HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2007-8-17 )\:~ ~~ '. -}. ,it (""./ i ~", ,,~ "'"".1 . t) .,oP 1. I a>.~~t) { ~1S 'l0-fY\ . CA.9 :-y1Lo . ,"~'''" . I .t: \ } .f. Advanced Mechanical, Inc. 'l'raveler Job # . I., '." '" _. ,.,.." I I I II ~ "",... "" ..."...." ..11 ... . I I " . . ,",.. I , I . I..., ", " ,,,,,I ",. .,1 ~''\" . rc;=" :'U\.. \ I ,1<1,\ ,r.::,:: ~"- i """ , ; ,r'"",.",~~~. ",' . , ,.1.1' -, """:' . . ?l. -.... , . . ;I' '" '= ;', ) t"", \,. ,...~ I .~' \:" ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVILLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name Jamie Webb 5.5.# XXX-XX- 9527 Welding process(es) used 5MAW Type MANUAL Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon AMI - 1 - 1 - 5 - 6 Base material(s) welded 5A-106-B TO SA-106-B Thickness 0.432" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process{QW-350) Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW402) ASME P-No. P-1 to P-1 to ASME P-No.(QW-403) [1 Plate [1 Pipe (enter diameter, if pipe) Filler metal specification (SFA) 5.1' Classification (QW~04) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert forGT AW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding process Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.)(QW-405) Progression ( uphilUdownhil1) Backing gas for GTAW, PAW, or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW-409) GT AWtSMAW welding current type \ polarity (.')...... '. Machine Welding Variables for the Process used (QW-360) Direct/remote visual control Automatic voltage control (GTAW) Automatic joint tracking . Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.) Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides. flux, etc.) Actual Values None P1 6" nom. Root and Hot = E6010 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.110 E7018=.322 6G Uphill NJA N/A D.C. Reverse Actual Values N/A N/A NJA N/A N/A NtA Stamp 9527 Range Qualified Weld Metal P1 thru P11 , P4X 2-7/8" min. Fill and Cap = E7018 F3 & F4 NtA E6010=.220 E7018=.644 All Uphill NJA N/A D.C. Reverse Range Qualified NJA N/A NJA NtA N/A N/A Guided Bend .T est Results Guided Bend Test Type[] QW~62.2(Side) Results [XJ QW~.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type 11 QW-462.3(b)(Long R & F) Results #1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #2 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #3 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE #4 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE Visual examination results (QW-302.4) ACceptable Radiographic teSt results (QW-304 and QW-305) NtA (For alternative qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld - Fracture test NJA Macro test fusion Nt A Fillet leg size Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical test conducted by Professional Welding Services Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are comect and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. in. Organization Length and percent of defects NJA in. Concavity/convexity in. Date 11512006 Advanced Mechanical Inc. BY11t~:.Y/;IIJ J;Z,~ . . Quality Control Manager . c-:/ .' , QW-482 SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS (WPS) (See QW-200.1, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) .' ~.,~' Company Name ,4_1 1'.<Il '^ ,. ".. -l ~!r,.. ;.;"",. . :-.... I Welding Procedure Specification No. A/-1I - I -! - S - h Revision No" e DatE' - '~Iding Process(es) . "i /4;1(' !~/ JOINTS (QW-402) Joint Design Backing (Yes) Backing Material (Type) A ~.' < t ~..f.-I-. (No) X (Refer to both backing and relainers.! --- ..J..." 1(. _ By: .5~ ~ Date r,-- ~,.....) - t? / Type{s) o Metal 0 Nonfusing Metal J 1 i / o Nonmetallic <<f Other W()c{ In {-rA i Sketches, Production Drawings, Weld Symbols or Written Description - should shol/ll the general arrangement ofthe parts to be welded. Where applicable, the root spacing and the details of weld groove may be specified. (At the option of the Mfgr., sketches may be attached to illustrate joint design, weld layers and bead sequence, e.g., for notch toughness proce- dures, for multiple process procedures, etc.) *BASE METALS (QW-403) P.No. / Group No. OR Specification type and gradp to Specification type and grade OR /.j. :1.. to P.No. A/()L r:? '''-')' ( ... '-..-' Chem. Analysis and Mech. Prop. to Chem. Analysis and Mech. Prop. Thickness Range: Base Metal: Other Groove o. jg75 *FILLER METALS (QW-404) Spec. No. (SFA) AWS No. (Class) F-No. A-No. Size of Filler Metals Weld Metal Thickness Range: GroovE' Fillet Electrode-Flux (Class) Flux Trade Name Consumable Insert Other ~ T 1 I I -I 2 Group No. (j.!6, if Fillet S. I 54.r)/r) ":? / ;J"-:;..,.n r"~ ,.~~~: ~.J..M 6'l'1A~ A/I A.//4 /.__'/A /'.'/..-( *Each base metal-filler metal combination should be recorded individually. '(7100) /~/~.~~'p..I-r/ ~""'~ Supporting POR No.(s) A N\'"I. ,- 1- S- (." -14'.,.,. "'J rL I (Automatic. Manual, Machine, or Semi-Auto.) Details \ L T /3 nax. bu-t not greo:ter tho.n 1/8 In. ;( if s. I ;::. "') /") / 9 7' / ':.;7"i-~~;> f! !/," ~ .~. _ ~ '/r/ MAlt" .. . L /'/J' -.4"':/ ,<f ,. /-/'./~ ~.~.-:~ .t' ..1..:,.1.1.",1,...1. .I..../...I..u This form (E00006) may be obtained from the Order Dept.. ASME. 22 Law Drive. Box 2300. Fairfield, NJ 07007-2300 E00006 (j POSITIONS (QW.-405) Position{s) of Groove Welding Progression: sition(s) of Fillet ",' ,J /~, (-~ Up ,,,I{ Down ....~ /' /~ PREHEAT (QW-406) .. Preheat Temp. Min. Interpass Temp. Max. Preheat Maintenance If' SO'F ..r;-nno,r:: ,r -. ~A7 /?~: /"i ./.r. ..). .' '-""1 .../j / (Continuous or special heating where applicable should be recorded) ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (QW-409) Current AC or DC ,') <': Polarity Amps (Range) 70 - /3 b Volts (Range) aW.482 (Back) WPS No. ~WS" \ -\ -5-~ A() .p." )~ /~ r' ~M .;U"' - :;;: .::: Rev. ..e- Temperature Range Time Range POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT (QW-407) k! /.4 GAS (QW-408) // ~/~,' Percent Composition Gas(es) (Mixture) Flow Rate Shielding Trailing Backing (Amps and volts range should be recorded for each electrode size, position, and thickness, etc. This information may be listed in a tabular form similar to that shown below.) Tungsten Electrode Size and Type .,f / /A , Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW Electrode Wire feed speed range (Pure Tungsten, 2% Thoriated. etc.') (Spray arc. short circuiting arc, etc.l TECHNIQUE (QW-4101 String or Weave Bead < J/..:. ':'-'c"; [--""-' Orifice or Gas Cup Size ./ j~..-(i (:,~nitial an~I~~~p;SSrCI~~~~~ ;~UShi~t_~;:~d~n9' e;.~::: ",~- ~:.A,~',,,,<;; l, ~~ ' / . Method of Back Gouging'C';:' r ;:.: Oscillation .-(/. /A Contact Tube to Work Distance Multiple or Single Pass (per side) Multiple or Single Electrodes Travel Speed (Range) Peening Other $h.JGLE S JN6LF AJ f) "I €' Filler Metal Weld Layer(s) Process Class Dia. / S/<><' (() E bellO }/ .., 1/ ,"J ~':. 1/ r /'7 /' ":')".."!,' ,/..C;'./'t.7-r.t" ,:f;::'C/O .,+~r"~',,::(>} v~~. ~ 'If l/ r: /1' "". -7('1'" <J c-:-- / _,/.1 t :./ /~ " ';'::~i '/ () b: 7 (}/g"' Type Polar. PC-I'A.,P DC- I~? if) DCt!<.P (JeP.P ~ 6/)/0 Current Amp. Range Volt Range 70 - 100 70 - / (Q /-g~- .::z 0 l~<-al I/O - /50 ~ ,-. ~ t(, I -.,I.:; //0- /30 d;!- 25- -) , ..../\:...-,.r"1r'1"7"'/ Travel Speed Range .;~, ~S ;;L-S .;: -.7 ;}-7 Other (e.g., Remarks, Com, ments. Hot Wire Addition, Technique, Torch Angle, etc.) 4 "l fi1~,x I,) L_'" ".I' 1.J. ~ ~tt:.-e'.A. ....."'1 .Itf.'. . It,..< ~" . aW-48,3 SUGlit::s I cU t'Ut1IVIl-' I rut1 ...nu\,c;uuna;; U.VI"U.II ........... ....... w . ...;.......... .-- (See QW-200.2, Se~ion IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) Record Actual Conditions Used to Weld Test Coupon. ~ ~!J.4\, '" (, ,p ,,..1 ,,1/ f.ctA./~ /~ ^"'/ mpany . Name "" <-, -:lure Qual,t'Ca\lon Record No. A A-1?" - /- / - '<:" - (I; -r , ,;..r"r? ... . Oat" ff - 3(J - () 00 / '~. " Jo, AI A--1 Z - / - / .;.. ,S - c.. . <},n..d....j Welding Process(es) - Types (Manual. Auto.,-,atlc. $eml':Auto.l .A~ ,..IJ ~.~ ._'_~.Af'I. I JOINTS IQW,402t ~~~m~5TE' \1' HAX. ~ '/ ' 2 ~~e',~u:Je" OTHER JOINT PERMITTED: DBL. V; U; J; SQ. BUTT; S. W.: .AND PARTIAL PENETRATION WELDS GROOVE LAND FROM 0"-1/16" e~ 1 t' MAX. \ t I' M~ PE:~~~ Groove oeslqn of Test Coupon IFor combinatiOn qualdlC3\10nS. lne de~oSlteo weld metal thlc~ness shall be recorded for each fdler metal or process used.) ,~,NO. I (' ''\. :<Jkness of Tes!, Coupon Li:ame!er of Tes! COupon Other' to P.No. , ~3:J ., r:::," I PQSIWELoHEAT TREATMENT (QW-4Q7! Temperature ~//A Time Other BASE METALS (Qw~03l Mate(lal Spec. ~..:. ..5A -/(').,4 Type o~ Grad" r-. ._-" ,1'; GAS (QW.408) Gas.! es l Percent Compos.t ion (Mixture) Flow Mate FILLt::R METALS IC:W~(4) ShIelding Trailing Sack Ing SFA SPecification AWS Classification 5~/ E 6.17 /d ~":J 3:1 .= 70/?i <t I '~.41. - Y'$F ,. '" EL::CTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS tQW.~09) Current /J':::; POlarity /:? e.,//t'~k~, "f to Filler ~.letal F.No. Weld 'vIetal Analysis :";.:"JjJ'! / Sile of ;:;[Ier ~etal !(~~- y,,? h . "mas )?cJ - /..:? n VOlts .;. () - J. (0 Other 7UF"'\gsten E,~ctr::::)(..1e Size Oi;,:~r Weld '.Ie:al 7hiCKness ~ //() .. , 3..1:;) '" POSITION IQW.40= TECHNIQUE !QW-41QI Poslt,on of Groove -~~- TrJvel Spe~(j _. . Oscillation Str,ngo, Weav~ Bead Sr.ce "~,,,,,.c:::..~.:._ v .//nh.e__~ ~"ultlpass or S'''gle Pass Iper sldel ',,(.;1,, /.... ~!/1A'!.<;.5 _~ /''.r~ ~ /" 4!!..- (./ S,n'g,e 0' MUlt'lpl~ Electrod~S We;a P'ogress,on 1L:;:~dl. Downhdl) Othe' ,(/~.t5,' I[_~__ , , /""'~REHE":" T IQW.4Q6, LJenf'ar T ~mp. '.,- _ _ .S;;! ~ r Intf"pasS Temp 3,b1'! a ~' Othf'r Orner ThiS form tE00007j may be oota,ned from the Order o'epl.. ASME. 22 Law Orrve. Box 2300. Fairfield. NJ 07007.230C "if' .1, Specimen No. t ",,1 Thickness Width .&..d6 n~;).~ , ..3;7 ,.3 7e 'Type and Figure No. 11 ' , ft( e C -r- l~'-!.:",F.. t/)' r: () frr ~?0 Specimen No. Notch Location Specimen Size (') ....-.,.T Comments: Result - Satisfactory: Vpc No Macro - Results Type of Test Deposit AnalysIs Other .::r t":o;:.<:' '" L ti&..t7 /7 I'_ ~ PS/ Welder's Name Tests conducted by: f/7,'j certify that the statements in this record are correct ~ci'uirements of Section IX of .the ASME Code. Q W-483 (Back) paR No. A/t./Z - 1- /-:5- b Tensile Te., (QW-1S01 Area Ultimate Total Load Ib Ultimate Unit Stress psi Type of Failure & Location ll}"r;'-./f11t: ,i;.,7-...",,,." ,~.f'1r-f~ / j[.,~~....J': ,;;C .l:" .-:'f' J/ ..."" / I I Drop Weight Break IY IN) No Stamp No. /:J.'1 / tested In accordance with the Manufacturer At dVA:,h,-,,-/ ,./i;~ ,-'(L .,",; <" / r /"1 c:. Date x--- ,"10'" :1{)O! /J ~ " By /J~;;'~'7-;Ftf7(-,X / _!0:t~~ (Detail of record of tests are illustrative only and may be modified to conform to the type and number of tests required by the Code) 'i ""! _OJ '""' , ~, (~-~ ~ ..t 7.5.. 7('0 7..5: 7'C~ 0 ,f9r (,..:::~() .., it //r , ~- '- ..J~~!:~~ /7/ 55 :5r? Guided-Bend Tests (OW-160l Result /:;~ ~;. .~'.f.-~.d ..~""'! .;"'...":.r.F ~c:r .fl-~ ":- f1t: t.:._,~ r~ '5 <'.;4......1 Toughness Tests IOW-170) Test Temp. Impact Values % Shear Ft.lbs. Mils Fillet-Weld Test (QW-180l Penetration into' Parent Metal: Yec Other Tests and that the test r:iock No. ....r .I.. ~ 1 aboratory Test No: welds were prepared. welded. and '!. , " . fi!~ll lnfonnation ~~81 .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing August30,2001 Mr. Merritt Schilling Advanced Mechanical Inc. P.O. Box 397 Brownsville, Oregon 97327 Dear Mr. Schilling: Project 689-16429 Report 689-16429-2d RE: Weld Procedure Qualifications per your Purchase Order Number 6020-822. Specs: ASME Sec. IX 10: Welded Test Sample b # 5P-7018-Wall Thickness .398" Item: Test Witnessed By: Advanced Mechanical Inc. Representative Mr. Merritt Schilling Tension Tests per QW-150 ~~---- ".) f . '.....-..4' Test Number [ 1 2 Width Thickness .626 .626 .379 .378 Reduced Section Tensile Area Ultimate (Sq. In.) Load, Ibs. .2372 18,000 .2366 17,850 Location of Failure I Ductile Base Metal I Ductile Base Metal ..Ii ------ ._-----~ ----------..- Ultimate Unit . Stress, psi 75,900 75,400 If you have any questions or require additional testing, please do not hesitate to call me at (503) 978- 4718. .~- Sincerely, ~/r AI Butzen Department Manager, Mechanical Testing Services ab:sdd s:\groups\689~I\Welder\Weld Procedure\Misc\Advanced Mech 0830-2d.doc Professional Service Industries, Inc.' 6032 N. Cutter Circle, Suite 480, P.O. Box 17126 . Portland, OR 97217 . Phone 503/289-1778 . Fax 503/289-1918 .' j ,() .',; . ~lInformation 1!!..~1IJ .To Build On Engineering. Consulting. Testing \ August 30, 2001 Project 689-16429 Report 689-16429-2d Mr. Merritt Schilling Advanced Mechanical Inc. P.O. Box 397 Brownsville, Oregon 97327 Dear Mr. Schilling: RE: Weld Procedure Qualifications per your Purchase Order Number 6020-822. Specs: ASME Sec. IX Item: Welded Test Sample 10: 6' 4 5P-7018-Wall Thickness .398" Test Witnessed By: Advanced Mechanical Inc. Representative Mr. Merritt Schilling Tension Tests per QW-150 ---=.------ -----...- --- ==-=="---------- ------ ---------- .626 .626 Reduced Section Tensile Thickness Area Ultimate (Sq. In.) Load, Ibs. .379 .2372 18,000 .378 .2366 17,850 I --- ------ ---.,--.-----.- - --- Ultimate Unit Stress, psi 75,900 75,400 Location of Failure I. Ductile Base Metal ,I I Ductile Base Metal I .__' ___ ____,,_J () ',~)l Test Number 1 2 Width If you have any questions or require additional testing, please do not hesitate to call me at (503) 978- 4718. Sincerely, ~/r AI Butzen Department Manager, Mechanical Testing Services ab:sdd s:\groups\689\AI\Welder\Weld Procedure\Misc\Advanced Mech 0830-2d.doc Professional Service Industries, Inc.' 6032 N. Cutter Circle, Suite 480, P.O. Box 17126' Portland. OR 97217 . Phone 503/289-1n8 . Fax 503/289-1918 ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVILLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name Ryan Abell Welding process(es) used 5MAW Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon Base material(s) welded A36 Carbon S.S.# XXX-XX-0735 Type MANUAL AMI - 1 - 1 - S - 0.5 Thickness 0.5" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process(QW-350) Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW-402) ASME P-No. P-1 to P-1 to ASME P-No.(QW-403) [] Plate [] Pipe (enter diameter, if pipe) Filler metal specification (SFA) 5.1 Clilssification (QW-404) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding process Welding position (1G, 5G. elc.)(QW-405) Progression ( uphill/downhill) Backing gas for GTAW, PAW. or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW-409) GTAW/SMAW welding current type \ polarity Machine Welding Variables for the Process used (QW-360) Direct/remote visual control Automatic voltage control (GTAW) Automatic joint tracking Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.) Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal. welded from both sides, flux, etc.) Stamp 0735 Actual Values None P1 0.5" Root and Hot = E6010 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.110 E7018=.390 3G Uphill N/A N/A D. C. Reverse Range Qualified Weld Metal P1 thru P11. P4X 0.625 to 0.75 Fill and Cilp = E7018 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.220 E7018=.750 1 G,2G,3G Uphill N/A N/A D.C. Reverse Actual Values N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Range Qualified N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Guided Bend Test Results Guided Bend Test Type [] QW-462.2(Side) Results [X] QW-462.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type [] QW-462.3(b)(Long R & F) Results #1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #2 ROO r BEND ACCEPTABLE #3 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE #4 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE Visual examination results (QW-302.4) Acceptable Radiographic test results (QW-304 and QW-305) N/A (For alternative qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld. Fra-cturetest - - - - N/A Length and percent of defects N/A Macro test fusion N/A Fillet leg size in. in. Concavity/convexity in, Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical test conducted by Professional Welding Services Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. Organization Date 5/5/2006 Advanced Mechanical Inc. By Fred Childers Quality Control Manager , . ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVlLLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name William Eastham S.S.# 543-37-6662 Welding ..' ~w~"";(es) used SMAW Type MANUAL Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon AMI - 1 - 1 - S - 0.5 Base materlal(s) welded A36 Carbon Thickness 0.5" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process(QW-350) Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW-402) ASME P-No. P-1- to P-1 to ASME P-No.(QW~3) [] Plate [) Pipe (enter diame18r,1f pipe) Filler metal specification (SFA) 5.1 Classification (QW~) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding process Welding position (1G, SG,etc.)(QW405) F '.. ,.sion ( uphilVdownhill) Backing gas for GTAW, PAW, or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW..JI09) GT AW/SMAW welding current type \ polarity Actual Values None P1 O.S" Root and Hot = E6010 F3 & F4 NlA E6010=.110 E7018=.390 4G Uphill NlA NlA D.C. Reverse () . Machine Welding Variables for the P., . ..,8 used (QW-380) Direct/remote visual ~_.IM,_I Autom&lic voltage control (GT AW) Automatic joint tracking Welding position (1 G, SG, elI;.) " Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal, weldtid from both sides, flux, etc.) Actual Values NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA Stamp' 6662 Range Qualified Weld Metal P1 thru P11 , P4X 0.625 to 0.75 Fill and Cap = E7018 F3 & F4 NlA E6010=.220 E7018=.750 1G,2G,4G Uphill NlA NlA D.C. Reverse Range Qualified NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA Guided Bend Test Results Guided Bend Test Type (] QW4622(Side) Results [Xl QW-462.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type (] QW-462.3(b)(long n & F) Results '1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #2 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #3 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE lJ4 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE Visual BlCllmination results (QW-302.4) Acceptable Radiographic test results (QW-304 and QW-305) NlA (For all . .,..: '8 qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld - Fracture test NlA Macro test fusion NlA Fillet leg size Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical test conducted by Professional Welding Services Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test CO\!pons were prepared, welded, and tested In accordance with the reqUirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. In. Le!1gth and percent of defectl: NlA In. Concavity/convexity in. Organization Date 3/1212005 Advanced Mechanical Inc. Byxl-.____1f;~;;: k:r;:~/ Quality Control Manager " , ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVILLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name Heather Van Leeuwen Welding process(es) used SMAW Type Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon Base material(s) welded A36 Carbon S.S.# XXX-XX-9777 MANUAL AMI - 1 - 1 - S - O.S Thickness O.S" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process(QW-350) Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW-402) ASME P-No. P-1 to P-1 to ASME P-No.(QW-403) [ ] Plate [] Pipe (enter diameter, if pipe) Filler metal specification (5FA) S.1 Classification (QW-404) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding process Welding position (1G, SG, etc:)(QW-40S) Progression ( uphill/downhill) Backing gas for GTAW, PAW, or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW-409) GTAW/SMAW welding current type \ polarity Actual Values None P1 0.5" Root and Hot = E6010 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.110 E7018=.390 3G.4G Uphill N/A N/A D.C. Reverse .r-).... '-, ....'< Machine Welding Variables for the Process used (QW-360) Direct/remote visual control Automatic voltage control (GTAW) Automatic joint tracking Welding position (1G, SG, etc.) Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal. welded from both sides, flux, etc.) Actual Values N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Stamp 9777 Range Qualified Weld Metal 'P1 thru P11, P4X 0.25 to 0.75 Fill and Cap = E7018 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.220 E7018=.750 1G,2G,3G,4G Uphill N1A N/A D.C. Reverse Range Qualified N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A N/A Guided Bend Test Results Guided Bend Test Type [X] QW~62.2(Side) Results [] QW-462.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type [] QW~62.3(b)(Long R& F) Results 1#1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #2 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE I I Visual examination results (QW-302.4) Acceptable Radiographic test results (QW-304 and QW-30S) N/A (For altemative qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld - Fracture test N/A Macro test fusion N/A Fillet leg size Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. in. Length and percent of defect! N/A in. Concavity/convexity in. Organization Advanced Mechanical Inc. Date 7/2S/2007 By Fred Childers Quality Control Manager " . .- ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVILLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name Jim Peckham 5.5.# 532-70-8354 Welding process(es) used 5MAW Type MANUAL Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon AMI - 1 - 1 - S - 0.5 Base material(s) welded A36 Carbon Thickness 0.5" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Proeess(QW-350) Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW~02) ASME P-No. P-1 to P-1 to ASME P-No.(QW~03) [] Plate [] Pipe (enter diameter, if pipe) Filler metal specification (SFA) 5.1 Classification (QW-404) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding proCess Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.)(QW-405) Progression ( uphilUdownhil1) Backing gas for GTAW, PAW, or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW-409) GTAW/SMAW welding current type \ polarity ;r', <3 Machine Welding Variables for the Process used (QW-360) Diructlremote visual control Automatic voltage control (GTAW) Automatic joint tracking Welding position (1G, SG, etc.) Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.) Actual Values None P1 O.S" Root and Hot = E6010 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.110 E7018=.390 3G Uphill N1A N1A D.C. Reverse Actual Values N1A N1A N/A N1A N1A N1A Stamp 8354 Range Qualified Weld Metal P1 thru P11 , P4X 0.625 to 0.75 Fill and Cap = E7018 F3 & F4 N1A E6010=.220 E7018=.7S0 1G,2G,3G Uphill N1A N1A D.C. Reverse Range Qualified N1A N1A N1A N1A N1A N1A ~r.uided Bend Test Results Guided Bend Test Type [] QW-462.2(Side) Resul'\s [Xl QW-462.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type I ] QW~62:3(b)(Long R & F) Results 1#1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #2 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE . 1#3 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE #4 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE I Visual examination results (QW-302.4) Acceptable Radiographic test results (OW-304 and QW-305) N1A (For alternative qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld - Fracture test N1A Macro test fusion N1A Fillet leg size Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical test conducted by Professional Welding Services Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. in. Length and percent of defec1l: N1A in. Concavity/convexity in. Date 41912003 Advanced Mechanical Inc. /'c ~ ~'7.A' By\_/~ ' ~~-,.) Quality Control Manager . Organization '; ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVlLLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name Wayne Graham S.S.# 535-56-1605 . Welding process(es) used SMAW Type MANUAL Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon AMI - 1 - 1 - S - 0.5 Base material(s) welded A36 Carbon Thickness 0.5" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process{QW-350) Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW~02) ASME P-No. P-1 to P-1 to ASME P-No.(QW-403) [] Plate I] Pipe (enter diameter, if pipe) Filler metal specification (SFA) 5.1 Classification (QW~) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding ..'ww"'.... Welding position (1G, SG, etc.)(QW~ Progression ( uphilUdownhill) Backing gas for GTAW, PAW, or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW-409) GTAW/SMAW welding current type \ polarity Machine Welding Vanables for the Process used (QW-360) Direct/remotevisual.control Automatic voltage control (GTAW) Automatic joint tracking Welding position (1G, 5G, etc.) Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal, welded from both sides. flux, etc.) Actual Values None P1 O.S" Root and Hot = E6010 F3 & F4 N1A E6010=.110 E7018=.390 3G Uphill N1A N1A D.C. Reverse Actual Values- N1A N1A N1A N1A N1A N1A Stamp 1605 Range Qualified Weld Metal P1 thru P11, P4X 0.625 to 0.75 Fill and Cap = E7018 F3 & F4 N1A E6010=.220 E7018=.750 1G,2G,3G Uphill N/A N1A D.C. Reverse Range Qualified N1A N1A N/A N1A N1A N/A Guided Bend Test Results Guided Bend Test Type [] QW-462.2(Gide) Results [X] QW~62.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type [] QW-462.3(b)(Long R & F) Results #1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #2 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE #3 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE #4 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE Visual examination results (QW-302.4) Acceptable Radiographic test results (QW-304 and QW-3(5) NlA (Foraltemative qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld - Fracture test N/A Macro test fusion N1A Fillet leg size Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical lest conducted by Professional Welding Services Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test coupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accoi'dance with the requirements of Section IX of the ASME Code. in. Organization Length and percent of defectl: N1A in. Concavity/convexity in. Date 3/21/2002 Advanced Mechanical Inc. ByL~ ;r/~ff~ Quality Control Manager ADVANCED MECHANICAL INC. 34777 HWY 228 BROWNSVlLLE, OREGON 97327 MANUFACTURER'S RECORD OF WELDER OR WELDING OPERATOR QUALIFICATION TESTS Welder's Name William Eastham 5.5.# 543-37-6662 Welding p.v........(es) used SMAW Type MANUAL Identification of WPS followed by welder during welding test coupon AMI- 1 - 1 - S - 0.5 Base materia/(s) welded A36 Carbon Thickness 0.5" Manual or Semiautomatic Variables for Each Process(QW-350) Backing (metal. weld metal, welded from both sides, flux, etc.)(QW-4Q2) ASME P-No. P-1 to P-1 to ASME P.No.(QW-403) [] Plate [] Pipe (enter diameter. if pipe) . Filler metal specification (SFA) 5.1 Classification (QW~) Filler metal F-No. Consumable insert for GTAW or PAW Weld deposit thickness for each welding p.......-. Welding position (1G, SG, etc.)(QW-405) Progression ( uphllUdownhlll) Backing gas for GTAW. PAW, or GMAW: fuel Gas for OFW(QW-408 GMAW transfer mode (QW-409) GT AW/SMAW welding current type \ polarity Actual Values None P1 O.S" Root and Hot .. E6010 F3 & F4 N/A E6010=.110 E7018=.390 3G Uphill NlA NlA D.C. Reverse Machine Welding Variables for the Process used (QW-360) Direct/remote visual control Automatic voltage~."v ~I (GTAW) Automatic joint tracking Welding position (1G. SG. etc.) Consumable insert Backing (metal, weld metal. welded from both sides. flux. etc.) Actual Values NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA Stamp 6662 Range Qualified Weld Metal P1 thru P11 , P4X 0.625 to 0.75 Fill and Cap" E7018 F3 & F4 N/A E60100=.220 E7018=.750 1G.2G,3G Uphill N/A NlA D.C. Reverse Range Qualified NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA NlA Guided Bend Test Results Guided Bend Test Type (] QIIiI..,f~.2(Side) Results (XJ QW-462.3(a)(Trans. R & F) Type (] QW-462.3(b)(Long R & F) Results #1 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABlE' t2 ROOT BEND ACCEPTABLE tI3 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE #4 FACE BEND ACCEPTABLE Visual 8lCDmination results (QW-302.4) Acceptable Radiographic test results (QW-304 and QW-3(5) N/A (For a:.", ".: fe qualification of groove welds by radiography) Fillet Weld - Fracture test N/A Macro test fusion NlA Fillet leg size Welding test conducted by Advanced Mechanical Inc. Mechanical test conducted by F\.! .....;onal Welding Services Laboratory test no. None We certify that the statements in this record are correct and that the test cOupons were prepared, welded, and tested in accordance with the requiremen1s of Section IX of the ASME Code. in. Length and percent of de~ NlA in. Concavity/convexity in. Organization Advanced Mechanical Inc. Date 3/1212005 / ///--. /,./' By /1.....-___ /1/ <' .A'~7/-. ) Quality Control Manager " , ~ QW-482 SUGGESTED FORMAT FOR WELDING PROCEDURE SPECIFICATIONS (WPS) (See QW-200.1, Section IX, ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code) - -- .- --., --.. _. --~ --_.. . -- .. Company Name ,,/,-l'/"'jr./ J/."/':r '.r/ "':;'1'::: Welding Procedure Specification No. A-l1:r - l- /- 5 -1')..5 Date Revision No. t'r Oat!' #)elding Process(es) .~A/f"< . By: <:.A ...-. L./_ /- n,~ A/~..5'StE /1/..., f Supporting POR No.ls) ..( .",. .;. I _I - <) - ~ Type(s) A'I._ ,.~ ,'/, / (Automalic, Manual, Machine. or Semi-Auto.) JOINTS (OW-402) Joint Design <; (' r Backing (Yes)..\-' Backing Material (Type) , I r {I,"'-A, .5 Details (No) / -:'~: /.^J: ,;: I">r> (Refer to both backing and retainers.) ~7,5- cleg _ T /2 l"IQ..X, ox .. \ {T! \iL \ L T /3 MaX. bui: not greo.ter tho.n 1/8 In. jJ( Metal 0 Nonfusing Metal o Nonmetallic 0 Other Sketches. Production Drawings. Weld Symbols or Written Description should show the general arrangement of the parts to be welded. Where applicable. the root spacing and the details of weld groove may be specified. (At the option of the Mfgr.. sketches may be attached to illustrate joint design. weld layers and bead sequence. e.g., for notch toughness proce- dures. for multiple process procedures. etc.) *BASE METALS (OW-403) P-No. I Group No. / ok 2. OR to P-No. / Group No. / -/-. '1 Specification type and grad!' to Specification type and grade OR Chem. Analysis and Mech. Prop. to Chem. Analysis and Mech. Prop. Thickness Range: _. /1... '7.,_5 Base Metal; Groove r: i /it'",'::" '"') ..'- Other A ,_3~ ~_ __ r' [-' Fillet .< // *FILLER METALS (OW-404) Spec. No. (SFA) AWS No. (Class) F-No. A-No Size of Filler Metals Weld Metal Thickness Range: Groovp Fillet Electrode-Flux (Class) Flux Trade Nam!' Consumable Insert Other I). I ,.c; J t'j /~- 4 I ..:; ,~:J.' ""-"~ ~;;;,~ '7 /1 . 7. ... ". ,'7 /.'. ' /.... ,It ? ._,1,].-<: V ,/ __/:/.i /~ ; /:/! /!;/'/( *Each base metal-filler metal combination should be recorded individually. (7/00) This form IE000061 may be obtained from the Order Depl.. ASME. 22 Law Dnve, Box 2300. Fairfield. NJ 07007-2300 1 J.J tJJ r. E00006 ~' .t" or .ii" ...."'- POSITIONS (QW-405l Position(s) of Groove Welding Progression: sition(s) of Fillet PREHEAT (QW-406l Preheat Temp. Min. Interpass Temp. Max. Preheat Maintenance QW-482 (Back) WPS No. 4;J~T - ! -! '. ,.::; -,r". ;;; Rev. fA YJ ,I,:;', :J ::; 1---; );;:_ 1-/ /".-, Up i .X Down ,A.....--) /,4 .' POSTWELD HEAT TREATMENT (QW-407) , 1 /",(, Temperature Range /' .' .u " Time Rang" ./ :"/;/; GAS (QW-40B) I()";:' ., (/(1 C r In "::"'(1 h-' I" /-::7' , '/' .>'1 Percent Composition (Mixture) Flow Rate Gas(es) (Continuous or special heating where applicable should be recorded) Shielding Trailing Backing ELECTRICAL CHARACTERISTICS (QW-409) Current AC or DC /'} (' pOlarity;<~'?F l,j.S.(' Amps (Range) ~n - Ilq Volts (Range) ,,!('~-::-;.'''' (Amps and volts range should be recorded for each electrode size, position, and thickness. etc. This information may be listed in a tabular form simil'1r to that shown below.) Aj//I Tungsten Electrode Size and Typ" (Pure Tungsten. 2% Thoriated. etc.) Mode of Metal Transfer for GMAW (Spray arc, short circuiting arc. etc.) Electrode Wire feed speed rangp TECHNIQUE (QW-410l String or Weave' Bead Orifice or Gas Cup Si7" A J //" (':"'0)nitial and,~t,~r~:s~ C~e~~i:~;~rUShing, Grinding, etc.) '~ Method of Back Gouging -" /~"',h r Oscillation ~..~//1 Contact Tube to Work Distance j~:! Multiple or Single Pass (per side) Multiple or Single Electrodes Travel Speed (Range) Peening Other ~11-2 '!,n~~:,-~ .;.r,A /(.lp_,.(.t//.-- r':....P ~ I.....-~,._l -!- !~? J,.,. ..~, I, fi) (J,,,;-r (" 11 t ',,;;:. "j:',... J/.~J, ... '70/ k Filler Metal Current Other (e.g.. Remarks, Com. ments, Hot Wire Addition, Technique, Torch Angle, etc.) Weld Type Amp. Volt Layer( s) Process Class Dia. Polar. Range Range I 5/1'1 A Lt.) .:1/ ":-/ u(..1( P fJo-/75 :J.. 0- 30 E. 70/ 'e' <3?- -- .*6 Travel Speed Range "'-7 r"~, JJ/ f1 ?t.,'/ -'l l /1/" >( I-"r ",,'" . " -"'-l f ,_~t l I-I/~ 4."_'~;' ...,