HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1989-4-21 - .. RE sir r: NT I A l · · APPLICA~~ON/PERMIT 225, North 5th 'Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 - Job Location: , ",' ,r" 1;23;;), (~~ru.:.,aJ/ I ;03.26 <;r{ /f:5 8 0 7'a.1: Lot /I ~cJ;'" .f ASlJesiJors Map ,/I' Subdivision: '\ Oz.mer: Iyf) I '~I /()ltJ~ /;2/IJ' fL/fUih IdrH Phone: n', " Descr:be fo'ork: :::::"I:;~~- :;;:~%?</ ( ;2;;;C 3~) , vazu!'; /)/0 :.29<<' W B1drs Board Reg.' , I Address f).,/pf/lM../ J), - CH/./I1~ "aw~ /JtUJ1Z/?./ ' ~ Address: City: I)GI n I I I I !.fobi le Home; t(- tf- gc; Date of Applicaticn Contractors , General [Plumbing i Hechanical Electrical "Supervising Eleclr:iciilrl ~ V6 f~lfs / ziP:h f1( 1 Z-tp 591 (p Li s c. It Receipt .Ii /0 [pcp' "ofc-. Si;"d~) .'"2. -, Date: 4- 01-LJCf Expires PhonE' It is the responiJibility of the permit holder' to see that all inlJpeetions are made at the propel' time. that each address is rea~ab:e from the street, and that the pel'rrrit card is located at the front of the property. ~Bui!ding Divisior. appr'<?ued plan shall remain on tha Building SUe: at all times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorda) state your City designated job number. job address. type of in3pec-;icl. requested ar.d when you wil Z be peady for inspection. Contractors 01' Oz.mers name and phone mlmb'er. Requests received befcre 7: 00 a'" will be made the same day, requests made after 7:00 wn will be made the next ~rking day. Reauired InsDecticns SITE INSPECTION: To be made after excavation. but prior to set up of forms. ' UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & , MECHANICAL: To be made bej'or.e any work is ;!overed. o g] J81 FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches ar'e excavated and forms are erected, but prior to po~ringconcretc. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING, SEr.,tER, W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be made pl'iOl' to f'i l- l ir.g trenc he E: . ~, ~: UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to.iniJtallation of j'loor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made pY'ior to installaticn of floor insdation or decking. ~, ~ ROUGH PLUMBI!lC. ELECTH!CAL & MECH- ANICAL: No work -is:, to becoveY'ed until these inspections have beer. made and approved. ' FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing'" materials and before framing inspec- tion. ,FRAl1ING: Must be requested after approval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechani;!al. AlZ roofing bl'aaing & chimneys.' et;!. m'vlS,t be ; completed. No wOY'k iiJ to be con- , cealed until this inspection has 'been made and approved. D ~ YOUI' City DeiJigr~ted Job Number IiJ: ~, ':- Ii ' , , .j' ii "I r !VI INSULA7'ION/V/iPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: ~ To be made after all insulation a~~ 'required vapor barriers are ,in ,place but before any lath. gypsum bOQI'd oj.. wall covel'ing is applied. and before crny iniJulation is concealed. ' ~ DRYf.,tALL INSPECTION: To be made aftel' all drywall is in place. but prioY' to any taping; ff1J~0g -;1, I~'.'l., 'ltj!I'itd!l'l ",." III ;,dl~" lUi1:H;,'fl,:~j,,\r\;1 !~mLl , DEMOLITION OR MOVED'l3UILDIlIGS ," O MASONRY: Steel beams, grouting accordance with 2415. location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section ,. -::l,BanitarYn Se'J~l.,~appe(j,atprop.erty_ Zir.e ~.:;i,!' ::<,.'::,." .'. .....'.1r/", ~. . ~ Septic tank pumped and filled with gra~el I Final - f{hen above items are completed ---l and when demolition is complete 01' Stl~~- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumbing connec,tions SiCWer and wa::er ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking. set-u::; ~ and plumbing connections m'vlSt te approved before requesting electrical inspectio~ ==:J Accessory Building I F1-,',nal - After porches. skirting, decks" ~ ete.are completed. o /ill pro,jectcondit'ions. Dueh as the 'installation of street trees,'cO:':1pZetidn of tile Y'equiped landsccpir.g. etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL can bei'equested. ( IX'f FINAL PLUMBING ~ FINAL MECH/iNICAL J&l FINAL ELECTRICAL , o ~. ~ PINAL BUIWINC: The Final Building Inspection must .be requeiJted after the Pinal Plwnbing ,Electrical. and Mechar.ical Inspections have been made and approved. K/rWO,ODSTOVE: ~ completed., After installation is \ ~A!.L MANHOLES /iND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTNENT TO BE MADE /iT NO COST TO CITY I Page 2 of,:; M CURB & APPRO/iCH AP,,?ON: After- forms ~'m'e crected bu't pr'ioY' to pouY'ing eonerete. ' , rvt, ' SIDEf.,tALK & DRIVEf.,tr1Y: POI' all con- ~ Cl'ete pav'ing within street right- . of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete ~ fol'm woY'k & sub- base matepidl in pla.!?e. u ~ENCE: k~en compl~te -- Provide gates or movable sections through P.U.E. o c I I JIOB N'O~..yq()jb'$'SOLAR Ie, I It-one: ILoh Sq. Ftg. I % af lot Caverag~ # bf Stories I I ' Total Height I I I Torography , I AC C E S S{ R EiQ.- /' " . Oacuvanau Grouv ~ ITEM I Main I alaae I cdrvol't lilJaesSOr1{ I j II , SQ. FTG LOT 'TYPE Interior Cornel' Panharldle Cul-de-saa 'Z .yyP ~~ 96~ fl6i5 x Value I i:rEM NO. FEE I Rles. So. fta. ,( ?-tJt) 0 I ~.. "... .' N,<3w/Extend C{.r'dtits""'" ;:~ ::~..i;~ ~,i{;1O I '. ':::JC-,,\-A~.A' , ~~ , ~l"n,..y 8p~e T..::JJC: ~ &,6f)c-. !', ~'J,.:a.... II '- NM Si?1ftl. .~~"'~,~ ,',:", ....i 3?;!/(J /~O.O() I 't/., #c.?O I I /:2'~.OOI * 7~r TOTAL VALUE I S.D.C. , Building Pe:rmit State SurahaI'ge Total Char>ges I ITEM I d:xtures Aa!Gs<,; &llt; /4 ~ 7 ~ ) I I 'I.' R~sidential (1 bath) ..~ 7 ~ )+/51;' I ~ Sanitary Sewer ) 35' I .I- '2O-I-ltJ I ' Water I '577JJe/1'1 4JItItJAJ NO. FEE plumbing Permit State Surar.arge Total Charqes Ele~triaal Permit State Sur~haI'qe Total Charges: IoTEM NO. I FEE I Eurn:.we ETU' S ~ /i lw h n I ~haust Hood' I I J,ent FanfMfS( VGtJT B- 3'~ I I I ~oodstove II , I Permit Issuanae' Mechaniaal Permit State Suraharqe Total Charqeo -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~urity Deposit Storage Maintenan~e I Permi t Total CharGes I Curbcut /cJ!: ,+- I Sidewalk Fen~e I . 3.,2. >< ,15 'N/A , 4f I}<,q (J) , , (btl.n.nStl...) Eleatriaal Label I ' , ' I Mobile Home I I l. I TOTAL AMOUNT' DUE: * ~ 9'26l:ltt; 1/~6: 7'9~ ,,~ I MIA , 4t ~,7' :22..11- - _11 /;11 , CHARGE I 30~ ~2.S-0 30.40 / ;:;-, lO -:20 ,t?t7 /4'7, ~8 iJ.3e . j.5~,~1 * I ; CHARGE ..3 '70 !f:-t:> CHARGE " &.t]g MA- rq ,d-O /5. (;'6 I : 30~ :I , r;.() I .3/,5C I I r /9~ ,2.,0 ''/ 91; .'57 , * L -co G-ft T,;,pe/Cor:st: Bedrooms: I f~nerml Souraes I I !feat j!:/~. I I Water !idateI' ~~CJ' I Range I 'Fireplaae I I Woodstove II I TYDe I ~~. 1 I I I I Lot Faces - I Setbaaks I P. L. House Carage INorth East South Irvest Aaaess. Fees Building Value & Pe r m i t This permit is granted on the express aondition that the said aonstruction' sJw.U, in aU respeats, aonform to the Ordinanae adopted Sy the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Ordinanae, regulating the construction and use of buildings, and maybe suspended 01' revoked at any time upon vio- lation of any provisions of said Ordinanaes. * (FI ~ ~ f.<t-I'~cGrIau7j I Plan Check Fee: C2 (j / t (p q Date Paid: L( ~ L/'-:' fIe; Readpt /1: (, "3 c5' (), q Signed: (/'-_ Plumbing Permit No pereon shaU aonstruat, instalL, aUer or ahange any neW 01' existing plumbing or drainage syste:n in whole or in part, unless such pel'son is the legal posseSHor of a valid plumber's license, except that a person may do plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- aant. Electrical Permi t '- Where State Law requires tr4t the eleatriaal work be done by an Electriaal Contractor, the eleatrical portion of this permit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. '. . .>. .' '... Mecho.nical Permit ,.: " /, \ . / ,.' ,I" /t/n1~ 4/2d/U; uate/ / Plan EXaJlliner I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted appliaation for permit, and do hereby certify that all information hereon is true and aorrect, and I /' further aertify, that any ar~ all work perfolmedshall be done in aacor- . danae with the Ordinances of the city of Springfield, and th2 L~~i of the * State of Oregon psrtaining to the work desaribed herein, and that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any struature without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certifii that' only contl'a~tors and e:npZoyees who aI'e in aompliance withORS 701.055 will be used on this projsct ", ", j ~ ). \, 'YeW- 9L ,/'sign9d if..-: < I -cP1 Date