HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) FY18 Allocation Process AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 1/3/2017 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Erin Fifield / DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-2302 Estimated Time: 20 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel while Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality ITEM TITLE: COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) FY18 ALLOCATION PROCESS ACTION REQUESTED: Approve a draft FY18 CDBG One-Year Action Plan to be published for public comment. ISSUE STATEMENT: The purpose of the annual action plan is to indicate how the City intends to use federal CDBG funds to fulfill the goals established in the Eugene-Springfield 2015- 2020 Consolidated Plan. Within the requirements established in the Consolidated Plan, each year the City needs to publish a draft One Year Action Plan for public comment. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1 – Council Briefing Memo ATT2 – CDBG FY18 Funding Options DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City’s CDBG funds are an annual allocation from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for housing and community development. Each spring, the City Council approves an annual funding allocation for use of CDBG funds through the One-Year Action Plan (OYAP). The proposed uses of funds must align with the local community needs and strategic plan identified in the 2015-2020 Eugene-Springfield Consolidated Plan. In Fall 2016, city staff researched and identified the need for certain strategies identified in the Consolidated Plan for FY18, including surveying local non-profits to assess their current capital needs. The Springfield Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) met on December 8, 2016 to discuss potential strategies, and has recommended to Council an allocation for CDBG funds for fiscal year 2018 (FY18). Next steps: Following Council’s direction, staff will publish the draft OYAP for public comment in February. Depending on Council priorities, staff may also administer a Request for Proposals (RFP) to local non-profit organizations for capital improvements. In April, Council will be asked to finalize the CDBG FY18 OYAP, given public comment and a final recommendation by the CDAC. M E M O R A N D U M City of Springfield Date: 1/3/2017 To: Gino Grimaldi COUNCIL From: Anette Spickard Erin Fifield BRIEFING Subject: CDBG FY18 ALLOCATION MEMORANDUM ISSUE: The purpose of the annual action plan is to indicate how the City intends to use federal Community Development Block Grant funds to fulfill the goals established in the Eugene-Springfield 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan. Within the requirements established in the Consolidated Plan, each year the City needs to publish a draft One Year Action Plan for public comment. COUNCIL GOALS/ MANDATE: Promote and Enhance our Hometown Feel While Focusing on Livability and Environmental Quality BACKGROUND: As conveyed in the Communication Packet Memo (CPM) from 9/12/2016 – “CDBG Allocation Process Improvements” – the City’s CDBG program continues to undergo transition in response to the 2015 US Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) monitoring. City staff have worked with HUD to identify specific criteria to be used in the allocation of the CDBG funds that will meet HUD’s requirements and improve the administration of the program, specifically:  Fund fewer projects at one time to ensure staff can provide adequate oversight of grantee compliance with federal regulations  Establish criteria for selection of projects to ensure projects are eligible for federal funds and can be completed in a timely manner  Update the fund allocation process to include these criteria and a mechanism for prioritization of projects based on Consolidated Plan strategies  Educate CDBG award recipients on their obligation for compliance with reporting requirements and to ensure timely and eligible use of federal funds To better understand the current needs for projects, City staff conducted a survey of local non- profits to better understand their capital needs, particularly the nature of the project, projected timeline for completion, and estimated project cost. Twenty-four (24) different organizations responded with one to four identified projects that could benefit from CDBG funds. Staff evaluated these responses against the criteria noted above, as well as recent direction from Council regarding a housing strategy (see below):  14 projects could be completed within 1 year  8 projects estimate their cost to be greater than $50,000  5 projects are housing related In Fall 2016, City staff also began working on an affordable housing strategy by understanding the housing needs of our community. Our findings indicate there is a need for more housing at all price points, given low vacancy rates and the high number of renters and homeowners who are cost-burdened. During the Council work session on 11/28, Council indicated support for Attachment 1 Page 1 of 4 MEMORANDUM 12/29/2016 Page 2 prioritizing CDBG funds for housing. Council will continue discussion of an affordable housing strategy in February. COMPARING CONSOLIDATED PLAN STRATEGIES AND CURRENT NEEDS City staff compared the strategies in the Eugene-Springfield’s 2015-2020 Consolidated Plan with the current needs in our community to understand whether CDBG funds could help address those needs given the above criteria: Consolidated Plan Strategy Staff findings 1. Increase the supply of affordable housing Staff researched and discussed affordable housing needs with City Council during work sessions on 10/10/16 and 11/28/16 as part of developing an affordable housing strategy. Council indicated interest in prioritizing CDBG funds for housing, including land acquisition. 2. Rehabilitate existing housing stock The City’s Emergency Home Repair (EHR) program has continued to help low-income homeowners, yet current funding is projected to still be available for much of FY18. 3. Provide down-payment assistance for home ownership The City’s SHOP program has continued to help low- income clients become homeowners, yet current funding is projected to still be available for much of FY18. 4. Remove barriers to affordable and supportive housing The City will begin the process to update its fair housing plan in 2017. 5. Support a human services delivery system The CDBG contribution to the Human Services Commission (HSC) continues to support the work of local non-profits Survey of local non-profits indicate a need for CDBG funds for projects to address capital improvements, including some related to housing. [A Request for Proposals (RFP) and evaluation of applicants would need to be conducted to further vet projects.] 6. Promote economic development and employment opportunities The Springfield Economic Development Agency has recently provided funding for entrepreneurship training through Lane Workforce Partnership. 7. Make strategic improvements to improve low income neighborhoods The City’s Department of Public Works has a list of sidewalk gaps and needed improvements in low income areas near schools and parks. Attachment 1 Page 2 of 4 MEMORANDUM 12/29/2016 Page 3 CDBG ESTIMATED REVENUES (FY 18) FY 18 Entitlement Funds (estimated) $480,000 Prior Year Resources to reallocate:  $81,500 (Land acquisition: Glenwood Place)  $24,500 (Microenterprise assistance: NEDCO HATCH)  $12,000 (Non-profit capital assistance: ARC) $118,000  TOTAL $598,000 CDAC RECOMMENDATION: The Community Development Advisory Committee (CDAC) met on December 8, 2016 to review the Consolidated Plan strategies, staff’s findings for current needs, as well as Council’s direction to prioritize CDBG funds for housing. The CDAC’s discussion centered on balancing funding for all identified needs (including housing, community non-profits, and current programs) with the HUD criteria to fund fewer projects and ensure projects can be completed in a timely manner. Further uncertainty was discussed regarding the market for land acquisition, as well as the types of projects that would come in through an RFP. See ATT2 – CDBG FY18 FUNDING OPTIONS. Ultimately, the CDAC recommends to Council the following draft FY18 One-Year Action Plan: CDGB EXPENDITURES (estimated) CDAC recommendation Consolidated Plan Strategy Activity Amount 1. Increase the supply of affordable housing Acquisition $225,000 2. Rehabilitate existing housing stock affordable to low-income persons Emergency Home Repair Program (EHR) $55,000 3. Provide down payment assistance for home ownership Springfield Homeownership Program (SHOP) $50,000 5. Support a human services delivery system to address the needs of homeless persons and special needs populations Human Services Commission (HSC) contribution (15% max) $72,000 TBD Request for Proposals (RFP)* $100,000 Grant Administration (20% max) $96,000 TOTAL $598,000 Attachment 1 Page 3 of 4 MEMORANDUM 12/29/2016 Page 4 *The CDAC further supports the following criteria for selecting projects through the RFP:  Priority for housing-related activities  Activity must be completed in a timely manner (within FY2017-18)  Subrecipient has the capacity to carry out activity (based on current staff and past performance)  Overall project selection creates minimum administrative overhead If Council supports an RFP for CDBG funds, staff will create an evaluation tool to ensure selected projects meet the HUD-approved criteria for improved administration of the CDBG program. RECOMMENDED ACTION: Approve a draft CDBG FY18 One-Year Action Plan to be published for public comment. Council will have the opportunity in April 2017 to potentially amend and finalize allocations in the One-Year Action Plan, with final approval planned for May 2017. Attachment 1 Page 4 of 4 FY2017-18 CDBG One-Year Action Plan OPTIONS Attachment 2 CDGB EXPENDITURES (estimated) Option A Option B CDAC recommendation Consolidated Plan Strategy Activity Amount Amount Amount 1. Increase the supply of affordable housing Acquisition $325,000 $125,000 $225,000 2. Rehabilitate existing housing stock affordable to low-income persons Emergency Home Repair Program (EHR) $55,000 $55,000 $55,000 3. Provide down payment assistance for home ownership Springfield Homeownership Program (SHOP) $50,000 $50,000 $50,000 5. Support a human services delivery system to address the needs of homeless persons and special needs populations Human Services Commission (HSC) contribution (15% max) $72,000 $72,000 $72,000 TBD Request for Proposals (RFP)* $0 $200,000 $100,000 Grant Administration (20% max) $96,000 $96,000 $96,000 TOTAL $598,000 $598,000 $598,000 *Criteria for project selection through an RFP:  Priority for housing-related activities  Activity must be completed in a timely manner (within FY2017-18)  Subrecipient has the capacity to carry out activity (based on current staff and past performance)  Overall project selection creates minimum administrative overhead Page 1 of 1