HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan ATT3 Letter 71000 friends of Oregon Willamette Valley Office• PO Box 51252 • Eugene, OR 97 405 • (541) 520-3763 •fax (503) 223-0073 Portland Office• 133 SW 2nd Ave, Suite 201 •Portland, OR 97204 • (503) 497-1000 •fox (503) 223-0073 • www.friends.org Southern Oregon Office • PO Box 2442 • Grants Poss, OR 97 528 • (541) 47 4-11 55 • fox (541) 47 4-9389 September 12, 2016 Honorable Mayor Christine Lundberg Springfield City Council City of Springfield 225 Fifth Street Springfield, OR 97477 Lane County Board of Commissioners Lane County Planning Commission Lane County 125 E. gth Avenue Eugene, OR 97401 Re: Springfield UGB expansion; LRP2009-00014 (Springfield); 509-PAB-05393 (Lane County) Dear Mayor Lundberg, Councilors and Commissioners: Thank you for this opportunity to comment on the proposed Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) amendment. 1000 Friends of Oregon is a nonprofit, charitable organization dedicated to working with Oregonians to enhance our quality of life by building livable urban and rural communities, protecting family farms and forests, and conserving natural and scenic areas. We have participated in this process since the original version was presented for hearing in 2009, and we appreciate the significant additional work that has been done by Springfield staff and city leadership since that time. The revised proposal is much stronger than before. We support the determination of the August 2015 Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis (EOA) that over the next 20 years, Springfield will need the following large employment sites: 20+ acre sites: 3 industrial sites 1 commercial site 5-20 acre sites: 12 industrial sites 8 commercial sites However, we do have concerns with a few other aspects of the revised proposal. They are: 1. Excessive size requirements for 20+ acre sites Attachment 3, Page 623 of 664 Although we agree with the city's determination that Springfield needs four 20+ acre sites, we do not agree with the EOA's assertion that candidate sites actually need to be much larger than 20 acres in order to meet that need. The following Table 5-2 from the EOA states that "20 and Larger" sites must be, on average, 63 acres for industrial sites, and 60 acres for commercial sites. Table 5-2. Average size of needed sites based on average sizes of sites with employment in Springfield, Springfield UGB Site Size (acres) Less 20 and than 1 1to2 2to 5 Sto 20 Larger Industrial 0.5 1.4 3.0 10.0 63.0 Commercial and Mixed Use 0.4 1.4 3.2 9.3 60.0 Source: ECONorthwest based on QCEW data Note: Average site size for sites 20 acres and larger is rounded to the nearest acre. The EOA provides this rationale: "The average site sizes in Table 5-2 are based on empirical analysis of the size of Industrial and Commercial taxlots with employment in Springfield in 2006. This analysis involved relating covered employment data (covered employment in Springfield is shown in Table C-1) to taxlots in Springfield. The taxlots were grouped into categories of site size (i.e., less than 1 acre, 1-2 acres, etc.) by type of land (i.e., industrial or commercial/mixed-use). For each group, the average site size was determined, as shown in Table 5-2. For example, there were 75 Industrial sites smaller than 1 acre in Springfield with employment, with an average of 0.5 acres per site." (EOA, page 78) We are unsure exactly which sites were used to compute these averages, since Table 5-2's footnote about its data source does not cite to evidence in the record. However, we have attempted to recreate the analysis using taxlot data from Lane County. Our research suggests that the average size of existing 20+ acre employment sites cannot inform the needs of Springfield's future targeted industries. These are the occupied 20+ acre industrial sites we found : 1 Sierrapine mill ....................................................................................................... 71 acres International Paper mill (main taxlot only) .......................................................... 175 acres Swanson mill .......................................................................................................... 36 acres Rosboro mill .......................................................................................................... 70 acres Jasper-Natron mill (taxlot 1802100000200, see EOA pg. 33) .............................. .47 acres Jasper-Natron mill (taxlot 1802100000900, see EOA pg. 36) .............................. .29 acres High Banks warehouse .......................................................................................... 47 acres True Value regional distribution center ................................................................ .29 acres A VERA GE ALL SITES ...................................................................................... 63 acres 1 See Attachments 1-6 for aerial maps and tax lot data. 2 Attachment 3, Page 624 of 664 Note that these eight sites average 63 acres, which matches the EOA's determination of average industrial site size. However, as previously mentioned, since we do not have access to ECONorthwest's data, we cannot be sure that our analysis exactly matches theirs. Regardless of the details, it is clear that most of Springfield's large industrial sites are home to paper and lumber mills. The problem is, these are legacy industries that are not among the city's targeted industries, so their size is irrelevant to Springfield's future needs. Page 65 of EOA explains that trends indicating "decline in wood products manufacturing" informed the city's selection of different targeted industries. Specifically: "Springfield identified the following types of target industries in manufacturing (as part of the General Industrial employment category) that require sites 5 acres and larger: medical equipment, high-tech electronics and manufacturing, recreational equipment, furniture manufacturing, specialty food processing." (EOA pg. 85, also see Table 5-5) As explained on page 82 of the EOA, the Goal 9 administrative rule allows cities to specify "attributes of a site necessary for a particular industrial or other employment use to operate," such as size. The meaning of the phrase "a particular industrial use" in this rule has been interpreted by DLCD to require a certain level of specificity. Industries may be grouped together for purposes of establishing necessary site characteristics such as size, but only when those industries have similar operational needs.2 A paper mill, with its need for large sludge ponds, railcar accommodation, and wood storage yards, has little in common with Springfield's chosen targeted industries: medical equipment, high-tech electronics and manufacturing, recreational equipment, furniture manufacturing, specialty food processing. Therefore, the site characteristics of Springfield's existing paper and lumber mills are not relevant to the required Goal 9 analysis. Besides the six mills, our above list includes two other existing industrial sites, but both are warehouses, and distribution is not one of Springfield's targeted industries. Beyond that, while the entire High Banks warehouse site is 47 acres, as shown by the aerial photo (Attachment 5), most of it is underwater. The warehouse sits on a section of the shoreline that is considerably smaller than 20 acres. That leaves the 29-acre True Value regional distribution center as the sole example of a Springfield warehouse on a 20+ acre site. 2 For more on this topic, see page 17 of the 1123/14 memo from DLCD director Jim Rue to LCDC that was posted as Agenda Item 4 to the February 13-14, 2014 LCDC Meeting. An excerpt: "In its review ofobjections, the department interprets the administrative rules to require a city to demonstrate that site characteristics describe operational needs of particular employment uses or groups of uses with similar operational needs. The department finds that the term 'particular' should be interpreted in a way that allows a city a reasonable and practical path to compliance with the rules while addressing its economic development needs. At the same time, it cannot be construed so broadly that it renders the term 'particular' moot. For example, requiring a city to determine, with substantial evidence, precise operational and siting needs for semiconductor manufacturing, medical device manufacturing, and nano & micro technology manufacturing separately is not practical or reasonable. On the other hand, 'manufacturing' is so broad and encompasses so many different 'particular uses' that implementing site characteristics at this level would likely not establish an adequate basis for rule compliance, much less address the practical needs of the city. In this example, 'high tech manufacturing' could be the appropriate level of aggregation that is still specific enough to be a 'particular use."' 3 Attachment 3, Page 625 of 664 For commercial sites, we found only two 20+ acre sites:3 Peace Health hospital complex (see EOA pg.74) .................................................. 72 acres Gateway shopping center (all three taxlots) .......................................................... .48 acres A VERA GE ALL SITES ...................................................................................... 60 acres Here, too, our average exactly matches the EOA's determination. And once again, it seems clear that these uses cannot inform Springfield's future site needs. Both uses are large, regional scale "one offs" that won't be recreated during the next 20 years. In addition, retail is not one of Springfield's targeted industries: "Springfield identified the following types of large office employers as target industries that require sites of five acres or larger: high tech, corporate headquarters, biotech, professional and technical services, back office, and medical services. These and other target industries may locate on stand-alone sites or may locate in business parks. The types of buildings may be typical office buildings, flex buildings, or multiple buildings in a "campus" environment." (EOA pg. 90, also see Table 5-5 on page 84) In the absence of any relevant evidence to the contrary, sites that contain at least 20 buildable acres must be considered suitable to meet the need for "20+ acre sites." This correction will have significant ramifications when determining the need for additional land outside the UGB, because currently, the EOA assumes that these sites need to average at least 60 acres in size. 2. Failure to re-designate surplus industrial sites to address commercial deficit As illustrated by the EOA's Table 5-1 (reproduced below), Springfield has 18 buildable industrial sites in the 5-20 acre range, but needs only 12 of these, leaving a surplus of 6 sites. Table 5-1 also shows that Springfield has 4 buildable commercial sites in the 5-20 acre range, but needs 8 of these, and so has a deficit of 4 sites. 3 See Attachment 7 for aerial map and taxlot data. 4 Attachment 3, Page 626 of 664 Table 5-1. Comparison of vacant land supply and site needs, industrial and other employment land, Springfield UGB, 2010-2030 Site Size (acres) Less 20 and than 1 1to2 2 to 5 5 to 20 Larger Buildable Land Inventory Vacant Industrial 72 24 20 12 0 Commercial and Mixed Use 104 14 6 4 0 Potentially Redevelopable Industrial 122 28 31 6 1 Commercial and Mixed Use 305 20 15 0 0 Total Buildable Sites Industrial 194 52 51 18 1 Commercial and Mixed Use 409 34 21 4 0 Site Needs Needed sites Industrial 7 7 7 12 3 Commercial and Mixed Use 174 31 23 8 1 Surplus (deficit) of sites Industrial 187 45 44 6 -2 Commercial and Mixed Use 235 3 -2 -4 -1 Source: ECONorthwest. Note: The redevelopable sites in Table 5-1 are assumed to increase employment capacity on the redeveloped sites. As discussed in Chapter 2, redevelopment means a net increase in employment capacity, rather than only the replacement of an old building with a newer building. There is nothing wrong with this initial determination. The problem is that the city skipped over the next step in the process, and jumped directly to a conclusion that the identified deficit of 4 commercial sites in the 5-20 acre range could only be remedied by expansion of the UGB. Goal 14 and its administrative rules require that each of the existing 18 buildable industrial sites in the 5-20 acre size class first be assessed to determine whether any could be re-designated to meet the commercial deficit: "Prior to expanding the UGB, a local government must demonstrate that the estimated needs cannot reasonably be accommodated on land already inside the UGB." (OAR 660- 024-0050( 4)) Even though some of these 18 industrial sites might not be appropriate for commercial use, many probably are suitable. This is especially true since the summary Table 5-5 on page 84 shows there are no significant differences between the EOA's site characteristics for industrial and commercial targeted industries on sites larger than 5 acres. In addition, the UGB expansion areas are not divided into dedicated commercial vs. industrial sections. Instead, a generic employment land designation would be applied to all the land, with the final plan designation determined by future planning actions. As the staff report explains: 5 Attachment 3, Page 627 of 664 "The Urban Holding Area-Employment (UHA-E) designation identifies urbanizable areas within the Springfield UGB to meet Springfield's long term employment land needs for the 2010-2030 planning period. The UHA-E designation reserves an adequate inventory of employment sites, including sites 20 acres and larger, that are suitable for industrial and commercial mixed use employment uses." (Staff report, pg. 89) Based on these facts, it seems clear that the city considers large commercial and industrial sites for its targeted industries to be essentially interchangeable. Thus, the identified deficit of 4 commercial sites in the 5-20 acre range could be easily met by strategic re-designation of 4 of the 18 inventoried industrial sites. Since there is currently a surplus of 6 such sites, the re- designation would still leave the city with a surplus of 2 additional industrial sites. 3. Failure to inventory all existing 20+ acre sites An accurate inventory of all vacant and redevelopable sites is a critical part of any UGB evaluation. It appears that several 20+ acre sites were not captured by the city's inventory. The above Table 5-1 states that Springfield has no vacant commercial or industrial sites in the 20+ acre size class, and has only one re-developable site. It seems clear that this re-developable site is Jasper Natron taxlot 1802100000200, which is depicted on page 33 of the EOA. The staff report explains that it was inventoried as a 20+ acre site: "The largest potentially redevelopable site is a 47-acre parcel in the Jasper-Natron Special Heavy Industrial District (Taxlot: 1802100000200. This site has approximately 36 acres of unconstrained land * * * The City reasoned that this site could provide one of the City's needed sites 20 acres and larger." (Staff report, pg. 69-70) We agree that this is a 20+ acre site. However, we found four other employment sites that appear to contain 20+ acres of buildable land, yet do not appear in that category on the city's inventory. They are: Wildish site, Glenwood area The "Wildish site" is a 31-acre parcel in the Glenwood area of Springfield, located on the west bank of the Willamette River. It is depicted as a Light Medium Industrial vacant site (light pink color) in the lower left comer of Map 2-3 on page 24 of the EOA. Below is a close up view of that part of Map 2-3 alongside an aerial map showing the lot boundaries.4 4 Also see Attachment 8, a printout from Lane County's taxlot mapping system showing that the parcel is 31.27 acres, including the building. The building is in the "notch" that is missing from the site on Map 2-3. The notch area appears to be about 2 acres in size, so the actual vacant buildable area is somewhere between 25 and 30 acres. 6 Attachment 3, Page 628 of 664 • A review of the current FEMA flood map (Attachment 9) shows that virtually none of this parcel is within the floodway. Some areas are within the floodplain, but the EOA does not consider that to be a prohibitive constraint. In fact, the entire proposed Gateway expansion area is within the floodplain. The FEMA map also includes topography; the site is nearly level with only a few feet of difference from one end to the other. Finally, the Glenwood Local Wetlands Inventory (Attachment 10) shows there are no delineated wetlands on the site. Therefore, there appear to be no constraints that would reduce the buildable portion of this site below 20 acres. In 2012, the Wildish site was re-designated as "Employment Mixed Use" by the Glenwood Refinement Plan adopted as Springfield Ordinance 6279. That designation preserved this site's status as an important 20+ acre employment site included in Springfield's Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory (CIBL). Ordinance 6279's findings stated that the Wildish property is a 20+ acre employment site requiring protection from future land divisions: "The proposed Glenwood Refinement Plan Housing and Economic Development Chapter, Economic Development Section states: 'Nearly all parcels in the Glenwood Riverfront are classified in the CIBL as vacant or potentially redevelopable industrial, commercial, and mixed-use sites. The proposed plan designations for the Glenwood Riverfront, as described in the Land Use and Built Form Chapter, will result in vacant and redevelopable parcels in the Glenwood Riverfront contributing to Springfield's commercial and industrial buildable lands supply .... There is a citywide deficit of industrial parcels greater than 20 acres, and there is a deficit of commercial and mixed- use parcels greater than 1 acre. Therefore, parcels sized in these categories must be 7 Attachment 3, Page 629 of 664 maintained or increased (through parcel consolidation) to preserve the commercial and industrial land supply.' The limitation on land divisions is necessary to protect commercial and industrial land of both small and large (20 or more acres, for example the Wildish property) acreages as specified in CIBL." (Springfield Ord. 6279, Exhibit A- 40, emphasis added) Given the above information, we cannot understand why the Wildish site was not included in the inventory as a 20+ acre site. If it was deemed to have less than 20 acres, and hence was inventoried as only a 5-20 acre site, that would appear to have been an error. Based on what we know, we think it should be inventoried as either a commercial or an industrial 20+ acre site, and the UGB expansion reduced accordingly. If the city has evidence to the contrary, we would appreciate a chance to review that information and modify our testimony. Brand S Road, Jasper-Natron area The EOA evaluated a 29-acre mill site on Brand S Road in the Jasper-Natron area (taxlot 1802100000900) for redevelopment potential, and concluded it had none: "The site has more than 24 acres of unconstrained land. This site is owned and used by a wood products manufacturer. As long as the business is operational and continues to use this site, it will be unavailable for redevelopment." (EOA, pg. 36) Since the inventory was performed many years ago, we are unsure if the city realizes that recently, nearly all the buildings on this site were demolished. As shown on the county tax printout (Attachment 11), the real market value of the site's improvements was reduced from $236,570 in 2014 to $27,470 in 2015. The remaining structure appears to be a small outbuilding in the southwest comer, an area that is separated from the rest of the parcel by Brand S Road. It is evident from the below aerial photo that the other buildings have been tom down to the ground, and the debris has been removed. Therefore, the site is now ready for redevelopment, and so must be counted as a 20+ acre site in the inventory. 8 Attachment 3, Page 630 of 664 Marcola Meadows Marcola Meadows is a 100-acre master planned site that is depicted with an orange color near the center of Map 2-2 on page 20 of the EOA. Below is an aerial view of the site. 9 Attachment 3, Page 631 of 664 The EOA states that it inventoried the 44-acre portion that would contain employment uses: "The inventory also includes two sites with approved master plans: Riverbend and Marcola Meadows. These sites have master plans that approve a specific amount of employment. The CIBL only inventoried the portion of these sites that are approved for employment uses." (EOA, pg. 19) "Marcola Meadows is a master-planned proposed mixed use project located on a vacant 100-acre parcel in Springfield. The project is expected to include about 190 single unit detached homes, about 120 townhouses, about 120 homes in apartments, and 54 homes for senior living. The total proposed land requirement of the residential village would be 39 acres. The Marcola Meadows Master Plan includes a commercial anchor development, professional offices and retail. The planned commercial component will occupy about 44 acres. The remaining land in the development will be used for common open space and streets." (EOA, pg.74) Since Marcola Meadows will accommodate well over 20 acres of commercial uses, we do not understand why this site wasn't inventoried as a 20+ acre site. Either the inventory should be amended to include Marco la Meadows in the count of 20+ acre sites, or additional evidence and findings should explain why it cannot provide such a site. International Paper The International Paper ownership is hundreds of acres in size and spans several adjacent lots. The entire complex is shown on the attached aerial photo (Attachment 12). The southern part of this ownership -which is at least 75 acres in size -has no improvements and is not being used in conjunction with the paper mill operation; it is a grass field. However, the site has not been included in the city's inventory of 20+ acre sites. This southern portion is made up of four lots. Three are vacant; these are approximately 5, 10, and 25 acres in size. The fourth lot contains 117 acres, and has improvements in its northern portion. The lot boundaries and sizes are depicted on the printouts from Lane County's taxlot mapping system (Attachment 13). The printouts also establish the common ownership of all four lots and the lack of any improvements on the three smaller lots. Below is a recent Google Earth image of the portion of the paper mill ownership that we think should have been inventoried as a 20+ acre site. The Google measurement box shows that the polygon outlined in red contains almost 80 acres. The approximate internal lot lines are shown as dashed white lines, and the location of three former paper mill sludge ponds are shown as solid white lines. The northern part ofthis area is the vacant portion of the 117-acre lot (roughly 40 acres); the three smaller lots to the south are entirely vacant (they are 5, 10 and 25 acres, for a total of another 40 acres). 10 Attachment 3, Page 632 of 664 -172 ..... ~ 71.0 ~ The redevelopment potential of the partially developed 117-acre lot is discussed on page 36 of the EOA. Despite the absence of improvements on the 40-acre southern portion, it was determined to have no capacity because, "This site is owned and used by a paper mill. As long as the paper mill is operational and continues to use this site, it will be unavailable for redevelopment." Because the record does not explain how individual lots were inventoried, we cannot determine how the three vacant lots were classified. Were they correctly considered to be one 40-acre site, since they have common ownership? Or was each lot erroneously considered to be a separate site? As best we can ascertain, the EOA's Map 2-4 is the only place that gives any indication of which land was inventoried, and what constraints exist. 5 A close up of the relevant part of Map 2-4 is reproduced below; the three vacant lots are in the purple area. 5 We have asked staff for tax lot specific information, and were told that the information is only available in the form of a Microsoft Access database, and that it would require a public information request to obtain. We do not understand how Map 2-4 could be sufficient to comply with the Goal 9 rule's inventory requirements. For example, it is not possible to determine the site characteristics that each site has, because the size is not provided for any individual lot or aggregations thereof. OAR 660-009-0015(3) requires that information: "(a) For sites inventoried under this section, plans must provide the following information: (A) The description, including site characteristics, of vacant or developed sites within each plan or zoning district; (8) A description of any development constraints or infrastructure needs that affect the buildable area of sites in the inventory;" 11 Attachment 3, Page 633 of 664 The former sludge ponds are marked light blue with green diagonal stripes; the map's legend says that color indicates "Wetlands." These are not natural wetlands; the ponds were mapped as "Other Waters" on the city's wetlands inventory in the 1990s (Attachment 14), when they apparently still contained water. Today, however, the ponds have been abandoned and now are grass fields. The former pond areas contain little to no hydric soil (one of the distinguishing features of wetlands), as illustrated by soils data on the county printout for the 25-acre taxlot that contains the two southern ponds (Attachment 13). Therefore, it seems unlikely that any substantial parts of these areas are still bona fide jurisdictional wetlands, now that the ponds have been drained. In fact, former sludge ponds are generally viewed as potential brownfields needing environmental remediation, and are often excellent candidates for redevelopment. Even assuming that the entire area of the former sludge ponds are jurisdictional wetlands unusable for any purpose, there would still be 30 acres of vacant buildable land in the three vacant lots alone -they contain 40 acres of land, with at most, 10 acres of wetlands. Therefore, no matter how the partially developed 117-acre lot is evaluated, we think that at the very least, these three vacant lots should be inventoried as a 20+ acre site. Regarding the exclusion of the vacant portion of the partially developed 117-acre lot, we have considered the explanation provided by the city on page 36 of the EOA: "This site is owned and used by a paper mill. As long as the paper mill is operational and continues to use this site, it will be unavailable for redevelopment." We are unsure if the city erroneously believes that this unimproved portion is still being actively used by the mill. Alternatively, perhaps the city does realize the southern portion is not being used, but believes that since the northern portion is being used, the entire lot should be excluded from inventory. Or, the city may believe that this site should not be counted because the paper mill might start using it in the future. Even if the paper mill is the most likely future user of this site, and not some other employer, that would not diminish its future employment capacity. Any jobs created by the paper mill in a 12 Attachment 3, Page 634 of 664 future expansion onto this site would meet Springfield's employment needs just as well as any other newly created jobs. The employment forecast and land need determination do not differentiate between new jobs added by existing employers and jobs created by new firms. It doesn't make sense to ignore obvious buildable capacity that is already served with infrastructure, and expand the UGB to address a perceived land shortage that doesn't really exist. For all the reasons above, we think that the International Paper ownership contains a minimum of 30 buildable acres on the three vacant lots, and at maximum, up to 75 acres across all four lots. The exact amount depends on the regulatory status of the former sludge ponds and the treatment of the 11 7-acre partially developed site. Either way, this is a 20+ acre site, and should be included in the city's inventory as such. 4. Goal 9 rule requires unimproved log storage yards to be inventoried as vacant The Sundance lumber mill sits on one lot, but it stores logs on three adjacent lots that together comprise about 14 acres. All four lots are depicted below. The tax printouts (Attachment 15) show the only permanent improvements are on the lot where the mill itself sits. Per the Goal 9 rule, these three unimproved lots must be inventoried as vacant land: "'Vacant Land' means a lot or parcel: 13 Attachment 3, Page 635 of 664 (a) Equal to or larger than one half-acre not currently containing permanent buildings or improvements; or (b) Equal to or larger than five acres where less than one half-acre is occupied by permanent buildings or improvements." (OAR 660-009-0005(14)) Despite the reality that some businesses do use adjacent vacant lots to store their materials or products, there is no provision in the current Goal 9 rule for excluding such lots from inventory. This situation was considered during LCDC's 2014 review of the Newberg UGB expansion. In its review, the Commission determined that a vacant lot used to site dumpsters by a waste disposal company had to be considered vacant; the same is true with these three log storage lots. If the Goal 9 rule is ever revised in the future (and we think it badly needs to be), we would support changes to better capture the employment capacity of both vacant and improved sites. However, until that happens, the rule should be followed. The three adjacent lots contain a total of about 14 acres, and so should be added to the inventory as one additional 5-20 acre site. Conclusion To summarize our testimony: a) There is no relevant evidence supporting the city's claim that its need for 20+ acre employment sites can only be met by sites that average 60+ acres in size. b) There is no evidence or findings demonstrating that the city's need for four additional 5-20 acre commercial sites cannot be met via re-designation of surplus industrial sites. c) There are as many as four additional 20+ acre employment sites that were not included in the city 's inventory. d) There is an additional 5-20 acre site that was not included in the city's inventory. Taken together, these problems significantly overstate the city's need for UGB expansion. Once they are corrected, the need to expand for employment uses will be substantially reduced, and possibly even eliminated. If, after addressing these concerns, there still remains a need for additional 20+ acre sites, we would support the proposed Mill Race UGB expansion, which would provide 125 unconstrained buildable acres, including two sites that are 20+ acres in size. Most of the Mill Race area is out of the floodplain. In addition, it was determined to be the least expensive candidate expansion area to serve by the UGB Study Areas Serviceability and Cost Analysis, which was presented to the Springfield City Council on April 28, 2014. The Mill Race would cost far less to serve than the Gateway area, yet would provide roughly the same amount of buildable land. Regarding the handful of smaller properties in the Mill Race expansion area, we can accept staff's recommendation that these should also be included in the UGB, despite the lack of 14 Attachment 3, Page 636 of 664 demonstrated need. Page 151 of the staff reports explain that these small parcels "would likely provide future access and services to the suitable large parcels," and also that excluding this area would leave it stranded as an island surrounded by all sides by urbanized land, leaving a "donut hole in the donut" of the Metro Plan Boundary. However, we cannot support any part of the Gateway expansion. The entire area is within the floodplain, and much of it is environmentally sensitive. Springfield's own staff have cautioned that pending regulatory changes may make development of this area infeasible. According to the city 's 2014 UGB Study Areas Serviceability and Cost Analysis, the cost to provide services to this area exceeds $125 million. This seems likely to be a terrible investment, in light of these additional regulations and subsequent reduction in buildable area. The portions of the Gateway expansion area that are not wetland, riparian area or sloped are predominantly Class 2 farmland, and are currently making a valuable contribution to Lane County's rural economy. Given the substantial financial and regulatory barriers to development, farming is likely the highest and best long-term use for this area. We ask that the city and county not approve the Gateway expansion, and instead retain the existing agricultural designation. In addition, we urge the city to rethink its reliance on UGB expansions to provide future employment capacity. The tremendous cost of extending infrastructure to the urban fringe would have city-wide ramifications. Since it does not appear likely that landowners could pay their own way (the city's cost estimate for the Gateway improvements is about $100,000 per useable acre, possibly more than the finished land would be worth), SDCs would probably need to be substantially increased in order to service the new land. This would be a hidden subsidy, paid by every homebuilder and business creating new housing and employment anywhere in the city. Beyond these cost concerns, a large supply of new urbanizable land outside the current UGB will harm Springfield's efforts to revitalize and redevelop downtown, Glenwood, and other areas like East Main Street. It will also undercut urban property owners who have already invested heavily in their land and buildings, and who may have spent decades faithfully paying taxes to the city. A more compact UGB would better support Springfield's existing stakeholders, reduce commute times and transportation costs for Springfield residents, and better meet coming greenhouse gas reduction targets. All these things support values nearly everyone cares about: fairness, a higher quality of life, better affordability and a healthier environment. Sincerely, ~ Mia Nelson Willamette Valley Advocate 1000 Friends of Oregon P.O. Box 51252 Eugene, OR 97452 541.520.3 763 15 Attachment 3, Page 637 of 664 Attachments: 1-Sierrapine mill tax printout 2-International Paper tax printout 3-Swanson mill tax printout 4-Rosboro mill tax printout 5-High Banks warehouse tax printout 6-True Value warehouse tax printout 7-Gateway mall tax printout 8-Wildish site tax printout 9-Wildish site FEMA map 10-Glenwood L WI (2 pg.) 11-Brand S Road tax printout 12-International Paper aerial map 13-International Paper taxlot printouts (5 pg.) 14-International Paper wetlands map 15-Sundance mill tax printouts (5 pg.) 16 Attachment 3, Page 638 of 664 ExplOre Crea:e Pan IZ-lnl Zoom Out Full Pre'llious Exteri Extent Nsv19a!lon Selected Results (1) « View History Refine Results I Tallie V11?N I ·~ 1702280000902 .• Taxlol Map & Taxlot Number: 170228()()()()9()2 Site Address 1of1: 80048TH ST Tax Account Numllel 1: 1668613 Property Owner 1. SIERRAPINE Approximate Taxlol Acreaoe: 70. 99 Select None RUD Reports: ;:"IT] Bi other Links. ~"' Enable Map rips •l • Search F04" Sele<! T8JdoUAddress By Point Se, 'I/ ,,_, Cl rJ Select By Select Select By Select By Freehand By Line Polyoon Rectangle r .· ~ Get Taxlols Gel Addresses From Ad<tesses From Taxtots x Clear Selection Attachment 1 ,1 • Attachment 3, Page 639 of 664 Explore Create ~ '\.. Enable Map Tip• Pan I Zoom In I Zoom Out Ful Previous !lioploy for Extent Extent Na.ioabon Selected Resurts (2) « View History Reline Results I Table View I /llJ, 1702290002903 Tax lot Map & TaxlOt Number. 1702290002903 Site Address 1of1: 801 42ND ST Tax Account Number 1 · 171f78~ Property OWner 1: IP EAT THREE L.LC Approximate Taxlot Acreage: 175 48 RUD Reports: :A:l[!]EJ Otller Lin.<s· <:::g' 1702320000105 Tax lot Map & Taxlot Number. 1702320000105 Site Address 1 of1· 785 42ND ST Tax Account Number 1· 1833837 Property Ot..ner 1: IP EAT THREE L.LC Approxlmate Taxlot Acreage: 117.41 Map Tips View Selected » Select None RUD Reports: A'.l[!JEJ Other Links: ~f.! ~~ . ' Attachment 2 1' 0 rJ ~ x Ge!Tulots Gal Addresses °""' From Addresses From Taxlots Salee lion Search For Select Selocl By Select Selecl By Seloct By Tulot/Address By Point Freehand By line Polyqon Roctangle Seorch TllXlol Sele:bon AddrHS Se.,c:.On Clean Up Attachment 3, Page 640 of 664 Explore Crea!e ~ (+ Glj Enable Map Tips Pan Zoom In Zoom Out Full Previous Extent ·Extent Navigation S.lectad Results (1} « View History Refine Results I Table VieW I 1103350000300 Taxlor Map & Taxlot Number: 17033:50000300 Sije Address 1 of 1. 1651 SF ST Tax Account Number 1. 302061 Map lips View Selected » Select None Property Owner 1: SWANS01V GROUP MFG LLC Approximate TaxlotAcreage: 35.66 RUD Reports ~ 0~ other links ~ I'~~ 5] ll ~ Search For TaxlollAddress Attachment 3 • 'V 'v 0 f] r ·l ~ x Selett Select By Select Select By Select By GetTaxlots GetAd<lr~s Clear By Point Freehand By Line Polygon Reclanale From Addresses From TIDClols Selec6on Attachment 3, Page 641 of 664 Explore create ~ ' + En8ble Map Tips Pan Zoom In Zoom Out f\JI PreVIOUS Ocsplay for _ • Extent Extent Navigation Selected Results (1) « V'tew History Refine Results I Table View I 1703360000100 Taxlol Map & Taxlot Number: 1703360000100 Site Address 1 of 5: 2:509 MAIN ST Tax Account Number 1: 318103 Property Owner 1: ROSBORO LLC Approximate TaxlotAcreage: 70.39 RUD Reports: .::: ITJ [!3 Other Links. Map Tips V'iew Selected » Select None ;:..;~ • 1' Q 0 Search For Select Si!lect By Select Select By Select By Taxlot/Address By Point Freehand By Line Polygon Rectall!lle Search Taxlo1 Selectioo Get Taxlols From Addres~es ~ Get Addresses From Taxlots Attachment 4 x Clear Selection Address Selection Qean Up 1"1~ -~-~ Attachment 3, Page 642 of 664 Explore Create Enable Map Tips Pan I Zoom In Zoom Out Full Previous Extent Extent Navigation Map Tips Selected Results (1) « V-tew History Refine Results I Table View View Selected » Select None 1702280000401 Taxlor Map & Taxlot Number: 1702280000401 Site Address 1 of 1: 5280 HIGH BANKS RD Tax Account Number 1: 112464 Property Owner 1: DEFOE RONAW MAJOR ApproXimate TaxlotAcreage: 46. 75 RUD Reports: i" [I~ Other links: ;~ .... 5 !!! • Cl ~ Setirch For Select Select By Select Select By Select By Gel Taxlots Gett Taxlot/Address By Point Freehand By Line Polygon Rectangle From Addresse<J Fror Search Taxlot Selection Adore~ Attachment 3, Page 643 of 664 Explore Create \51 Enable Map Tips Pan I ZOom In I Zoom Ou1 f1Jll PreVIOUs ~ Display fOf. Extent Extent Mavigation Selected Results (1) « View History Refine Results I Table View I ~ 17032~200100 Taxlor Map & Taxlot Number: 17032!>4200100 Site Address 1Of1:21!500LYMPIC ST Tax Account Number 1: 1098~ View Selected » select None Property Owner 1: HAMMER (DE) LIMITED PARTNERSHIP Approximate TaxlotAcreage: 28.64 RUD Reports: i° IIJ!Sl Other links: ~:.~ r6.l ~J • 1t a 0 Search For Selecl Select By Select Seleel By Select By Get Taxlots T8Xlol/Addre" By Point Freehand By Line Polygon Rectangle From Addf8$se' ~ Get Ad<lresses From Taxtots Attachment 6 x Clear Selection Attachment 3, Page 644 of 664 llJ Enable Map Tips Pan I Zoom In Zoom Out Full Previous Extenl Extent N8vigabon Selected Results (3) « View History Refine Results I Table View 1703220002218 Taxlot Map & Taxlot Number: 1703220002218 Site Address 1 of 2: 3040 GA TEWA y ST Tax Account Number 1: 1459140 Property Owner 1: GATEWAY MALL PARTNERS Approximate Taidot Acreage: 8. 78 RUD Reports:~[!]~ Other Linl<s: r~..o: 1703220002200 ~ Taxlot Map & Taxlot Number: 1703220002200 Site Address 1 of 92: 3000 GATEWAY ST SPACE 3582 Tax Account Number 1: 188373 Property Owner 1: GATEWAY MALL PARTNERS Approximate Taxlot Acreage: 29.40 RUD Reports:~[!]~ Other Linl<s: ii ll ~ 1703220002300 Taxlot Map & Taxlot Number: 1703220002300 Site Address 1 of 14: 3000 GATEWAY ST SPACE 900 Tax Account Number 1: 188449 Property OWner 1: GATEWAY MALL PARTNERS Approximate TaxlotAcreage: 11.01 RUD Reports: ;:[!]EJ Other lin!cs: ..!' H.;..,,;: r;-1 :-=r.1 Display for :: • Q rJ Search For Select Select By Seletl Select By Select By Gel Tllldots Taxlol/Address By Point Freehand By Line Polygon Rectangle From Addresses ~ Get Address~ From Taxlots Clear Selection Attachment 3, Page 645 of 664 En11ble Mep lips Pan I Zoom In Zoom CM Na"'11)ation Selected Results {1} « View History Refine Results I Table View I View Selected » Select None ~ 1803022003200 Tax/or Map & Taxlot Number: 1803022003200 Site Address 1 of 2: 5001 FRANKLJN BLVD 1 Tax Account Number 1: 579449 Property Owner 1: WILD/SH LAND CO Approximate TaxlotAcreage: 31.27 RUD Reports: i"JII~ Other links: ~ :~-.;;. • Cl fJ Search For Select Select By Seletl Select By Select By Texlot/Address By Point Free.h11nd By Line Polygon Rectangle Gel TllXlots From Addresses ~ Gel Addresses From Taxlots x Clear Selection Attachment 3, Page 646 of 664 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 415592 E STREET Attachment 9 Legend -1%annual chance (100-Year) Floodplain - 1 % annual chance (100-Year) Floodway c::J 0.2% annual chance ~ (500-Year) Floodplain r-~~~~-'-~~~~-'-~~~J.r~~~+-~~~D~S~TR~E~ET!..+~~-++~~~~~~~~-~-~~,.--~~~~~~~~ _J w z <( a. (f) z Q 44°01'52.00" 123°01·s2.oo· C STREET 82 SITE MAP SCALE 1" = 500' 250 0 500 1aa~ 1FEET METERS 150 PANEL 1142F FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP AND INCORPORATED AREAS 11AP NUMBER 41039C1142F EFFECTIVE DATE JUNE2, 1999 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD / LANE COUNTY LANE COUNTY UNINCORPORATED AREAS 415591 ASH STREET 2 Attachment 3, Page 647 of 664 ~ ___ G_le=-=--n~w:__:ood _bWI Map lndexAttachment 10 Legend --streets --Railroads Surface Drainages Type -----Ditch --Stream Sample Points Public Land Survey System 0 Sixth Field HUC Probable Wetlands Probable Wetlands Stormwater Facility L!:J wet1ands Cowardin Classification PEM: Marsh PFO: Forested PSS· Shrub-Scrub M PUB:Pond DralnageBasins Name Glenwood Slough Basin Willamette River Basin tax lots c::3 Study Area Boundary A 1 8_2 SITE Sheet 1 • Glenwood Area of s r" f 1 ;.IAJ;,;.:::;:--;:=-:::-==-=========== Information shown on tnis map is for lo nl p mg ie d Local Wetlands Inventory N the map date, and Is subject to chang: ~h °f pur:r>°se1, represents the condiUons that exist at approximate. There may be unmapped ~I oc;tion and extent of wetlands and other waters Is ~ulation. A current Oregon Depam:~t 8~ : and other waters present that are subject to required for state removal-fill permits Yo 0 ;,ate Lands-approved wetland delineation Is and the U.S. Army Corps 0~ :,;,~~~~.~•contact th1 • Department of State Lands ~--------__:_.::.:._=: ui ny regu atory questions. ~~~~~~~~ 1 inch = 433 feet A 0 250 500 1,000 Feet I ( Data of Final Map preparation: 21411 O ~~~~~!:~~IN=Ot.V ..._, t..-w-z:. o...~ .... -..,.~ Attachment 3, Page 648 of 664 Glenwood LWI Map @-2) -------------------- _s 2 18S3W3 Legend --streets --Railroads Surface Drainages Type ---·Ditch --Stream Sample Points Public Land Survey System [' Sixth Field HUC Probable Wetlands • Probable Wetlands • [> Stormwater Facility c:Jwetiands Cowardln Classification PEM: Marsh PFO: Forested PSS· Shrub-Scrub "' PUB: Pond Drainage Basins Name Glenwood Slough Basin Willamette River Basin taxlots C3 Study Area Boundary 18S3W10 "AprobllbtlWiltlendaiiPNISklmMt ....m-t~0Ut•<0-6-~­ ori111m1lwadcfuna~- \ w \ \ \ \ \. \ \\ \ l amette R ve• Basin I I I i I ! / \ WR-7 12 I ~ -----1 ! ~ \_ i\ \\ ~ \ ~ ~ '\ ~\ I Sheet 4 -Glenwood Area of Springfield Local Wetlands Inventory Information shown on this map is for planning purposes. represents the conditions that exist at the map date, and is subject to change. The location and extent of wetlands and other waters 1s approximate. There may be unmapped wetlands and other waters present that are subject to regulation. A current Oregon Department of state Lends-approved wetland delineation is required for state removal-fill permits. You are advised to contact the Department of State Lands ~U.S. Army Corps of Engineers with any regulatory questions. ~Fl'll:OVED "'WI ll>VINTOR\' '>rttl"' o.p.,,,,,, ~· ·• ~tOl•t..ftds li+.t ~~ o.i.~ -;;:~a 18S3W2 18SlW11 1 inch = 200 feet 250 500 N A Date of Flnal Map preparation: 214/10 1,000 Feet Attachment 3, Page 649 of 664 Detailed Property Report Site Address 36417 BRANDS RD Springfield, OR 97478-9502 Map & Taxlot# 18-02-10-00-00900 SIC N/A Tax Account# 0567451 a a Additional site address( es) are associated with this tax account Map & Taxlot # 18-02-10-00-00900 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 PERSON LEONA M 2189 STONE CREST DR EUGENE, OR 97401 Tax account acreage 31.94 Mapped taxlot acreaget 29.63 Attachment 111 t Mapped Taxlot Acreage is the estimated size of a taxlot as derfred from the county GIS tax1ot layer, and is not to be used for legal purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Keat Market vame LKM v J i otru ASsessea v ame Tl!J' -Jljf '.IAllll ": .... •:dfl. ..Dml ,.. ,'-:~>::--..;,: ; ( .· ... ---, ~ -·· 2015 :i;707,23~ !!i27,47C :i;734,70~ :i;725,24 :i;7,207.85 2014 :i;707,239 :i;230,57c :i;943,80~ :i;903,427 !!i9,193-40 2013 !ji686,tJ40 :i;245,10c :i;931,740 :i;877,ll~ :i;25,737.ot 2012 ;i,mm,040 :i;253,35c $939,99C $851,56/ $7,247·77 20ll ;i,000,040 :i;721,9:.ui !jil,408,50~ !jil,219,404 :i;7,434.77 2010 :i;o93,572 :i;o13,773 !jil,307,34' :i;1,059,oo/ :i;7,712.58 2009 $877,940 ;i>oo5,045 :i;1,502,98; :i;984,75~ :i;7,852.9~ 2008 !!i805,450 :i;ooo,091 :j;l,472,14 :i;950,07< :i;7,410.03 2007 :i;730,840 $550,725 $1,281,56; $844,720 $7,404-4? 2006 :i;o70,700 :i;350,070 !jil,020,770 !ji0??,908 $7,448.72 2005 $501,200 :i;285,040 :i;780,9oc :i;o58,103 !ji7,28o.l~ 2004 $439.700 :i;207,330 $707,030 :i;o38,993 :i;o,907.90 2003 :i;472,790 $285,390 :i;758,180 $620,302 $6,5ll.l0 2002 :i;470,530 $2o8,22C :i;744,750 $002,313 $0,288.5, 2001 $512,400 :i;289,ooo :j;802,00C :i;584,770 !jio,108.33 2000 $457.500 :i;351,078 :j;808,57t :i;507,738 :i;5,975.73 1999 :i;387,710 $324,371 $712,081 $551,202 $5,681.96 1998 :i;387,710 $335,390 $723,100 $535,148 $5,022.35 1997 :i;383,870 :i;335,390 :i;719,200 :i;519,501 :i;5,739.90 1990 $299,900 :i;277,39c :i;577,290 :i;577,290 !!i4.492-42 1995 :i;299,900 :i;277,390 :i;577,290 $577,290 :i;4,512.44 Attachment 3, Page 650 of 664 Attachment 3, Page 651 of 664 Explore Create Pen I Zoom In Zoom Out Full Previous Extent Extent NaV19abon Selected R.sults (4) G{j Enable Map Tips ~ Display for .. • Mapnps « View History Refine Results I Table View I View Selected » Sele<:t None ~ 1702320000105 Tax/or Map & Taxtot Number: 170232000010~ Site Address 1of1: 78~ 42ND ST Tax Account Number 1: 1833837 Property OWner 1: IP EAT THREE LLC Approximate Tax.totAcreaoe: 117.41 RUD Reports: ~[!]El other Links: ~ 1702320000401 Taxlol Map & Taxtot Number: 1702320000401 Site Address 1 of O: Tax Account Number 1: 126142 Property OWner 1: IP EAT THREE LLC Approximate Tax.tot Acreage: g 6 7 RUD Reports: ~[!]E'.] Other Links: 1702320000501 Taxlot Map & Taxlot Number: 1702320000001 SiteAddcess 1 ofO: Tax Account Number 1: 126167 Property OWner 1: IP EAT THREE LLC Approximate Tax.tot Acreage: 25.07 J..: ... RUD Reports: :ii:'.[!][3 Other Links:~, .. .,,. fi!J,• 1702322401500 Tax/or Map & Taxlot Number: 1702322401[>()() Site Address 1 of O: Tax Account Number 1: 126.563 Property OWner 1: IP EAT THREE LLC Approximate Taxlot Acreaoe: 4. g 1 [!]~ Other Links:~ ... [fi] Q] • a rJ Sean:h For Select Select By Select Select By Select By T8Xlot/Address By Poirrl Freehand By Line Polygon Rec!!lngle Seen:h Taxloi Sele:!IOl'I Gel Taxlols From Addresses Attachment 13 ~ Get Addresses From Taxlots Clear Selection Address Selection Clean Up Attachment 3, Page 652 of 664 Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/12/2016 at 10:48AM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page 1 of2 Detailed Property Report Site Address 785 42ND ST Springfield, OR 97478-5781 Map & Taxlot#17-02-32-oo-00105 SIC N/A Tax Account# 1833837 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-32-00-00105 Environmental Data FEMA F1ood Hazard Zone Code Description AE Areas of 100-year flood, base flood elevations determined. X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039Cu62F Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit# Soil Type Description % ofTaxlotAg Class Hydric % 32 Coburg-Urban land complex 45% 2 4 u9 Salem-Urban land complex 38% 2 0 101 Oxley-Urban land complex 10% 3 5 no Pits 4% 8 0 97 w Newberg-Urban land complex2% Water 2% 2 8 0 0 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 IP EAT THREE LLC POBOX2u8 MEMPHIS, TN 38101 Tax account acreage u9.05 Mapped taxlot acreaget ll7-41 t Ma1:11:icd Taxlot Acreage is the estimated size of a taxlot as dcri\'cd from the oounty CIS taxlot layer, and Ls not to be used for legal purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Attachment 3, Page 653 of 664 Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/12/2016 at 10:48AM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page l of2 Detailed Property Report SiteAddress N/A Map & Trudot#17-02-32-oo-00401 SIC N/A TaxAccount# 0126142 Map & Trudot # 17-02-32-00-00401 Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039Cu62F Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit#Soil Type Description % ofTrudotAg ClassHydric % 32 Coburg-Urban land complex61% 2 4 u9 Salem-Urban land complex 39% 2 o Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 IP EAT THREE LLC PO BOX2118 MEMPHIS, TN 38101 Tax account acreage 9-48 Mapped taxlot acreaget 9.67 t Mapped Taxlot. Acreage is the estimated size of a taxlot as derived from the oountyGIS taxlot laycr, 11nd is not to be used for k-ga) purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Kea1 MarKet vame lKM v J Total ASsessea va1ue Ta> ' J '»Ci ': , ,, ''<i " :Cr-!': ',;efz. -..·. .,,. ' ,, 2015 $456,02 :i;o :i;45t>,02 :jilt>0,19' $2,8t>7.5: 2014 $456,02 :i;o H5t>,02, :i;155,52~ $2,824.23 2013 $442,740 $0 :i;442,745 :i;150,99~ :i;2,7(>9.l8 2012 $442,740 $0 $442,745 :i;14t>,t>OO :i;2,513.10 201l $442,740 $0 $442,745 $142,330 :i;2,445.71 2010 $447,218 $0 $447,218 $138,184 $2,37t>-43 2009 :i;5t>t>,099 $0 $566,099 $134,159 :i;2,31t>.99 2008 $519,351 $0 $519,357 $130,251 :i;2,278.4< 2007 :i;519,351 $0 $519,357 :i;12t>,457 :i;2,ot>2.32 200(> $480,88; $0 $480,887 :i;122,774 :i;2,004.09 2005 $429,304 $0 $429,3t>4 :i;u9,198 $1,959.94 2004 $373,360 $0 :i;373,3t>o :i;u5,720 $1,922.30 2003 $345.70• :i;o :i;345,704 $l12,355 $1,867.10 2002 $345.70• :i;o $345.70' $109,083 $1,705.89 2001 ili342,282 $0 $342,282 $105,906 $1,t>73-4S 2000 :i;2t>9,240 $0 $269,240 ij;l02,82l :i;1,t>33.05 1999 $220,t>9C $0 $220,()90 $99,820 $l,t>50.91 1998 $185.450 $0 $185.450 $9tl,918 $1,004.8/ 1997 $180,050 $0 :jil80,050 $94,095 $1,598.87 1990 $165,18~ $0 ij;lt>5,loL $165,180 $2,575.15 1995 $104,550 :i;o :i;104,550 $104,550 $1,041.07 Attachment 3, Page 654 of 664 Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9112/2016 at I 0:49AM using RUD (www.rlid.org) Page l of2 Detailed Property Report SiteAddress N/A Map & Taxlot#17-02-32-oo-00501 SIC N/A TaxAccount# 0126167 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-32-00-00501 Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039C1162F Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Property Owner 1 IP EATTHREE LLC POBOX2118 MEMPHIS, TN 38101 Tax account acreage 26.51 Mapped taxlot acreage t 25.07 t Mapped Taxlot Acreage is the estimated size of a taxlot as dcrh-cd from the oountyGJS tuxlot layer, and is not to be used for fogal purpu;cs. Soil Map Unit# Soil Type Description % ofTaxlot Ag Class Hydric % 119 Salem-Urban land complex 64% 2 o 32 Coburg-Urban land complex28% 2 4 101 Oxley-Urban land complex 8% 3 5 Property Values & Taxes The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Keal Mar1<et Value lKM v J Total Assessed Value Ta~ ·~··"'"''' ,_ ·->;k.;;\ii.:i;-. .• ..,,,,'., .. "t~.;C<-.,'t\·:'0:~~ "'""' • . 2015 $409.592 $0 $409,592 $447.901 $7,931.31 2014 $409.592 $0 $409,592 $434,802 $7,883.46 2013 $455.91~ :i;o $455,9It $422,196 $7,723.0/ 2012 $455,9H :i;o $455,9It $409,89S $7,02o.8t 2011 $455.91( $0 :i;455,91t $397.900 $0,838.31 2010 $400,522 $0 $400,522 $380,309 $0,044.02 2009 $582,94C $0 $582,940 $375,llt $0,47844 2008 $534,80~ $0 ili534,80~ $304,190 $0,370.81 2007 $534,80t $0 $534,80~ $353.583 $5,760.41 2000 :i;495,193 $0 $495,193 $343,284 $5,003.50 2005 $442,13~ $0 $442,138 $333,285 $5,480.11 2004 $384,40~ $0 $384,408 :i;323,578 $5,375.02 2003 $355.990 $0 :i;355,990 $314,153 :i;5,220.72 2002 $355.990 $0 :i;355,990 $305,003 $4,709.79 2001 $352,400 :i;o :i;352,400 $290,119 $4,079.18 2000 $752,800 $0 $752,800 $287,494 $4,500.12 1999 :i;o17,10c $0 $017,100 $279,120 :i;4,010.ot 1998 :i;518,570 $0 $518,570 :i;270,990 :i;4,487.31 1997 :i;503,470 $0 $503,470 :i;203,097 $4,470.5~ 1996 :i;401,900 $0 $461,900 :i;401,900 $7,201.02 1995 :i;292,330 $0 $292,330 :i;292,330 $4,581!.51 Attachment 3, Page 655 of 664 Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/12/2016 at 10:50AM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Page I of2 Detailed Property Report SiteAddress N/A Map & Taxlot#17-02-32-24-01500 SIC N/A Tax Account# 0126563 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-32-24-01500 Environmental Data FEMA Flood Hazard Zone Code Description X Areas determined to be outside of 500-year flood. FIRM Map Number 41039C1162F Community Number 415592 Post-FIRM Date 09/27/1985 Panel Printed? Yes Soils Soil Map Unit#Soil Type Description % ofTaxlotAg ClassHydric % 119 Salem-Urban land complex 49% 2 o 32 Coburg-Urban land complex 46% 2 4 34 Courtney gravelly silty clay loam 5% 4 97 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 IP EAT THREE LLC POBOX2118 MEMPHIS, TN 38101 Tax account acreage 5.00 Mapped taxlot acreaget 4.91 t Mapped Taxlot Acreage is the estimated si1.c of a taxlot as dcrin.'CI from the oounty CIS tax.lot layer, and is not to be used for legal purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Real Market Value lKM v J ·10ta1 ASsessea va1ue Tax ..........: ..--4 -·--' ' >J·'),~"".\;lf ,;,;;;· ""l.~;;.:i;-11:;::e~-- 2015 $348,362 $0 $348,362 $131»391 $2,441.5 2014 $348,362 $0 $348,362 $132,424 $2,404.1>9 2013 $33t!,2l(J $0 $338,216 $128,561 $2,357.82 2012 $33t!,2l(J $0 $338,216 $124,822 $2,139.81 2011 :i;33ts,2lb $0 $338,216 $121,18t $2,082.39 2010 :i;341,b33 $0 $341,633 $117,65t $2,023.40 2009 $432,44? $0 $432,44? $114,229 $1,972.79 2008 :i;39b,741 $0 $396,741 $110,902 $1,940.02 2007 :i;39b,741 $0 $396,741 $107,672 $1,755.9 200() $3b7,353 $0 $367,353 :i;104,530 :i;1,7ob.38 2005 $327,994 $0 $327,994 $101,49 $1,000.79 2004 $285,213 $0 $285,213 $98,535 $l,636.7ts 2003 $264,087 $0 $2b4,0t!7 $95,00t $1,589.80 2002 $2b4,087 $0 $264,087 $92,879 $1,452.49 2001 $2bl,47' $0 $261,473 :i;90,174 $1,424.90 2000 $184,bOO $0 $184,600 $87,548 :i;1,390.4t 1999 $151,310 $0 $151,310 $t!4,99~ $l,405.b9 1998 $127,150 $0 $127,150 $t!2,522 $1,3b6,4~ 1997 $123,450 $0 $123,450 $80,118 $1,361.38 199<> $113,2oc $0 :i;113,2<>0 $113,200 $1,765.73 1995 $89,020 $0 $89,020 $89,020 $1,397.31 Attachment 3, Page 656 of 664 ~,-:c?c~~ .. MAIN ST r-~~~-'---J V'l ~------'---'-----'--ASTER ST Attachment 14 >-V'l ~ST~!'l ST ~ Ir----~ ......... , . ....._ " ..,. l.Z ACPU ~ ~ l .I 9,•·S-•S ~ .1 , . ., M-33 >-V> I >-00 .., .· / WETLANDS INVENTORY CITY OF SPRINGFIELD " 10 1n/11 -" "I eo f 11 In " .. ~I .. I .. I,, I I I I I 1-I I I I I I I .. " ., .. " "' .. " )) I 3-4 f ::e ~ ,, ,. ,, ,. 31 ;1 • I I I I I I I I I . I . I .... I .. / .. / .. / ,, I ~ 1 .. 1 u 1 .. 1.·: I : I.~ l [] M1p E:rtnita ill LEGEND SCALE: 1--200· ,---.. DlllNEAT!I> ll1UNllS (-pol7eoo ...... .,,, L-...JI {willl OSI. DtiinUUclD Humber) (~~~:::.) DntRWJND mtANDS (dllhd poly~D '°und..,) 011-srrt DEllJOOHATJON .,, OH-Sm: IJlTDlllHAl10• NmGAT£11 W!T'WiD Lil S'nlDY AJ!!A BOUND.ll!Y ---1.m.AND CLASSJflCATION DEUNUTlOJf PSS WZl'WD llAS!l111c.tTIOll(S) tooQUE CODE h'UKBD. RIN -RIVERINE IHTEIMIT1UT RlJ' -RlV!JtUfE lDl!I PERIHNUl. PrO -PWJSllllllE FOl!STtD PSS -PlWSTRIN! SCRUI -SHRUB Pill -PAUJSTMil Dl!RCDff POI -PAWS'TlUti! OFrlf WAT?R + 8-J f 1'!SJ Prr LOCA110frt AlfD IDEJmflER + ~ NOTES llPL\NIJAJllA Sl!CTJON Wl'IS {.,prorlrHLe) m-rtON amtn: {•pprotimatt) PROPDTY BOUNDAJUES AHO TAX IDT NIJll!lfl!S RJ'Y!IS AND STRF.UIS ours:IDE OP STUDY AW art IJlmS IJCI I. 8ASl MAP DOM I.COG D1c;JT.U. DATABASE (S!ATI! PIAM! COOUIJIATI! SYS!Dli ME '"°' Z. l'IElD JORI PERP'OIUIED DI Ml! JM. AND APRD. 19'1 WWP!I> ON 1·:::400' ILACI Al'O 11111!, AJfD JNtllARID AJR PIOTO 8'St. 8IACl ANO YBJTI AIR PHOTO DATE: 11111 tH1'RAR!D AIR PHOTO Dill!: I t9CI 3. UTWrlD BOUJfDAJUCS BAY! NC1J' IED SURYETD AND ARE APPIOIBIAT!. 80U1'llMl!S AR! stAlED AlfD/OI< llEAS1llD noll PIOPl!llT 11.N!S .11111 llllllR CEOCWBIC Rl7ER!llCl POIHIS. •• DiTORMAnON SHOD Ofl nus IMP IS roa PWeflNG PURPOSlll AD W. ftTtAICI ICDilti\RID AR! UPROIDlAft. DI W. CASIS. .iCTtW. mlJI COODmOllS D!lUJIOO: l!!UJlt llOONlWtl!S. T1lER£ JIAY Bl UNIW"P!D QTU.lfDS suancr TO Jl!CUUTIOH. nus PROJECT us f'UJlDEll DI PA«? IY TH an OY SPRINCFIEl.D, fJMlO?fllOO.U. PROTECTION AC!NCY AHO T1l! U.S. ECONOlfJC DlYELOPIWft' ADllDGS1'1tlTION • DAT£: UPDAT!D. APRIL 19911 ~~~-=--=~ Lii IW 31 Attachment 3, Page 657 of 664 Explore Create b".J Enable Map rips Pan I Z.-. 111 I Zoom Out Full Previous Extent Extent Display for... • NaV19abon Selected Results (4) « View History Refine Results I Table ~ View Selected » Select None 1702312100100 Tax tor Map & TaxlOI Number 1702312100100 Stte Address 1 of 1: 1001 35TH ST Tax Account Number 1: 118893 Property Owner 1: SUNDANCE LUMBER CO Approximate Taxlot Acreaoe: 4.5 RUD Reports: ~ [!]EJ Other Links: 1702304301700 Taxlor Map & Taxlot Number: 1702304301700 Stte Address 1 of 0: Tax Account Number 1: 115822 ,_.__ Property OWner 1: SUNDANCE LUMBER co Approximate Taxlot Acreaoe: 4 88 RUD Reports: ~[!JEJ Other Links· ~-1702304304700 Taxlor Map & Taxlot Number: 1702304304700 SHe Address 1 of 2: 1225 38TH ST Tax Account Number 1: 116242 Property OWner 1: SUNDANCE LUMBER co Approxinate Taxlot Acreaoe: 2 63 RUD Reports: ~ [!)E) Other Linl(s: ~· 1702311200100 Taxlor Map & Taxlot Number: 1702311200100 SHe Address 1 ot O: Tax Account Number 1: 116853 J..;;,.. Property OWner 1: SUNDANCE LUMBER co Approxinate Ta>dot Acreage: 6 04 RUD Reports: ri::l [!) EJ Other links: ~ f~;;;: 1 ......... 1 1-• Search For Select Select By Taidot/Address By Point Freehand a rJ Select By Select By Polygon Rec tangle Get Taxlol1 From Addresses ~ Get Addresses From Tllldots Attachment 15 x Clear Selecbon Attachment 3, Page 658 of 664 . . Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/8/2016 at 7:54PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Detailed Property Report Site Address 1001 35TH ST Springfield, OR 97478-5605 Map & Taxlot#17-02-31-21-00100 SIC N/A Tax Account# 0118693 Related Accts 1851367 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-31-21-00100 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 SUNDANCE LUMBER CO PO BOX109 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Tax account acreage 4-48 Mapped taxlot acreage t 4.51 Pagel of2 t Mappc .. -d Taxlot Acreage is the estimated si1'..c of a taxlot as dcri\'cd from the county GIS taxlot layer, and is not to be us1.."<l for legal purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Keal MarKet va1ue lKMv' J 10tru ASsessed Value Tax ;.a-. ..... .. .·,· <!'-~ ·" .· . ' . :··. " ,,. . ?:: ·':'·1!-'f ~ .. ·---... ... ;-·., ,_;;;. 2015 :i;499,775 :i;235,otsc :i;734,ts51 :i;734,ts51 :i;12,039.38 2014 :i;499,775 :i;21ts,9oc :n1i:s,735 :i;71ts,735 :i;12,541.2< 2013 :i;4ts5,220 :i;214,ooo ;i>oy9,2ts0 :i;o99,2oc :i;12,327.12 2012 :i;4ts5,220 :i;1ts1,7tso ;i>oo7,ooo :i;oo7,ooc :jjll,129-42 2011 $41:15,220 $ts27,ts20 $1,313,040 $1,313,04c $2l,95ts.10 2010 $490,120 $t109,40C $1,359,5110 $1,359,5110 $22,757.40 2009 $020,410 $1133,020 $1,453,430 $1,453.430 $24,442-91 20011 $509,1110 $9119,450 $1,5511,030 $1,479,1127 $25,5911.57 2007 $509,1110 $1,323,360 $1,1192,540 $1,430,725 $23,430.113 2000 $527,020 $1,339,070 $1,tsoo,090 $1,394,1175 $22,709.17 2005 $470,550 $1,216,110 $1,otso,ooo $1,354,251 $22,267.54 2004 $409,170 $695,1170 $1,105,040 $1,105,040 $17,1121.75 2003 $3711,tsoo $731,700 $1,110,560 $1,ll0,560 $17,9111.77 2002 :i;37ts,tsOO :i;779,270 :i;1,15ts,130 $1,158,130 $17,551-4t 2001 $375,110 $5311,330 $913,440 :i;913,440 :i;13,992.2' 2000 $2311,630 $9411,570 $1,1117,200 $1,063,632 $16,893.14 1999 $195,00C $7110,650 $976,250 $922,411 $15,077.95 19911 $104,370 $740,1190 $905,260 $895.54' $14,444.90 1997 $159,5110 $741,670 $901,250 $856,170 $14,354.3~ 1990 $140,400 $729,5110 $1175,9110 $875,980 $13,656.5'1 1995 $101,14( $790,160 $951,300 $951,300 $14,932.0~ Attachment 3, Page 659 of 664 . . Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/8/2016 at 7:55PM using RUD (www.rlid.org) Detailed Property Report SiteAddress N/A Map & Taxlot#17-02-30-43-01700 SIC N/A TaxAccount# 0115822 Related Accts 5317340 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-30-43-01700 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 SUNDANCE LUMBER CO PO BOX109 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Tax account acreage 4.97 Mapped taxlot acreage t 4.88 Page I of2 t Mapped Taxlot Acreage is the estimated sb..c of a taxlot as dcrh'(.'() from the oounty GIS tnxlot layer, and is not to 00 used for legal pur(XJSCS. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. i<.eai MarKet Value lKMVJ Totru ASsessea va1ue HVI ~ ..Llllllll .-, ... :··,.,_ . ... ""~ ' ., 2015 $325,3!H $0 $325,381 $248,12, :i;4,441.49 2014 $325,381 $0 $325,381 :i;240,89 :ti4.374-45 2013 $315,904 $0 $315,90~ :ji233,88I $4,289.19 2012 $315,904 $0 $315,90~ $227,009 $3,892.02 2011 $315,904 $0 $315,904 $220,455 $3,788.li 2010 $319,09" $0 $319,095 $214,034 $3,080.8? 2009 $403,91~ $0 $403,91~ $207,800 $3,588.81 2008 $370,56; $0 $370,56; $201,748 $3,529.20 2007 $370,56; $0 $370,50i $195,872 $3,194.38 2000 :i;343,11~ :i;o :i;343,11~ :i;190,107 $3,104.17 2005 $300,350 :i;o :i;300,350 ilill:l4,628 $3,035·7~ 2004 :i;200,39, $0 $200,391 :i;179,250 $2,977-56 2003 :i;240,004 $0 $240,004 :i;174,029 :i;2,892.0t 2002 $240,004 $0 $240,004 $108,900 $2,!J42.28 2001 :i;244,222 :i;o :i;244,222 :i;104,03~ iji2,592.10 2000 $275,22c :i;o :i;275,22c :i;159,201 i!i2,S29-4t 1999 :i;225,590 :i;o :i;225,590 :i;154,022 :i;2,557.12 1998 $189,570 :i;o :i;189,570 :i;150,11~ i!i2.485.79 1997 $184,050 :i;o i!il84,050 :i;145,74t :i;2,470.54 1996 $168,85c :i;o :jil08,85C :jil08,85C :i;2,032.37 1995 $I6I,94c :i;o :i;101,94c :i;101,94c :i;2,541.89 Attachment 3, Page 660 of 664 Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/8/2016 at 7:56PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Detailed Property Report Site Address 1225 38TH ST Springfield, OR 97478 Map & Taxlot# 17-02-30-43-04700 SIC N/A Tax Account# 0116242 a a Additional site address( es) are associated with this tax account Map & Taxlot # 17-02-30-43-04700 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 SUNDANCE LUMBER CO POBOX109 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Tax account acreage 2.44 Mapped taxlot acreaget 2.63 Page I of2 t MaPIX--d Taxlot Acreage is the estimated si1.c of a tax.lot as derived from the oounty GIS taxlot lo.)-cr, and is not to be used for legal purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Real Market Value lKM v J 10ta1 Assessea vame ""' _....... -'o,. , . ....-.. :;' "': >' ,,,. •;_.:; .;~:".; •,'Ii '•, ,; 2015 $185,ISIS\ :po :p1is5,oo< :i;is5,is2s :p1,530.3t 2014 :p1is5,oo\ :po $I1S5,oo~ :i;is3,329 $1,513.1, 2013 :j;llS0,475 $0 $!1S0,475 $80,902 $I,483.ot 2012 :j;!80,475 $0 $180,475 $78,54( $1,340.51 2011 $180,475 $0 $H:!0,475 $76,25t $1,310.37 2010 $182,29t $0 $182,298 $74,031 $1,273,2t 2009 $230,75? $0 $230,757 $71,881 $1,241.42 200l:S $211,704 $0 $211,704 $09,781 $1,220.79 2007 $211,704 $0 $211,704 $67,754 $1,104.97 200!> $190,02~ $0 $196,02< $65,781 :p1,073.77 2005 $175,021 $0 $175,021 :P!>3,l:S!>5 :p1,050.1 2004 $152,193 $0 $152,193 :i;o2,oos :p1,029.9t 2003 $140,920 $0 $140,920 :i;oo,199 :p1,ooo,41 2002 $140,920 $0 $140,920 :P5l:S.44!> :p 914.01 2001 $129,72 $0 $129,72 $55,!>12 $ l:S78.7t 2000 $118,22( $0 :jilllS,22( $53.992 $ l:S57.53 1999 $90,900 $0 $96,900 :p52,419 $ 000.90 1991:S $t!!,43c $0 $81,43c :p50,ts9~ $ !l42.71 1997 $79,00~ $0 $79,0!>C :i;49,41c $ !l39.57 199!> $72,53C $0 $72,53c :i;72,53c $1,130.74 1995 $54,04C :pisoo $54,90( :p54,9oc $ !lb!.73 Attachment 3, Page 661 of 664 ~ . Produced by Landwatch Lane County on 9/8/2016 at 7:57PM using RLID (www.rlid.org) Detailed Property Report SiteAddress N/A Map & Taxlot#17-02-31-12-00100 SIC N/A TaxAccount# 0116853 Map & Taxlot # 17-02-31-12-00100 Property Values & Taxes Property Owner 1 SUNDANCE LUMBER CO POBOX109 SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 Tax account acreage 6.06 Mapped taxlot acreaget 6.04 Page I of2 t Mappc.'CI Taxlot Acreage is the estimated size of a taxlot as dcrinxl from the oountyGIS taxlot layer, and i.s not to be used for legal purposes. The values shown are the values certified in October unless a value change has been processed on the property. Value changes typically occur as a result of appeals, clerical errors and omitted property. The tax shown is the amount certified in October. This is the full amount of tax for the year indicated and does not include any discounts offered, payments made, interest owing or previous years owing. It also does not reflect any value changes. Keal Market Value (KM v J Total Assessed Value 1ax ~ .Lllllll .· ··-·.~: ·' ·; , ; .:· ·; ;.-« • ti;.}.T,'.::;;r .~:l 2015 $276,249 $0 $276,24< $111,45( :i;1,995.10 2014 $276,249 $0 :i;270,245 $101l,210 $1,904.99 2013 $268,203 $0 $201l,203 $105,05~ :i;1,920.oo 2012 $20ll,203 $0 $201l,203 $101,991l $I,741l.5'1 2011 $201l,203 $0 $201l,203 $99,027 $1,701.62 2010 $270,913 $0 $270,913 $96,143 $1,653.4° 2009 $342,928 $0 $342,928 $93,343 $1,612.0~ 2008 $314,613 $0 $314,613 $90,024 $l,51l5.2~ 2007 $314,613 $0 $314,613 $1l7,91l4 :i;1,434.1l9 2006 $291,309 $0 $291,309 $1l5,421 $1,394.30 2005 $260,098 $0 $200,091l $1l2,933 $1,303.04 2004 $226,173 $0 $220,173 $1l0,517 $1,337.4~ 2003 $209,420 $0 $209,42C $78,172 $1,299.09 2002 $209,420 $0 :i;209,42c $75,89' $1,186.M 2001 $200,415 $0 $206,415 $67,27c $1,062.98 2000 $101l,250 $0 $l01l,250 $65,311 $1,037.30 1999 $88,730 $0 $1lll,730 $63,409 $1,048.60 1998 $74,56o $0 $74,560 $61,562 $1,019.41 1997 $72,390 $0 $72,390 $59,705 $1,015.60 1996 $()(),410 $0 ;i.00,410 $66,41c $1,035.32 1995 $00,410 $0 ;i.00,410 $66,41C $1,042-4 Attachment 3, Page 662 of 664