE as of September 29, 2005 ~-errerrceR~CDOriala- I (~_ _ 31/1C!' /~,;jf.d:'~ Uf!-/ J~elIn7- Cole i'i~ (~CJJt~ .rtenoeth Comcello - , j Page 3 - ORGANIZATIONAL CONSENT 29SS90/I/JAJ/I02663-OOO2