HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 07-60 12/03/2007 RESOLUTION NO. 07-60 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING AN EXEMPTION TO BIDDING REQUIREMENTS PURSUANT TO ORS 279C.335(2) AND SPRINGFIELD PUBLIC CONTRACTING ORDINANCE 2.710(2)(d) FORADDITIONfREMODEL OF THE SPRINGFIELD FIRE STATION #3 AND TO COMBINE THE FIRE STATION #3 PROJECT WITH THE FIRE STATION #16 PROJECT. WHEREAS, The site for the addition to and remodel of the fIre facility includes the existing Fire Station #3 fire and emergency medical operations, and WHEREAS, Phasing of the construction work may need to occur since the existing fire and emergency medical functions must remain in operation during the addition and remodel, and WHEREAS the SpringfIeld Common Council is the Contract Review Board for the City, and WHEREAS, the Springfield Common Council has reviewed the applicable Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law and Construction Exemption Resolution for the CM/GC Process for the City of Springfield, prepared by City of Springfield staff, dated November 15,2007, which is attached as part of this Resolution, and WHEREAS, the Springfield City Council has conducted a public hearing and considered testimony and other evidence from the public on the subject of whether the use ofthe Contract Manager/General Contractor ("CM/GC") project delivery method is in the public interest. THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD MAKES THE FOLLOWING FINDINGS: 1. The City of Springfield has determined that, in response to the community's desires for increased public safety, modifications to the existing facility are required at Fire Station #3 to adequately provide housing for firefighter staff thereby increasing public's health, safety and welfare; and 2. The ability to fund the Fire Station Project with available revenue requires that value engineering be employed prior to and during the construction processes to ensure that the addition and remodel is completed within the target budget; and 3. The . complex design and construction requirements, the site being occupied by the current fIre and emergency medical services functions, and the ability for fIre and emergency medical services to maintain ongoing operations, and the possibility of phased construction, require close communication between the City of Springfield, the facility architect, and the general contractor to ensure that all project requirements are met in a coordinated, cost effective manner; and 4. The Construction Manager/General Contractor ("CM/GC") bidding and project delivery method provides for the close communication between the City Attachment 2 of Springfield, the facility architect, and the general contractor necessary to produce the coordinated, cost saving completion of the project; and 5. The efficient and effective management of the Fire Station #3 remodel and renovation project will be enhanced if this project is combined with the management of the Thurston Fire Station #16 project. Currently, assigned City project management staff, firefighter staff, and the project architect work on both projects. If the CM/GC is assigned the Fire Station #3 project, the entire project team can work most effectively. 6. This exemption request complies with the criteria outlined in ORS 279C.335(2), and City of Springfield City Public Contract Rules Sections 2.703(1) and (13), in that it is unlikely that the exemption will encourage favoritism or substantially diminish competition, as the selection process for the CM/GC was open to all interested, qualified proposers, in accordance with the Attorney General'sModel Public Contracting Rules, OAR Chapter 137, Division 49, and the City's Public Contracting rules. The subcontracting process for both projects will also be open to all interested offerors, and subcontracts will generally be awarded to the responsible firms submitting the lowest responsive offers; and 7; The CM/GC bidding method is widely used and recognized on projects of this type as an effective means of controlling project costs and generally produces greater value for the funds spent; and 8. The CM/GC project delivery system utilizes a competItIve selection process to select the project's designer and general contractor, thereby ensuring a fair, competitive process to determine the most qualified project team; and 9. Based on the attached [mdings it is unlikely that exempting the design and construction of the Springfield Fire Station #3 addition and remodel from the public contracting law competitive bidding process to the extent necessary to use the CM/GC method will encourage favoritism in the awarding of public contracts or substantially diminish competition in the award of this contract; and 10. Based on the attached [mdings, utilization of the CM/GC method will result in substantial cost savings over the conventional design-bid-build method, as the CM/GC process provides a guarantee of cost and schedule, which is not provided by the use of a conventional construction manager coordinating phased construction for multiple design-bid-build contracts, and because the project will be constructed on the existing site, and fire and emergency medical services operations must be maintained throughout construction. Attachment 2 RESOLUTION NO. 07-60 NOW THEREFORE THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DOES RESOLVE AS FOLLOWS: The Springfield Common Council, acting as the Public Contract Review Board for the City, exempts the project(s) described herein from competitive bidding, and authorizes the construction of the project(s) through the use of the construction manager/general contractor (CM/GC) process, to be implemented according to the rules described in the contract documents. The City Manager, or designee, is authorized to procure the services of a qualified CM/GC fIrm and to modify the scope of CM/GC services for Fire Station #16 to include the Fire Station #3 project. Construction services are authorized to begin as appropriate. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. ADOPTED by the Common Council ofthe City of Springfield this3rd day of December 2007, by a vote of --6- for and --D- against. APPROVED by the Mayor of the City of Springfield this 3 rd day of December 2007. Mayor , ( ~["~EWf[] & ~PP~~V[[D) AS TO FORM ~~.~~~ ~~TE~ ofblrv2.~T'o~gy tr-~ Attachment 2 RESO;LUTION NO. 07-60