HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan ATT2 Exhibit C Ordinance _____, Exhibit C Proposed amendments to Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan) to adopt the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element as Springfield’s comprehensive plan in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 14, Urbanization. The Urbanization Element contains Springfield’s city-specific goals, policies, implementation measures and findings to address land needs for the planning period 2010-2030, replacing Metro Plan Urbanization and Growth Management policies applicable to lands within Springfield’s jurisdictional area; Proposed amendments to the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary Map and Technical Supplement describing the amended UGB; and Proposed amendments to the Metro Plan Boundary to be coterminous with the UGB. C-1 Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element and Springfield Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) Map C-2 UGB Technical Supplement Attachment 2, Page 273 of 1045 U-1 | Urbanization Element Metro Plan Amendment Springfield Ordinance ________, Lane County Ordinance _______ SPRINGFIELD 2030 COMPREHENSIVE PLAN URBANIZATION ELEMENT Commentary: After approval of the Urbanization Element, the following section will be formatted and numbered to be consistent with 2030 Residential and Economic Elements that list policies and implementation strategies under the corresponding 2030 Plan Urbanization Goals. For discussion purposes, policies are numbered and implementation strategies are bulleted. Green font = 2030 Urbanization Element Planning Goals Blue font = Metro Plan policies carried over into the 2030 Plan. Commentary: The Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan (2030 Plan) is currently being developed as Springfield’s new land use comprehensive plan policy document applicable to Springfield’s jurisdictional area of the Metro Plan. Oregon’s statewide planning goals are achieved through local comprehensive planning. State law requires each city and county to have a comprehensive plan and the zoning and land-division ordinances needed to put the plan into effect. The local comprehensive plan guides a community’s land use, conservation of natural resources, economic development, and public facilities, and must be consistent with statewide planning goals. Comprehensive plans contain 1) sections of background, data, inventories and analysis — the factual base describing a community’s resources and features; and 2) the policy “elements” of the plan setting forth the community’s long-range objectives and the policies by which it intends to achieve them. The policy element of each community’s plan is adopted by ordinance and has the force of law [Oregon Statewide Planning Goals, DLCD, March 12, 2010]. The 2030 Plan is Springfield’s local comprehensive plan to demonstrate compliance with applicable Oregon Land Use Planning Statutes, Goals and Administrative Rules for the specific land use planning goals that it addresses. The City and Lane County are co-adopting separate chapters — called “elements”— of the 2030 Plan on an incremental basis to replace or refine existing policies in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). After local adoption and approval by the State, the 2030 Plan Elements become the “acknowledged” land use policies that control land use planning for the area within the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary. Springfield’s Residential Land Use and Housing Element was acknowledged in 2011 to address Springfield’s housing needs for the 2010-2030 planning period. The Economic and Urbanization Elements are being forwarded for adoption at this time to address employment and economic development land use needs and the urban transition process. Other elements of Metro Plan remain in effect for Springfield until they are replaced or otherwise addressed by local adoption of future Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan elements or other Metro plan changes initiated by Metro Plan partners. During this period of transition from Metro area to local plans, Springfield’s “comprehensive plan” consists of the Metro Plan and the Elements of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan. OVERVIEW Exhibit C 1-1 Attachment 2, Page 274 of 1045 U-2 | Urbanization Element The Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan (2030 Plan) is currently being developed as Springfield’s new land use comprehensive plan policy document applicable to Springfield’s jurisdictional area of the Metro Plan. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element is the chapter of the 2030 Plan that guides future development in Springfield by describing how and where land will be developed and infrastructure provided to meet long term growth needs while maintaining and improving community livability. The purpose of the Urbanization Element is to inform and guide long range land use and public facilities planning to address Springfield’s land needs for the planning period 2010-2030 in compliance with Statewide Planning Goal 14, Urbanization. Goal 14. Urbanization – To provide for an orderly and efficient transition from rural to urban land use, to accommodate population and urban employment inside urban growth boundaries, to ensure efficient use of land, and to provide for livable communities. Oregon law requires cities and counties to establish and maintain urban growth boundaries (UGBs) for urban areas to provide land for urban development needs and to identify and separate urban and urbanizable land from rural land. The land within the UGB includes “urban” lands within the incorporated City and “urbanizable lands1” — those lands that are within the UGB but have not yet been annexed to the City. Urbanizable lands are considered to be available for urban development consistent with plans for the provision of urban facilities and services. The City and Lane County are required to co-adopt comprehensive plan policies, zoning, and development code provisions to regulate land uses and land divisions of urbanizable lands to maintain their potential for planned urban development until adequate public facilities and services necessary for urban level of development are available or planned. The Urbanization Element establishes the comprehensive plan policies and zoning applicable to urbanizable lands within Springfield’s Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) that are necessary to efficiently and effectively plan and manage the land supply as land uses transition from rural to urban. This policy direction is based on the need to: Designate a 20-year supply of urbanizable land to accommodate population and employment growth. Allow and regulate interim land uses that do not impede future development of planned urban land uses and densities. 1 Oregon’s Statewide Planning Goals & Guidelines define “urbanizable land” as “Urban land that, due to the present unavailability of urban facilities and services, or for other reasons, either: (a) Retains the zone designations assigned prior to inclusion in the boundary, or (b) Is subject to interim zone designations intended to maintain the land’s potential for planned urban development until appropriate public facilities and services are available or planned.” Exhibit C 1-2 Attachment 2, Page 275 of 1045 U-3 | Urbanization Element Plan for the orderly and efficient extension of public facilities and services. Designate land for community open space and recreational needs. Designate land to provide and manage the public facilities and environmental services needed to serve Springfield’s urban area. Manage growth and improve community livability through increasingly efficient use of land consistent and compatible with the community’s needs, resources, opportunities and advantages within the broader Southern Willamette Valley region. The policy direction provided by the Urbanization Element guides comprehensive planning coordination, zoning and land use regulation within the UGB, including: future refinement planning and zoning at the more detailed level of neighborhood, district (e.g. Gateway), or corridor; future regional and local transportation, infrastructure and capital improvement planning; future comprehensive plan, zoning and Springfield Development Code amendments; review of property owner-initiated land use proposals; and review of property owner-initiated land use applications including annexation requests. SPRINGFIELD URBANIZATION PLANNING GOALS The following Urbanization Element Planning Goals express the desired community development outcomes and benefits the City aspires to achieve by planning and managing land in new growth areas of the City. UG-1 Promote compact, orderly and efficient urban development by guiding future growth to vacant sites and redevelopment areas within the established areas of the city, and to urbanizable lands where future annexation and development may occur. UG-2 Promote efficient and economical patterns of mixed land uses and development densities that locate a variety of different life activities, such as employment, housing, shopping and recreation in convenient proximity; and where accessible by multiple modes of transportation — including walking, bicycling, and transit in addition to motor vehicles — within and between neighborhoods and districts. Exhibit C 1-3 Attachment 2, Page 276 of 1045 U-4 | Urbanization Element UG-3 Provide adequate level of urban services, including but not limited to public water, wastewater, stormwater management systems, environmental services and an urban multi-modal transportation system as urban development occurs within the Springfield UGB. UG-4 As the City grows and as land develops, maintain and reinforce Springfield’s identity as a river-oriented community by emphasizing and strengthening physical connections between people and nature in the City’s land development patterns and infrastructure design. UG-5 Increase Springfield’s capability to respond to natural hazard impacts and to enhance public safety, health and robustness of the economy and natural environment. Create opportunities for innovative urban development and economic diversification. MANAGING URBAN TRANSITION Springfield manages the orderly and efficient transition of land from rural to urban to implement the Urbanization Planning Goals through application of the following planning policies, implementing ordinances, tools and procedures: The Urban Growth Boundary Comprehensive plan designations and policies Springfield Zoning Map Springfield Development Code land use regulations and development standards — including the Annexation process Planned provision of urban facilities and services: o Metropolitan Public Facilities and Services Plan o Springfield Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plans o Springfield Transportation System Plan o Springfield Capital Improvement Program SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY The Springfield UGB establishes a 20-year supply of land based on demonstrated need to accommodate long range population growth and demonstrated need for housing, employment Exhibit C 1-4 Attachment 2, Page 277 of 1045 U-5 | Urbanization Element opportunities, livability and uses such as public facilities, streets and roads, schools, parks or open space. The UGB is mapped and specifically delineated along its entire circumnavigation of the city. The UGB is graphically depicted in the “Springfield Urban Growth Boundary map.” The UGB Technical Supplement2 to the Urbanization Element provides documentation to more precisely describe the parcel-specific boundary location — a description of the methodology used by Springfield to prepare the precise UGB location using contemporary Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technology, previous urban growth boundary location descriptions, surveys, applicable sections of the ORS and OARs and related land use decisions; and a list of tax lots that are split by the UGB. Where existing and planned right-of-way comprise portions of the UGB, the full width of that right-of-way lies within the UGB, except along the western track where the boundary is mapped and described as the center line of Interstate Highway 5 between the north-bound and south-bound lanes. Springfield’s urban and urbanizable area extends approximately 5 miles from north (Gateway) to south (Glenwood McVay corridor) along the Interstate Highway 5 corridor as it travels through the Eugene-Springfield metro area; and approximately 8.6 miles from west to east as measured along the Franklin Boulevard-Main Street Corridor-McKenzie Highway from the Interstate Highway 5 Willamette River bridge to the easternmost point of the UGB. The Springfield UGB includes most but not all land between the McKenzie River on the north and the Middle Fork Willamette River on the south. The eastern portion of the UGB includes the Thurston South Hills and follows the ridgeline south and west to Jasper Road to encompass the area known locally as Jasper-Natron. INSERT FOLDOUT MAP 11 x 17 size Springfield Urban Growth Boundary SPRINGFIELD UGB AMENDMENTS 2011-2016 Prior to 2011, Springfield and Eugene shared one Metro Area UGB. Oregon Revised Statute 197.304 (2007) required both cities to independently conduct housing needs analyses and to establish separate UGBs to meet those needs. In 2007, Springfield began an evaluation of the UGB for two categories of land need: housing and employment. The Springfield UGB was first acknowledged in 2011, designating a land supply to meet the City’s residential land and housing needs for the 2010-2030 planning period. 3 The Springfield UGB included all of the lands and waters within the previously acknowledged Eugene- 2 Springfield Ordinance ____, Lane County Ordinance ____, Exhibit C-2 UGB Technical Supplement 3 Springfield Ordinance No. 6268, Lane County Ordinance No. PA 1274 Exhibit C 1-5 Attachment 2, Page 278 of 1045 U-6 | Urbanization Element Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan Boundary located east of the centerline of Interstate Highway 5. The UGB provides sufficient land designated to meet all residential land needs through the year 2030 without expanding the UGB — through implementation of plan and zoning amendments and Springfield Development Code land use efficiency measures. The UGB was subsequently amended in 2016 to designate a 20-year land supply for employment and natural resource protection, and to designate public land for parks, open space and public/semi-public facilities.4 With the exception of seven needed employment sites larger than five acres, the City’s employment land inventory was found to be sufficient to meet all employment land needs for the planning period without expanding the UGB. The employment land UGB expansion added approximately 257 suitable and developable acres to provide sites for target industries and uses that require sites larger than 5 acres.5 The public land UGB expansion added approximately 455 acres of publicly-owned land to the UGB. The Springfield UGB as amended and acknowledged in 2016 contains approximately 15,411 acres of land. RELATIONSHIP TO THE METRO PLAN, FUNCTIONAL PLANS AND REFINEMENT PLANS The Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element was adopted by the City of Springfield and Lane County as a city-specific comprehensive plan policy element to independently address a planning responsibility that was previously addressed on a regional basis in the Metro Plan.6 The Urbanization Element goals, policies and implementation actions replace the more general Metro Area-wide goals, findings and policies contained in Metro Plan sections entitled “Growth Management Goals, Findings and Policies” (Metro Plan II-C) and “Urban and Urbanizable Land” (Metro Plan II-E) for lands within the Springfield UGB. The Metro Plan establishes a broad regional framework for Eugene, Springfield, and Lane County to coordinate comprehensive planning within the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan planning area. Metro Plan Chapter I explains the relationship between city-specific comprehensive plans, the broad policy framework of the Metro Plan and the regionally- coordinated functional plans. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan elements — including this Urbanization Element — explicitly supplant the relevant portion of the Metro Plan. Should inconsistencies occur between the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and a refinement or 4 Springfield Ordinance ____, Lane County Ordinance ____, Exhibit A-2 5 Springfield Commercial and Industrial Land Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis, 2015 6 Metro Plan pp. iii-iv and Chapter II describes the incremental Metro planning area shift towards separate Springfield and Eugene UGBs and city-specific comprehensive plans. Exhibit C 1-6 Attachment 2, Page 279 of 1045 U-7 | Urbanization Element functional plan, or references in the Springfield Development Code that refer to Metro Plan policies, the Springfield Comprehensive Plan is the prevailing policy document. 7 RESPONSIBILITIES FOR LAND USE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT WITHIN THE SPRINGFIELD URBAN GROWTH BOUNDARY Metro Plan Chapter II and Chapter IV describe jurisdictional responsibilities within the Eugene- Springfield Metropolitan planning area. The division of responsibility for metropolitan planning between the two cities is the Interstate 5 Highway. Springfield, Eugene and Lane County are required to co-adopt a UGB or Metro Plan boundary change that crosses the Interstate 5 Highway. For purposes of other amendments and implementation of the Metro Plan, Lane County has joint responsibility with Springfield between the city limits and the Metro Plan Boundary east of the Interstate 5 Highway. Metro Plan Chapter IV describes the procedures for review, amendments and refinements of the Metro Plan, including amendments of the Metro Plan adopting singular or multiple Elements of the Springfield Comprehensive Plan that explicitly supplant relevant portions of the Metro Plan. Metro Plan amendments that are being considered in conjunction with a city- specific plan adoption or amendment follow the procedures described in Metro Plan Chapter IV. Land use planning and development within the Springfield City Limits is the sole responsibility of the City of Springfield. Land development within Springfield’s urbanizable areas is planned and cooperatively administered by the City of Springfield in coordination with Lane County in accordance with the policies in this Plan and as described in the ORS 190 Intergovernmental Agreement (1987) between the City of Springfield and Lane County.8 The Agreement delegated building, zoning, and planning administration and decision making authority for services for the land between Springfield’s UGB and the city limits from the County to the City of Springfield and describes criteria and procedures for land regulation and management. Planning for regionally significant public investments within Springfield’s UGB is coordinated on a metropolitan-wide basis by utilizing the regional transportation planning and public facilities 7 During the period of transition from Metro Plan to local comprehensive plans, Springfield’s “comprehensive plan” consists of the acknowledged Metro Plan and the acknowledged Elements of the Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan. 8 Agreement Regarding the Transfer of Building and Land Use Responsibilities within the Urbanizable Portion of the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary, January 1, 1987. Exhibit C 1-7 Attachment 2, Page 280 of 1045 U-8 | Urbanization Element planning processes9 as described in the Metro area functional plans — including the Eugene- Springfield Public Facilities and Services Plan and the Regional Transportation System Plan. Some of Springfield’s neighborhood refinement plans (such as the Glenwood Refinement Plan) may include a refined level of policy guidance for urbanization in specific locations within Springfield’s UGB. PLAN DESIGNATION AND ZONING OF UNINCORPORATED “URBANIZABLE” LANDS IN THE UGB The unincorporated land within the Springfield UGB is urbanizable and is considered part of Springfield’s land base for housing and employment as identified in the most recent buildable land inventories. It is assumed that buildable10 lands will eventually be included in the City’s incorporated area and developed to accommodate designated urban uses and densities. Urbanizable lands exist in various areas of the Springfield UGB and are designated for a variety of land uses as shown in Table 1. The land use designation determines the applicable zoning, both before after annexation. In addition to the plan designation, zoning and the applicable policies of this Urbanization Element, Springfield is required by Oregon law to implement land use controls regulating interim development on unincorporated land to prevent land divisions and uses that would preclude future development of planned urban uses and densities. As shown in Table 1, Springfield Zoning implements this provision of the law through two different zoning mechanisms in the Springfield Development Code: 1) the Agriculture - Urban Holding Area Zoning District (AG) was established and applied to land after 2015 to implement the Urban Holding Area -Employment and Natural Resource plan designations; and 2) the Urbanizable Fringe Overlay Zoning District (UF-10) was established and applied to lands prior to 2015 and is a zoning overlay placed over multiple plan designations. Both zoning mechanisms were established to implement the goal of compact growth through provisions that maintain the supply of land for urban development in areas between the City limits and the UGB. Unincorporated public land designated Government and Education or Public/Semi Public is zoned Public Land and Open Space on the Springfield Zoning Map. 9 For other related policy discussion, see the Public Facilities and Services Element in Metro Plan Chapter III-G. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan does not address service districts. 10 Some lands have absolute development constraints that for inventory purposes are not assumed to be buildable. See Findings section this Element for more information. Exhibit C 1-8 Attachment 2, Page 281 of 1045 U-9 | Urbanization Element Table 1: Urbanizable Land Plan Designations and Applicable Zoning Districts Metro Plan Designation Springfield Zoning District(s) applicable before annexation Springfield Zoning District(s) applicable after annexation Urban Holding Area — Employment Agriculture — Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District Employment zoning such as: Employment Mixed Use11 Campus Industrial Employment Special Heavy Industrial Light Medium Industrial Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) Special Heavy Industrial12 Light Medium Industrial Commercial Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) Community Commercial Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) Low Density Residential Small Lot Residential13 Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Glenwood Residential Mixed Use Glenwood Commercial Mixed Use Glenwood Office Mixed Use Glenwood Employment Mixed Use Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) and Glenwood Riverfront Mixed-use Plan District Glenwood Residential Mixed Use Glenwood Commercial Mixed Use Glenwood Office Mixed Use Glenwood Employment Mixed Use Glenwood Refinement Plan: Low Density Residential Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) Low Density Residential Special Density Residential 14 Glenwood Refinement Plan: Light Medium Industrial Urbanizable Fringe Overlay District (UF-10) Light Medium Industrial15 Glenwood Refinement Plan: Parks and Open Space Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Public – Semi Public Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Public Land and Open Space (PLO) Natural Resource Agriculture — Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District Natural resource protection zoning such as: Natural Resource Public Land and Open Space Natural Resource Overlay Government and Education Public Land and Open Space (PLO)16 Public Land and Open Space (PLO) 11 Zoning to be determined through subsequent Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan or refinement plan updates 12 Ibid. 13 Ibid. 14 Ibid. Springfield Comprehensive Plan Residential Land Use and Housing Element Policy H.7, Implementation Action 7.4 requires analysis to determine applicability of small lot zoning in Glenwood south of Franklin Blvd. 15 Zoning to be determined through subsequent Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan or refinement plan updates 16 Ibid. Exhibit C 1-9 Attachment 2, Page 282 of 1045 U-10 | Urbanization Element Urban Holding Area - Employment (UHA-E) Metro Plan Designation Lands brought into Springfield’s UGB to address 2010-2030 land needs for suitable large employment sites are designated Urban Holding Area – Employment (UHA-E) as an interim plan designation to maintain the land’s potential for planned urban development until appropriate urban facilities and services are planned or available and annexation to Springfield can occur. The Urban Holding Area – Employment (UHA-E) plan designation reserves suitable large employment sites to meet Springfield’s long term employment land needs for the 2010-2030 planning period. Lands within the UHA-E designation are planned and zoned for the primary purpose of reserving an adequate inventory of large employment sites that are well located and viable for industry and not easily replicable elsewhere. The Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan designates suitable large sites for employment uses that generate significant capital investment and job creation within — but not limited to — targeted industry sectors, business clusters and traded-sector17 industries identified in the most recent economic opportunities analysis and Economic Element policies of this Plan. The City expanded the UGB in 2016 to support diversification of the economy by increasing opportunities for siting target industry employers that require large sites. The expansion was based on the lack of vacant or potentially redevelopable parcels larger than five acres in the City’s 2008 inventory of employment land and the need for large parcels identified in the Economic Opportunities Analysis.18 In 2008-2016, the City conducted an Urban Growth Boundary Alternatives Analysis and discovered that few viable options exist for bringing in suitable large parcels of employment land close enough to the City’s urban area to maintain a compact urban form. This is due to Springfield’s geography and topography. The City is situated between the McKenzie and Willamette Rivers and their floodplains, and surrounded by steeply sloped hills on three sides, thus suitable, serviceable, close-in land is in scarce supply. The Urban Holding Area - Employment (UHA-E) designation reserves employment sites within urbanizable areas of 50 or more suitable acres to support creation of economic districts that will accommodate the site needs of target employment sectors. The size of employment districts and parcels of urbanizable land designated UHA-E provides adequate dimension so as to maximize the utility of the land resource and enable the logical and efficient extension of services to all parcels within the UHA. The UHA-E plan designation and Agriculture – Urban Holding Area Zoning District work together to serve important purposes in the 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Land suitable for large employers is identified, reserved and protected from incompatible interim development. 17 ORS 285A.010(9) 18 Springfield Commercial and Industrial Buildable Land Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis, Table 5-4 Exhibit C 1-10 Attachment 2, Page 283 of 1045 U-11 | Urbanization Element Bringing these lands into the UGB as designated holding areas subject to the policies of this Urbanization Element and the regulations of the Springfield Development Code establishes the first step for the City — in cooperation with Lane County — to comprehensively plan the urbanizable land supply to accommodate long range employment site needs and to protect natural resources. The UHA-E designation remains in effect until the appropriate employment designation is adopted through a City-initiated planning process or an owner-initiated plan amendment process. Lands designated UHA-E and zoned AG are located in two areas of the UGB:19 Table 2: Urbanizable Land Designated Urban Holding Area – Employment (UHA-E) Name of Area Acres Designated UHA-E Acres Zoned AG # of Suitable employment acres (UHA-E) Location North Gateway UHA -E 139.4 gross acres (includes right of way) 193 132.1 suitable acres North of Gateway/International Way, east of I-5 Mill Race District UHA-E 133 gross acres (includes right of way) 135 125 suitable acres South of Main Street, via South 28th and M Streets Insert 11 x 17 plan designation maps Springfield Development Code Agriculture – Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District Implements the UHA-E Plan Designation Lands within the UHA-E designation are zoned Agriculture – Urban Holding Area20 to retain large parcel sizes and current predominant farm uses until land is planned and zoned to allow urban development. The Springfield Development Code Agriculture – Urban Holding Area Zoning District (AG) is established to implement the goal of compact growth through provisions that control the potential for premature or incompatible development on large sites added to the UGB to diversify the economy. The AG District includes provisions to limit the division of land and prohibit urban development. A 50-acre minimum lot size is applied to lots/parcels greater than 50 acres and a 20-acre minimum lot size is applied to lots/parcels less than 50 acres to protect undeveloped sites from inefficient piecemeal development until land is planned and zoned to allow annexation and site development with urban employment uses and densities. All interim development in the AG District must be designed to City standards. 19 Springfield Ordinance ___, Lane County Ordinance ___, Exhibit A-2 20 Springfield Ordinance ___, Lane County Ordinance ___, Exhibit A-3 Exhibit C 1-11 Attachment 2, Page 284 of 1045 U-12 | Urbanization Element Natural Resource (NR) Metro Plan Designation - North Gateway Site Land in North Gateway brought into Springfield’s UGB to address 2010-2030 land needs for suitable large employment sites includes portions of properties within the floodway of the McKenzie River. Floodway is identified as an “absolute constraint” in the City’s land inventories. Land within the floodway is not considered suitable to meet employment land needs and is not counted as developable in the inventory. The City and County included the floodway portion of the site in the UGB to allow consistent land use administration of the floodplain pursuant to the purposes and standards of the Springfield Development Code Floodplain Overlay District standards. The portion of the site North Gateway site within the FEMA floodway is designated Natural Resource, a designation applied to privately and publicly owned lands where development and conflicting uses are prohibited to protect natural resource values. In addition to the purposes of the Floodplain Overlay District, land designated Natural Resource is protected and managed for fish and wildlife habitat, soil conservation, watershed conservation, scenic resources, passive recreational opportunities, vegetative cover, and open space. Table 3: Urbanizable Land Designated Natural Resource (NR) Name of Area Acres Designated Natural Resource Acres Zoned AG Location North Gateway Natural Resource (NR) 53 53 North of Gateway/International Way, east of I-5 Springfield Development Code Agriculture – Urban Holding Area (AG) Zoning District Implements the Natural Resource Plan Designation Lands within the Natural Resource designation are zoned Agriculture – Urban Holding Area to retain predominant farm uses and to direct development towards the unconstrained portions of the property that are designated UHA-E for employment uses. Exhibit C 1-12 Attachment 2, Page 285 of 1045 U-13 | Urbanization Element Springfield Development Code Agriculture – Urbanizable Fringe Zoning Overlay District (UF- 10) Implements Varied Plan Designations The UF-10 Overlay District is applied over multiple plan designations as shown in Table 1, and includes unincorporated land in the following eight geographic areas of the UGB: Table 4: Urbanizable Land in UF-10 Zoning District West Centennial Thurston South Hills Gateway-Hayden Bridge Jasper-Natron Clearwater South 2nd Street Thurston Glenwood The UF-10 Overlay District includes provisions to limit the division of land and prohibit urban development. All interim development in the UF-10 Overlay District must be designed to City standards. The UF-10 Overlay is removed automatically when annexation to the City is approved through the City’s land use review process, as described in the Springfield Development Code Annexation chapter. SPRINGFIELD ANNEXATION PROCESS The annexation process — as articulated in the Springfield Development Code —guides the efficient transition of land from rural to urban uses to accommodate population and urban employment growth within Springfield’s UGB by: Providing land to accommodate future urban development; Providing land to accommodate necessary public facilities or services; and Ensuring that land designated to accommodate population and urban employment growth is developed to achieve its planned urban uses, densities and economic potential in a manner consistent with the urban development standards of the Springfield Development Code. Oregon law grants Springfield City Council the authority to review and approve or deny petitions to annex territory located within Springfield’s UGB to the City. Statutory requirements for annexation are implemented through the Springfield Development Code. The Code prescribes the City’s land use process and criteria for approving annexation petitions. Exhibit C 1-13 Attachment 2, Page 286 of 1045 U-14 | Urbanization Element The intent is that annexation will occur incrementally as property owners desire to develop or redevelop land. Annexation is required when unincorporated property is proposed to be developed or redeveloped with planned urban uses and densities or where necessary to abate public health hazards21 such as failed septic systems. Key Urban Services Required for Annexation to the City of Springfield The policies and implementation strategies in the Urbanization Element ensure that urban facilities and services directly related to land use planning and the efficient transition of land from urbanizable to urban pursuant to Goal 14 Urbanization are provided to urbanizable lands in a timely, orderly, and efficient manner to serve planned land uses within Springfield’s urban growth boundary and within the metropolitan area. The Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element retains the long-standing Metro area urbanization policy criteria for approving annexations: Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element Policy 30: Unincorporated land within the Springfield UGB may be developed with permitted uses at maximum density only upon annexation to the City when it is found that key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area to be annexed in an orderly and efficient manner. Provision of these services to the area proposed for annexation is consistent with the timing and location for such extension, where applicable, in the City’s infrastructure plans — such as the Public Facilities and Services Plan; the Springfield Transportation System Plan; the City’s Capital Improvement Program; and the urbanization goals, policies and implementation strategies of this Element — or a logical time within which to deliver these services has been determined, based upon demonstrated need and budgetary priorities. Oregon law includes requirements that must be met prior to annexation approval to ensure orderly growth, such as prohibiting non-contiguous annexations and providing information about properties’ contribution to offsite public systems. Oregon Administrative Rules establish policies to protect public waters from human health hazards, including standards and permitting requirements for onsite wastewater treatment systems construction, alteration and repair. These rules require connection to a sewerage system that can serve the proposed sewage flow when such a system is physically and legally available within the distances specified in the OARs. The City of Springfield requires annexation before wastewater services are extended as planned in the Metropolitan Public Facilities and Services Plan. 21 Oregon Revised Statutes Chapter 222 Health Hazard Abatement Exhibit C 1-14 Attachment 2, Page 287 of 1045 U-15 | Urbanization Element For the purposes of land use planning and annexation, the Springfield Comprehensive Plan defines key urban facilities and services as those services and facilities that are necessary to serve planned urban uses and densities in accordance with applicable Statewide Planning Goals, statutes and administrative rules: wastewater service; stormwater service; transportation; solid waste management; water service; fire and emergency medical services; police protection; citywide park and recreation programs; electric service; land use controls; communication facilities; and public schools on a district-wide basis. All references to Metro Plan policies regarding “key urban services” in Springfield refinement plans and the Springfield Development Code shall be amended to reference Springfield Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element Policy 30. This plan does not address facilities and services provided by Lane County22, the State of Oregon, or the Federal government, and does not preclude provision of those services within Springfield. The availability of key urban services is determined by Springfield and/or applicable public and private service providers at the time of the annexation request, based on a determination of existing and planned capacity, existing and proposed uses, and costs. The land use application process for annexation is described in the Springfield Development Code. If key urban services are not available to serve the site at the time the annexation request is made, the Code requires an Annexation Agreement to ensure that services will be provided in a timely manner. The Annexation Agreement states the terms, conditions, and obligations of the property owner and the service providers regarding the fiscal and service impacts to Springfield associated with the annexation, provision of infrastructure, and future development of the property. URBAN HOLDING AREA – EMPLOYMENT DESIGNATION: REQUIRED PLAN AMENDMENT PROCEDURES TO DESIGNATE URBANIZABLE LAND FOR URBAN DEVELOPMENT BEFORE ANNEXATION AND DEVELOPMENT APPROVAL Lands designated Urban Holding Area – Employment (UHA-E) require comprehensive plan amendments and may require facility plan amendments prior to their designation and zoning for urban employment use. The policies and implementation strategies in this Urbanization Element describe Statewide Planning Goal requirements that must be addressed prior to approval of plan and zoning changes that allow the transition from urbanizable to urban on lands designated UHA-E. Specific policies and implementation strategies are listed under each 22 Lane County provides the following services on a county-wide basis: sheriff and corrections, criminal prosecution, parole and probation; elections; regional transportation; mental health and public health services; workforce assistance; animal services; and regional parks and facilities. Exhibit C 1-15 Attachment 2, Page 288 of 1045 U-16 | Urbanization Element Urbanization Planning Goal to identify the steps needed before land may be designated, zoned and annexed to permit development to occur. These steps ensure that ample opportunities for citizen involvement are provided through community refinement planning processes conducted at the district scale to establish employment land use designations, zoning, design and development standards, transportation systems and public facilities to meet and balance community and industry needs in the North Gateway and Mill Race Urban Holding Area – Employment Districts. Planning Requirements in Urban Holding Areas District, refinement plan or master plan approval is required prior to or concurrent with annexation of land designated Urban Holding Area- Employment as shown in Table 3. Urban Holding Areas are zoned Agriculture - Urban Holding Area (AG) prior to plan amendment approval and prior to annexation. Table 5: Pre-Development Approval Process Steps – Urban Holding Areas City-initiated Planning Process Owner-initiated Planning Process 1. City prepares Plan Amendment to address all applicable Statewide Planning Goals (e.g. amended or new refinement plan or district plan), Metro Plan and 2030 Comprehensive Plan policies and Springfield Development Code standards. 1. Applicant submits request to City to initiate amendments to Transportation System Plan and Public Facilities and Services Plan, and other city actions that may be required prior to plan amendment approval. 2. City and Lane County approve Plan Amendment to amend Metro Plan and Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan. UHA-E designation is replaced with employment plan designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, Industrial). AG zoning remains in effect until Master Plan and new zoning are approved. 2. Applicant prepares and submits Plan Amendment application to address all applicable Statewide Planning Goals, Metro Plan and 2030 Comprehensive Plan policies, and Springfield Development Code standards. Applicant proposes employment plan designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, Industrial). 3. City prepares and approves Zoning Map Amendment to apply new zoning districts (e.g. Industrial, Campus Industrial, Employment Mixed Use, Employment ). Land is planned and zoned and eligible for annexation. 3. City and Lane County approve Plan Amendment to amend Metro Plan and Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan. UHA-E designation is replaced with employment plan designations (e.g. Employment, Employment Mixed Use, Campus Industrial, Industrial). AG zoning remains in effect until Master Plan and new zoning are approved. 4. Applicant prepares and submits Master Plan 4. Applicant prepares and submits Master Exhibit C 1-16 Attachment 2, Page 289 of 1045 U-17 | Urbanization Element and annexation applications with demonstration of key urban service provision. Plan with proposed zoning and demonstration of key urban services provision. Applicant submits annexation application. 5. City approves Master Plan and annexation. 5. City approves Master Plan and Zoning Map Amendment and annexation. 6. Applicant submits Site Plan, Subdivision etc. Type II development applications. 6. Applicant submits Site Plan, Subdivision etc. Type II development applications. Exhibit C 1-17 Attachment 2, Page 290 of 1045 U-18 | Urbanization Element URBANIZATION ELEMENT GOALS, POLICIES AND IMPLEMENTATION STRATEGIES Commentary: Draft policies were prepared with the input of the Springfield City Council, City of Springfield and Lane County staff, Springfield Utility Board staff, and City and Lane County attorneys to address the policies necessary to demonstrate and ensure that development within the UGB is consistent with applicable Statewide planning goals, statutes and administrative rules, applicable Metro Plan policies, and the City’s existing annexation policies. The draft policies also address input received from the public and from public agencies through the 2010 Springfield and Lane County Planning Commission public hearing process and subsequent public facilities analysis by staff and service providers. Commentary: After approval of the Urbanization Element, the following section will be formatted and numbered to be consistent with 2030 Residential and Economic Elements that list policies and implementation strategies under the corresponding 2030 Plan Urbanization Goals. For discussion purposes, policies are numbered and implementation strategies are bulleted. Green font = 2030 Urbanization Element Planning Goals Blue font = Metro Plan policies carried over into the 2030 Plan. The Springfield 2030 Urbanization Element Planning Goals express the desired community development outcomes and benefits the City aspires to achieve by planning and managing land in new growth areas before the land is annexed to become part of the City. The Springfield 2030 Urbanization Element Policies and Implementation Strategies are the City’s agreements and commitments to manage urban growth in ways that provide and sustain a healthy, prosperous and equitable environment aligned with Springfield’s interests, values and assets. The adopted policy statements and implementation strategies in this plan provide a consistent course of action, moving the community toward attainment of its goals. Some policies and strategies call for immediate action; others require additional studies or community planning processes to develop more detailed or specific area plans or policy updates. UG-1 Promote compact, orderly and efficient urban development by guiding future growth to vacant sites and redevelopment areas within the established areas of the city and to urbanizable lands where future annexation and development may occur. Exhibit C 1-18 Attachment 2, Page 291 of 1045 U-19 | Urbanization Element 1. Urbanizable lands within the 2030 UGB shall be converted to urban uses as shown in the Metro Plan Diagram and as more particularly described in neighborhood refinement plans, other applicable area-specific plans, and the policies of this Plan. 2. Continue to support and facilitate redevelopment and efficient urbanization through City-initiated area-specific refinement planning and zoning amendments consistent with the policies of this Plan. Plans shall designate an adequate and competitive supply of land to facilitate short-term and long-term redevelopment activity. Efficiency measures achieved through plan amendments may be reflected in land supply calculations to the extent that they are likely to increase capacity of land suitable and available to meet identified needs during the relevant planning period. Continue to provide public policy and financial support when possible for redevelopment in Springfield. Continue to prioritize and incentivize redevelopment in the Glenwood and Downtown urban renewal districts and support redevelopment throughout the City as described in the Economic and Residential Elements of this Plan. Continue to provide development tools and incentives (such as Urban Renewal support) within targeted priority redevelopment areas as resources become available to facilitate expedient and economically feasible redevelopment. Continue to conduct focused planning in key redevelopment areas, as directed by the City Council, as resources are available. Such efforts will review, update and supersede existing refinement plan designations and policies. Identify and include public agencies and private stakeholder partners in district- specific planning efforts to facilitate redevelopment through partnerships and other cooperative relationships. 3. Any development taking place within the City’s urbanizable area shall be designed to the development standards of the Springfield Development Code. Policies: Development within the Urban Holding Area- Employment Designation 4. Urbanizable lands added to Springfield’s acknowledged UGB by Ordinance X, date X to meet employment needs are designated “Urban Holding Area- Employment” (UHA-E) in the Metro Plan consistent with the employment site needs criteria for their inclusion in Exhibit C 1-19 Attachment 2, Page 292 of 1045 U-20 | Urbanization Element the UGB.23 The UHA-E designation reserves employment sites within urbanizable areas of 50 or more suitable acres to support creation of economic districts that will accommodate the site needs of target employment sectors. The size of employment districts and parcels of urbanizable land designated UHA-E shall be of adequate dimension so as to maximize the utility of the land resource and enable the logical and efficient extension of infrastructure to serve the North Gateway or Mill Race urbanizable area. 5. Lands designated UHA-E are planned and zoned for the primary purpose of reserving an adequate inventory of large employment sites that is well located and viable for industry and not easily replicable elsewhere for employment uses that generate: o A significant capital investment; o Job creation within — but not limited to — targeted industry sectors, business clusters and traded-sector24 industries identified in the most recent economic opportunities analysis and Economic Element policies of this Plan. 6. Lands designated “Urban Holding Area-Employment” are zoned “Agriculture – Urban Holding Area” (AG) on the Springfield Zoning Map and are subject to the development standards of the Springfield Development Code AG Zoning District. The City is bringing land into the UGB to accommodate the need for large employment sites. The following policies restrict land division to protect those large sites for employers that need large sites. 7. For lots/parcels greater than 50 acres in the North Gateway UHA-E District, the minimum lot/parcel size for land division is 50 acres. Land divisions that create lots/parcels for the purpose of establishing a Natural Resource or Public/Semi-Public Parks and Open Space designation within the floodway, wetland or riparian resource portions of the site may create lots/parcels less than 50 acres within the Natural Resource or Public/Semi-Public Parks and Open Space designation portion of the parent lot/parcel. Lots/parcels created and designated for employment purposes shall retain the 50-acre minimum until planned and zoned to allow annexation and site development with urban employment uses and densities consistent with the policies of this Plan. The following policy retains large parcels. The area’s existing Lane County zoning is EFU-25 (25-acre minimum). 23 Employment site needs are explained in the Economic Element of this Plan, and in the Springfield Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis, 2015. 24 ORS 285A.010(9) Exhibit C 1-20 Attachment 2, Page 293 of 1045 U-21 | Urbanization Element 8. For lots/parcels less than 50 acres in the North Gateway and Mill Race UHA-E Districts, the minimum lot/parcel size for land division is 20 acres. Land divisions that create lots/parcels for the purpose of establishing a Natural Resource or Public/Semi-Public Parks and Open Space designation within the floodway, wetland or riparian resource portions of the site may create lots/parcels less than 20 acres within the Natural Resource or Public/Semi-Public Parks and Open Space designation portion of the lot/parcel. Lots/parcels created and designated for employment purposes shall retain the 20-acre minimum until planned and zoned to allow annexation and site development with urban employment uses and densities consistent with the policies of this Plan. The following policy suggests one way the City Council could provide an incentive for development. 9. As directed by the City Council, the City will conduct comprehensive planning processes and adopt refinement-level plans and implementation measures to guide and regulate urban development in the North Gateway and Mill Race UHA-E districts. The Transportation Planning Rule requirements under OAR 660-012-0060 will be addressed prior to any re-designation or zoning map amendment that allows urbanization. 10. Refinement Plans, District Plans, Master Plans and zoning for land within the UHA-E designation shall support cohesive design and development of innovative Employment districts that provide attractive sites for economic development in convenient proximity to natural and recreational amenities and infrastructure systems designed to integrate and protect water quality, Springfield’s Drinking Water Source Areas, riparian, wetland and groundwater resources, aquifer recharge, and floodplain functions with compatible employment uses. 11. Plan and zone land within the UHA-E designation to provide suitable employment sites 20 acres and larger to accommodate clean manufacturing25 uses and office/tech/flex employers in Springfield’s target industry sectors. Limited neighborhood-scale retail uses that primarily serve employees within an industrial or office building or complex may be permitted as a secondary element within employment mixed-use zones. Urban Holding Area-Employment (UHA- E) sites shall not be re-designated or zoned to permit development of regional retail commercial uses. 25 For the purposes of this policy, “clean” is defined as land uses, construction practices, and business operations that minimize waste and environmental impacts, and that contribute to a safe, healthy, and clean community, maintain the aquifer recharge capacity of the site by reducing impervious surfaces, and protect Springfield’s drinking water source areas from contamination. Exhibit C 1-21 Attachment 2, Page 294 of 1045 U-22 | Urbanization Element 12. Master plans are required for contiguous ownerships over 5 acres designated UHA-E and shall address all of the policies of this Plan and the Master Plan requirements of the Springfield Development Code. The following policies (in blue font) are existing Metro Plan policies applicable to unincorporated land within the existing UGB. The UF-10 overlay is an existing Springfield zone applied to these lands until they are annexed. Policies: Development within the Urbanizable Fringe (UF-10) Overlay Zoning District 13. Unless the following conditions are met, the minimum lot size for campus industrial designated areas in the UF-10 Zoning District shall be 50 acres and the minimum lot size for all other designations in the UF-10 Zoning District shall be 10 acres. Land division in the UF-10 Zoning District will be subject to the following requirements: a. The approval of a conceptual plan for ultimate development at urban densities in accordance with applicable plans and policies. The conceptual plan shall remain in effect until superseded by other plans or actions required to enable full urban density development. b. Proposed land uses and densities conform to applicable plans and policies. c. The owner of the property has signed an agreement with the city which provides that the owner and his or her successors in interest are obligated to not remonstrate against annexation proceedings should the city, at its option, initiate annexation. 14. Any proposed land division in the UF-10 District that creates any lot under five acres in size will require utilizing the following additional standards: a. The property will be owned by a governmental agency or public utility. b. A majority of parcels located within 100 feet of a boundary of the property are smaller than five acres. c. The land division does not result in more than 3 parcels. 15. The siting of all residences on urbanizable lots served by on-site sewage disposal systems shall be reviewed by Lane County to ensure the efficient future conversion of these lots to urban densities according to Plan assumptions and minimum density requirements. Exhibit C 1-22 Attachment 2, Page 295 of 1045 U-23 | Urbanization Element 16. The Development and Public Works Director may accept the use of on-site sewage disposal systems as a temporary measure for approval of industrial and commercial development proposals within Campus Industrial designated areas in conjunction with annexation to a city provided: a. It is in the City’s interest to encourage economic diversification; and b. Extension of the public wastewater system is imminent or is identified as part of an approved capital improvement program; and c. An annexation agreement establishes the timeframe for connecting to the public wastewater system. UG-2 Promote efficient and economical patterns of mixed land uses and development densities that locate a variety of different life activities, such as employment, housing, shopping and recreation in convenient proximity; and where accessible by multiple modes of transportation — including walking, bicycling, and transit in addition to motor vehicles — both within and between neighborhoods and districts. The following policies suggest ways the City Council could provide incentives to prepare sites for development to meet employment land needs. 17. In new growth and redevelopment areas throughout the City, plan and support the transition to transportation-efficient land use patterns by providing incentives such as City- initiated plan and zoning updates, technical assistance, implementation of design standards, and permit processing assistance to guide the development of well-designed neighborhoods, efficient and economically viable mixed use districts and corridors. 18. Within districts and neighborhoods currently characterized by a limited range of land uses and activities, pursue comprehensive planning and zoning code updates to allow for mixed- use development at appropriate locations as one method of providing additional land use diversity and choices — as described in the Economic and Residential Land Use Elements of this plan. 19. Support new development and redevelopment in mixed use areas to address Springfield’s needs for housing, employment, and shopping opportunities in connected, walkable neighborhood locations served by the region’s frequent transit network (FTN). 20. Plan and zone land to support transit-oriented land use patterns and development, including but not limited to higher intensity development in the City’s employment and Exhibit C 1-23 Attachment 2, Page 296 of 1045 U-24 | Urbanization Element commercial centers and along major transit corridors; employment uses located within ¼ mile of transit stations or stops; and residential development within ½ mile of transit stations or stops. 21. As permitted under Oregon law, require improvements in new commercial, public, mixed use, and multi-unit residential development that encourage walking, bicycling and the use of transit. 22. Plan and zone the North Gateway UHA-E area to guide development of a well-designed employment district adjacent to the Interstate 5 economic corridor to support diversification and improvement of the local, regional and state economies and to make efficient use of existing and planned public transportation systems and infrastructure. Applicant-initiated plan designation and zoning changes shall address logical extension of transportation and public facilities to serve the entire North Gateway UHA-E district. Development within the North Gateway District shall be zoned and designed to enhance the distinctive physical surroundings and natural resources of the area while accommodating growth and change through implementation of attractive building exteriors and low impact development practices. 23. Amend the Gateway Refinement Plan to include the North Gateway UHA-E area prior to or concurrent with approval of an owner-initiated plan amendment or zone change that allows urban development in the North Gateway UHA-E area. The amended Gateway Refinement Plan shall describe the logical extension of transportation and public facilities to serve the entire North Gateway UHA-E area. 24. Lands added to the UGB in 2016 for employment, public facilities, parks, open space and recreation in the Mill Race area shall be comprehensively planned in the context of a larger Mill Race District that includes the Booth Kelly Mixed Use site and the industrially-zoned lands south of the railroad corridor. The plan shall identify opportunities for integrating economic development, recreation, arts, culture, historic interpretation, and pedestrian/bicycle connectivity between the Middle Fork Willamette River and Downtown District; and shall identify development standards that protect Drinking Water Source Areas and other natural resources from incompatible development. 25. As depicted in Ordinance _____ Exhibit A-2, lands developed with and occupied by Springfield Utility Board and Rainbow Water District public drinking water wells and wellfields included in the 2015 UGB expansion are designated Public/Semi Public to Exhibit C 1-24 Attachment 2, Page 297 of 1045 U-25 | Urbanization Element accommodate and protect Springfield’s public water system facilities and Drinking Water Source Areas and shall not be re-designated to allow for other urban uses. 26. As depicted in Ordinance _____ Exhibit A-2, certain Willamalane Park and Recreation District lands, parks and facilities are included in the 2016 UGB expansion and are designated Public/Semi Public to accommodate community needs for open space and recreation and shall not be re-designated to allow for other urban uses. UG-3 Provide an adequate level of urban services, including but not limited to public water, wastewater, and stormwater management systems, environmental services and an urban multi-modal transportation system as urban development occurs within the Springfield UGB. 27. The coordinated, timely provision of urban services is a central element of the City’s comprehensive growth management strategy for infill, redevelopment and new development. Development undertaken in pursuit of housing goals, diversifying the economy and neighborhood livability shall occur only after the logical and efficient delivery of all urban services have been provided to these sites. Prepare and adopt comprehensive plan and zoning updates at the neighborhood, district, and corridor scale to determine the density, character and design of urban development in alignment with infrastructure capacity to ensure efficient and economical delivery of urban services in balance with the City’s financial resources. 28. Regionally significant public investments within Springfield’s UGB shall be planned on a metropolitan-wide basis, as described in the regional transportation and public facilities plans. 29. Annexation shall continue to be a prerequisite for urban development and the delivery of City services in accordance with the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and Springfield Development Code. 30. Unincorporated land within the Springfield UGB may be developed with permitted uses at maximum density only upon annexation to the City when it is found that key urban facilities and services can be provided to the area to be annexed in an orderly and efficient manner. Provision of these services to the area proposed for annexation is consistent with the timing and location for such extension, where applicable, in the City’s infrastructure plans — such as the Public Facilities and Services Plan; the Springfield Transportation System Plan; the City’s Capital Improvement Program; and the urbanization goals, policies and Exhibit C 1-25 Attachment 2, Page 298 of 1045 U-26 | Urbanization Element implementation strategies of this Element — or a logical time within which to deliver these services has been determined, based upon demonstrated need and budgetary priorities. 31. For the purposes of land use planning and annexation approval, the Springfield Comprehensive Plan defines key urban facilities and services as: wastewater service; stormwater service; transportation; solid waste management; water service; fire and emergency medical services; police protection; citywide park and recreation programs; electric service; land use controls; communication facilities; and public schools on a district- wide basis.26 32. Urban services provided by the City upon annexation to Springfield include storm and sanitary sewer; water; transportation systems; police and fire protection; planning, building, code enforcement and library services; and public infrastructure maintenance of City- owned or operated facilities. 33. Springfield Utility Board (SUB) is the water service provider within the Springfield City Limits. SUB will be the electrical service provider within the UGB as provided or permitted under Oregon law. 34. When unincorporated territory within the UGB is provided with any new urban service, that service shall be provided by one of the following methods in this priority order: a. Annexation to City; or b. Contractual annexation agreements with City 35. The City shall not extend water or wastewater service outside city limits to serve a residence or business without first obtaining a valid annexation petition, a consent to annex agreement, or when a health hazard abatement annexation is required. 36. The City may approve construction of urban transportation and public infrastructure facilities prior to or concurrently with development proposals provided that such infrastructure construction is consistent with the Public Facilities and Services Plan, Springfield Wastewater and Stormwater Master Plans, the regional and local transportation system plans, or the Capital Improvement Program. 26 This plan does not address facilities and services provided by Lane County, the State of Oregon, or the Federal government, and does not preclude provision of those services within Springfield. Exhibit C 1-26 Attachment 2, Page 299 of 1045 U-27 | Urbanization Element The City shall continue to seek funding opportunities and public-private partnerships to allow construction of key urban infrastructure elements to support pedestrian and transit-friendly redevelopment in Glenwood and Downtown, such as the Franklin Corridor multiway boulevard in Glenwood and enhancements to the Main Street/South A couplet through Downtown. 37. Prior to re-designating and rezoning land designated Urban Holding Area- Employment, the City shall update and adopt amendments to the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) that may be needed to identify new facilities or major modification of facilities needed to serve development of urban employment uses within the North Gateway or Mill Race districts as necessary to demonstrate consistency with statewide planning Goal 11 and Goal 11 administrative rules requirements and the policies of Metro Plan Chapter III-G Public Facilities Element of the Metro Plan. NOTE: Policies 38-40 are intended to address Metro Plan Chapter III-F Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area Transportation Element, to address the applicable Statewide planning Goal 12 and Goal 12 administrative rules requirements. 38. To ensure that changes to the Springfield Comprehensive Plan are supported by adequate planned transportation facilities, the City shall update and adopt amendments to the Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) to identify facilities that may be needed to provide and encourage a safe, convenient and economic multi-modal transportation system to support development of urban uses and densities in the North Gateway and Mill Race areas. The TSP update shall be coordinated with City-initiated comprehensive land use planning or owner-initiated plan amendments and shall be prepared and adopted prior to or concurrently with any plan or zoning amendment that allows an increase in trips over the levels permitted in the AG zone. 39. The North Gateway and Mill Race districts shall be planned and designed to encourage and support the availability of a variety of transportation choices for moving people that balance vehicular use with other transportation modes, including walking, bicycling and transit in order to avoid principal reliance upon any one mode of transportation; support the mobility needs of the transportation disadvantaged; and provide for safe and convenient vehicular, transit, pedestrian, and bicycle access and circulation. Plan and zoning amendments shall include a transportation system analysis and plan to demonstrate compliance with Statewide planning Goal 12 and Goal 12 administrative rules. Exhibit C 1-27 Attachment 2, Page 300 of 1045 U-28 | Urbanization Element 40. Public transportation systems shall be designed to facilitate future extension of the public transit system to serve the North Gateway district. Note: For other related policy discussion, see the Public Facilities and Services Element in Metro Plan Chapter III-G. The Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Urbanization Element does not address service districts or the financing or management of services that are provided; and does not preclude dissolution, merger, expansion or creation of special districts by public agencies. UG-4 As the City grows and as land develops, maintain and reinforce Springfield’s identity as a river-oriented community by emphasizing and strengthening physical connections between people and nature in the City’s land development patterns and infrastructure design. 41. Protect, conserve, and enhance the natural, scenic, environmental, and economic qualities of the McKenzie and Willamette River and waterway corridors as Springfield grows and develops. The following policies are adapted from existing Metro Plan policies as noted. They are included here to update existing policies applicable to urbanizable lands within Springfield’s UGB. 42. Land use regulations and acquisition programs along river corridors and waterways shall take into account the concerns and needs of the community, such as recreation, resource protection, wildlife habitat, enhancement of river corridor or waterway environments, potential for public access, and opportunities for river-oriented urban development and infrastructure design. (Adapted from Greenway, River Corridors and Waterways Metro Plan D.2 p III-D-4) 43. The City of Springfield and Willamalane shall continue to cooperate in expanding water- related parks and other facilities, where appropriate, that allow access to and enjoyment of river and waterway corridors. (Adapted from Greenway, River Corridors and Waterways Metro Plan D.3, p III-D-4) 44. New development that locates along river corridors and waterways shall be designed to enhance natural, scenic and environmental qualities of those water features. (Adapted from Greenway, River Corridors and Waterways Metro Plan D.4, p III-D-4) Exhibit C 1-28 Attachment 2, Page 301 of 1045 U-29 | Urbanization Element 45. Continue efforts to restore, enhance and manage the Springfield Mill Race to fulfill multiple community objectives. Partner with Willamalane and Springfield Utility Board to provide public access to the Mill Race where appropriate. (Adapted from Greenway, River Corridors and Waterways Metro Plan D.4, p III-D-4) 46. Continue efforts to provide increased opportunities for public access to the Willamette River Greenway and the McKenzie River through comprehensive planning, development standards, annexation agreements, the land use permitting process, and through partnerships with Willamalane, Springfield Utility Board and property owners. 47. Prior to approval of a plan amendment or zone change that permits urban development within the North Gateway or Mill Race District urbanizable lands, the Springfield Local Wetland Inventory shall be updated in accordance with Statewide planning Goal 5 and Goal 5 administrative rules requirements. 48. Prior to approval of a plan amendment or zone change that permits urban development within the North Gateway or Mill Race District urbanizable lands, the Springfield Natural Resources Inventory shall be updated in accordance with Statewide planning Goal 5 and Goal 5 administrative rules requirements and the Springfield Natural Resources Study shall be amended. The inventory process shall map the resource areas, determine significance, and adopt a list of significant resource sites as part of the comprehensive plan and land use regulations. More precise field surveys to locate top of bank and to monument riparian area setbacks are required prior to site plan approval and issuance of building permits. 49. Employment lands designated UHA-E shall be planned and zoned as economic districts that provide and promote suitable sites for clean manufacturing27 uses and office/tech/flex employers in Springfield’s target industry sectors. Limited neighborhood-scale retail uses that primarily serve employees within an industrial or office building or complex may be permitted as a secondary element within employment mixed-use zones. Urban Holding Area-Employment (UHA- E) sites shall not be re-designated or zoned to permit development of regional retail commercial uses. 27 For the purposes of this policy, “clean” is defined as land uses, construction practices, and business operations that minimize waste and environmental impacts, and that contribute to a safe, healthy, and clean community, maintain the aquifer recharge capacity of the site by reducing impervious surfaces, and protect Springfield’s drinking water source areas from contamination. Exhibit C 1-29 Attachment 2, Page 302 of 1045 U-30 | Urbanization Element 50. The Springfield Water Quality Limited Waterways Map shall be updated to include the North Gateway and Mill Race Districts. Springfield’s implementation measures to maintain the City’s compliance with the Clean Water Act and other Federal resource protection mandates shall automatically apply to the lands included in the UGB through the provisions of the Springfield Development Code. UG-5 Increase Springfield’s capability to respond to natural hazard impacts and to enhance public safety, health and robustness of the economy and natural environment. Create opportunities for innovative urban development and economic diversification. 51. Grow and develop the City in ways that will to ensure the stability of Springfield’s public drinking water supply to meet current and future needs. Prior to City approval of annexation, land division or site development in the North Gateway and Mill Race UHA-E districts, the City — in partnership with Springfield Utility Board — shall conduct a Springfield Development Code Amendment process to prepare and apply specialized development standards that protect Drinking Water Source Areas to urbanizable lands designated UHA-E to ensure that new development contributes to a safe, clean, healthy, and plentiful community drinking water supply. The standards shall identify design, development, construction and best management processes appropriate and necessary to maintain aquifer recharge and protect drinking water quality and quantity. The standards shall also identify land use buffers appropriate and necessary to protect the Willamette Wellfield and the surface water features that are known to be in hydraulic connection with the alluvial aquifer. Continue to Update the Springfield Comprehensive Plan and Springfield Development Code as new natural hazards information becomes available. Encourage increased integration of natural systems into the built environment, such as vegetated water quality stormwater management systems and energy- efficient buildings. 52. Grow and develop the City in ways that maintain and improve Springfield’s air quality to benefit public health and the environment. Prioritize and seek funding for mixed use land use district planning and multi- modal transportation projects that reduce reliance on single occupancy vehicles Exhibit C 1-30 Attachment 2, Page 303 of 1045 U-31 | Urbanization Element (SOVs) consistent with Springfield Transportation System Plan (TSP) Policy 1.2, 1.3 and 1.4. Coordinate land use and transportation system planning for urbanizable lands at the refinement plan and/or Master Plan level to identify and conceptually plan alignments for locating multi – modal facilities. Plan, zone and design transportation systems in the North Gateway and Mill Race Urban Holding Area - Employment districts to provide multi-modal transportation choices for district employees. Promote the use of active transportation systems as new growth areas and significant new infrastructure are planned and developed. Exhibit C 1-31 Attachment 2, Page 304 of 1045 U-32 | Urbanization Element FINDINGS POPULATION AND EMPLOYMENT FORECASTS FOR THE 2010-2030 PLANNING PERIOD In order to achieve timely compliance with their statutory obligations under ORS 197.304 (2007) Or Laws Chapter 650, the cities of Eugene and Springfield and Lane County co-adopted the following coordinated population forecasts into the Metro Plan for Springfield’s jurisdictional areas: 2030 2031 2032 2033 2034 2035 Springfield – City Only 74,814 75,534 76,254 76,974 77,693 78,413 Metro Urban Area East of I-5 6,794 6,718 6,642 6,567 6,491 6,415 Total 81,608 82,252 82,896 83,541 84,184 84,828 These figures effectively provide coordinated projections for years ending 2030 through 2035 and were used as the basis for the Springfield 2030 UGB and plan policies adopted to meet residential and employment land needs for the 20-year planning period 2010-2030. The 2030 UGB relied on the 2006 employment forecast 29of 13,440 new employees for Springfield in the year 2030 to project employment land needs. LAND INVENTORIES AND ANALYSES FOR THE 2010-2030 PLANNING PERIOD The Springfield Comprehensive Plan is supported by the following land inventories and technical analyses which are adopted as technical supplements to this Plan: Goal 10: Springfield Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis (acknowledged in 2011)30 Goal 9: Springfield Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis (acknowledged in 2016)31 Definitions of constrained and unconstrained land. The land area included in the Springfield 2030 Urban Growth Boundary includes land constrained by natural features, natural hazards, natural resource protection buffers, and 230KV transmission line easements. Constraints are 29 The employment forecast in the adopted Commercial and Industrial Buildable Lands Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis, Appendix C. 30 Adopted as a Technical Supplement to the Springfield 2030 Residential Land Use and Housing Element 31 Adopted as a Technical Supplement to the Springfield 2030 Economic Element Exhibit C 1-32 Attachment 2, Page 305 of 1045 U-33 | Urbanization Element factors that preclude land development or affect the desirability of land for development. Constraints reduce the development capacity of land. OAR 660-009-0005(2) defines “development constraints” as factors that temporarily or permanently limit or prevent the use of land for economic development. Development constraints include, but are not limited to, wetlands, environmentally sensitive areas such as habitat, environmental contamination, slope, topography, cultural and archeological resources, infrastructure deficiencies, parcel fragmentation, or natural hazard areas. Assumptions about constraints affect the amount of suitable, buildable land in the City’s inventories, and thus the amount of land Springfield needs to designate to meet housing and employment needs for the planning period. Table 1 shows constraints that were considered unbuildable for the purpose of the 2010-2030 land inventories. Table 6: Development Constraints Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan Land Inventories (2010-2030) Assumed Constraints Employment Land32 Absolute Development Constraints. The following factors are considered absolute development constraints which make employment land unsuitable for development: Floodway Wetlands Riparian resource areas Slopes greater than 15% Springfield’s Natural Resources Inventory and Lane County Rural Comprehensive Plan Natural Resources Inventory identify wetlands and riparian resource areas protected from development by City Ordinance in compliance with Goal 5, the Federal Clean Water Act and the federal Endangered Species Act. Assumed Constraints Residential Land33 Unbuildable, Not Serviceable Land: Tax lots or areas within tax lots with one or more of the following attributes: Floodway Wetlands Riparian resource areas and setbacks Areas with severe landslide potential (DOGAMI map) Slopes greater than 25% Easements containing a 230KV transmission line Small irregularly shaped lots Publicly owned land 32 Springfield Commercial and Industrial Land Inventory and Economic Opportunities Analysis, page 14. 33 Springfield Residential Land and Housing Needs Analysis, page 10, Map 3-4. Exhibit C 1-33 Attachment 2, Page 306 of 1045 U-34 | Urbanization Element Commentary: After approval, this document will be formatted to be consistent with the Economic and Residential Elements of this Plan Exhibit C 1-34 Attachment 2, Page 307 of 1045 Exhibit C 1 A-1Attachment 2, Page 308 of 1045 Ordinance _____, Exhibit C-2 Amendments to Springfield UGB Technical Supplement Describing the Amended UGB The following amendments to the UGB Technical Supplement are necessary to describe the precise location of the amended UGB: 1. List of tax lots that are adjacent to and inside, or split by UGB; 2. Summary of Methodology to refine the Location of the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary The UGB Technical Supplement previously adopted as Ordinance 6268, Exhibits D and E of is replaced with the attached documents. Exhibit C 2-1 Attachment 2, Page 309 of 1045 Summary of Methodology April 5, 2011 revised August 20, 2015 1 of 4 Summary of Methodology Utilized to Refine the Location of the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary Purpose of this action 1. To establish a tax lot-specific map of the acknowledged Metro Urban Growth Boundary, east of Interstate 5, in accordance with OAR 660-024-0020(2). 2. To establish a separate Urban Growth Boundary for the city of Springfield, as required by ORS 197.304. Background & Findings 1. The Urban Growth Boundary (UGB) was originally acknowledged by the Land Conservation and Development Commission on August 19, 1982. 2. The existing map of the UGB was adopted by the Springfield City Council on May 17, 2004, by Ordinance No. 6087. 3. The tax lot-specific map of the acknowledged Metro Urban Growth Boundary, east of Interstate 5 establishes a more precise location of the UGB. 4. The methodology used to determine the precise location of the acknowledged UGB is based on the adopted policies contained in the Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan (Metro Plan). 5. As adopted, the UGB is only tax lot-specific where it is coterminous with city limits, where it has been determined through the annexation process, and where it falls on the outside edge of existing or planned rights-of-way. (Page II-G-14 of the Metro Plan). 6. Where it is not tax lot-specific, the UGB is approximately 200’ wide. This is in accordance with the adopted policies in the Metro Plan as well as decisions by the Lane County Hearings Official. a. Levi Landing (Journal #1997-06-142 & #1999-06-144) is the only area where a more precise location of the UGB east of I5 has been determined by the Lane County Hearings Official. b. Letter from Steve Gordon, dated June 29, 1999. c. The best evidence that identifies the location of the UGB in the SE Hills is: i. The city attorney and city staff endorsed the location of the ridgeline separating the drainage basins, as proposed in Journal #2000-06-128, Dilbeck, and ii. The Springfield Planning Commission found the legal description contained in Journal #1998-11-256, Smejkal, accurately describes a portion of the UGB in the southeast hills. 7. Where the UGB description refers to the “Line of Ordinary High Water”, this means the line on the bank or shore to which the high water ordinarily rises annually in season. This definition is per ORS 274.005(3). Exhibit C 2-2 Attachment 2, Page 310 of 1045 Summary of Methodology April 5, 2011 revised August 20, 2015 2 of 4 Methodology 1. OAR 660-024-0020(2): “The UGB and amendments to the UGB must be shown on the city and county plan and zone maps at a scale sufficient to determine which particular lots or parcels are included in the UGB. Where a UGB does not follow lot or parcel lines, the map must provide sufficient information to determine the precise UGB location.” a. This OAR requires the UGB to be shown at a scale that identifies which particular tax lots are included in the UGB. If a tax lot is split by the UGB, there must be sufficient information to determine the precise UGB location. b. Where the UGB does not follow tax lot lines, a written description shall provide sufficient information to determine the precise UGB location. This information is contained in the table called: “Tax lots Adjacent and Split by the UGB” 2. The UGB is coincident with tax lot lines unless the tax lot line is outside the 200’ wide area. 3. The UGB is coincident with tax lot lines when they are coterminous with the outside edge of rights-of-way, so the full width of the right-of-way is inside the UGB. 4. Roads and Rights of Way. The UGB shall lie along the outside edge of existing and planned rights-of-way that form a portion of the UGB so that the full right-of-way is within the UGB. Refer to Policy #2, Page II-C-4 of the Metro Plan. 5. The location of the UGB in relation to the Interstate 5 corridor is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan: “The division of responsibility for metropolitan planning between the two cities is the Interstate 5 Highway. Lane County jurisdiction is between the urban growth boundary (UGB) and Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary); and the county has joint responsibility with Eugene between the city limits and UGB west of the Interstate 5 Highway and with Springfield between the city limits and UGB east of the Interstate 5 Highway. State law (1981) provides a mechanism for creation of a new city in the River Road and Santa Clara area. Refer to Metro Plan Chapter IV and intergovernmental agreements to resolve specific issues of jurisdiction.” a. General description. The northbound lane is inside the Springfield UGB. The southbound lane is outside the Springfield UGB. For the area underneath the Willamette River Bridge, the UGB and the city limits are coincident. b. Northern terminus. Extend the norsouthern tax lot line of 1703100001950000100 to the west until it intersects the centerline of the Interstate 5 right-of-way. c. Southern terminus. Extend the southernmost point of tax lot 180311001800 that is south of and adjacent to the Filbert Grove 5th Addition, to the W, to the intersection of the Interstate 5 centerline and the common section line of TRS 180311 and 180310. This point is approximately 275’ south of the northbound Interstate 5 on-ramp. d. Centerline. For the purposes of the UGB location, the centerline is located within the area between the northbound and southbound travel lanes as they are currently located. A more precise location of the current centerline is included in the following metes and bounds description. If the travel lanes are shifted and Exhibit C 2-3 Attachment 2, Page 311 of 1045 Summary of Methodology April 5, 2011 revised August 20, 2015 3 of 4 the metes and bounds description conflicts with the new travel lanes, the general description shall apply. Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Ashley O. Stevens DLC no. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West in the Willamette Meridian, thence South 83°17’27” East 1025.05 feet to the centerline of Pacific highway Interstate 5; thence North 6°38’21” East 1636.35 feet along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 402+01.88; thence North 6°42’32” East 2934.72 feet, more or less along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 372+67.16, said station being 277.25 feet southerly along said centerline from Engineers centerline station 369+89.91 PT, as depicted on Lane County Survey maps CSF 23305 and CSF 28681, records of the Lane County Surveyors Office, in Lane County, Oregon, being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein UGB line description; thence along the centerline of said Pacific Highway Interstate 5 the following courses: South 6°42’32” West 16,629.8013,695.08 feet, more or less to Engineers centerline station 538+96.95 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 4°17’57” West 1213.40 feet) to Engineers centerline station 551+10.84 PT BK = 551+24.85 POT AH; thence South 1°53’22” West 3690.63 feet to Engineers centerline station 588+15.62 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°18’13” East 1505.42 feet) to Engineers centerline station 603+34.93 PT; thence South 20°29’48” East 15.13 feet to Engineers centerline station 603+50.0634.93 POT BK = 202+88.88 POT AH; thence South 20°29’48” East 233.64 feet to Engineers centerline station 205+22.53 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 54°29’18” East 2982.07 feet) to Engineers centerline station 237+41.86 PT; thence South 88°28’48” East 738.65 feet to Engineers centerline station 244+80.54 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the right (the long chord of which bears South 47°03’03” East 2279.74 feet) to Engineers centerline station 266+63.16 PT; thence South 5°37’18” East 1049.33 feet to Engineers centerline station 277+12.49 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°31’54” East 1431.01 feet) to Engineers centerline station 287+45.82 PCS and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. Basis of Bearings for this description is Oregon State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, NAD 83/91 Datum. 6. Split Tax Lots. When the UGB is not coincident with tax lot lines, the criteria from the Metro Plan shall apply. The following criteria are from Page II-G-14 of the Metro Plan. The UGB shall follow the most appropriate feature: a. Protection of Agricultural Lands b. Protection of Forest Lands c. Ridgeline (Drainage Basin) d. Orderly and Economic Public Services e. Floodway Fringe f. Protection of Wetlands Exhibit C 2-4 Attachment 2, Page 312 of 1045 Summary of Methodology April 5, 2011 revised August 20, 2015 4 of 4 g. Protection of Sand and Gravel Resources h. Airport Protection i. Existing Development and Services (City Limits) j. Meet Economic Goals 7. The following areas contain tax lots that are split by the UGB. Refer to the detail maps in the technical supplement for further clarification. a. Hayden Bridge Area Split Tax Lots: The location of the UGB is a fixed distance (300’) that is measured from the northern edge of the Hayden Bridge right-of- way, unless it has been previously determined as a result of a land use decision or annexation. The location of 300’ north of the right of way was chosen since it included most of the existing dwellings and was within the 200’ area. In addition, the land use decisions indicated the UGB was not intended to follow the Hayden Bridge right of way. b. High Banks Area Split Tax Lots. The location of the UGB is either: A fixed distance (450’) that is measured from the northern edge of the High Banks right-of-way, or Coincident with the city limits. c. North Gateway Area Split Tax Lots. Refer to the description of the UGB within the I5 corridor. The location is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan.The UGB is coincident with the unnumbered tax lot that contains the public drainage facility. The tax lot is entirely within the UGB. d. Thurston Area Split Tax Lots. The city limits extend outside the UGB on the tax lot that contains the Thurston Middle School. On that tax lot, the UGB is coincident with the section line. e. Southeast Hills Area Split Tax Lots. The adopted policies indicate the UGB should follow the ridgeline (refer to the table “Metro Plan Urban Growth Boundary Map Key” from Page II-G-21 of the Metro plan). The line was originally drawn in 1982 and generally follows the ridgeline. The city’s current mapping technology is able to more accurately follow the ridgeline. The letter from Steve Gordon, dated June 29, 1999, provides evidence of the intent to follow the ridgeline. Journal #1998-11-0256 is a land use decision that provided a legal description for a portion of this area. f. Clearwater Area Split Tax Lots: When the UGB does not follow tax lot lines in this area, its location is based on aerial photo interpretation and proximity to the Jasper Rd. right of way. This effort also included a site visit and discussions with the landowner of 5119 Jasper Rd. g. Willamette Area Split Tax Lots: Refer to the description of the UGB within the I5 corridor. The location is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan. Exhibit C 2-5 Attachment 2, Page 313 of 1045 UGB within the I-5 corridor March 16, 2011 revised August 20, 2015 1 of 2 Description of the Springfield UGB within the Interstate 5 corridor March 16, 2011 The location of the UGB in relation to the Interstate 5 (I-5) corridor is based on the policies contained in “Jurisdictional Responsibility” on Page II-D of the Metro Plan. It states: “The division of responsibility for metropolitan planning between the two cities is the Interstate 5 Highway. Lane County jurisdiction is between the urban growth boundary (UGB) and Metro Plan Plan Boundary (Plan Boundary); and the county has joint responsibility with Eugene between the city limits and UGB west of the Interstate 5 Highway and with Springfield between the city limits and UGB east of the Interstate 5 Highway. State law (1981) provides a mechanism for creation of a new city in the River Road and Santa Clara area. Refer to Metro Plan Chapter IV and intergovernmental agreements to resolve specific issues of jurisdiction.” General description The northbound lane is inside the Springfield UGB. The southbound lane is outside the Springfield UGB. For the area underneath the Willamette River Bridge, the UGB and the city limits are coincident. Northern terminus Extend the norsouthern tax lot line of 1703100001950000100 to the west until it intersects the centerline of the Interstate 5 right-of-way. Southern terminus Extend the southernmost point of tax lot 180311001800 that is south of and adjacent to the Filbert Grove 5th Addition, to the W, to the intersection of the I-5 centerline and the common section line of TRS 180311 and 180310. This point is approximately 275’ south of the NB I-5 onramp. Metes and bounds description This is a metes and bounds description of the northern and southern terminus points of the Springfield UGB within the I-5 right of way. For the purposes of the UGB location, the centerline is located within the area between the northbound and southbound travel lanes as they are currently located. A more precise location of the current centerline is included in the following metes and bounds description. If the travel lanes are shifted and the metes and bounds description conflicts with the new travel lanes, the general description shall apply. Exhibit C 2-6 Attachment 2, Page 314 of 1045 UGB within the I-5 corridor March 16, 2011 revised August 20, 2015 2 of 2 Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Ashley O. Stevens DLC no. 45 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West in the Willamette Meridian, thence South 83°17’27” East 1025.05 feet to the centerline of Pacific highway Interstate 5; thence North 6°38’21” East 1636.35 feet along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 402+01.88; thence North 6°42’32” East 2934.72 feet, more or less along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 372+67.16, said station being 277.25 feet southerly along said centerline from Engineers centerline station 369+89.91 PT, as depicted on Lane County Survey maps CSF 23305 and CSF 28681, records of the Lane County Surveyors Office, in Lane County, Oregon, being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein UGB line description; thence along the centerline of said Pacific Highway Interstate 5 the following courses: South 6°42’32” West 16,629.8013,695.08 feet, more or less to Engineers centerline station 538+96.95 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 4°17’57” West 1213.40 feet) to Engineers centerline station 551+10.84 PT BK = 551+24.85 POT AH; thence South 1°53’22” West 3690.63 feet to Engineers centerline station 588+15.62 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°18’13” East 1505.42 feet) to Engineers centerline station 603+34.93 PT; thence South 20°29’48” East 15.13 feet to Engineers centerline station 603+50.0634.93 POT BK = 202+88.88 POT AH; thence South 20°29’48” East 233.64 feet to Engineers centerline station 205+22.53 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 54°29’18” East 2982.07 feet) to Engineers centerline station 237+41.86 PT; thence South 88°28’48” East 738.65 feet to Engineers centerline station 244+80.54 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the right (the long chord of which bears South 47°03’03” East 2279.74 feet) to Engineers centerline station 266+63.16 PT; thence South 5°37’18” East 1049.33 feet to Engineers centerline station 277+12.49 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°31’54” East 1431.01 feet) to Engineers centerline station 287+45.82 PCS and there ending, all in Lane County, Oregon. Basis of Bearings for this description is Oregon State Plane Coordinate System, South Zone, NAD 83/91 Datum. Exhibit C 2-7 Attachment 2, Page 315 of 1045 Springfield UGB within the Interstate 5 Corridor Metes and Bounds Description (Revised August 20,2015) Beginning at the Northwest corner of the Ashley O.Stevens DLC no.45 in Township 17 South, Range 3 West in the Willamette Meridian,thence South 83°17’27”East 1025.05 feet to the centerline of Pacific Highway Interstate 5;thence North 6°38’21”East 1636.35 feet along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 402+01.88;thence North 6°42’32”East 2934.72 feet, more or less along said centerline to Engineers centerline station 372+67.16,said station being 277.25 feet southerly along said centerline from Engineers centerline station 369+89.91 PT,as depicted on Lane County Survey maps CSF 23305 and CSF 28681,records of the Lane County Surveyors Office,in Lane County,Oregon,being the TRUE POINT OF BEGINNING of the herein UGB line description;thence along the centerline of said Pacific Highway Interstate 5 the following courses:South 6°42’32”West 16,629.80 feet,more or less to Engineers centerline station 538+96.95 PS;thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 4°17’57”West 1213.40 feet)to Engineers centerline station 551+10.84 PT BK = 551+24.85 POT AH;thence South 1°53’22”West 3690.63 feet to Engineers centerline station 588+15.62 PS;thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°18’13”East 1505.42 feet)to Engineers centerline station 603+34.93 PT;thence South 20°29’48”East 15.13 feet to Engineers centerline station 603+50.06 POT BK =202+88.88 POT AH;thence South 20°29’48”East 233.64 feet to Engineers centerline station 205+22.53 PS; thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 54°29’18”East 2982.07 feet)to Engineers centerline station 237+41.86 PT;thence South 88°28’48”East 738.65 feet to Engineers centerline station 244+80.54 PS;thence along a spiral curve to the right (the long chord of which bears South 47°03’03”East 2279.74 feet)to Engineers centerline station 266+63.16 PT;thence South 5°37’18”East 1049.33 feet to Engineers centerline station 277+12.49 PS;thence along a spiral curve to the left (the long chord of which bears South 9°31’54”East 1431.01 feet)to Engineers centerline station 287+45.82 PCS and there ending,all in Lane County,Oregon. Basis of Bearings for this description is Oregon State Plane Coordinate System,South Zone,NAD 83/91 Datum. Exhibit C 2-8 Attachment 2, Page 316 of 1045 List of tax lots that are adjacent to and inside, or split by the UGB4/5/2011 revised 10/8/2015Tax lot # Status DescriptionAreaNote17-02-19inside UGB or split by UGBIf the tax lot is split by the UGB, where is the UGB located?name of area containing split tax lotsPlat, Survey, or land use decision1702190000101 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden BridgeJournal #94-02-32; plat #94-P0555; CS #322001702190000203 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000300 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000400 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000500 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000501 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000601 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000699 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000701 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden BridgeSUB2003-00014; Plat #2004-PO17871702190000800 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190000900 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge Journal #87-03-20; CS #284051702190001000 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190001100 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702190001200 split300' N of N edge of Hayden Bridge ROWHayden Bridge1702194100101 in1702194100102 in1702194100200 in1702194100300 in1702194100800 in1702194100900 in1702194100901 in1702194100902 in1702194102900 in17-02-201702200000500 intax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident1702200000600 intax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident1702200000700 intax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident1702200000800 intax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincident1702200001301 intax lot line, city limits and UGB are coincidentUGBtaxlots1of12Exhibit C 2-9Attachment 2, Page 317 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote17-02-271702270000901 splitCity limits and UGB are coincidentHighbanks1702270000902 splitCity limits and UGB are coincidentHighbanks1702270001002 splitconnect the most northerly NE corner of tax lot 1702342200100 to NW corner of tax lot 1702342100400. Highbanks1702270001004 in1702270001101 in1702270001102 in1702270001502 in1702270002002 in1702270002100 in17-02-281702280000101 splitUGB and city limits are coincidentHighbankssplit by city limits1702280000102 in1702280000300 splitUGB and city limits are coincidentHighbankssplit by city limits1702280000301 in1702280000302 in1702280000401 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702280000402 in1702280000405 in1702280000406 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702280000500 split450' N of the N edge of Highbanks ROW, then coincident with city limits east of tax lot 1702280000600 Highbanks1702280000600 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702284300200 in1702284300202 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702284300203 in1702284301308 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702284301309 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident17-02-291702290002800 split450' N of Highbanks ROW on the eastern lot line; connect to NE corner of tax lot 1702290002900 Highbanks1702290002900 splitMulti-part tax lot. Extend the UGB from tax lot 2800 to the W, coincident with tax lot line 2900 until it intersects the N edge of the ROW of I-105 Highbanks1702290002901 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the McKenzie River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the left bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the McKenzie River1702290003100 split UGB and city limits are coincidentHighbanksUGBtaxlots2of12Exhibit C 2-10Attachment 2, Page 318 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote17-02-301702300000401 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the McKenzie River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the left bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the McKenzie River17-02-341702341107900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341108000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341108100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341108200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341108300 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341109000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341109100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341114900 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341115000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341115100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341115200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341115300 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341115400 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341115500 splitsplit by city limits. Only "leg" portion is insideHayden BridgeUGB formally interpreted in Levi Landing (#97-06-142); refer to plats of Levi Landing1702341200100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1702341200500 splitSplit by section line 170227 & 170234Thurstoncity limits outside UGB, Thurston Middle School1702342100400 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincidentThurston1702342200100 in17-02-351702352204801 in1702352204900 splitsplit by city limitsThurston17-02-361702362000403 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident on most easterly tax lot line1702362400102 in1702362400200 in1702363000100 in1702363002900 in1702363003200 in1702363003300 in1702363003400 inUGBtaxlots3of12Exhibit C 2-11Attachment 2, Page 319 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1702363003402 in17-03-101703100002400 split split by I-517-03-141703140000900 in1703140001100 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to survey Riverbend Phase 2 (survey)1703140001900 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to survey Riverbend Phase 2 (survey)17-03-151703154000400 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the McKenzie River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the left bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the McKenzie RiverGateway17-03-221703220003700 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703220004102 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Riverbend Phase 2 (survey)17-03-231703233200100 in1703233200200 in1703233200300 in1703233200400 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition1703233202400 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition1703233202600 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition1703233202700 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition1703233202800 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 1st Addition1703233203200 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition1703233203300 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition1703233203400 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition1703233203700 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition1703233203800 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition1703233203900 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. McKenzie Manor 3rd Addition1703233400100 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle1703233400200 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle1703233400300 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle1703233400400 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle1703233405400 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233405500 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233405600 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233405700 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233405800 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st AdditionUGBtaxlots4of12Exhibit C 2-12Attachment 2, Page 320 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1703233405900 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233406000 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233406100 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233406200 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 1st Addition1703233410800 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition1703233410900 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition1703233411000 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition1703233411100 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. Royal Delle 2nd Addition1703234200100 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234200200 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234200300 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234200400 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234200500 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234200600 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234200700 inAdjacent to McKenzie River. Refer to plat. River Glen 3rd Addition1703234300100 in1703234300200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234305500 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234305600 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234305700 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234305800 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234305900 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234306000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234306100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234306200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234306300 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234406000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234406100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234406200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234406300 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234407900 inPLA #94-11-222; CS #325401703234409300 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234409400 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234409500 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234409600 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234409700 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234409800 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234409900 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234410000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234410100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703234410200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincidentUGBtaxlots5of12Exhibit C 2-13Attachment 2, Page 321 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote17-03-241703240000101 split260' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROWHayden BridgeJournal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 322611703240000102 inHayden BridgeJournal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 322611703240000103 split 260' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW Hayden BridgeJournal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 322611703240000104 inHayden BridgeJournal #94-02-28; Plat #94-PO567; CS #32260 & 322611703240000300 split 375' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW, include house Hayden Bridge1703240000301 in1703240000401 split 375' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge Rd ROW, include house Hayden Bridge1703240000503 in1703240000507 in1703240000603 splitfrom the NE corner of the city limits on tax lot 1703243102000, then to a point 285' N of the N edge of Hayden Bridge ROW, on the east tax lot line of 1703240000603Hayden BridgeJournal #92-10-202 O'Niell; CS #33470 & 31021; Plat #92-P0306.1703243100100 splitFrom NE corner of tax lot 1703243200301, to city limits on tax lot 1703243104000. Hayden Bridge1703243100200 splitFrom NE corner of tax lot 1703243200301, to NW corner of city limits on tax lot 1703243100300. Hayden Bridge1703243100300 splitFrom NE corner of tax lot 1703243200301, to NW corner of city limits on tax lot 1703243100300. Hayden Bridge1703243100600 in1703243100701 in1703243100702 in1703243100704 in1703243100900 split split by city limitsHayden Bridge1703243102000 splitsplit by city limits, UGB and city limits are coincidentHayden Bridge1703243104000 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703243104100 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703243104200 inUGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident1703243200200 in1703243200301 in1703243200302 in1703243200303 in1703243200304 in1703243200305 in1703243200306 in1703243200307 in1703243200500 inUGBtaxlots6of12Exhibit C 2-14Attachment 2, Page 322 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1703243200600 in1703243200700 in1703243200800 in1703243200900 in18-02-011802010000100 split follow ridgelineSE Hills18-02-021802020000100 splitfollow ridgelineSE Hills1802020000200 splitfollow ridgelineSE Hills1802020000300 splitfollow ridgelineSE Hills1802020000400 splitfollow ridgelineSE HillsRefer to Webb survey1802020000401 inSE Hills18-02-031802030000600 infollow ridgelineSE Hills18-02-041802040003000 splitapproximately 450' S of Jasper Rd to a property corner, then W to the drainage ditch on the W property line. The house and barn at 5119 Jasper Rd are inside the UGB.Clearwater18-02-051802050001801 in1802050002600 splitPanhandle; 400' S of the S edge of the Jasper Rd. ROWClearwater1802050002800 splitOn the E lot line 450' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd. ROW. On the W tax lot line 220' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd. ROW. Clearwater1802050002801 splitOn the E tax lot line, approximately 450' S of Jasper Rd. to the natural drainage, then to the NW corner of the tax lot. The house (4855 Jasper Rd) is outside.Clearwater1802051303501 in1802051303600 in1802051303700 in1802051303800 in1802051304100 in1802051304101 in1802051304200 in1802052300300 in1802052300400 in1802052300403 in1802052300500 in1802052300600 inUGBtaxlots7of12Exhibit C 2-15Attachment 2, Page 323 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1802052400100 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052400200 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052401000 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052401100 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052401200 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052407900 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052408000 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052408100 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052408201 in1802052409400 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052409600 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052409700 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052409800 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052409900 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052410000 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052411000 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052412000 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat1802052413000 inJournal #1998-11-0255; Redwood Village plat18-02-061802060001500 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette RiverUGBtaxlots8of12Exhibit C 2-16Attachment 2, Page 324 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1802060001600 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1802060001606 in1802060004501 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1802060004600 in1802062403500 in1802062403501 in1802064104902 in1802064105700 in1802064105800 in1802064105900 in1802064106000 in1802064106100 in1802064106200 in1802064106300 in1802064114500 in1802064115900 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident; N bank of Jasper sloughfilbert meadows, LRP2005-00010; SUB2005-000621802064200118 in1802064200119 in1802064200120 in1802064200121 in1802064200301 in1802064200500 in1802064200501 in1802064200503 splitconnect SW corner of tax lot 1802064200800 to SE corner of tax lot 1802064206001802064200600 in1802064200800 in1802064200900 in1802064201000 in1802064201101 in1802064201201 in18-02-07UGBtaxlots9of12Exhibit C 2-17Attachment 2, Page 325 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1802070000801 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River18-02-081802080000300 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1802080000400 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1802080000500 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1802080000600 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1802080000602 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River18-02-091802090000100 splitfollow ridgeline from the most southerly NE corner of tax lot, to a point along Jasper Rd, 815' from the SW corner of the tax lotSE Hills1802090000600 split panhandle; approximately 450' S of the S edge of Jasper Rd. ROW Clearwater18-02-101802100001600 inUGB and tax lot lines are coincidentSE HillsWeyerhauser Rd.1802100000100 splitfollow ridgelineSE HillsRefer to Webb Survey18-02-111802110000300 ininterpretation with legal descriptionSE HillsJournal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)1802110000400 ininterpretation with legal descriptionSE HillsJournal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)1802110001600 ininterpretation with legal descriptionSE HillsJournal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)UGBtaxlots10of12Exhibit C 2-18Attachment 2, Page 326 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1802110001700 splitinterpretation with legal descriptionSE HillsWeyerhauser Rd. Journal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)1802110002000 ininterpretation with legal descriptionSE HillsJournal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)18-02-151802150000100 ininterpretation with legal descriptionSE HillsJournal #1998-11-0256 contains legal description (attachment D)18-03-011803010001100 in1803010002700 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1803010002800 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1803010003000 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1803010003100 in1803010003200 inwillamette1803010003201 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River1803010003500 inall of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River18-03-021803020000600 in18-03-111803110000600 splitrefer to description of UGB within I5 corridorwillamette1803110000700 splitrefer to description of UGB within I5 corridorwillamette1803110001800 in18-03-12UGBtaxlots11of12Exhibit C 2-19Attachment 2, Page 327 of 1045 Tax lot # StatusDescriptionAreaNote1803120000500 inROW/otherJasper Rd. inUGB is the S edge of the Jasper Rd ROW, include entire ROWMill Race inthe Mill Race within 18-03-01 is entirely within the UGB, UGB is top of S bankI-105inI-105 within 17-02-29 and 17-02-30 is within the UGB17-02-35inUGB is the N edge of the Thurston Rd ROW, E of 69th Street to the E lot line of 170236240020018-02-06-24 inThe ROW for Garden Ave and Kintzley Ave are within the UGB17-02-36inUGB is the N edge of the Thurston Rd ROWI5 description refer to methodology in adopted ordinanceUGBtaxlots12of12Exhibit C 2-20Attachment 2, Page 328 of 1045 Tax lot # Status Description Area Noteinside UGB or split by UGB If the tax lot is split by the UGB, where is the UGB located? name of area containing split tax lots Plat, Survey, or land use decision 18-02-05 1802050001801 in 18-02-06 1802060001006 in 1802060001007 in1802062403600 in 18-02-06 1802060001500 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1802060001600 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1802060001606 in 1802060004501 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1802064201000 in 1802064201101 in 1802064201201 in 18-02-07 1802070000801 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 18-02-08 1802080000300 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1802080000400 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River Summary of UGB List Revisions for Mill Race Area Add the following section: Remove the following Tax Lots from the "18-02-06" section: And add the following to the "18-02-06" section: Add the following section: Add the following section: Revised 10/8/2015 MapB:refinedUGBparcels 1of2 Exhibit C 2-21 Attachment 2, Page 329 of 1045 1802080000500 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1802080000600 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1802080000602 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 18-03-01 1803010000701 in 1803010001301 in 1803010003600 in 18-03-01 1803010002700 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1803010002800 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1803010003000 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1803010003201 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River 1803010003500 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the Willamette River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the right bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the Willamette River Remove the following Tax Lots from the "18-03-01" section: And add the following to the "18-03-01" section: MapB:refinedUGBparcels 2of2 Exhibit C 2-22 Attachment 2, Page 330 of 1045 Revised 10/8/2015 Tax lot # Status Description Area Noteinside UGB or split by UGB If the tax lot is split by the UGB, where is the UGB located? name of area containing split tax lots Plat, Survey, or land use decision 17-02-27 1702270001101 split UGB and city limits are coincident Thurston 17-02-27 1702270001101 in 1702270001502 in 17-02-29 1702290002901 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the McKenzie River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the left bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the McKenzie River 17-02-30 1702300000100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702300000101 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702300000200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1702300002500 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 17-02-30 1702300000401 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the McKenzie River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the left bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the McKenzie River And add the following to the "17-02-27" section: Add the following to the "17-02-29" section: and replaced with the following section: The following section is removed: Summary of UGB List Revisions for North Springfield/Willamalane Parks Area Remove the following Tax Lot from the "17-02-27" section: MapB:refinedUGBparcels 1of1 Exhibit C 2-23 Attachment 2, Page 331 of 1045 Tax lot # Status Description Area Noteinside UGB or split by UGB If the tax lot is split by the UGB, where is the UGB located? name of area containing split tax lots Plat, Survey, or land use decision 17-03-10 1703100002400 split split by I-5 17-03-15 170315 in maple island slough, unknown lot # Gateway tax lot contains public drainage facility 1703150000801 split City limits and UGB are coincident Gateway1703150001000 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703154000100 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703154000200 in UGB, city limits and tax lot lines are coincident 1703154000400 split split by city limits; mostly outside the UGB, only the "leg" portion is inside Gateway 17-03-15 1703154000400 in all of the tax lot, including all adjacent side channels of the McKenzie River, is inside, as lies upland of the Line of Ordinary High Water of the left bank (as facing downstream) of the main channel of the McKenzie River Gateway The following section is added just before the "17-03-14" section: The following section is removed: and replaced with the following section: Summary of UGB List Revisions for North Gateway AreaRevised 10/8/2015 MapB:refinedUGBparcels 1of1 Exhibit C 2-24 Attachment 2, Page 332 of 1045