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Permit Correction Notice 1999-11-9
SPRINGFIELD Cit)' of Springfield / Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Job Number qq 10 7 "3 Date Job Address g'r;/ .IJJ/P~~.I W', To ~/ ~Af!. /), - A -It- .-bt4/1 -qIU k./ ~djJ ~Af) . ~ Jj -1'/'-:::" I' . 1;;,/1 A;A ~ 4'\ AJlA;N 7/ -; 1 / . /?J--'1-C/<j / u ' /J~~ Call for reinspection V' . Inspector () /1 E /ff/\ ------ * ** * * * ** ** * ** *** * ** *,~ * ** Ca,Ufor illspecti9n 726-:~ 7 69,~ * ** *Qu~stions726-3 759 * *.* if * **,** * *** ** *** * **** , . ,.' " ,.". "..' " ,. '.. ," "," ..'. ."" '" ". !" !"..,.." "",' ..,.. ......