HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 17 City Property Naming Privilege AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: Staff Phone No: Estimated Time: SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCil December 3, 2007 Regular Session CMO Niel Laudati 726-3780 5 Minutes ITEM TITLE: ACTIONS REQUESTED: CITY PROPERTY NAMING PRIVilEGE Discuss and provide staff with Council direction regarding the draft naming privilege policy. ISSUE STATEMENT: This policy provides a procedure on the naming of buildings and facilities owned by the City of Springfield. The policy includes a formal process for reviewing and approving Honorary and Philanthropic naming opportunities. Staff developed the policy with initial input from Councilor Joe Pishioneri, the council liaison for the project. ATTACHMENTS: DISCUSSIONI FINANCIAL IMPACT: 1. Naming Privilege Policy 11/13/2007 The attached document outlines a proposed process for both . Honorary and Philanthropic naming opportunities. Along with opportunities for public engagement, the policy stipulates that the final decision in all cases rests with the City Council. Additionally, the committee makeup will include input from Council and naming recommendations may also contain a termination date and/or a condition requiring reviewing the continuation of the naming privilege. 11/13/2007 City of Springfield Naming Privilege Policy. I. SCOPE OF POLICY: The Springfield City Council establishes the following policy to provide guidance regarding the naming of city owned or controlled property or facilities, honoring individuals or civic or charitable groups, as defined herein. The City Council will make the final decision on any naming recommendations. II. DEFINITIONS: The following words will have the meaning ascribed to them herein: 1. "City property" shall mean City owned or controlled real property, municipal public facilities such as buildings, features or attributes of a facility such as a bench, tree, bridge, walkway, hallway or room, or other public venue. 2. "civic 'Or charitable group" shall mean a nonprofit entity, family, or group that has made a substantial contribution to the community in one or more of the following ways: either through civic involvement; involvement in historic events relevant to specific City property ,or to the geographical location of specific City property; or made a financial and/or in-kind donation to support a specific public service or City property. 3. "corporate naming privilege" shall mean a mutually beneficial business arrangement between the City and an external entity (individual, for-profit, or not-for-profit organization), wherein the external entity provides goods, services, or fmancial.support to the City in return for access to the commercial and/or marketing potential associated with the public display of the external entity's name on City property. '4. "honorary naming privilege" shall mean the naming of City property to honor the civic involvement, service, commitment, or other type of participation by an individual, or civic or charitable group. 5. "individual" shall mean a person who has made a substantial contribution to the community, either through civic involvement, involvement in historical events relevant to the specific City property, or to the geographical location of specific City property. 6. "philanthropic naming privilege" shall mean the naming of City property" in consideration for a charitable donation from an individual, civic or charitable group, or other entity or organization that. is intended to enhance the community by financial and/or in-kind support for a' specific public service or City property. I 11/1312007 III. PROCESS: The process to establish honorary naming privilege for City property shall be as follows: HONORARY NAMING PRIVILEGE: Any nomination for honorary naming privilege shall be considered as provided in this subsection. Any City Councilor, citizen, group of citizens, or entity or organization may submit a proposal to name City property for (including and not limited to) an individual, civic or charitable group, or other entity or . organization~ The naming rights proposal shall be in writing and shall be re:viewed by the City Manager or his/her designee, and -if found to be in compliance with applicable City policies and practices, shall be referred to a naming committee established as provided herein, to consider the nomination as follows: A. The City Manager shall establish an ad hoc honorary naming rights committee (" Committee"), including designating the chair, to review and make a recommendation , on the nomination. Existing boards or committees may be designated whenever possible. If an existing board or committee is not appropriate, the membership of the Committee shall be comprised of representatives from departments, advisory groups, or friends; foundations, or recognized support groups with an interest in the property or facility to be named. The City Manager shall solicit recommendations from the City council regarding the composition of the committee. The Committee chair shall convene meetings as necessary. The Committee shall complete its review process within 45 days. of its establishment and report its recommendation to the City Manager. The City Manager will then make a recommendation to City Council. The committee shall terminate upon conclusion of the matter by the Council. B. The Committee shall hold at least one (1) advertised public meeting to secure public comment on the nomination. C. Prior to making a final recommendation to the City Manager, the Committee shall fully investigate the nomination and shall consider compliance with this policy and any other factor the Committee deems relevant to the nomination. D. The [mal recommendation of the Committee to the City Manager shall be for either approval or denial of the nomination. The Committee may also recommend conditions, including the specific term, for the naming privilege. A recommendation for approval shall require an affirmative vote of a majority of the total. Committee membership. E. The City Council shall consider the recommendation of the City Manager. The , . ~pproval of any honorary naming privilege nomination shall be by resolution of the City Council and is made at the sole discretion of the City Council Naming recommendations may also contain a termination date and/or a condition requiring reviewing the continuation of the naming privilege. PHILANTHROPIC NAMING PROCESS: The process to establish philanthropic. naming privilege for City property shall be as follows: City departments, boards or. agencies may develop philanthropic naming rights opportunity plans, in conjunction' 2 11/13/2007 with the City Manager or his/her designee, to be implemented as approved by the City Council by resolution. A. Factors to be considered in development of the name shall include, but not be limited to, capital costs, annual operating and maintenance costs, and desirability and marketability of the opportunity. Each opportunity shall be developed on a case--by- case basis. B. All assets for which naming opportunities will be offered shall be valued as a function of the goal within the philanthropic naming rights opportunity plan. Factors to be considered in the valuation of each asset shall include desirability and marketability, exposure associated with the naming of the asset, and relative value as compared with other assets that are part of the campaign. C. In-kind donations of real property shall be valued at the fair market value of the real property. In-kind donations of personal property shall be valued at 50' % of the retail cost of the personal property; or an appraisal secured, whichever is more appropriate. However, if the property donated was budgeted for acquisition by the Gty, the personal. property shall be valued at the City's cost to acquire the personal property. D. All naming shall be approved for a specific term (which may include the useful life of property or facility, or specific duration as determined by council), which shall not be longer than the useful life of the property or. facility, as determined by the council, unless otherwise established in the naming rights opportunity plan or in a donor contract approved by the council and the donor. E. Naming opportunity plans shall establish a review process either by a standing committee (the composition shall be identified in the plan) orby department employee(s), and shall be approved by the City Council by resolution before implementation of the plan. F. The review corinnittee established in the plan shall consider compliance with the established naming rights policy; whether the donation is from a potentially controversial source (e.g. tobacco, alcohol, etc.); appropriate signage; compliance with the required approval process for accepting donations; whether a donor contract is appropriate, and if so, the terms thereof; citizen input; and any other relevant factors. In addition, upon notice to the City Council, the City Manager may refuse any fmancial and/or in.;.kind donation if it is deemed to not be in the best interests of the City. \ ,\ . . i ,'" 3