HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan ATT2 Exhibit E Ordinance _____, Exhibit E Proposed amendments to Springfield Development Code Chapter 3 Land Use Districts establishing Section 3.2-900 Agriculture—Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District to implement the Urban Holding Area – Employment plan designation and Natural Resource plan designation. Attachment 2, Page 511 of 1045 1 CHAPTER 3 LAND USE DISTRICTS Section 3.1-100 Official Zoning Maps Section 3.2-100 Base Zoning Districts Section 3.2-200 Residential Zoning Districts Section 3.2-300 Commercial Zoning Districts Section 3.2-400 Industrial Zoning Districts Section 3.2-500 Medical Services Zoning District Section 3.2-600 Mixed-Use Zoning Districts. Section 3.2-700 Public Land and Open Space Zoning District Section 3.2-800 Quarry and Mining Operations Zoning District Section 3.2-900 Agriculture-Urban Holding Area Zoning District Section 3.3-100 Overlay Districts Section 3.3-200 Drinking Water Protection Overlay District Section 3.3-300 Willamette Greenway Overlay District Section 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District Section 3.3-500 Hillside Development Overlay District Section 3.3-600 Reserved for Future Use Section 3.3-700 Reserved for Future Use Section 3.3-800 Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District Section 3.3-900 Historic Overlay District Section 3.3-1000 Nodal Development Overlay District Section 3.3-1100 Hospital Support Overlay District Section 3.4-100 Plan Districts Section 3.4-200 Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-Use Plan District Section 3.4-300 Booth-Kelly Mixed-Use Plan District Section 3.5-100 Refinement Plan Policies—Opus Exhibit E-1 Attachment 2, Page 512 of 1045 2 Section 3.2-900 Agriculture—Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District Subsections 3.2-905 Establishment of the AG District 3.2-910 Applicability 3.2-915 Schedule of Use Categories 3.2-920 Base Zoning Standards 3.2-930 Planning Requirements Applicable to Zoning Map Amendments 3.2-905 Establishment of the Agriculture—Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District The City’s Agriculture—Urban Holding Area District (AG) is established to protect urbanizable lands designated Urban Holding Area-Employment (UHA-E) and Natural Resource (NR) in the comprehensive plan from land division and incompatible interim development. The AG regulatory measures guide and support orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use to accommodate population and urban employment inside the UGB. AG standards regulate development to maintain the land’s potential for planned future urban development until appropriate urban facilities and services are planned or available and annexation to Springfield can occur, as described in the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element. Land designated Urban Holding Area-Employment will be annexed to the city and rezoned from AG to an appropriate industrial or commercial zone at which time urban industrial and other employment uses will supersede the interim rural uses permitted in the AG District. A. The AG District implements the Urban Holding Area-Employment (UHA-E) plan designation and Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element policies by preserving an inventory of suitable employment sites — including sites 20 acres and larger — to provide opportunities for economic growth and diversification. B. The AG District is applied concurrently with the UHA-E designation at the time of a Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansion and remains in effect until the land is designated and zoned for urban employment uses through a City or owner-initiated plan or zoning amendment process, as described in Subsection 3.2-930 Planning Requirements Applicable to Zoning Map Amendments, and as further described in the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element. C. The AG District implements the Natural Resource (NR) plan designation on private and publicly owned lands within the urbanizable areas to allow continuation of existing agricultural uses while supporting transition to use and management of land to for the primary benefit of values such as fish and wildlife habitat, soil conservation, watershed conservation, scenic resources, passive recreational opportunities, vegetative cover, and open space. D. The AG District is applied concurrently with the Natural Resource (NR) plan designation at the time of a Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) expansion, and remains in effect until the land is designated, zoned and master-planned as described in Subsection 3.2-930 Planning Requirements Applicable to Zoning Map Amendments, and as further described in the Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element. 3.2-910 Applicability Exhibit E-2 Attachment 2, Page 513 of 1045 3 The provisions of the AG District apply to urbanizable lands designated UHA-E or Natural Resource (NR) in the comprehensive plan. 3.2-915 Schedule of Use Categories The AG District implements Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element policies by limiting interim uses on urbanizable land designated Urban Holding Area – Employment to only those rural uses that will not impede future annexation, zoning and development of the land to accommodate urban employment uses and densities to meet Springfield’s long range employment land needs. The following uses are permitted in the AG District on an interim basis when developed under the applicable provisions, restrictions and exceptions specified in this Code. “P” = PERMITTED USE subject to the standards of this Code. “S” = SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT STANDARDS subject to special locational and/or siting standards as specified in Section 4.7-100. Note: Some uses in this category may require Site Plan Review and/or Discretionary Use approval. “D” = DISCRETIONARY USE subject to review and analysis under Type III procedure as required in Section 5.9-100 at the Planning Commission or Hearings Official level. Use Categories/Uses AG A. Allowed Interim Uses for Lands Designated Urban Holding Area- Employment Agricultural uses including the cultivation of tree crops, plants, orchards, pasture, flower, berry and bush crops or the keeping, boarding, raising or breeding of livestock or poultry. P On-site constructing and maintaining of equipment, structures and facilities used for the activities described as farm uses. (1),(3),(4) P Preparation, storage, and marketing of the products or by-products raised on such land for human and animal use, or distributing food by donation to a local food bank or school or otherwise. (1) P Sales/Display of Produce as specified in Subsection 4.8-125. (1),(4) S Signs (5) P Accessory Uses Community Gardens P Replacement of a lawfully existing dwelling or structure as specified in Subsection 5.8-115. (2),(3) P Emergency Medical Hardship as specified in Section 5.10-100. (2) P Other Commercial Services Home Occupation within a lawfully existing dwelling and as specified in Subsection 4.7-165 (4) S Utilities and Communication High Impact Public Utility Facility as specified in Subsection 4.7-160 S/D Low Impact Public Utility Facility P (1) Where farm stands are designed and used for sale of farm crops and livestock grown on the farm operation and does not include structures for banquets, public gatherings or public entertainment. “Farm crops and livestock” includes both fresh or processed farm crops and livestock grown on the farm operation. (2) On parcels larger than 20 acres, replacement of a lawfully existing farm dwelling as specified in Subsection 5.8-115 shall be placed at the existing dwelling location; or at least 100 feet from the adjoining lines of property zoned EFU to minimize adverse effects on nearby farm lands outside the UGB; and in a location that Exhibit E-3 Attachment 2, Page 514 of 1045 4 does not impede future development of urban employment use or extension of urban infrastructure as shown in transportation plans, public facilities plans or master plans. (3) Placement of new structures is subject to Water Quality Protection setbacks as specified in Subsection 4.3-115 and the Natural Resource Protection standards as specified in Subsection 4.3-117 where applicable. (4) Proposed new uses or expansions of existing uses must demonstrate that the use will not generate vehicle trips exceeding pre-development levels. (5) Signs shall not extend over a public right of way or project beyond the property line; shall not be illuminated or capable of movement; and shall be limited to 200 square feet in area. B. Allowed Interim Uses for Lands Designated Natural Resource (6),(7) Continuation of normal farm practices such as grazing, plowing, planting, cultivating and harvesting. (6) P Wetland and/or riparian restoration and rehabilitation activities P Vegetation management necessary to control invasive vegetation or to reduce a hazard to life or property. P Removal of non-native vegetation, if replaced with native plant species at a density that prevents soil erosion and encourages the future dominance of the native vegetation. P Maintenance of existing drainage ways, ditches, or other structures to maintain flows at original design capacity and mitigate upstream flooding, provided that management practices avoid sedimentation and impact to native vegetation and any spoils are be placed in uplands. P Waterway restoration and rehabilitation activities such as channel widening, realignment to add meanders, bank grading, terracing, reconstruction of street crossings, or water flow improvements. P Emergency stream bank stabilization to remedy immediate threats to life or property.(7) P Bioswales or similar water quality improvement projects; P Public multi-use paths, access ways, trails, picnic areas, or interpretive and educational displays and overlooks, including benches and outdoor furniture. P Utilities and Communication High Impact Public Utility Facility as specified in Subsection 4.7-160 S/D Low Impact Public Utility Facility D (6) Consistent with applicable wetland or land use permits issued by Federal, State or local approving authority with jurisdiction over wetland or riparian resources, including the Water Quality Protection provisions in Subsection 4.3-115 and Section 3.3-400 Floodplain Overlay District. (7) Federal, State or local emergency authorization may be needed for in-stream work. 3.2-920 Pre-existing and Non-conforming Uses A. Continuance, expansion, modification or replacement of lawful uses existing on a property at the time of the effective date of this zone are determined and permitted as otherwise specified in Section 5.8-100 of this Code; and B. The Applicant shall submit evidence to demonstrate that the expansion or modification: 1. will not generate vehicle trips exceeding pre-development levels; 2. will not force a significant change in accepted farm practices on surrounding lands devoted to farm or forest use; and 3. will not significantly increase the cost of accepted farm or forest practices on surrounding lands devoted to farm or forest use. 3.2-925 Standards for Interim Development Exhibit E-4 Attachment 2, Page 515 of 1045 5 These regulations apply to the development of interim uses as specified in Subsection 3.2-915 and 3.2-920 in the AG District. A. Receive certification from the Lane County Sanitarian that any proposed wastewater disposal system meets Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (D.E.Q.) standards prior to Development Approval. B. Interim uses may not be placed on a site in a manner that would impede future development of land designated Urban Holding Area-Employment with urban employment uses. C. Interim uses may not be placed on a site in manner that would impede extension of infrastructure to serve land designated Urban Holding Area-Employment from developing with urban employment uses. D. To demonstrate compliance with this provision, and in addition to the special provisions listed in Table A, the Applicant shall submit a Future Development Plan that: 1. Includes a brief narrative explaining the existing and proposed use of the property; 2. Indicates the proposed development footprint on a scaled plot plan of the property; 3. Limits the proposed new development footprint to ½ acre or less of the site; 4. Addresses future street connectivity as shown in the Transportation System Plan, Regional Transportation System Plan, Local Street Network Plan, Springfield Comprehensive Plan, applicable Refinement Plans and this Code; 5. Addresses the number and type of vehicle trips to be generated by the proposed use; 6. Addresses the applicable Natural Resources protection, Water Quality Limited Watercourses protection, Floodplain Overlay Development Standards, and Drinking Water Protection Overlay Development Standards of this Code. E. Development shall utilize the following base zone development standards: Minimum Lot/Parcel Sizes A 50-acre minimum lot/parcel size is applied to lots/parcels 50 acres or larger. A 20-acre minimum lot/parcel size is applied to lots/parcels less than 50 acres in size. Lots/parcels less than 20 acres in size may not be further divided. (1) Main Building Height 35 feet Accessory Building Height 35 feet (2) Building/structure Setbacks: UHA-E designated parcels 20 acres and larger 20 feet from State, County, City roads, streets and local access roads. At least 100 feet from the adjoining lines of property zoned EFU; and in a location that does not impede future development of urban employment use or extension of urban infrastructure as shown in transportation plans, public facilities plans or master plans. Exhibit E-5 Attachment 2, Page 516 of 1045 6 Building/structure Setbacks: UHA-E designated parcels smaller than 20 acres 20 feet from State, County, City roads, streets and local access roads. 10 feet from other property lines. Minimum Lot/Parcel Frontage None Minimum Lot/Parcel Depth None (1) Exemption: Land divisions that create lots/parcels for the purpose of establishing a Natural Resource or Public/Semi-Public Parks and Open Space designation within the floodway, wetland or riparian resource portions of the site may create lots/parcels less than 20 acres within the Natural Resource or Public/Semi-Public Parks and Open Space designation portion of the parent lot/parcel. (2) Water tanks, silos, granaries, barns and similar accessory structures or necessary mechanical appurtenances may exceed the minimum height standard. 3.2-930 Planning Requirements Applicable to Zoning Map Amendments In addition to the standards, procedures and review criteria in Section 5.22-100 applicable to Zoning Map Amendments, Table 1 provides an overview of the planning procedures required prior to rezoning land from Agriculture - Urban Holding Area (AG) to urban employment zoning designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, or Industrial). Table 1 shows both City and Owner-initiated planning processes. Table 1. Pre-Development Approval Process Steps – Urban Holding Areas City-initiated Planning Process Owner-initiated Planning Process 1. City prepares Plan Amendment to address all applicable Statewide Planning Goals (e.g. amended or new refinement plan or district plan), Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan policies and Springfield Development Code standards. 1. Applicant submits request to City to initiate amendments to the Transportation System Plan and Public Facilities and Services Plan, and other city actions that may be required prior to plan amendment approval. 2. City and Lane County approve Plan Amendment to amend Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan. UHA-E designation is replaced with employment plan designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, or Industrial). AG zoning remains in effect until Master Plan and new zoning are approved. 2. Applicant prepares and submits Plan Amendment application to address all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan policies, and Springfield Development Code standards. Applicant proposes employment plan designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, or Industrial). 3. City prepares and approves Zoning Map Amendment to apply new zoning districts (e.g. Industrial, Campus Industrial, Employment Mixed Use, or Employment). Land is planned and zoned and eligible for annexation. 3. City and Lane County approve Plan Amendment to amend Metro Plan and Springfield Comprehensive Plan. UHA-E designation is replaced with employment plan designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, or Industrial). AG zoning remains in effect until Master Plan and new zoning are approved. Exhibit E-6 Attachment 2, Page 517 of 1045 7 4. Applicant prepares and submits Preliminary Master Plan and annexation applications with demonstration of key urban service provision. 4. Applicant prepares and submits Preliminary Master Plan, proposed zoning and demonstration of key urban services provision. Applicant submits annexation application. 5. City approves Master Plan and annexation. 5. City approves Master Plan and Zoning Map Amendment and annexation. 6. Applicant submits Site Plan, Subdivision and other applicable development applications. 6. Applicant submits Site Plan, Subdivision etc. development applications. Table 5: Pre-Development Approval Process Steps – Urban Holding Areas Exhibit E-7 Attachment 2, Page 518 of 1045