HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 11 Intergovernmental Agreement for Human Services AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 9/6/2016 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Erin Fifield/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-2302 Estimated Time: Consent Calendar S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR HUMAN SERVICES ACTION REQUESTED: Approve a motion to authorize the City Manager to execute the Intergovernmental Agreement (IGA) for Human Services with Lane County and the City of Eugene for the allocation of general funds in 2016-17. ISSUE STATEMENT: The Human Services Commission (HSC) is an intergovernmental committee made up of Lane County, Eugene, and Springfield, which collectively manages the funding of human services. For 2016-17, City Council approved $132,600 in general funds to the Human Services Commission (HSC); this motion would allow the City Manager to execute this IGA and make the funds available. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1: 2016 DRAFT Intergovernmental Agreement for Human Services DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: As detailed in the HSC Budget for 2016-17 (see ATT1), Springfield’s general fund contribution is pooled with the City of Eugene’s and Lane County’s contributions, and budgeted for the following programs and services: Children and Youth Development; Cultural and Linguistic Access; Basic Needs and Housing Services; Veterans Services; and Program Coordination and Administration. The Attachment is a DRAFT Agreement for the general funds portion of the HSC allocation, and will be reviewed by the purchasing manager prior to the City Manager’s signature. Staff recommends Council approve giving the City Manager the authority to sign the agreement. INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR HUMAN SERVICES Agreement No. 52847 THIS Agreement is made and entered into by LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY, and the CITY OF EUGENE and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, municipal corporations of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD, respectively . WHEREAS , ORS 190.010 and the Lane County Home Rule Charter provides that units of local government may enter into agreements for the performance of any and or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agencies, have authority to perform; and WHEREAS, COUNTY, EUGENE, and SPRINGFIELD have determined that it is in their best mutual interest to manage the funding of the human services as a consortium under the direction of an intergovernmental committee, hereinafter referred to as the Human Services Commission, and under the administration of the COUNTY Department of Health & Human Services; and WHEREAS, the COUNTY, EUGENE, and SPRINGFIELD are agreeable to the terms and conditions hereinafter set forth governing the provision of specified services. The total amount of funds to be paid to the COUNTY for the period of the Agreement is identified as follows: Funds Paid by Eugene and Springfield (FY 2016:2017) Funding Source Funding Amount Account Number City of Eugene General Fund July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 $776,125 455120-285-3427030 City of Eugene General Fund July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 $69,875 455120-285-3427070 City of Sprinqfield General Fund July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 $ 122,486 455160-285-3427030 City of Springfield General Fund July 1, 2016 – June 30, 2017 $10,114 455 160-285-3427070 TOTAL $978,600 The terms of this Agreement are contained within the attached Intergovernmental Agreement for Human Services and Exhibits A, B and C, attached . IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have executed this Agreement on the day and year set opposite their respective signatures. ATTACHMENT 1, Page 1 of 12 LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon __________________________________________________________________ BY Steve Mokrohisky, County Administrator Date CITY OF EUGENE, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon ___________________________________________________________________ BY Jon R. Ruiz, Eugene City Manager Date CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, a municipal corporation of the State of Oregon ___________________________________________________________________ BY Gino Gimaldi, Springfield City Manager Date ATTACHMENT 1, Page 2 of 12 INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FOR HUMAN SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is made and entered into by and between LANE COUNTY, a political subdivision of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as COUNTY and the CITY OF EUGENE and the CITY OF SPRINGFIELD, municipal corporations of the State of Oregon, hereinafter referred to as EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD, respectively. RECITALS 1. ORS 190.010 provides that units of local government may enter into agreements for the performance of any and or all functions and activities that a party to the agreement, its officers or agencies, have authority to perform; and 2. COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD have determined that it is in their best mutual interest to manage the funding of human services as a consortium under the direction of an intergovernmental committee, hereinafter referred to as the Human Services Commission, and under the administration of the COUNTY Department of Health and Human Services; and 3. COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD participate in a human services consortium to minimize duplication of effort, maximize intergovernmental cooperation, and minimize related administrative expenses; and 4. COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD are eligible to accept grants for human services from the State and Federal governments and to contribute grant revenues to the Human Services Commission Fund for service agreements with public and nonprofit human service providers; and 5. The Human Services Commission developed human service budgets and plans for the period beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017 to enter into service agreements with public and non-profit agencies with the funds allocated by the COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD; and 6. Request for Proposals for human services and subsequent contracts were written for the period beginning July 1, 2016 and ending June 30, 2017; and 7. The City Councils of EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD and the Board of Commissioners of LANE COUNTY, upon making a determination of the need for human services, did authorize a total appropriation of $17,126,922 for the Human Services Division Fund for services and local administration during the fiscal year ending June 30, 2017. 8. It is anticipated that COUNTY will contract separately with EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD for CDBG funding to support FY 17 Human Services Commission programs. ATTACHMENT 1, Page 3 of 12 AGREEMENTS NOW, THEREFORE, in and for consideration of the mutual covenants and conditions herein contained to be faithfully performed and kept by COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD, the said parties do mutually agree as follows: I. OVERSIGHT AND MANAGEMENT A. Human Services Commission An Intergovernmental Committee, hereinafter referred to as Human Services Commission (HSC), is designated as the oversight committee for administration of the human services activities, resources, funds and projects. The Human Services Commission provides leadership for the EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD City Councils and the COUNTY Board of Commissioners on all matters concerning human services policy, planning and funding as outlined in Exhibit C-1 attached to this agreement and incorporated herein by reference. B. Poverty and Homelessness Board The COUNTY has designated the Poverty and Homelessness Board, established as the administering board for the County's Community Action Agency in accordance with ORS 458.505 and the County's Homeless Continuum of Care Board in accordance with 42 USC 11302, 24 CFR 578.7, to additionally serve as the Human Services Commission's advisory board for regional human services policy, planning and funding allocations. The Board provides advice to the Human Services Commission with the goal of reducing and preventing poverty and homelessness in Lane County. It assists the development of the delivery of housing and services to meet the specific needs of people who are impoverished or homeless improving their stability. It assists to maximize the allocation of local, state and federal funds made available for this purpose. Its tasks shall include: participate in the development of the county's planning, implementation and monitoring of performance and evaluate outcomes of programs serving low-income and homeless persons; develop and review program polices and priorities; assure the coordination and implementation of a housing and human service system; review coordinated assessment system for service access; review and approve privacy, security, and data quality plans, policies and procedures, and performance measures for the Human Services Management Information System; review the process for performance improvement ;participate in a point-in-time count of homeless persons that is conducted at least biannually; review an annual gaps analysis that is conducted of homelessness needs and services; develop program and financial priorities for the distribution of public funds; assure a collaborative, fair, and transparent process for developing priorities for projects to be submitted in grant applications to funders; and, review the efficiency and effectiveness of funding expenditures for funded activities The Board shall consist of twelve voting members. Representation shall be as follows: A third of the members shall be public officials currently serving or their designees; a third of the members shall be representatives of low income ATTACHMENT 1, Page 4 of 12 persons in Lane County selected democratically; a third of the members shall represent business, law enforcement, the private philanthropic sector, faith-based organizations, education, healthcare or other major groups of interest in the community. Public officials shall consist of one Lane County Commissioner, one City of Eugene, one City of Springfield and one rural Lane County elected official. The Board shall also consist of non-voting ex-officio participants representing governmental agencies and departments that are responsible for housing, employment, health and human services and public welfare and continuum of care grant co-applicants. C. General Administration The COUNTY's Department of Health and Human Services shall be responsible for the general administration and management of the human services program including service planning, monitoring and evaluation of contracted services as described in Exhibit C-2, attached hereto, and by this reference incorporated herein. II. FINANCIAL PARTICIPATION AND ACCOUNTABILITY A. Funding COUNTY agrees to participate in funding for services in the amount of $980,867. Additionally, the COUNTY will use private, local, state and federal funds in the amount of $14,071,557 to support services, which includes carryover funds in the amount of $991,603. EUGENE agrees to participate in the funding of services in the amount of $846,000 from its general fund. SPRINGFIELD agrees to participate in funding for services in the amount of $132,600 from its general fund. Part of the total budget of $16,031,024 includes an intrafund transfer of $511,194, which is not additional revenue. Said funds are to be expended in the amounts as shown on the Human Services Commission Budget Exhibit A attached to this agreement and incorporated herein by reference. B. Disbursement of Resources & Payments 1. Based upon revenue contributions specified in Exhibit B, and subject to availability of funds, disbursements to the various service providers shall be made by COUNTY pursuant to provisions of the various contractual agreements between each respective service provider and COUNTY. Payments will be made on a cost reimbursement basis. Services are assigned to appropriate revenue sources and the funds will be allocated as described in Exhibit A. ATTACHMENT 1, Page 5 of 12 2. It is agreed that the following procedure shall apply to transfer of payments from COUNTY, EUGENE and SPRINGFIELD to the Intergovernmental Human Services Commission fund: a. Payments will be made in advance on a quarterly basis (July 1, October 1, January 1, and April 1) equaling one-fourth of each participating government's General Fund contribution as specified in Exhibit B. If payments are not received as scheduled, COUNTY may withhold payments from service providers. b. Notwithstanding the above Section 11.B.2.a, at the commencement of this Agreement, each participating government will transfer, or pay into the Human Services Commission fund, their first General Fund quarterly payment. c. The parties agree to budgeted expenses for the administration of the Human Services Commission program to be paid from state and federal grants and jurisdictional general funds in the amount of $461,947. d. The parties each understand that each party’s financial obligations under this Agreement are contingent upon receiving appropriations and expenditure authority sufficient to allow each party, in the exercise of its reasonable administrative discretion, to perform its financial obligations under this Agreement. The funding provisions of this section shall be incorporated into all agreements with nonprofit agencies. Ill. DURATION OF AGREEMENT The term of this Agreement is from July 1, 2016 to June 30, 2017. The parties recognize the funding described in Exhibit A is for one year. This agreement may be subsequently amended for up to three years, by agreement of the parties, to implement the services that will be planned and budgeted for subsequent fiscal years during the term of this agreement. This agreement may not be modified or amended except by written agreement of all the parties. IV. INDEMNIFICATION Each of the parties agrees to defend, indemnify and hold the other harmless from and against all claims, suits, actions, losses, damages, liabilities, costs and expenses, resulting from or arising out of any negligent performance or failure to perform on the part of the indemnifying party, its officers, employees or agents. The parties' indemnity and hold harmless obligations are subject to the limitations of the Oregon Tort Claims Act and any applicable limitations of the Oregon Constitution. V. TERMINATION This Agreement may be terminated by any one party upon that party's written notice ATTACHMENT 1, Page 6 of 12 of termination to the other parties, and the written consent of all other parties within 30 days after delivery of the notice of termination. Termination is effective no sooner than 90 days after delivery of the notice of termination. Obligation for costs under this Agreement shall end on the termination date. Upon the receipt of notice of termination, the parties shall commence negotiations as to the equitable disposition of any improvements made and any outstanding fees and revenues. If EUGENE or SPRINGFIELD initiates the termination, payment of costs actually and normally incurred to the date of termination shall be paid to the COUNTY. In the event of such a termination, COUNTY has no obligation to provide reimbursement to the various recipient social service agencies beyond the termination date. VI. SUB AGREEMENTS Any party to this agreement may enter into addendum agreements for additional services with the COUNTY. All provisions of this agreement apply to sub agreements. COUNTY and EUGENE or SPRINGFIELD may enter into sub agreements for additional services without a signature from the non-contributing city. VII. PUBLICITY AND PUBLIC INFORMATION Whenever written or verbal information related to the services provided through this Agreement is distributed to the media or directly to the general public, another agency or governmental audience, whether such information is solicited or unsolicited, the Service Provider shall acknowledge and name the Human Services Commission, City of Eugene, City of Springfield and Lane County as sponsoring the services provide through this Agreement. VIII. PUBLIC CONTRACTS The applicable provisions of the Lane Manual setting forth standard provisions for public contracts (LM 20.590) are incorporated by this reference as if fully set forth. ATTACHMENT 1, Page 7 of 12 EXHIBIT A Additional Terms and Conditions ATTACHMENT 1, Page 8 of 12 ANTICIPATED ANTICIPATED ANTICIPATED OTHER OTHER OTHER FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL FEDERAL STATE FED/STATE STATE FEDERAL COUNTY/EUGENE FUNDING SOURCE►CARRYOVER FEDERAL STATE LOCAL L- CSBG E- CDBG S- CDBG HUD ESG SHAP HSP/EHA EHA/DRF/LIRHF HUD COC SPRINGFIELD GF TOTAL AGENCY To be Contracted Separately To be Contracted Separately CHILDREN & YOUTH DEVELOPMENT Child Abuse Services - Theraputic Nursery RELIEF NURSERY $57,989 $14,247 $12,752 $84,988 Homeless Access Center - Metro Youth LOOKING GLASS $0 $115,524 $152,627 $268,151 Youth Homeless Diversion Demonstration Project LOOKING GLASS $126,000 $126,000 Family Mediation & Parent Education Services HSD (4.00 FTE)$513,222 $532,949 $159,525 $1,205,696 Parent Training - Preschool PEARL BUCK $55,663 $55,663 Supportive Transitional Housing - Youth (HUD McKenzie Transitions)LOOKING GLASS $116,897 $16,450 $133,347SUBTOTAL$513,222 $0 $532,949 $159,525 $0 $57,989 $14,247 $0 $0 $0 $241,524 $116,897 $237,492 $1,873,845 CULTURAL & LINGUISTIC ACCESS Latino Access to Services CENTRO LATINOAMERICANO $43,271 $43,271 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $43,271 $43,271 BASIC NEEDS & HOUSING SERVICES Community Service Center - Eugene & North Central Lane County CATHOLIC COMM SVCS $71,218 $25,189 $53,717 $12,462 $71,614 $234,200 Community Service Center - Springfield & East Lane County CATHOLIC COMM SVCS $84,419 $67,658 $20,703 $5,000 $45,147 $222,927 Community Service Center - South Lane County COMMUNITY SHARING $53,092 $2,100 $61,538 $55,760 $102,784 $275,274 Community Service Center - West Lane County SIUSLAW OUTREACH SVCS $29,105 $7,350 $35,438 $49,084 $45,445 $166,422 Family Homeless Diversion Demonstration Project ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $294,987 $294,987 Homeless Access Center - Metro Homeless Families ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $39,223 $112,395 $50,955 $35,739 $238,312 Homeless Access Center - Metro Homeless Singles ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $27,207 $64,422 $46,783 $41,679 $63,924 $244,015 Homeless Access Center - Metro DV WOMENSPACE $53,830 $8,029 $72,056 $87,823 $221,738 Homeless Family Temporary Housing - Metro SHELTERCARE $41,416 $12,847 $54,263 Emergency Shelter - Metro Seasonal Warming Center ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $22,300 $0 $3,942 $26,242 Dusk to Dawn Winter Alternative Shelter Families ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $47,089 $47,089 Dusk to Dawn Winter Alternative Shelter Singles ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $145,976 $145,976 Safe Parking Winter Alternative Shelter ST. VINCENT DE PAUL $3,000 $3,000 Chronic Homelessness Intervention Project SHELTERCARE $225,383 $225,383 Energy Assistance/Conservation HSD (6.00 FTE)$107,126 $2,606,991 $119,407 $323,716 $3,157,240 Energy Assistance - Weatherization HACSA $1,212,973 $200,855 $1,413,828 Hunger Relief - Food Distribution FOOD FOR LANE CO $133,463 $19,770 $26,066 $179,299 Hunger Relief - Metro Meal Site FOOD FOR LANE CO $13,099 $26,264 $39,363 Hunger Relief - Food Box Distribution OAKRIDGE CDC $12,000 $12,000 Hunger Relief - Seniors Meals on Wheels LCOG $52,484 $52,484 Rapid Rehousing - High Medical Need (HUD Cascades Rapid Rehousing)SHELTERCARE $92,358 $12,680 $105,038 Supportive Permanent Housing - Veterans HACSA $37,822 $37,822 Supportive Permanent Housing - Developmental Disabilities (HUD Emerald Options)MAINSTREAM HOUSING $181,901 $25,275 $207,176 Supportive Permanent Housing - Mental Illness (HUD Shankle Safe Haven) SHELTERCARE $516,988 $66,550 $583,538 Supportive Transitional Housing - Eugene & North Central Lane County (HUD McKenzie Transitions) SHELTERCARE $208,874 $29,460 $238,334 Supportive Transitional Housing - Springfield & East Lane County (HUD McKenzie Transitions) CATHOLIC COMM SVCS $208,874 $29,460 $238,334 Supportive Permanent Housing - Chronically Homeless (HUD Camas #1)SHELTERCARE $69,038 $9,330 $78,368 Supportive Permanent Housing - Chronically Homeless (HUD Camas #2)SHELTERCARE $88,364 $11,950 $100,314 Additional Funds to be Allocated/Subcontracted To Be Determined $132,155 $132,155 Supportive Transitional Housing - Rural (HUD Tenant Based Assistance)HSD $78,706 $78,706 LIRHF Deposit Program HSD $7,561 $7,561 Landlord Incentive Program HSD $130,000 $130,000 Housing & Human Services Program Coordination HSD (2.85 FTE)$11,368 $71,852 $45,896 $196,499 $325,615 Housing & Human Services Client/Program Information & Evaluation HSD (1.60 FTE)$138,094 $16,168 $96,260 $250,522 SUBTOTAL $107,126 $3,898,670 $320,262 $323,716 $375,928 $292,011 $95,457 $267,405 $358,022 $96,976 $1,023,961 $1,508,553 $1,099,438 $9,767,524 EMPLOYMENT SERVICES Workforce Jobs Program HSD (8.70 FTE)$1,133,037 $1,133,037 Workforce Investment Act HSD (9.80 FTE)$50,209 $994,864 $663,243 $50,000 $1,758,316 SUBTOTAL $50,209 $2,127,901 $663,243 $50,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $2,891,353 VETERANS SERVICES Veterans Benefits Assistance HSD (4.00 FTE)$160,876 $322,994 $483,870 SUBTOTAL $0 $0 $160,876 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $322,994 $483,870 OTHER PROGRAM COORDINATION/ADMINISTRATION Senior Holiday Dinner $13,412 $13,412 County Indirect $108,033 $91,557 $6,348 $17,697 $7,227 $3,197 $53,396 $106,923 $394,378 Health & Human Services Department Administration $96,662 $39,535 $37,915 $12,143 $4,355 $1,302 $12,340 $87,075 $291,327 Human Services Division Administration HSD (3.05 FTE)$87,802 $19,215 $84,123 $39,723 $11,921 $4,086 $27,744 $187,333 $461,947 Operating Contingency $394,802 $394,802 SUBTOTAL $394,802 $292,497 $150,307 $141,798 $69,563 $0 $0 $7,227 $16,276 $5,388 $43,281 $53,396 $381,331 $1,555,866 TOTAL EXPENDITURES HSD (40.00 FTE)$1,065,359 $6,319,068 $1,827,637 $675,039 $445,490 $350,000 $109,704 $274,632 $374,298 $102,364 $1,308,766 $1,678,846 $2,084,526 $16,615,728 TOTAL REVENUE $1,065,359 $6,319,068 $1,827,637 $675,039 $445,490 $350,000 $109,704 $274,632 $374,298 $102,364 $1,308,766 $1,678,846 $2,084,526 $16,615,728 NOTE: Appx. $1.1 million in utility assistance is administered by HSC but is not reflected in our budget as it is kept by utility companies and directly credited to customer accounts. HUMAN SERVICES COMMISSION BUDGET FY 16-17 PROGRAMS/SERVICES ATTACHMENT 1, Page 9 of 12 EXHIBIT B INTERGOVERNMENTAL AGREEMENT FUNDING SOURCES PROPOSED FY 16/17 LANE COUNTY CONTRIBUTION General Fund Contribution $980,867 State and Federal Funds 12,230,406 Private/local Contributions 849,548 Carry Forward Funds 991,603 Subtotal $15,052,424 CITY OF EUGENE General Fund Contribution $810,000 General Fund Contribution – EPD Youth Shelter Bed 36,000 Subtotal $846,000 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD General Fund Contribution $132,600 Subtotal $132,600 GRAND TOTAL $16,031,024 ATTACHMENT 1, Page 10 of 12 EXHIBIT C-1 Human Services Commission Activities for Human Services Program The Human Services Commission provides coordination for the Eugene and Springfield City Councils and the Lane County Board of Commissioners on matters concerning human services policy, planning and funding, including: • Pursues regional cooperation in the planning, funding and delivery of human services • Engages in research and makes recommendations for regional partners' funding, planning, policy, programs and partnerships on emergent issues and concerns in the area of human services • Develops recommendations on priorities for the allocation of regional resources to meet identified human needs • Evaluates and makes recommendations on all submitted jurisdictional requests for funding of human services • Develops and manages a variety of community resources to maximize the benefit on human needs • Guides and optimizes the use of partners' resources in addressing major community issues and concerns • Evaluates and reviews the performance of individual human service agencies • Develops a regional plan for human service efforts supported by local government, ensuring community involvement • Coordinates with other groups and human service planning agencies and organizations • Reviews city and county actions which may affect the availability and quality of human service delivery in the county • Encourages collaboration in seeking regional solutions to human service needs • Encourages caring and action on human needs in the community by raising awareness ATTACHMENT 1, Page 11 of 12 EXHIBIT C-2 Performance of Management Activities for Human Services Program LANE COUNTY agrees to carry out the following activities in order to manage the Human Services Commission Program operations for the period July 1, 2016 through June 30, 2017. I. Contract Monitoring A. Conduct quarterly monitoring of agency contracts compliance by reviewing minutes and financial statements. B. Conduct semiannual review of program progress reports. C. Review annual audits. D. Conduct biennial site visits to all subcontracted agencies. E. Provide technical assistance as needed to agencies in solving problems affecting their contract performance. II. Accounting A. Set-up payment schedule for subcontractors. B. Track receipt of revenues from Eugene and Springfield and disbursements of the funds to subcontracted agencies. C. Bill cities of Eugene and Springfield. III. General Management A. Prepare annual budget, monitor and adjust as necessary. B. Prepare annual program and fiscal reports for the Human Services Commission and all reports required by other funding agencies. C. Make records available to cities of Eugene and Springfield as requested. D. Conduct human services and homeless assistance planning process E. Perform resource development activities. F. Staff the Human Services Commission, Poverty and Homelessness Board and related subcommittees. G. Coordinate program activities. H. Promote and maintain public relations with other community organizations and the general public. ATTACHMENT 1, Page 12 of 12