HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1990-4-11 l., I ~ "... I 1..1.... I .. 'II I I ... ,I.u .',"~'''''.'''' 11io""'."~Il:oo...~o;"""'''''.",*",,,,,,,," .,II..oOllo ....II IIWli""~ . ..1, ".': .1 ~f · 0 RES I D"f T!I A l 0 :0 I' -. f\ APPLICATION/PERMIT I ' 225 North 5th Street ' 1 ,I " ' / SpY'ingfieZd~ Oregon 97477 : \~ j ~ Building Division . ~ JOb:::~::531\5S".~~~d~-sr~";~-~OJ:',~,"J~ . ( Aoo""o"",~p H \'\()Q~lO~ '~"'<II (Woe; I, I 1\(\ j Subdivision: ~ ' ( ~~ \ :~::,,~~~\ ~~j: ~ul City'S(k~V\I~~cl . ti(" NmJ Phone: ,l\1o-\d-.90 Zit?: q,tl-'l Descy.-ibe r.'011](: I" j ,'1' Addi tien ~v~~,C1.,~~ I \, .j Date of Applicatien Cont.ractors General Ii Plumbing , I, i Hechanical \ ' , - I' EJ,ectric~l L.f<. ~~~~Jtn It..LJ \O-~ W. Q~. ~. 012. qh4-11' 'M..~. ,^O,glC- ~O ID:/q, II Sl1per'n'S~ng Elect I .LelLl!1 k'a9r"* g.(.,.gq-- <V"''f:l}\~_ 14-1-~lt-,3~ 'I~ 1vvW\ ~,' ' .r : It i8 the responsibility of the peMt holder' to see that all inDpeetions are mhde ;t th~ p1'oper ~e, that. each 'c.dd!re's:; is fl'Om the street, and that ,the pe!'mit card 'is located at the fl'ont of the property. ~Bui!ding Divicior'. ap?!'o/Jed plan shall l'emain OIi th6 Bu-:.ld-i>l(! SUs at all times} I Pl?OCEDURE FOR INSPECTION RE'QUEST~.CALL 726-376 9 '(rl~x~or.deY') state your City des~gnated ;job numper~ job add:ress~ type! of. in3peq~icn ; requested ar.d when !lo.u will be loeady for inspectio.n, Co.ntracto.rs 01' Owners ncme and pho.ne number. Requests received befol'e 7: 00 a":i 1...'il"l be made the s~e dcy, requests mc;de'aft8r 7:00 am will be made the next :iJonkin;} dd!jh~ n ' I" " , I! "~t - J I j .1 ,!,11i '11'1~, "I, "YourCity,Desigr.atedJobNumbcrla.:,,, ,',,, ',,", ,,- ,,, 1I><",'Y'/I1"( Recn,iped InsDBctiens ' , O 'SITE INSPECTION: To. be made after D INSlJLA'I'IONjVM'OF? BARRIER INSPECTION: 'fJB.I0LITION OR lWVED BUILDINGS excavation, but prior to. set up of To be made after' aU insulaticm ar.d foI'TTIs. , rcqu-:.red vapor barl'iers al"e in ,place' ~ Sanitary se'.Jer capped a.t p~op6rtii lir.e O UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & 'but before any lath, gypswn 'board 01', 'MECHANICAL: To. be rnade befol'e any wall covering is applied, and before. ~,Septie tank pumped and fi l lad, 'with g1'a:!el work is eovcred. any insulation 'is coneealed. .....:--.J Remodel Nobile Homc '" l i, " Value # ! t(;01z~ , I, , , , \ I " I 11 I , '" I , i , ' " " -,~. ,i 'I , Signed: , ' Date: E~;:pi.res I ;'hone :Address j Lise. 11 1 B.lclrs Board Reg. ,I II I I ,\1 It " II r, " , ,I' rea:::ab :.e . I I, 'I D FOOTING & FOUND,1TION: To be made after trenches a~e excavated and forms ,are erected, but prior to pouring cencrete. UND'SRGROUND PLUMEING, SEWE:R, W.4TER~ DRAINAGE: To be made proiol' to fil- lir.g trenches. o UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING & MEC.'!ANTCAL: To be made prio.r' to. installation' of j1o.or insulatio.n or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to. instal"latio.n of floor ins1.;.lation' 0.1' decking. ' . ROUGH PWMBI!JG. ELECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No. :iJork is to bc cO/Jered unti l these inspections hq.ve been made and appro.ve~. FIREPLACE: FrioI' to placir.g facing materials and befo!'e framing inspec- tior.. ' D FRNlING: Must be requested after " appl>oval of rough plumbing, electri- cal & mechanieal. 'An roofing bracing & chirrmcys,ete. rrr.lst be , ,completed. No work is to be con- , aeded until this 'inspectio.n has 'been made and approved. D. o D D ~ DRYf-lALL INSP1XT:rON: Te be made after all dl'Y1Jall 'is in place, but prior to. any taping. J Pinal - f>'hen above items are completed and when demo.litio.n is complete or Stl'!iC- ture moved and premises cleaned up. Mobi le Hemes' ~ ~locking and Set-up ~, Plumbing connections s~er and water ~ Electrical Connection - Blocking, set-up ~ and plumbing connections rrr~st ce approved before requesting electrical inspectio.n ,~AcCessory Building ~ Final - After parches, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are complet8d. D All p'oJect' cond,it'z:o.ns, Duch as the .t'nstallat-:.on of street trees, co,-:rplction of the required landsccp-il:g, etc., Imlat be satisfied befol'e the BUILDING FINAL can be requested: D FINAL PLUMBING o FINAL MECHANICAJ, o FINAL ELECTRICAL o loca'tion, bond 0.1' verticals in U.B.C. Section O MASONRY: Steel bemns, gr>out'ing aecordance with 2415. WOODSTOVE: Afte!' installatio.n is ccmpleted. o D CURB & APPROACH AP.'fON: After forms are crected but pr'io!> to. po.uring 'eonerete. o FINAl, BUILDING: The Vinal Building Inspection must be requeBted after the Pinal Plumbing Electrical, and Mechar.,:cal Inspections' have been made and approved. D SIDEflALK & DRIL'Ef/AY: FD!' all con- cr'ete paving lJ'itidn street right- of-1JCY, to be made after all exca- vating cmnpZete & form wo.rk & sub- base material in place. ~AU. MMllIOLES AND CU:MIOU'fS MlJ.'lT BE ,~CCESSIfnE, AD.IIJSTNENT TO BE f.f.1DE AT NO COST TO CITY Pa~7e! of 2 D PENCE: r>'hel~ oompl,;te -- Provide gates 01' movable sectio.nc through p.U.E. o I JO'B NO.' Zone: Lot Sq. Ptg. %, of lot Coverag~ N of Stories Total Height Topography I lITEM I Main , SQ.FTG I' GaJ">aae Carport I Accessoru I I I (vatue) S.D.C.1.5i TOTA[, ,VALUE Building Permi t State SurchCU'ge Total Charges lITEM NO. r Fixtures', -,\ ___ '. I, 'Residential (] bath) I Sani tary Sewer (oIater Plumbing Pe'rmit State Suraharge Total Charoes lITEM, III Res. . SQ. fto. " 'N~/Extend Circuitf ,I \ TemporCU'y Service I I ' I I 'I I I ITEM I I '. , Eleatrical Permit State Surcharqe Total ChaJ.r;es Furn:we PTU' S , I Exhaust Hood I Vent Fan I ' I Woodstove I Permit I3suance Mechanical Permi t State Suraharqe Total CharGes , , i I -- ENCROACHMENT i I . . I See-ur"l-ty Dep03"1-t i I Storage II' .' I Ma1:ntenanae, . rlpermiti 'U. I Total, Charges II CUrbcut , III 'd: l' I S"I- ewa.K. .~ Fenae ; Electric~l, Label, ! I Mobi le Home II I TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: ~ I I I I NO. 1,\ 1-(' I NO. SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Occupancy G~] LOT TYPE' I" Interior Corner Panhan;Ue Cul-de-sac x Value FEE CHARGE I I -:--1 ".\1 I FEE cHilf,eE: FSE I " I . II! r /5,00 I r 1 :.7~'1:,! /5.15' ,I' ~ C!f/JJ?CE " . (, :T ---;-"1; II . I' . I I .Ii , , ; (I ' . ~ , I , ,. I ! I' I I I : I: I .i' I il: .,:'\ Type/Cor:s(:" L -co G-It ,- Bedi'ooms: I Lot; Face8 I I ,~ - E'nel'(I.1I Sources . T.1IDe I Sethac'k3 I I !feat r. L. !lIow;c Copage I ~cc,,"" I folate!' !leat:cj' . . " ~..) oJ . 1 rOj'l;h I I Range t:aB[; I I I F-i rep lace ; ISol;l;h i I I WoodstolJe 1 role 8 I; --'-, I I Fees -- Building Vcilue & Permit Thl:S pennit l:n (Jranted all the express condition that the said, constpuction shaH, in all respectn,confOi"m to the Ordinance adopted .by the City of Spi'ingfield, 7:ncludin(J the ,30lling Ordinance, regulating the cCllstpucticn and une of buildings,. and may be suspended or revokec at any time upon vic- Zation of allY provisions of .said Ordinqnc~s. ~ ' I Nan Cileck IDate Paid: Recdpt II: Signed :, Fee: l I I - I I I I Plumbing Permit No per80n shall constPlwt, instalZ, alter 01' change any mjw c!' existing plumbing or drainage syste,-n in u;hol,e or in part, unless such person is the legal pOBseSBor of a validpllunber's license, except that a person may do plwnbing lJork to p!'operty which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- (Jan t . I ~ Electrical' Permit Where State Lab) requires that the' el,ectr1:cal work be, done .by an Sleatrical Conh'actop, the electrical poption of this permit shall not be valid until the label 171M been signed by the Electdcal Contractop. M ec h a ni c a I Per m it I , I , ~ Plan EXCJlI1:nei' Vate I H,1VE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify t:hat all infOl'mation hereon is true a,w correct, and I, further cei'tify that any m:d all work performed slwll be dO;1c in acco2'- dance U!UIz the Ordinance[) of the 'City of Spi'ingficld, and thz La;,)s of the State of Ore(Jo'1 p9!'taining to tlui work desc2'ibed here:'/!, and that NO OCCU:" PJ!NCY will be made of any structui'e without permisaion of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that o;lly contmctoI'S and e.-npl,oyees wl:o CU'e in compl:.ance lJith ORS 701. 055 ~)ill :be used on this project Sign.gd Date