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Permit Correction Notice 1999-12-8
Cit)' of Springfield / Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Job Number t::j'q II tJ 7 . Date Job/dd'j.,ss '1'V'? <:;, ?-2-1 L , To 'liJ~~~~1 ./~ d;'.p~ ~ ~ ~~ 4~ ~")~~. I /" ~, .111AM1;:h, ~ d~ ~. l)~;)~A J, L~ ~ ~~ /7~ /' v . " V / SPRINGFIELD ~tfr f b -f~? Call for reinspection vi tl ~, . Inspector ~')f~ ~~ #~ ~./~ J~ A . Z~ * ** ~* * * **.*,* * * **~ ~,~ *. *. * * ~* Call forjnspection726~3169,* * * ~"~ Questions: ,726~3759.":** *.* * ir * * "'; *~**,*,ir** '!'* *** , '_,.~ .,"',_"",?". ....,..; ,.!-.{,-j. !.....J. ~.' ~,....,\. ....".. .'....,... .,:......1 ".:'.:':._~~'r'l.: ,',--'~!",;""'_('.- ..:"'~.':' ", ,"....;.. ': _..l.<.....:..!._~\:!. },\",t, I.. . .J' .~.".,I., ,',""1.',o",..,..,.,.,.;.{., "_:""~ :t,..-,,~,.:L/~,r",,:.':.,.:,,\ .'_ ...~_. ..'," .-,'..)' .:.','"r... ,..".' ....~ J.:..':' . ~'_'_'I; .' .,., .: " ...' '.