HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Historic Commission Interview AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/27/2017 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Mark McCaffery/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-736-1003 Estimated Time: 15 Minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: HISTORIC COMMISSION INTERVIEW ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct interview to fill one of two vacancies on the Historic Commission. ISSUE STATEMENT: There are two vacancies on the seven-member Historic Commission as a result of two resignations. After a three week recruitment period that closed on December 9th, 2016, the Department received one application from Steve Morgan. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment 1 – Interview Schedule and Questions Attachment 2 – Candidate Application Attachment 3 – Profiles of Current Historic Commissioners DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The vacancies on the Historic Commission are a result of the resignation of Commissioners Kerry Barbero and Terra Wheeler. Qualifications for membership on the Historic Commission include expertise in the fields of architecture, history, architectural history, planning, or archeology; residency within the Metro Plan boundaries; or as residents, electors, or property owners within Springfield. In addition, the Council shall solicit recommendations for appointment from Willamalane and School District #19 (Municipal Code Section 2.502). Both the School District and Willamalane declined to recommend appointees to fill these vacancies during this recruitment period. State and Federal funding of the City’s historic preservation activities stipulate that a majority of the Commissioners have professional qualifications in a field related to historic preservation. Four current members possess these qualifications and also meet or partially meet the qualifications and standards set forth by the National Park Service regarding commissions (See Attachments 2 and 3). Mr. Morgan resides in Springfield and has compiled research pertaining to the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company and early logging in Springfield, which is available for review at the Lane County Historic Museum. Springfield Municipal Code Section 2.506 states that any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term of the member creating the vacancy, and Section 2.504 states that appointed members shall hold office for four years with the terms staggered to provide overlapping and continuity. Candidates appointed for a first term are eligible to serve for four years beginning on the date of appointment by City Council. At the discretion of Council, Mr. Morgan’s appointment to a four year term on the Historic Commission can be scheduled for the March 6, 2017 Regular Meeting. A new recruitment period to fill the unexpired portion of Commissioner Wheeler’s term will begin in late March. Historic Commission Interview Schedule & Questions Schedule 5:30pm Council preparation of interview questions 5:35pm Interview of Steve Morgan 5:45pm Council Deliberation & Direction Questions for Interviewee 1. Why are you interested in serving on the Historic Commission? 2. Describe your professional and personal experience as it relates to your desire to become a Historic Commissioner. 3. What initiatives are you interested in working on if you are appointed as a Commissioner? 4. Describe your familiarity with the City’s historic resources. 5. What is it about Springfield’s history that interests you most? 6. Have you attended a Historic Commission meeting? If so, what were your impressions? Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee City Manager's Office• 225 Fifth Street• Springfield, OR 97477 PLEASE NOTE: • When possible, council will not appoint people currently serving on another governing body to the Planning Commission or Budget Committee. • When appointing people to any of the other city boards, commissions or committees, the Council shall take into account whether that person is being reappointed for a subsequent term, is currently serving on another governing body or currently appointed to another city board, commission or committee. • When possible, the Council will appoint people to serve on one City board, commission or committee only. Board I Commission I Committee applying for: !lislz,r,' c... Co Ylf 14/1 is.> t' D vt (A separate application must be completed for each board I commission I committee) Name: ~+eve .::r. Mo rj Q "'- First Middle Initial Last Home address: /6(;2 Rol«~ Wa.y ~pi-; 1 f;-eld r 7'! 11 City Zip Street Mailing address: po_ &t<-325" :5rr1.,,,1f.-e Id 1'7Y 77 Street City Zip Day Phone: stf1-B4 ~-se1z Evening phone: S-L/I -8L/'/-S89 7 Email Address: 111oy111...skv<L1.l// erkt> · Cl>vV' Preferred Form of Contact:_ P ho"'2 :·t U 1"Je"'t, GW\~ l ( C.C..l \ o.~yt;·W1 e\ Do you live within the~pringfield city limits? IZJ Yes q D No Ward number (City residents only): __ __,J""------- Are you a Springfield property owner? Are you a Springfield business owner? Are you a registered voter? ~Yes Yes Yes §No No No If yes, how long? __ l_S---'z_e._~_r_5 __ _ lfno, do you live inside Springfield's Urban Growth Boundary? D YesONo Place of employment/School :_A....,f,__~_M_· _~_ft;_, ?-_>_,_,,_L_l_C-__ _ Business address: __________________________________ _ \ Education: 13~. f-V\ foww J~qy, f <J 76, C>Sl(~' 15.5'. fnvi'Y"~vtMe~\ Idea.I Jh ()a.frh , /Cf9 lf OSLZ. · ::Jr ' { / /I I Are you currently serving on any other board, committee, or commission? If so, please list them here: t-Jo How did you hear about the above vacancy? D Newspaper ad D Newspaper article D Radio/TV I/( j Word of mouth D Board/Commission/Committee member For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.3 700 D Mail notice D Internet Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 (Over, please) Printed on Recycled Paper Attachment 2, Page 1 of 6 4. 5. Application for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board/Commission/Committee What community topics concern you that relate to this board I commission I committee? Why do you want to become a member? !) N"el a.l'\O~-..r b~ ke ~tk t£1a.t f"/lovv.$ fi.e l6sf~euf1ov..tJ-f-ti.B 185z. Miff race-, w"·~l< 11 C!0~1-1uf Ke_ f\A ~dd /e For-k oo.ftl w."'K fke.-M1fftoce f&ff,, 1 e> -l, Wd V cl. /. r·,,_J/_ cl . 01 'H44dell\...Ro.•/r-cocPr·7e.-~ f'.)e~~ ·fo iVvifV-Ove CLC-ce.>.f ·ro he o/dt'..>t v r• ye ,... ~0 ~ · / ~\ Ofi=:l1'a.l\y c1e.sJ111.a;fe...5pr1'n1fie/J Bvtfe{:soW\e co..{\) )-\'Qu"-17'~.,,fte;wh""'k i> ;-~co-v Ye~ M-6'st boards I comrrt'issions I committees meet monthly. Subcommittees may meet more frequently. Meetings generally last one and one-half hours. It is highly recommended you attend a meeting before submitting the application. Please read the news release for this position which contains the normal dates and times for these meetings and can be found at www.ci.springfield.or.us/CMO/newsrel.htm. Are you available to attend meetings on the dates listed for this committee? @ YesQ No Comments: ___________________________________________ _ I certify the information in this application and attachments are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that false or misleading statements or missing information is cause for rejection of application, removal of name from eligible list, or dismissal from the position. I hereby waive my rights to claims or damages against any employer and the City of Springfield, its officers, agents, and employees, in regard to this exchange of information. I hereby authorize to permit the City of Springfield and/or the Springfield Police Department to review my background information and if required my DMV records. I have reviewed the Advisory and meet the minimum requirements to serve/volunteer in the desired position. I also authorize to permit any materials listed above to be copied and retained by the City of Springfield. I authorize the use of my photograph. I will defend, indemnify and hold harmless the City of Springfield, its officers, employees, and agents from and against all liability or loss and against any and all claims, actions, causes of actions, proceedings or appeals based upon or arising out of or arising from or in connection wit1i my conduct or performance as a volunteer with the City of Springfield including but not limited damage or injury to persons or property and including without limitation attorney fees and expenses; except for losses, claims or actions resulting from the sole negligence of the City of Springfield. Applicant Signature:, __ ~-~---~----.· ____________ Date: __ lz_· _-t_--~-~------- For more information please call the City Manager's Office 541.726.3700 Return this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield Oregon 97477 Printed on Recycled Paper Attachment 2, Page 2 of 6 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, OREGON DEVELOPMENT AND PUBLIC WORKS www.springfield-or.gov MEMORANDUM DATE: November 16, 2016 TO: Historic Commission Applicants FROM: Mark Mccaffery, Planner SUB1ECT: Historic Commission Application Thank you for your interest in serving on the Historic Commission! To be considered for the current vacancy on the Commission, the City requests that you fill out the standard application form for citizen boards, as well as a supplemental questionnaire specific to the Historic Commission. To make completing the two forms easier, please note the following: 1. Please answer all questions on the standard form, as well as the questions on the supplemental form, on additional sheets of paper. 2. Under 'Education' on the standard form, please list the colleges/universities attended, degrees, areas of study, and dates completed. 3. Under 'Occupation' and 'Place of Employment' on the standard form, please also list any prior positions and/or work experience if it was in a field related to historic preservation, if applicable. 4. In answering Question 1 from the standard form, please also include skills you would bring to the Commission. 5. In answering Question 3 from the standard form, please also list your involvement with any local history or historic preservation activities {publications, committee work, etc.), if applicable. If you would like an electronic copy of the application forms, have any questions regarding completing the application forms, or the Historic Commission in general, feel free to contact Mark Mccaffery at mmccaffery@springfield-or.gov or at 541.736.1003. Attachment 2, Page 3 of 6 Supplemental Commission Application Questions HISTORIC COMMISSION 1. If you do not live within the Springfield city limits, do you live within the Eugene/Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan boundaries? 2. Please refer to the attached list of professional qualifications. Which category best describes you, if applicable? (Not having the qualifications associated with a field related to historic preservation will not necessarily disqualify you from consideration.) 3. Why do you think historic preservation is important for a city like Springfield? 4. What do you think the purpose of the Historic Commission is in Springfield? 5. How would you address a situation in which a citizen's development or restoration plans are in conflict with the City's historic preservation policies and regulations? 6. How can the Historic Commission foster citizen awareness of historic preservation? 7. Interested applicants are encouraged to attend a Springfield Historic Commission meeting. Did you attend a meeting and if so, what were your impressions of the meeting? Attachment 2, Page 4 of 6 Archaeologist (a) Prehistoric Archaeology -Graduate degree in Anthropology or Prehistoric Archaeology, plus 2.5 years full-time professional experience; or (b) Historic Archaeology -Graduate degree in Anthropology or Historic Archaeology, plus 2.5 years full-time professional experience. Architect, Historic (a) State Government-recognized license to practice Architecture plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) a Masters of Architecture degree with course work in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or ( c) a Bachelor's of Architecture with one year of graduate study in Historic Preservation or a closely related field plus 2 years full-time professional experience. Architectural Historian (a) Graduate degree in Architectural History or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) an undergraduate degree in Architectural History or a closely related field, plus 4 years full-time professional experience. Conservationist (a) Graduate degree in Conservation or a closely related field, plus 3 years full-time professional experience; or (b)an undergraduate degree in Conservation or a closely related field, plus 3 years full-time apprenticeship in the field. Cultural Anthropologist (a) Graduate degree in Anthropology with specialization in Applied Cultural Anthropology, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) an undergraduate degree in anthropology with specialization in applied cultural anthropology, plus 4 years full- time professional experience. Curator (a) Graduate degree in Museum Studies or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) an undergraduate degree in Museum Studies or a closely related field, plus 4 years full-time professional experience. Engineer (a) State Government-recognized license to practice Civil or Structural Engineering plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) a Masters of Civil Engineering degree with course work in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or ( c) a Bachelor's of Civil Engineering degree with one year of graduate study in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience. Folklorist (a) Graduate degree in Folklore or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) an undergraduate degree in Folklore or a closely related field, plus 4 years full-time professional experience. Historic Preservation Planner (a) State Government-recognized certification or license in Land-Use Planning, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) a graduate degree in Planning with course work in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (c) an undergraduate degree in Planning with course work in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 4 years full-time professional experience. Historic Preservationist (a) Graduate degree in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) an undergraduate degree in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 4 years full-time professional experience. Historian (a) Graduate degree in History or a closely related field, plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) an undergraduate degree in History or a closely related field, plus 4 years full-time professional experience. Landscape Architect, Historic (a) State Government-recognized license to practice Landscape Architecture plus 2 years full-time professional experience; or (b) a Masters degree in Landscape Architecture with course work in Historic Preservation or a closely related field, plus 2 years full- time professional experience; or (c) a four or five year Bachelor's degree in Landscape Architecture plus 3 years full-time professional experience. Attachment 2, Page 5 of 6 Steve Morgan's Answers to Supplemental Questions Question 1 Not Applicable Question 2 None Question 3 Springfield could easily be one the most historic places in Oregon. Springfield has an abundance of relics from the early days of logging, lumbering, and railroading. In addition, these items need to be analyzed and preserved by knowledgeable people schooled in the appropriate subject. For example, a railroad rail made in 1889, The "Lackawanna Rail," was removed and scraped by the City of Springfield. (see: Morgan, Steve. "Relics from the Booth-Kelly Lumber Company Railroad and Early Logging." March 27, 2012. n.p. available at the Lane County Museum.) Now that it is gone, future historians cannot study the importance of the railroad rail in the early development of America's steel industry. Cities need to have an identity. Historic preservation of Springfield's historic beginnings as a mill city is a matter of civic pride. Question 4 The purpose of the Springfield Historic Commission is to find, identify and preserve structures. Also, educate the public about Springfield's history. Question 5 Most likely, as a new member, I would follow the example of the more experienced commission members. have no problem with the City's policies and regulations. Question 6 Basic marketing techniques could help. I do not know the current level of citizen awareness, but if I am appointed to the commission, I can offer some ideas. Question 7 Yes, five years ago. The presentation concerned a missing historical marker at the Apartments where the original Spring-in-a-field was located. It is gone. Most likely it was stolen. So, what I learned is that when installing historical markers, they need to be attached securely. Such as, to the side of a building , rather than glued to a chunk of concrete in the landscaping that can be easily pried-off and stolen. Attachment 2, Page 6 of 6 Updated 2/16/2017 Profiles of Current Historic Commissioners Bruce Berg Bruce is a Springfield resident and business owner in the Washburne Historic District. He previously served on the Springfield Planning Commission and Springfield City Council. Bruce is currently serving his first full term on the Historic Commission, which expires on June 14, 2019. Tim Hilton – Chair Tim is a Springfield resident who lives just outside the Washburne Historic District. He has a Bachelor’s and a Master’s degree in Architecture. Tim has worked as a professional architect since the 1980s and served as an adjunct professor at the University of Oregon in 2005. Tim is currently serving his second term on the Commission, which expires on June 14, 2019. Kristina Koenig Kristina is a Springfield resident who works for the Willamalane Parks and Recreation District as Landscape Architect and Project Manager. She has a Master’s degree in Landscape Architecture and Planning. Kristina is currently serving her first term, which expires on February 2, 2018. Jonathan Siegle Jonathan is a Springfield resident who lives in the Washburne Historic District. He has a Graduate degree in Architectural History. He previously served on the Springfield Planning Commission and has participated in numerous educational and arts committees in the region. Jonathan is currently serving his first term, which expires on March 20, 2020. Mackenzie Karp Mackenzie is a Springfield resident who lives in the Washburne Historic District. She works for the Neighborhood Economic Development Corporation in Springfield and has a Graduate degree in Architectural History. Mackenzie is currently serving her first term, which expires on March 20, 2020. Attachment 3, Page 1 of 1