HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1985-11-1 .. RESltr JTIAl.. APPLICA'J.'.LuN/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd~ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 ~ Job Location: /Q/Q / '7 0.3 ;;) 0 'l/-LJ Asaessors Map # Subdivision: Tax Lot # J / d.-I'J tJ ~ ~kL.~ /) /.:1IC2 ~n!iJ/Phone: 7tf&-3{pf0 Oz.mer: Add:f'ess: Ci ty : 7~~ - 3'6Prt Nez,) Addition Remodel Nobile H.ome Zip: lh:;"2r ~ ((-/-f~ VaZue ~:2hW Date of Application Contractors General IlJIl) 1 tbi~ Address Plumbing Electrical Mechanical Construction Lender ~ Rece:pt Ii /j {p /Y'Cl (0 r; , : ~ .~ /~rIJ- {tIC O(! //-)-R'~ Signed: Date: Lise. # Expires Phone It is the responsibility of the permit haUier to see that alZ inapections are made at the proper time. that each ~ess is rea~a~:e from the street. and that. the permi t card is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Division approv~d plan shall remain on the Building sits at all times. PROCEDUP:.f !QJ?..JNSPECTION REQUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recordeI') state YOUI' City designated job numbeI', job aCc:t'ess, type of ir:.spectier. requested and z,)hen you z,)ill be ready for inspection. Contractors OI' Owners ncmecnd phone number. Requests received befere 7:00 ~ "-'ill be made the same dc.y,requests mc.de afte:!' 7:00 am will be made the next :.;orking day.' cP~/OrS7 Reauired InsDections O SITE INSPECTION: To.be made after '. excavation, but prior to set up of forms. D UNDERSLAB PLUf.fBING. ELECTRICAL & , MECHA.NICAL: To be made before any work is covered. o FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are e1cavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring concrete. UNDBRGROUND PLUMBING, SEWER, W,1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- lir~ trenches. . ,[J o ~ UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to installation of [7001' insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installation of j100r insulation or decking. ROUGH PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & MECH.- ANICAL: No z,)ork is to be covered ' ,until these inspecti~ns have beer. made and approvec. FIREPLACE: Prior toplacir~ facing materials and before 'framing inspec- tion. FRAJ.1ING: Must be requested after approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanical. AU roofing bracing & chimneys, ~tc. TTrvlSt be ,completed. No /Jork i.s to be con- "cealed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. ID o o Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Is: D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIER INSPECTION, : To be made after all insulation Qr4 , required vapor carriers are in place , but before any lath. gypsum board or waU covering is applied, and before any insulation is concealed. o DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aU drywaU is in place. but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams. grouting or verticals in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D WOODSTOVE: After installation is completed. . DE/.10LITIO.'! OR XOVE] BUILDIi/GS =:J S~i tary se'..Jer capped at p~opert'd Zine ~ Septic tank p~~ed and filled ~~th gra~eZ I Final - r>'hen, above ite.'?/s are completed ~ and z,)hen demolition is complete or struc- ture moved and premises cleaned up. , Mobi le Homes D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After' forms are erected but prior to.pouring ~onopete. ::J Blocking and Set~up ::J Pl;mbing connections s~ep ar-d water ~ Electrical Connection - Blockina, set-u~ ---l and plumbing connections m"vlSt c~ approved before requesting electrical inspectio~ ~ Accessord Building I Fina, l - After porches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are completed. o All project conditions, such as the installation of street trees, completion of tne required landscaping, etc.. must be satisfied before ~he BUILDING FINAL can be requested. o FINAL PLUMBING [J FIliAL MECHANICAL o FINAL ELECTRICAL ~ G FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Final Plumbing Electrical, and Mechanical Inspections have been made' and approved. D SIDEWALK & DRIl'E,IAY: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-way. to be made after all exca- vating complete & form work & sub~ base material in pla::1e. *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!fEfl,! TO BE n1DE ItTNO C[)ST TO CITY Page 1 of 2 D FENCE: Tolhen complete -- Provide' gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o I JO B ,NO. S,c)jlJfg !zone: ILot Sq. Ftg. I ' 1% of Lot Coverag~ I # of Stories TotaL Height Topography ITEM SQ.FTG Main Ga:raoe Carport Accessorl/ S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (vc:.1ueJ 1.5 x BuiLding Permit State SUY'charge, TotaL Charges lITEM I Fixtu:r>es I ResidentiaL' (1 bath) I I Sanitary Sewer I Water I I PLumbing Per'!7:i t State SUY'cr.arge TotaZ Charoes liTEM I Res. Sa. fto. jNew/Extend Circuits I Temporary Service ELectricaL Permit St!lte SUY'cha.:rqe TotaL Ch.ax>ces ITEM Furruwe PTU 'S Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I , i Woodstove I Permit Issuance MechanicaL Permit State SUY'charae Total Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT I ISeC"~rit~ Deposit I Storage I Maintena~e I Permit I Total Charqes I eurbcu-:: I Sidewalk I Fence i ELectrical Label Mobile Home t T~TA~_AMOUNT DUE: * . SOLAR AIESS Occupanc~ Gr LOT TYPE Interior Corner Panhandle CuL-de-sac x Value c?Q rOO ~O ;:)0 . @ I * I NO. I FEE I I I I I I CHARGE I NO. FEE CHARGE NO. FEE OHARCE I I ;}O ,~b REQ.- L - CO G~ Type/Cor.st: .: I I Access. I I I I I r~. Bedrooms: Enerau Sources Heat Water Heater Range Fireplace woodstot:e Lot Faces - Tv",e P.L. North lEast ISouth West Setbacks House I Caraqe I I j I 1 I Fees -- Building V'clue" & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction shalL, in aZl respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieLd, incZuding the Zoning Ordinance, regulc:.ting the construotion and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at c:.ny time upon vio- lation of any provisions.of said Ordir.ances. ' I * 1 /' PLan Check Date Paid: Rec~ipt #: \ Signed: Fee: Plumbing Permit I No person shall construct, instalZ, alter or change any new or existing' plumb'ing or drainage system in whole or in part, unless such person is the Legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr.at a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. * ElectricalPermi t Where State Law requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an Eleotrical Contractor, the electrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. * Meche nical Permit I. * Plan Examiner uate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby. certify that alL information hereon is true and oorrect, and I further certify that any ar.d all work perfor:ned shalt be don.e in acoor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th~ L~~s of the * State of Oregan pertaining to the work described herein, and -::hat NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further oertify that only contraotors and employees who are in compliance with ORS 701.05E will be used on this project * >C~~.~ ;sCr.~~ #---/-J> ~ Date