HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Plumbing 1989-6-16 .. R E ~~lD E,N T I A l . . ""' f J APpiXc-'A,T I., 'pERMIT .~ ; 22$' North 5th Street . .:t" Springfield~ Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 I Job LoC.:ltion: I /'-12- /)J" Cut linn;~ eiud ,f}1~'M (7dcj,{S (ZtJt>) 5B2-0' J-;zJ--u;- ttJc<-I(tJe. flJione: ~g'-l- J'Z~D fhdt/L zip: fB/d3- 18/0,/ ASGecGors Map H Subdivision: o..mer: Address: City: Nm,) T= Lot /I Describe riorl<: g;>>VL-. ~/L-ur Addition RemodeZ Nobile Home & -ILp~87 Address Lise. It Bldrs Board Reg. Date of Application ~ontraetots General Plumbing Hechanieal EJ,eetrical Supervising Elee tr~c ian Value if . It'd ( Date: Siqned: Expires Phonp It is the responaibility of the permit hOUleI' to see that all inapections are made at the proper time, that c~ch ~es3 is readabre from the street, and that the permit card is Zocated at the front of the property. ~Building Division approved pZan shall remain on the BuiZding Site at all times. , PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTION REQPEST:CALL 726-3769 (recorder) state your City designated joc 11io;;ber, job adi:rcss, type of inspec::ich requested and when you will be ready for inspection, Contractors or OWners ncme c:nd phone .nwnber. Requests received cefore. '7: 00 = u.'i'll be made the same day, requests mGde after 7:00 am wi'll be made the next j)()rking day. Reauired Insvectiens '. ' SITE INSPECTION: To be made after .:.-J excavation, but prior to set up of forms. I UNDERSLAB PLUMBING, ELECTRICAL & --1' MECHANICAL: To be made before any work is covered. ~ FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be made after trenches are excavated and forms are erected, but prior to pouring cencrete. UNDSRGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER. DRAINAGE: To be made prior to fil- lir.g trenches. ] ~, =:J UNDERFWOR PLUMBING & MECHANICAL: To be made pl,ior to. installation of j700r insulation or decking. . POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to installatien of floor insklation or deckirt(; . ROUGU PLU.'1BI!IG. !':l,ECTRTCA!, & MECU- ANICAl,: No :.1Ork is to be e07.:nrcd ,ur.tiL thcse inapectior.s have banr. nudl1 and a.ppr9vc.:!. FI.~EPLACE: ,Prior to plccir.g facing materiaZs and b6fore fnaming inspec- tion. FRN~ING: . Must be requeated after approval of rough plumbing, electri-' cal & mechanical. An roofing bracing 8 chimneys, etc. ~~st be ,completed. No work is to be con- , ceded untiZ this inspection has 'been made and approved. ~ ] ] Your City Desigr~ted Job Number Is: DElIOLITIO.'! OR gaVE'] BUILDlilCS D INSULATION/VAPOR BARRIl':R INSPECTION: To be made after an insul.:<tian a~'.d , required vapor carriers are in place but cefore any lath, gypsum board or wall covering is applied, and before 'any insulation is concealed. ~ DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made --.l after all drywall is in place, but prior to Gny taping. O MASONRY: Steel location, bond beams, grouting or verticGZs in accordance with U.B.C. Section 2415. D .wOODSTOVE: After installation is ccmpleted. D CURB & APPROACH APRON: After forms are erected but pl'ior to pouring ..concrete. D SIDElo/AT,K & DRIl'EW:' Y: Fo}' a ZZ con- crate paving with:'., street ri(Jht- of-LJCY, to be mad.., aftar aU exca- uatill!1' ccmpwtc .5 fa,.", lo.",rl.: .5 :;ub- OO:ui material in j'l.aco. :=J Sani~I1I'y sever capped a.t p~op.;;rty line =:=Jseptic tank p~ed and filled with gra~el I Find - f>'hen above ite~s are cc.'npleted ~ and when demolition is, complete or strwc- ture moved and pr.;;mises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~ Blocking and Set-~p =:J Plumbing connections -- sewer and water ---, Electricc:l Connection - BZocking, set-up ~ and pZumbing connections ~..:st ce apprcJl..'ec' before request:ng elec:ricaZ ir.spec~io:-: :J Acces:;or", Buizc.~,ltJ I Fill.1L - Aft,cr. f':>rcr.es, 8~i.rti.r-?, do1Ck8, --1eu:. are ccr.rp.l(1~:d.,: ., D All p'o,ject conditions, sue.': as the installation of street trees, co.9Zet~o>1 of tne requiroed Zandscc.pir..g, etc., must be satisfied before the BUILDING FINAL call be requested. :=J FINAL PLUMBING :=J FINAL MECHANICAL ~ FINAL ELECTRICAL :=J D PENCE: When compZ;:;te -- Provide gates or movabZe secticnG through P.U.E. o FINAL BUILDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after the Pinal PZwnbing ElectroicaZ, and Mechar.icaZ Inspectiona have been made and approvad. . o ~ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUST!/ENT TO BE f.t1VE AT NO COST TO CITY . Pa.~;e 1 of 2 JOB NO. SOL A RAe C E S r- R E"Q.- L T;;pe/Cor'.st: Bedroo[lls: I I I I I \ I \f::()(1 35.cp I I I I I \..~~ I II \~.=I~, Plumbing p~rr;:i t I ~. db I State Surd".arge I Q. 00 I ' I 6t). CO I * I I 1/ Y /1 I I I ?one\' · Cot'sq~C Ftg. ~ ;;, lot C'::JVerago: ~ of Stones I rotal Height Topography '. ..,' Occupancy Groui / Cul-de-sac r ITEM SQ.FTG x Va lue \bin /1---- //' I I // I .I?, ~ TOTAL VALUE :Jc::raa e Carport 4ccesso1'1.( S.D.C. 1.5 x 1/ /" /' Surch-xrge ./ :;h.ar-9y" Ivc:wc) Building Permit State Total ITEM NO. I FEE CHARGE r'i:rture s Residential (1 bath) Sanitary Sewer Water ('>\. \ ~ Total Chc.rnes ITEM NO. FEg CHARGE Res. Sa. fta. N~/Extend Circui=s T?mPorary Service EleotricaZ permit/ St::.te surchar/ Total Ch~ ITEM I NO. I I FEE CHARGE Purn:zce ETU' S Vent Fan / 1/ 1/1 Pel'rrrit Issuance '/ I Meohanic:::l Pel'r.4 I State sw~~e I I &:haJ.lst Hood Woodsto;)e Total Ch.araes -- ENCROACHMENT -- ,torage ,/./1 / / ./ ,/ C'h.a"['(]es ,e~~nt1.( Deposit l1aintena=e 'ermit Total ;'urbcu:; ,idewa lk /~ /1 / I / I / I I 'enoe Ilectrical Label {obile Home , r{)'/'M, AMOUNT DU,":: · , ~ L - COG " , I Lot Faces...;;", I Setbacks I P. L. . F/ouse em.age' AcceLls. INol.tll fEast ISoz;th IWest ,{PI EnerC/1/ Sources I Heat I I I I I I I II TUDe [{ateI' Heate?' Range Fireplace Woodztoz:e Foes Building Value & Permit This pCI~it is gI'anted'on the express condition that the said construction shall, in all I'espects, conf01'fll to the 02'dinance adopted by the City.of Spr'i.ngfield, inc!uding the Zoning Cl'dinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and ut;e of bu-ildings, and m::zy be SUt; nded 01' revoked at cr:y time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said inances. Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: I Readpt, II: I Signed: Plumbing Pe r m it No peI't;On shall constPZtCt, .instal!, aUer 01' change any new 01' e:::isting . plwnbing 01' dl'ainage syste~ in ~hole or in paI't, unless such peI'son is the legal possessor of a valid plumbeI"s license, except that a person may do plumbing WOI'k to property which is owned, leased 01' opeI'ated by the appli- cant. Electrical Per m it - Where State Law 'r>equiI'es tr.at the electrical work be done by an ElectI'ical Con trac tOI;, the eleatri,cal portion of this e1'fllit shall not be valid until the label has been signed by the Elec . al ContraatoI'. .i * I I I I I I I I I l * Mechanical PermH, Plan Examiner vate '\ , I F/.1 VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do\, hereby certify that all information hereon is true and cOI'rect, and I '~ fm'ther' certify that any arn all work peI'fomed shall be do.'"le in accor- "- dance ~th the OI'dinances of the City of Spnngfield, and tho: Ur~s of the * State of Oregon p$rtaining to the WOI'k described heI'ein, and that NO OCCU- P~NCY will be made of any structUI'e without permission of the Building Di- vision. I fUI'ther certij'ythat o:-zly contI'actoI'S and e~ployees who are in ca~pliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this project ~\.~ ;,., SiUn.'-!d 1/~(/* Date ~ {,f , L>~OVEM[ , ~'\ tIty OF SPRINGFIELD .~ AG~~EMENT AND APPLlCATioll., FOR J ,~ER HOD 0/ 1/ {! lJ/ cOn rv e~ oS 0(./. 7~7 -r I~ - 9971 ea../~y , ' We, the undersigned property owners, request permission to con' described property to the sanitary sewer owned and maintained by t~ ~Je therefore agree to. pay a charge of .17~ per square foot of the bellt.. the first 150 feet of depth as a deposit against future assessments for sanl~_ Tax Lot No. /70_.::sZ7:')Q .z..70~ Property Description: Receipt No. Address: /I~ 2 KI (' t" n fC!nr7ln..1 Beginning at a point which 87045'10" East 472.82 feet and North 2039'50" East 40.00 feet from the re-entrant corner of the Robert Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Section 27; Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, run thence North 2039'50" East 100,00 feet; thence South 87047105" East 136.00 feet; thence South 2039 '50'1 West, 99.65 feet to the Northerly ri ght-of-way of Centenni a 1 Boulevard,. thence along the arc of a spiral curve to the right in which a = 6, s = 30, - = 24027' and L = 100 feet (the long chord of which bears North 88008'14" West a distance of 61.92 feet); thence north 87045'10" West 74.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. This agreement does not include the cost of a house connection to said City sewer, sew( user charges, connection fees, plumbing permits or other such costs to be assumed by the property owner. The applicant agrees to waive all right to remonstrate against an improvement project santiary sewer to be duly initiated by the City Council, but not the right to protest the amount or manner of spreading the'assessment thereof, if the same shall appear to Applicant to bear inequitably or unfairly upon said property of Applicant; NOH THEREFORE, the City agrees that if Applicant complies with the tenns of this agree, ment and with all other applicable laws of the State of Oregon, Lane County, and the City, the said Applicant shall be entitled to connect the existing residence to the public sewer systems. The covenants herein contained shall run with the land herein described, and shall be binding upon the heirs, executors, assigns, administrators, and successors of the parties hereto, and shall be construed to be a benefit and a burden upon the property herein descrit This agreement shall be recorded in the Lane County Deed Records, WHEREFORE, the parties have set CITY OF SPRINGFj7?9 By A~--a:ff/4/~~ M~ D'i rector of ...pul51l't:~.iOrks their hand~~I~:~ thi'.~ ~y j f;Y · ~ _! \A Q J 0 ~1J (Y q,e:b iu-:; 19~. / STATE OF OREGON) ) COUNTY OF LANE ), On thi s .--0. VI day of ' above document.' '~)41-fJ77'/ '; j!/J~ NOTARY PUBLIC " . My commission Expires: j;),1,(~!i; For Finance Department In{orma?(o~: Trunk Sewer Lateral cis ED 120 REV 2/81 ss. ~tj 1/ fJ 19~ there personally appeared before me and signed thE :$ Sewer I.~ 059. CJ. <;g 41D v./7.: ZZ Le.1 R , . - ~wm_ ~~mp( 01 Lane County w o Eu1le Main Office 1200 Executive Parkway Suite No. 100 Post Office Box 10146 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone (503) 484-2900 XU Springfield Office 1717 Centennial Blvd, Suite 5 Springfield, Oregon 97477 Phone (503) 726-0172 AUGUST 2, 1989 o Eugene Branch Office 70 East 14th Avenue Post Office Box 10146 Eugene, Oregon 97401 Phone (503) 345-5787 o Florence Office 733 Highway 101 North Post Office Box 477 Florence. Oregon 97439 Phonc (503) 997-8488 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD ATTN: SEPTIC PERMITS DEPT. RE: Escrow # Seller: Buyer: Property: 40-5830 HANDLER-GETCHES MILLER 1142 W. CENTENNIAL BLVD. SPRINGFIELD, OREGON Dear: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Please Find enclosed the following papers: (Only Items marked "X" are applicable.) Check in the amount of $ Closing Statement yy Documents: CERTIFIED COpy OF Owners Purchasers Mortgagees INSTRUCTION TO PAY SEWER ASSESSMENT FEES. Policy of Title Insurance Thank you for the opportunity of serving you. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Sincerely, Western Pioneer Title Company Patty Scott, CSEO/nb Escrow Officer RECEIVED BY: DATED' " Signature Signature __'_.._ ------------------______________uo____________________.. __. Signature Signature .._. ----------------_______________H______...__.________. ESCROW ADDITIONAL INSTRUCTIONS ESCROW NO. ...,._~&::,5,8,JO_..,..._..._,.. WESTERN PIONEER TITLE C. , 61' ~,-", :..,...........,..JJ,lN,E::) 6.. , 19...~ To: WESTERN PIONEER TITlE CO. My instructions in the above numbered escrow .are continued - modified - supplemented as follows: '"' THE UNDERSIGNED SELLER HEREIN GIVES TO THE ESCROW AGENT AN IRREVOCABLE ORDER TO PAY THE SUM OF NO MORE THAN $2300.00 FROM PROCEEDS TO THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FOR SEWER ASSESSMENT FEES DUE ON THIS SUBJECT PROPERTY. THIS ORDER SHALL BE IRREVOCABLE WITHOUT THE CONSENT OF THE CITY . OF SPRINGFIELD, ALL OTHER TERMS AND CONDITIONS TO REMAIN THE SAME. '. ' , r ) OJO(~, red~th A, Getches~' ) ~ CER.TfHED TO BE A 1RU~ "ND COR.R~fT",COPY qF ~Hf. OmGnlAL~ wrs, ER1~ tlr~EH~ rrru: li~A Z s--- ... ...Ue , "\~~P ~ ....J:'\:: .' .,~.".......~~~....,....,..~ Signa tll re ....___...00,___'..._,_....................___,......_...... Signature ..,..._.... .S i gila lU re ._________h .__.n.__.________..._~____~_-___---__---. Signature .,...._ '~} ~ z .,...~. EVERGREEN .lAND TITLE COMPANY '~--- 1317 North 18th RD. Box 931 Springfield, Oregon 97477 (503) 741-1981 (503) 942-0718 (Cottage Grove Line) " Telefax No,: (503) 741-0619 Telex No.: 221120 EUG UR CONSUMER INFORMATION REPORT PREPARED ESPECIALLY FOR: CITY OF SPRINGFIELD DATE: JUNE 8, 1989 ATTENTION: SID HAMMOND PROPERTY ADDRESS: 1142 W CENTENNIAL BLVD 17-03-27~34-02706 PLEASE SEE ATTACHED LANE COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF ASSESSMENT AND TAXATION PRINTOUT FOR ADDITIONAL INFORMATION. COPY OF: DEED vv CONTRACT MAP OTHER THIS TITLE INFORMATION HAS BEEN FURNISHED, WITHOUT CHARGE, IN CONFORMANCE WITH THE GUIDELINES APPROVED BY STATE OF OREGON INSURANCE COMMISSIONER. THE INSURANCE DIVI- SION CAUTIONS INTERMEDIARIES THAT THIS SERVICE IS DESIGNED TO BENEFIT THE ULTIMATE IN- SURED; INDISCRIMINATE USE ONLY BENEFITTING INTERMEDIARIES WILL NOT BE PERMITTED. SAID SERVICES MAY BE DISCONTINUED. NO LIABILITY IS ASSUMED FOR ANY ERRORS IN THIS REPORT. Issuing Agent for: Q~_D. Chi~o TIde Insurance @ COmpany of Oregon THANK YOU. WE APPRECIATE YOUR TRUST. I \'-'"'/ ( tH.l1ti:':t; ., ,- c ::: .. . c . ~8 (: ::! " ~ o ... ., s :j Aller reLuf(j'f19 rr~ ;'- 10 .... .. J C ~ ~ .0 Unld . cherllile ., ,eQ...eiUd. "",,1 all t.. ".temenH to ::1 -!: c ~2~ ~~~ . c - - '? .- .. " d ~JH 5 ~. ~ Q ~ ~ o~Qg~"e ~.g -: ~ ~ .~ VlV LI.I"O... ~ C S ~ u::> " ..J ., -,.-( g ;e~ 0 :;; ~ ,1, ~ :To v ~ i --.J jl ~ :j~ tl~ ~O ~ -,i e ;:: O.g ~ e EUl!enL:' E::;C.lDW .Ser.vice 1355 01k" Str~<;!l; Eugene,Oregqn 97401 NAME. AODAESS. ZIP ~ ~ " Miriam Handler , Meredith A. G~tctes 1142 West Centennial \\'AHHAr\TY 1>LL1>-STATlnOHY FOH\l LARRY ,1. TAYLOR ilnd MARSHA L. TAYLOR, as tenants by the entirety, o S1 t ~ "')..J 17- 03 - d 7' .:/'1- c) 7CJc;. Spr ing f ieli~MP~'OH.?~s,U4 7 7 ( ;r.llllor l-Pll\'l"<" ,lilt! W,nr;lllh 1,1 MIRIAM HANDLER and ~1CRr:DITH A. GETCIlES, each to a one-halt interest, as tenants in common Granlec, the folluwlng de,nil)('J rcal properlY frcc of encumbrances, exl'cpt as specifical:y sct fUrlh hcrein, Beginning at a point which is South 87" 45' 10" E~st 472.82 feet and North 2" 39' 50" E~st 40.00 feet fro~ the re-entrant corner of the Robert Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 \1est of the willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon/ run thence North 2" 39' 50" FA~t 100,nn ~eeti t~~n~p South R70 47' 05" East 136.00 feet: thence South 2" 39' 50" West 99.65 feet to the Northerly right ot way of Centennial Blvd., thence along the arc of a spiral curve to the right in which a = 6, S = 3", - = 24" 27' and L = 100 feet (the long chord of which bears North 88" 08' 14" \~est a distance of 61.92 feet); ti,ence North 87" 45' 10" West 74.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. De. Sli ~ II H & I 'I' [) 04.lJ !1 (tr iN',,)11 'l >'!\II ',;'J\CI (()N1INliE. otsCUII'T,n,," (It>.I ADDITIONAL PAGEl nh' '<lld pTI'I'\'r1) I" 1'11.'\: 11[1111 ,ill ';:1, 111111';,11\, ~" ('\\.1.'1'1 SllB,.1EC'I' TO the Deed of Trust executed by Euqcne 1. Park and Hyde r:. Park ill ("VOl' of United Slales National Bank of O1'e90n, dated 7/26/76 and re=rded 8/3/76/ which qrantee herein agrees to assUIT'C and to pay, and the easements, conditions and restrictions of record. , .-,/1 ,1 f) I I -; I \..I..-).j ~ {?-?.:t'2-:U~-i 39,750.00"""IC1>:tl(i, (LIt t..? - ((f/~ '?It>.:/{;c.<....J,1.;i/.... :"'" ':/C1c~ "V/"nJA'1J}::(/,,1. ~R;"'J /I{"'~ I ,. us,;-;V"'L , u'1/,'" ~1I\.RSHA L. 'l'AYIDR !rll\' qwsid~ra(I()1l for II1Is l"t)l1\,cyall(\.-' IS S.. Il.i kd S,?[~t.-:w.t.l<;;!;" 23, I" 81 ........',:,'~:,:" !;:~?~>... STATI{ 0l<OI~1!G'cfNt.(.:ou1ty of L.,ne." :. . .).. : MARS!!? L~ 'fAYWR, lxlth ifor herself and as attorney in~a t; for Larry J. TayJ 0r ,." , J I \ \ '-:'... : 'I ,Inti ~Ji,,:R~lll):yll.:tlg\..'~ l11~>((!>>~:e.")jl\g 1I1:o.tfllllh'1l1 l(l hl..their........volu,ntit ac.r,and dl'~d. Before me' I . ,~ ,,(. , "(, ; j ))'JledSeof~..~~~..... AD 1'181 /' ,-.I !l:U:.'I'~/___" 7, M, f""I1"I1",;,:;,'I'~r1!I~<'" l/~~:~ADE TITLE COMPANy'"7'''''')I~;~~~ ~:::~~'. Eugene P\'fsnn"lly appeared the "bow ,,"med ,.-,cC;..-/ FO'"l No 117 l,. .~ , ' 'i':"" , " \?t , ;;'. ' -. ,;.t.:.-..+t~..-.. , I ,~ : ~' , !; ;-". /" '-.; / ';I~~~~2 r",,' .' ':, '. I~ ~ ,.~.~. . ~/. . .'I~ . _ ,". '~""'.'.:'~;.-:'.;:. f; . :....~'., . 4~"\' . , " . ,,' 1'Lo..l ~:~ 't 'l,1 .' r t"(' "f~".,~, ,;:,:.-.. ~:1~ .........,:. .... ..' ~ :r ~.~... ~. ,5 ,~ .'; ....~.l I '" '. ,.'~l i .. ..wl .... '('" :~\ t7 .":'.t 4 .. "1..._..." .. I '. .. , . . '.~ '"I' ...~'"'{... ~-......_._: "-~-~...,,,..~~..;.;v~\, ~<,..~.,.~ ~.~~. ;~..~~ ' .-..~..~. ~~~~; I \.r/ y ~l,11D~t; ., c ~ _~ c C. -.J E {; "3 ;:I " , c . w EUl}ellL' E~c~(J\,J SC17Vicc ::. -5 ~ ., C 0 G c..o " .... - < r-I ~ -' r-< 0 " ~ 7- v ~ .1 ,,...:.1 ~ ~'t o '..1 g \J h~~ ;.g ~ s: ~ e " t.11~r (t"LUI(j''''1j Ir~ .'~ 10 ., ; if J .I / l ~ C -< 1355 0'11 Street Eugene. Oregqn97401 "'A~C AOD~[!.!.. lIP ~ ~ ~ g i '~ ~ ..-= U"'l1l . Ch4l"QI' ., If'Q.."'!'d. rrw.J .111.1" II.l!'",'"'' 10 "7 - .. .. c.r ~~':~ ~ ~ ~:~ 'E ~ ~ :::. _ 6 t " 0" "':....t"- O.=- ogt, ~ ~ -:] ~ .~ VJ v ..u '0... :11 t ~ "qr , 17, u3. d 7' 3 '1- r) 7(,& -1 !J Mir iam lIand ler ~,Mere,dith ^. Gelter es 1142 West Centennial Spr ing f ielih~p'i.bf}.9,1~, H47 7 \\',\HIL\.'\TY IJLl:IJ-S'I..\ll'HlHY "UfO! LARRY ,J. TAYLOR and PJ\RSlIA L. TAYLOR, as tenants by the entirety, (;,.ill11Ir \ Pll\C~" ,llId ',\',trr.llll, 1<1 Ml RIA~l HANDLER a"d ~lEREDITlI A. (;ETCIlES, each to a one-hal t interest, oS tenants in common Gran,,'c. tile lulle'wlng do";!>,,,] rcal prOpl"fl\, {rcc of cn(umbranlc" OlCpl 0' 'pl"lilioliv 'el (orlh herem. Beginning at a point which is South 87" 45' 10" E~st 472.82 feet and North 2" ]9' 50" E~st 40.00 feet frc~ the re-entrant corner of the Robert Campbell Donation Land Claim No. 59 in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range] West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane Cou~ty, Oregon, run thence North 2" ]9' 50" F'.=i~t In(l.Of) ~I?et:; th0'T"'I(''? S0lJth ~70 471 05" Ee5!: 136.':.10 ~C'2!:: ~~e!"!r.:e S0U!:~ 2" ]9' 50" West 99.65 feet to the Northerly right ot way of Centennial Blvd., thence ~long the arc of a spiral curve to the right in which a = 6, S = ]", - = 24" 27' ilnd i, = 100 feet (the lonq chord of which bears North 88" 08' 14" \'iest i1 distance of 61. 92 feet); thence North 87" 45' 10" West 74.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. o 8 . ~ 'II 95 &I "I & H II !I It" ,,,,,:,,,., "., ,,,I ""1\(, ('I~.J'''''IIE n[.~(j.J"."(')"" I,hi ADQ.11ur-"r'L PACtl 1fll\' ~'Olhii.kr;lll()n for 1111... con\'CY;lIh:\.' I~ s. 1l.lh'd S.SR.t~~~r.., 231 I" 31 , ......."..":::..:::~~~>,. ST 1\ Tf: OF;okl~C'Cfi,;l\ou'nIY of L.II11'." . , . ,,' ~ W\RS1L~ L; T^YLOR, lx1ti1 ifor herself and as attorney in fact for Larry J. 'l'~yJ')r ~ /, I J 11 \ \ c..,.:... : /1 . ) .1Il'" J~.R..'l'0.,~'I\~\1~\'i.:l l1h.:-ft.Q~'.r."IIlI!! 1I1,trullh'1l1 In h\..their.......\.oluntOi ~u.,;md dl't:d. Befor~ mt' . . 'I' .' . ' <.. ~ ....". ,I,' I Il"kd simf~~~(' 1\1) "'81 r',-~/f -<,-C, 1____/ ~j7, .'h r"""''''':':'''''l'~r''ff'' 1/~~~ADE TITLE COMPANy-"7'''''')l~~~~'~ ~:~:~;'. Eugene nh. ',lid j'1(ljl\.rty I.... fr,,',,' 111111' .:1J ;':~. ::::d':,:::, \., \'\\\.1'1 SLJ8..1ECr; TO the Deed of Trust executed by l)JOQl1e 1. Park i111d ~lyrle r:. Pdrk ill ["vur of United StAt,'S National Bank of Ore<Jon, d~ted 7/26/76 and recorded 8/3/7(" ",'hich c;rantee herein agrees to assLm"C and to pay, and the easements, conditions a~d restrictions of record. ,,1 ,,0") .. '""? , ,-,-Y). O.'~t'~c; ]9,750.00~{ZI;>:<-ir.'. ,<:It,-~ '{''7'/;'l?''-'X'~''--J,v~,- /'" ~'Cf<"c "'...1. hll\~/r. 'l,'AJ:LOR ;"1 . ~ / , ..,{{{;::--~,-- . (..,t-'-'{./ " V;\.~H1I L. TAYIDH Pn~on;Jl1y otppcOircd the above nJml~d ,-,~<,( _/ Form No 117 t ,~., . '~I ;,!'~ I :'.' ;;:. ....~'-~.-!' '4_~. , . ~ ' , !; ;-..., ~". ; ',' " ..) > :~,'.i~~ r.,'..;,;_,. . .,' . ._ :~, . /~:.. B. ,,"". ~"'~J...':.I~-t -<. ." ", ~ " '~\i .' r" ,', ---:'-!;", .~..........1!. ....to ~,._.....1:--..I:..ll, ,.... ''r'... -. ~ r.... .,; ......!.' t' ," . , , ~, ~'A~~: ':','-~~,::':::: ~;-:,';:~::1:~':~~:'::':~":;""'%';:;'~~~fl~~;i~:"'~I' . ~ " 4.~~.' .~ -....~_ ~.:~~~~...~~ _ ^-.:~,.~~~~. ~"''-.I' / ~ i " I'. " .....\r ", . I " -, ~\ ,,'.1 ..' ".'~ '':'l f ......: t " " /0<0. /30 0/6 (e,3 6:7/.92. 7'1. 00 I ! I , , /7 03 _7 5,/ ~,4>- v . ,H C 2-(/39 107:;) HE I, I, v 1.--5 870~7/051t'"t= : I I I I' ,i , ./ : S 02. 039 /..57) /" W I. ; I , I I, , I ~: IV I' , I I, . , , I ggo GJ~ ILl" W v ': i: A( g7D~5' /0 w , j l Ii ! I i I 11 , . I f' II i . , i' i: : I , I , , , ' , I ; , ,/ ~ f-99,go; r L/. ~5 v ,/ - ~, 2.. (, + /.3-.5, <10 ./ ,/ - 9~53 ~Lft./ ,/ 1- ~,O/ - ~('&'9 ./ V +- 2,9 ro - 7-3.9'1 r ,/ + /04, 80 /"10,5.5 ,/ - IDO, 79 l'fO,.) 7 I z. Z. .., Lf~6 1~5. 2.C) .2.?t..(P(p 210.33 7Q,so r Lj(Pq, o/r - 7&3. 7S - 2(P 42. '1,33 1- 42.Z.. 7~ f- :L/~,OS .2-&//9.78 13 0.,59, ~? 'I x (!) ,/ ., .2 2... 2... 0,. /8 / 'I"~ . , j I ~ I \.r/ y tjl,i1D~~; ~ - .. ~ ~ f ~ .. :!I .t.ll~' ! flU' 0,",; ,r' ,'~ 10 ~ ; :~ .~ ~! ~ ~~ ~1~ r..Ci~ .:... I... J. C - O'E = X . ~ . ~ - EUl}ene E.sCI0W S(:J:vicc 1355 01~ Str~OI: Eugene, Oregqn 97401 NAMe AODR[!>'!.. liP . l:; _ _ "':\I - .. .. ~ c' -= '? ~~. ~ 1 H o e"'" ......... o~ ~~tt ~ g -:] ~ .~ \I'; v ..;,,: "Q .. AJ ......... .., C 5 j: <.0 '" .... < -~ ~ -",..-.( 13 ~ ,1 ~ ~ v c ~ ~ ~ i; ~ - .. ~ J C ~ Un,,,. Chan9t., rlfQ"Ul.Cl, ~d all U.. ,latrmrn1110 --1 .'0 Miriam Handler ~ Meredith A. Gctctes 1142 West Centennial LARRY,} . ~ t ~ ..(0.... J \\,\HIL\\'TY 11~ 'l'"IOHY FOH\! 17:-9?_~_,;).J,:../'1. r) 7(,(,,- - ~, L. ~'AYL.oR',/ as te nts b)l/5.9J~/cntlrcty, (,t."11"r 1IRI^M HANDLER and ~ RI:DI]J.j--A. "ETCllES, each to a one-halt Spr i ng fie 1 cl,L,",PI;.SIl.9~\ ~ /0477 Tl\ YLO .Jnd real propl'f()' (ree of cncumbr::tnll'lO, CHert ;l~ ~pt'li(l(;,d;y set forth hercill. Beginning at a point which is South 87" 45' 10. Epst 472.82 feet and North \ 2" 39' 5C. ~pst 40.00 feet frcD the re-entrant corner of the Robert Campbell Donacion Land Claim ~o. 59 in Section 27, Township 17 South, Range 3 West of the Willamette Meridian, Lane County, Oregon, run thence North 2" 39' 50. F'.::.c::t 1on,nr) &eet: thr:n(,1? SO'.lth R70 47' 05" [::!~t 2:6.00 :cet: t:her:ce S0!..!t~ 2" 39' 50. West 99.65 feet to the Northerly right at way of Centennial Blvd., thence .Jlon9 the arc of a spiral curve to the right in which a = 6, S = 3", - = 24" 27' dnd L = 100 feet (the lonq chord of which bears North 8S" 08' 14" \')est i1 distdnce of 61.92 feet); thence North 87" 45' 10" West 74.00 feet to the point of beginning, all in Lane County, Oregon. " . ll> 'II 91 &I .' I & 0 Ui !I o c Ilr 1"-',11" "1',,' ',,'I>( I ('I'. ''''liE. Dl~(l.J'I"I(.)"- "t" AOD"'U"-^l PACll 1111' ....Ill! 1'II'I'I'r! ~ l'\ !h'~' 11 I llll ,iI! . :'. L::d':,I::, ..... \'\l \'j'l S118,JEC~ TO t.he D2ed of Trust executed by icuocne 1. rillk and ~lyrle 1'. ['dr" ill ["vur of United SLnt",s ;'dlional Bank lJr Ore<Jon, ddtecl ;;/26/76 and recorded 8/3/7(., ,,'hich c:ri1J1tce herein agrees to assLm'C and to pay, and the easements, conditions a,d resu'ictions of record. -..,.1 "I') . ',?,~ I \.:.-1') " HilI' \'on'llkr;ilHlIl for llil' l'OJ1\l:)';Il1l'l' 1~ S. 39,.750.. OO',~IZ~/~{.L~\._ if:..!t ,,"""? - ((i(~ Il~.//~~(,l..i~..... S '"'~ 2; 81 ~ ,., 4\~ "r. 'l;A:;'l.OR;" . . 1l.1I,'d ,S:<'~="r,r." ~I 1'1.:- ;.tcf:::;..k.... ' 'LlV;t.~ ......., , "~::":::~~~>", ~Vl..l>5HA L. TAYLOR, ST"T!{O~:;OK1!G'(.f/\l\o~~IY of loll"',,, P,'"oI1Jlly "rreared the above ""mcd W\nSJIA L: Tl,YLOR, eothifor herself and as attorney in fact for Larry J. TayJ"r " ," l> II' I' \' ....-,! ~'- ' /1' . :, d d Il r I .tnd Jl'~J:H.)~~'h>h~\'\1 tl1~:-(I!1H.'.r-l\III1).! IIblrllllh'111 III t\l' L.I.l8:.lX \oluntet ~ct emu (7': t' orl: me:' ../ ,,' ,( , /'/ . / j ( .-/ IJ"'\'d ~p.Df~~.3(' AD 1'181 .-/ -, Ii: t,( /________/ _____.7, ,..,'c. "<,,,_ M~ r"lllllll~":':!'!"P,,~,!t"f" 1/19/84 ---~ul.ll) :-'U~h' rUl Oil'!:"" Ct,SCADE TITLE COMPANY 1075'o_a~ Street, Eugene {??~c~~:.. /?1.. -::'(1'c-' I Fo,", No 1')7 {- t 'I~t::,~ '..-.. ; ". ...:"1. .,...' . .. . .:-i..... #iT . ~" ,:~ ~ ...... Cfl1--'J . .1' . . .._'~ ' ...' .'~ :s ,.' :~~,t (, . . ,~,I 'r '(' , ............ I,. .~';:. . . ....:-".--. ~:11{ , t,:; . "...,.'.., /,. " .'.' " L ~ ~ .-) . ~~,..\7'.I.I......,._---_... . _ ~. y. ~~....... ;A':'~:'"",:.:~'. '~;. ; _.~t~~:Ri ':'. ._~-n...--;A,~ ~.- ,,':'~'.~.....-.i.:::.\:-.:.:..:~io ,.~~t~.:~~f~~;;'~~\' ~~~~ , ' "~~r~":lo:Y.....~~>. ~.:'Jf>.~7~ ,>.. "~_ ....~~. , . ',j' . I; ~,' ;_... ,/'. '-.I' / ,;<-0 '.,1 ....;. .: oJ~. ;...\~ '0/ ......: , :.:.\ r ( ~.'.~\ ..' '.',.