HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 2002-1-8 .~ January 8~ 2002 TO: FROM: SUBJECT: MEMORANDUM City of Springfield \ r :.... Attached is an application and proposed route for a structure move scheduled for Sunday, January 20,2002. The move is scheduled to begin at 7:00 a.m. and is scheduled to be completed by 9:00 a.m. on that same date, This structure is an approximate 960 square foot residence that will be moved in one section, This structure is being moved from 1068 Centennial Blvd, Springfield, and is being relocated to 650 Kelly Blvd, Springfield. Police Department Fire Department Springfield Utility Board Lis. Hoppe" Buildmg Saf~ty SUP""isO~ CVllJ.lllumty ServIces DIVIsIOn ' Structure Move lfyoti have any concerns, please phone me at 726-3790 as soon as possible so I can either get you the information that you need, or drrect you to the appropriate person, ' Thank you!! cc:, Sanipac US West TCI Cable 911 Dispatch US Postal Service NW Natural Gas' att 1h U~'~(/~V~~ ~o;~~ ::;)'fJ...:Jqqt:1tJ.:J.:J ~~~UlLUlNUMUV~K t-'AlX. 131 BUILDING MOVING PERMIT COMMUNITY SERVICES DIVISION . , 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (547) 7~-3753 FA)( (541)' 726-3689 www.ci.spring/iBlrJ.iJr.us CITY ASSIGNED JOB NUMBER.: Stn.Icnu-e Being Moved Prom: iOv ~ Ct"..,;(:e~ City: d"'~~~tJ , LaIIeCounty Rc;~_~.. Nwnber: Vl\~~ Structure Rein! Moved To: ~~ MIl; , Lane COUllty Reference Nlimber. \' () -:a, ~ \4:- Tax Lot Number: \ t"1.=-h C\ iDl."\12\ .0\ Tax Lot Number: OOCoo3 Building Owner: u/~ ~~ ...- MalJingAddress: \\\\It ~eh~ City: ~'~ A-. Moving C_~i.....:.)r: ~ IJI.?I~ .5x 1(:Y+f' , Phone Number: t\, '\ \'t.CS Cell Phone N1.....:..., SUIte: \~ Zip: ~ tc\ \..., 1>hone Number: ~. R8 SS _Bxp~; t( -en- ~<6'D.2..- . Cell Phone Number: 7Z.q 9z.lo Zip: 91'1 az, Conslnlction C ..,;",',..OIS Re..'"".,,,~OD .Number: Mailing Address: -iJ ~ City:--. t U&~ Srate: ,r PlulDbing Conttactor: ConSIIUction Contractors Regis1zoation Number: , Phone Number: ~ires: .oeSaipnon of Buildin& to be Moved: Height on Dolly; Cfft,O to' (, If C\V20 , Moving Length: Y'o/ _ MovingWidth: 2V' . Square Pootage: , II of ScctiOD$ Being Moved: Type ofConstr: ~~ Value of Structure(s): 5;\ r'L 4/) ,Beginning at: "7' ~ If ~ Ending at: I Square Footage: ,Living UnilS: Proposed Pate of Move: 1- 2()- tJ2 /~g..0 .()~ Completion Dare of Move: DeseriplioD. of 1: .' or . ..eO Route (pleale altac:ll map with route outlined with clinetional a... .'", ,,): /.W"~ 0":' ~... i:t" lo1A.-.dt. ..h., ^" i:W .g 0ri.%4.(.. --P-=U1'1 fAtr.' 4)0.-- f"k <.?<- te 1'1 --h.. ~ '2- k.. (,~ cs... t S~ I 'NOTIFICATION '"'OFMOVE: The Community SCJViccs Division will route copies of this application to all appropriate divisions, ' dcplimnents and &gencie9, However, the appliCAnt mUst contact f"'f wool owner.s iftrces are involved in the proposed move, In addition, the applicllJltmust Seaue the ~....' - .11 of all , 1t6'" 'It.,:. mllnicipaJ. county aud state authorities shOOldtbe move originate or tenninatc outside the City ,of Sprin,gfield, or along any street owned by the state or tile county within the Citys boundaries. . PLANS, ~S. AND CHARGES: !'rior to receiving a permit to move II buildi.ng into the City of Springfield. the appllCllllt or their representative sball: '. Submit two (2) copies of 9ite or plot plan for .new site, · Submk two (2) copies of lbe foUlldalion plan for thOtelocated building · AU epplieable permit and sysremdevelopment fees shall be paid prior to Ul)' moved · A>>.y applieable 'l'tlJ'IlIits and iDSpeccjons for sanitaly iewor cap or septic: pump and fill By my $isnamre below, I eertify that the above information is true and coircc:t, that all required contICtS bave been made and authoNattOlls obtained. I also Itoderst.and that the minimum lime to process this permit, beQuse oCthe number of a!cncies notified by the City OfSpringfiUe '. en.?l.womng days: . Si&natufe:_ ' (/ ) .Dare: 1-7-t7L-- . ~ .- ,"~~". .. M~'''' MU, 5~ ; i :: ' ::lQ,,'\);: ~ I .... ' I \ '\~.. ,. - I~.I- ~ ~ In r. I,~E" , , 'i~llI1l~J 1 I I ~,: I nu I '-~'" - , ~~,. '., .,\..~, ::p'.....' V" ''\'' ':' ~ . 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