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Permit Correction Notice 2007-12-17
p<'" .._-~~........._ '..-.-..."....."""""'oq. ~'l'. -~- ''T'' _."..,...,..""""'~. iI'I."....-...""T..".'"V"'J~~'""~".,..'1l' ~~....1""'l..'w._._.~... ,.- City of Springfield/Development Services BUilding Safety 225 Fifth Street Date: rz. / /7J 07 Job# C7 - t?7b Address:. '2c? '1 '3 t:?"" 4~ Inspection Type.j=lt-I"...(' ';;;::/~e4/~ ~ TO: .:::rB ~/-c <-It"1 t..- //ICe. ZIt'I '3(/3 )(z.J: t/~C{c,c. 1J,d- /J..c.(.~"kl&~ />1 (rF01 Ivot.,d",-, /liCe.. Z;-O,<l: II~ #7 ;'<::<:-6 -/-0 t,,e.<VL .€.6?lNItJ!Y'-/<-",-f c-/Vl:JuJ:V) J' ' , ,/ k.v<..(",1 UVl)AV OV/t:- C/YtJ<--'-',,('-<.~ s.<::v<w. Cr...."';- ..<;~ I J ' / Wt~~ '.;,c v<-'U-<; !?YCrA-K:. YO(J)(,A/I /C.II.J..",,~ 0--1 (II .....t.de. r r:; /, ...--+- -Hti<-'" J:.r:;. - Corrections and relOspectlon request shall be made WlthlO ? cJ c;alendar days. / '7-/7- /1 ? Call for reinspectlon Dyes BNo Inspector (5;,Y&r.., 1?/I"t.'L..u.r""....., Date: v (./ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~Call for inspection 726-3769~~~~~~~~~~~Questions 726-3759~~~~~~~~~