HomeMy WebLinkAbout09/12/2016 Joint Elected Officials (JEO) MINUTES OF THE JOINT ELECTED OFFICIALS WORK SESSION OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL, AND LANE COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MONDAY SEPTEMBER 12, 2016 A joint elected officials' work session with the City of Springfield and Lane County was held in the Library Meeting Room, Springfield City Hall, 225 5th Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday September 12,2016 at 6:35 p.m. with Mayor Christine Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Mayor Lundberg opened the meeting of the Springfield City Council. Board Chair Stewart opened the meeting of the Lane County Board of Commissioners. Planning Commission Chair Charlie Conrad opened the meeting of the Lane County Planning Commission. Present from Springfield were Mayor Christine Lundberg and Councilors Wylie,Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri. Development and Public Works Director Anette Spickard(as AIC City Manager)and other Springfield staff were also present. Councilor VanGordon was absent(excused). Present from Lane County were Board Chair Stewart and Commissioners Leiken,Bozievich,Farr, and Sorenson. Also present were County Administrator Steve Mokrohisky and Senior Planner Keir Miller. Present from Lane County Planning Commission were Chair Conrad and Commissioners Hledik, Sisson,Coon, Thorp, Rose,Thiesfeld, and Kaylor. WORK SESSION 1. Springfield 2030 Comprehensive Plan:Adoption of Amendments to the Springfield Urban Growth Boundary(UGB)and Eugene-Springfield Metropolitan Area General Plan, Designating Land to Meet Employment Land Needs for 2010-2030 Planning Period and Designating Land for Natural Resources; Public Facilities; Parks and Open Space. (Metro Plan Amendment File No. LRP 2009- 00014). Anette Spickard,Development and Public Works Director(and AIC City Manager) introduced this item. This is a very exciting time for the City of Springfield. The City has been working on this plan for many years to establish a Comprehensive Plan for Springfield. Tonight, staff will be discussing key elements related to the economic aspect of our Comprehensive Plan. Testimony will be received regarding the amendment to our urban growth boundary(UGB)based on our economic needs, she reminded them they were also looking at the City's economic policies that would be put into place that would affect all of the City of Springfield. Those are critical to the City. The memo included in the agenda packet highlighted that our analysis showed that 77% of the new jobs in Springfield are going to be accommodated within the existing UGB, and 23% in the proposed expansion area. This action is very important to the City in terms of the future for our residents having jobs. Staff will provide an overview of the ordinances proposed for adoption, followed by the public hearing. Linda Pauly, Principal Planner, presented the staff report on this item. She introduced Keir Miller, Principal Planner from Lane County. She noted the printed maps provided to the elected officials at their places. September 12,2016 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Work Session City of Springfield Lane County Page 2 of 3 Staff's goals in the work session are to assist the elected officials in navigating through all of the materials and provide an opportunity for them to ask questions about the proposal.After the public hearing is opened, staff will provide more of the staff report. Included in that portion of the staff report,they will be identifying criteria of approval and the law for the subject plan amendments, and address public testimony received. She noted that Exhibit F in the agenda packet was the extensive staff report which included the legal criteria and how the City's proposal meets that criteria. This is about the City of Springfield's employment land base over the twenty year planning period of 2010-2030. The ordinance includes assessment of how much land the City needs to provide the types of jobs that are going to be appropriate for the City of Springfield for that planning period. The focus is what type of site plan and infrastructure is needed so we can plan and zone and provide public facilities planning appropriate to provide job growth for Springfield. The proposal addresses Statewide Planning Goal 9: Economic Development. Current language in the Metro Plan was done prior to adoption of the Goal 9 rule. The ordinance includes the Comprehensive Plan for economic development in Springfield. This is Springfield's first unique land local plan. We are still Metro Plan partners,but now will have our own policies that will be adopted by Lane County.Any amendments to this policy can be done by the Springfield City Council and Lane County Board,and will no longer need to go through the City of Eugene. The City's analysis shows that Springfield can meet all of our site needs for employment uses that require sites smaller than 5 acres within our existing UGB through redevelopment and employment on non-employment land. The Council directed staff to focus redevelopment in the Glenwood area, downtown and other parts of Springfield within the existing UGB to meet those needs. Ms. Pauly referred to the Commercial and Industrial Buildable Land(CIBL)Economic Opportunities Analysis(EOA)which was included in the agenda packet. She described the analysis showing the jobs needed and the resources needed in the City to accommodate those needs. This work is required under Statewide Planning Goal 9, and gives local communities opportunities to aspire to new uses. The focus on the CIBL EOA is to identify a list of target industries,many already in the area, and to identify sites for those industries. This is critical in looking at sites and determining if a particular site or parcel is suitable or potentially suitable to meet Springfield's land needs. There is a need to expand the UGB to accommodate the need for larger sites larger than 5 acres, 20 acres and 50 acres. Ms. Pauly said through the process,the City identified a need of 223 acres, a reduction from the original estimate of over 600 acres. That reduction was based on public involvement, case law evolving, and precedent case studies. Before the City can expand the UGB,they must demonstrate to the Department of Land Conservation and Development(DLCD)that we have tried to meet our needs as much as possible in land that is already inside our boundary. She referred to a map with many of the key redevelopment areas in Springfield,and a graph showing that the lands needed in an expansion would be to address about 23% of the proposed job growth. Ms. Pauly referred to a map showing the UGB Alternatives Analysis based on ORS 197.298, Goal 14. The statute provides a set of priorities of land categories the City must look to in specific order to determine which sites will be included in the UGB. She described the process and noted that every single parcel surrounding our current UGB was analyzed. Two parcels were found suitable in the exception land,but were not feasible for the expansion area.No suitable parcels were found in the marginal lands. Following extensive analysis of all sites,the City has evidence to support the following two sites for consideration:North Gateway and South 28th Street. Staff believes these two September 12, 2016 Joint Elected Officials Meeting Work Session City of Springfield Lane County Page 3 of 3 sites are the most suitable for expansion and consistent with the law. These sites make up approximately 257 acres of suitable employment land, slightly more than the 223 needed. They are also looking at adding approximately 455 acres of public land,parks and open space. Through this process,Willamalane and Springfield Utility Board(SUB)asked the City to include land they currently manage into our UGB. Staff also heard from the elected officials not to leave strips of County administered land between the new boundary and the river. She noted the proposed UGB boundary. Ms. Pauly said staff identified four absolute constraints making them not suitable for development: floodway, wetlands, slopes greater than 15%, and riparian resource areas. Some of the proposed sites have those constraints and are not being counted as suitable acres. She noted the Urbanization Element which talks about how public facilities are provided to lands in the UGB and how lands are regulated as they transition from rural use to urban use. The city has created a new plan designation called the "Urban Holding Area—Employment"and a new zoning district in the Development Code called the "AG-Urban Holding Area zoning". These are interim plan designations and zoning. Once land is brought into the UGB,they must be plan designated and zoned. This provides zoning until more planning and work with developers in each area is done. She further explained the process and steps taken, including zoning. She referred to North Gateway and South 28th Street and the employment portion and public lands and open space in each area. The staff report provides the legal justification for the changes being proposed. The final will be prepared after the public hearing. All of the work will be submitted to DLCD after a local decision is made by the City of Springfield and Lane County Board of Directors. Mr.Miller said from the County perspective,there are a few housekeeping updates. The City is proposing initiating a Metro Plan amendment to modify the policies in the urbanization section and economic development section in which the County has role in co-adopting. There are three ordinances before the County,two require action by the Planning Commission for are a recommendation to the Board. He reviewed each ordinance. Two are specific to the Rural Comprehensive Plan, and amend the official County Rural Comprehensive Plan to reflect the loss of territory from the County to Springfield. There is a small housekeeping item in one ordinance.. ADJOURNMENT Mayor Lundberg adjourned the work session at 7:03 p.m. Minutes Recorder Amy Sowa City Recorder ifayef Council President Attest: City Recor er