HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1984-2-17 .. RES IDE NT 1 A L . . APPLICATION/PERlilT 225 North 5th Street Sprir..gfield, Oregon. 97477 Building Division. 726-3753 t~4;}. (.1 e.nknn', fA j:, \lD~~~~O Tdz wt# Job!.oc:z:i:m: AS:1eSOor3 .~ap If Suhdi:r.sicn: . """ Dl" ~ (JJ ,1t~yy\ ~hDOe A~~(n q R 6.0(l/(IJt{feJ~ed ( ~ {l LLlJ.,A.{J il ;' C:.,'1I2r: Address: C:. tool : n I I I I I I t/~., _ CM..9.k,u LL.l...- Zip: Desc:ribe riork: Ac.c:. ticn -S0~1~ '~L,pcC'0u R2r.!o.:!al. ,'~ob:.l.'e :'!oms ~ - I 1 - g~ AdtL~es:; Data of Appl.icaticn ;;on::r~c:ors Ceneral. P1.:.unhi nq :: l.ec t1"":cal. Me:::har.ic.::l. Const'r".lction !.e>uiel' ~. \ n.;.J t-\.rJY\ '"Brrr::. O' ..~.- VaZue -r? DeN It)iO.~- $' k)(-t ~ (o/)l.V/S- .=:c~e:=t #-. 1 'L o ~ o.," \ Signed: Date: ~~ (.)- Li:;c.# E::oircs Phone .~loZ.'8<1()O . lD"2~-.-~l.j U~Y:-yq4Y .!~ is ths resF07laibil.ity of the perr.-rit hold.u' f;osee that al.Z inapectionsare r.:ad.e at the proper time,. that =h.::.ddress is re~"::'7":'" {rom ths street, and that the permi~ card is k1cated at the fI'Otlt of the property. ~3ui~i~4 Jivi=io~ C?;roved p~ s~~Zl.rena:n'on thz.BuiZding Sit$ at al.l. times. P.,?OC::DU?E FOR n:S?E:C'!'IQ!I R::"leST.:CALL 726-376.9 (recorder) state your City iesigr.ated ,job .number, job ati.6ocss, ty;,oe of inzpec-;icn rzquestcd ~~ ~~en you ~l.L be ready Jo~.ir~pcction, Contractors or ~~ers ncme end phone nu~cr. Requests received 'befo~~ 7:00 ~ :.'-iH be rrude the same dc.-,j, requests mcae r;ftc:.r .-7:00 am wiU bs made the nezt :.)Orking da-:f. ?e~Ji~D~ r~~~~~ticn~ SITEI:'1SPO:C-:IJ.V: To be rrr:zee after e::::::avation, but p-riCl' t: set u? of jorms. mlD::."?S~A3 ?!.C,'19I.'1G, g[,2C':'PIC.1!. ~ ,'eCH,J:IJ,':A&: '1'0 De "maae oejore =y wrk is .:ovcred. ,0 o ,0' F'COT:!:/G ~ FOU."!DATIC:I: To be. ..'a de aj'~er trenches c.r~ e.:=cavat:C!d ar.d ferms are erected, but prior to \Xl, POuri,1"4 ccncretc:. . i; (J;;:~?G:'!O!F.!D ?r.~"H3[.'/C-:S~::R. ":J,l~E:.,,. .~ imkR-rI'HJC.: ;:0 oe r.a..:;.e prior .;0 ,f"ii- l.i1"4 :rer.cr.es. o UflCER?r.CC.'? !'!JJ:.~r.:G ~ ,'.f::CHANICA.!.: To be ~4Ce prier ~ in:;ralLation' of ftoor ir~Zcrion or decking. P0ST ANI) BEAN: To be r.'aC;: pr-:01' to instalk::icn 0;;" fZool' 'ins~latior. or ded.inq. o o 4':ft)~'t;;; ?~ ~;f3 t:.'e. :!.:;~.t? !Cri ~ ~ ,',f2C1- ANlt;.J.L: .'lo:;o~k is ::0 ~c cOLoe'!'ec. ~=~l tr.cs~ ir~oe~=i~s ~~V€ ~e~ maCe =r~ =??r?v~~. fI."E?!A.C::: ?:-i.or to ? l.c::-:.r.q !r;::-:.r.q mc.r:enaia a7'.d before [rzringinspec.,.' tion. o [] FP..4}~I.~/t;: NU3: be rec-..4e:;ted 'af~:-2r a;;"rov,;;!. of rough pl.t.r..iJing, ;]Zectri- 'cal. & mecroni..=aZ. AZZl'Oofinq br':lC-~1"4 & chimneY3, et.::. r.r'..lsr; !Je com"Ole:cd. ;'10 -.;or;; is to De ::C7l- . cea'Zed unt:.l. thia insoect""~C1l ~.as 'been made and ~ppl'Oved. '"" --- ~. Fr:", F'"-'$I,"G =:J n.'I:'!. ....'E::.'!A../ICAL =:J .:"!;'IAL ~:'2c:'RIC:'L .=:J Your.City, De$igr.ated Job IVumber I$: D. ,INSULATION/VAPOR BARRI2R INSP2CTION: To be Ir".ade after aU insid.;;.ti.?n ct"'.a . requ:.red vapor ta:ITiers are in place eut be10re any lath, gyprro.U.'1 board or u:zlZ covering is appl.i.ed, Cmd before any ir~..ll.ation .~s con:::eaZed. o DRY'.IALL INSP::CTIml: To be made after aU Crj'-'!aU is in p'lace, but prior to =y taping. ~L)D 1~1 f DEt.:OLITIO!! DR ;~:o.VE; 3UILDIHG~ :==J Sanit~js~~el' .::a;;ped =t.~op~r~:f li~e ~SePti.::tan~ P".il?ed ar.d fil.l.edwith ird-':2Z ~ Final - r.'hen. above ite:ns are c:::,mJZetea ..., ..J .~.. ...... , ana wnen ~emoZ~."on "S aomp~ete or sv~.C- ture moved and pr~3es cl.eaned up. Nobi Ze He,r.es O ,''!ASONPY: S:~eZ oeamr:;~ gI'OU..,7..ng accordance '-'!-ith 2415. D'. ,;/OODSTO'/E:: After instalZation is compLeted. .~ l.ocation", bond. or verticals in U.B.C. Section o CURB & A.I'PRCACH AP.<?CN: Afte:, forms are arected DU-C prior to pcur-'~ng .::oncrete. ~ Blocking and Set-~p ==:J Plumbing connect:.ons s~er and Water ~ Elec~:c=l. Ccnr.ection - Blocki1"4, set-u? ---1 and pZumbing cC7lnections Trr..lst be appr:;vac. before requesting elect~:caZ inspectio~ ~ Accessol"3' BuiZ-iing ~Fir~L ..After.;orcr.es, skirt~ng, decY~, ~ etc. are ~cmp~e=~d. . o All pro;fect (!~di=iQns, 3ua,l.; as the ~..ns:allat:'Qn of S~!Jeet 1:rees, ~~.~!ati.dn of tile required Zand:;ccpir~, etc., must be satisfied b~Jore'the BUIL~IVC :I~~L ~an be r2questcd. o ?I.'/,4L aUILDING: The final ~uildir4. :!ns"ection =st be reque:Jr:ea ::.-"-;er the f~na.Z ?!=bi1tJ EZ'eceri~alJ and Nec;,.a:-::'9~Z j,r:spec'C-;"Qnr:; :o1q1)e been. ,7rade and C.pp'!'OV2d.. o SIDEWALK a DRI'.TiIA'!: For aU con- crete paving within street right- of-wcy, to be made after aU e.:=ca- vating compZete & jo~, work & ~uD- base mate~:al in ?7..a:::e. . .Arl:l'.!A:/EC!..~S /"ND CLEANCUTS HUST 3E .4CC:;S~I3r.E, .4D(j(./~r:~:l'!' :0 3E..:.~1.cE .'~:' !.'O 'c=sr T'J cr:y ?='-:2 of 2 D ?F:NC'E:: When compZ~te -- Provide gates or movabZe sections through P.U.E. o I JO B NO. >}ii!)/ '). 7 'z~~: :.at Sq. F~. 1.= "r !.:;t C.7f.)~rc.;. if. of Stol""~es I w .. 1 :t . . I 40~a. ~.r_gr.:; Topo~hy ::~.'.f 5'.F':'C I~k:::n I ~c.=e 1';.=2'=01"-: I Aco&:sSQ:'".I I I :'~T.~!; VALUe S.D.C. , ~'c:..;;.cj 1.S = EuiZdir.q Per.rd.t St.::r.ta Surcharge Total cr.a.-ge3 I IT::.'1 ! F-t...-t:l.<res ResUiznti.a l (1 bath) Sanit..::roj Sf!'.Je't' ;'i:t e!' ~J^}f2 _/6 Jr' PZ:.unbing Perr.:i t State Surcr.a.zo-;e Tetal. Chc.l"~es I ITS:.1 IRes. Sa. (-':0. N=/~-tznd Cil"C".li ts I :iO. I Temporary Service G!ectrical Pernrit St::.te Surc;'.a:rae Total O.a:r-::es IrE.'.! ~..::ce ':T'l' S E::h=st Hood Vent F::n ;;~dsto:Je P eZ'11ri t I:; su:znc e , .'1ecr.anicc.l Pe:r=:t State SurcJu:::to~(; .,.ot~ Z C1--ar':!es -- E,"lCP.CACH,'.!E:t: -- geC"~--:~J De::,o:;it Stor~e l~nterr..c:r~~ I Pc..--m. t I . Tot~l ~~r~c3 I C"..ll':'CO.lt I Si:!e:.Ja li<. I :2"..::e l.rzectl"":.cc. z ;'~f:!el I ! .\fobi Ze i{:;r.te I ,:"'n,u:; :"',!OU.~"!' CUE:" SOLAR ..; C E S SR E Q.- ;:'c~..(=c~C".J ';~~...t:J:: r~"" .4t'r::o ...(,.,.... .........- !r:r:el"icr Cor?tel" "J7lio~ndle Cul.de.-sac x "alue NO. .. t C:=:A.'RCE I I I I cfl $"'?O FEE /.00 ,;.70.00 I.. C.:;;_='Cc ! I I I I /. I I.. ,'It;. ;Or:':" I Cl!)~=?CE I I I I I I ~ I I I I I .. I I I I I I I I I I j I ~&. {TO .0-- ?:~~a 2 L-COG~ '7::;':)e/Cc1".S ~: 3~~~Cr.-:3: I [o.t F':loes - I I ? L. \No.:''!:t! lEas;:; /SO'...th iWest I I ~n2rTJ So-.A.1'-:!es I I I I I I II II TJ~.e ::fea;:; .::e==--:zck.S :7::::'cae I .':co....s.. I I I Access ~ I ;';c.t8r .'!ea~2r Ranqe :{,re'D~~ce ;';ooas ;:;0.1.:e Fee..~ I j I I I I I, . I.. Building Value & Permit This pe:r=:t is granted on' the express condition that the said. constructio.n sr.aZZ, in (Ill respccts, conform to the Ordinance ::d.opted oy the City of Springfield, ~nc!ud~nq :ne Zoning Crd~~~ce, regulc=ing the acnst~~~cicn c.r-d use of ~uiZdings, and m=y bc suspe~ded 0.1' revokec at C1".y time u;or. vio- Lation of any pr~visior.3 of said Ordir~nces. P!.an Check Fee: Dare Paid: Receipt #: Signed: Plumbing Permit No persan shall cons~.lct, instal!, aZter or change any. new or e--isting pZumbing 0.1' drainage systen in ~hoZe or in part, unZess such person is the legal possessor ofa valid pZumber's Zicense, except tr~t a persOn may do pZumbing work to proper"t':f which is owned, leased 0.1' operated by the appZi- cant. ..> , Electrical Permit Where St.::r.te LabJ requires tr.at the eZectl""~cal work be dene by an EZecrncaZ Controctor, the electricaZ portion of this permit shatz r.ot be valid until. the Zabel- has been signed by the EZect1"~caZ Contracto.r. . .. Me c h ani c a I Perm it I I I I I HAVE: CAREFULLY EXA.'1.INSD t.'1.e compZeted application jor ;;>ezomit, and de I hereby certify that all i~fo~ation herean is true and correct, and I , . t.l.Z'tr.er certify that any ard al! z,:ork performed shal! be dene in accor- r dance :.lith' tha Ordin=es of the City of Springfidd, and thz Lcr..:s of th(l .. State of Oreg~n pzr~ining to. the work described herein, ar-d t;'at JO OCCU- " P.~~'lCl :.liZZ oe rrade af c:n.y strua"t'..ll'e without p:1rmis3ion of the 3uiZding Di- vision. I ju:rther,certif:j that only contractors ar-d e.~~yees /,Jr." ae in" I compliance w-:.th eRS 101. OSE, wit! be used on this pr6j:zct . J , Plan E:rc:miner var:e , /' ,/l, / ' y( i.lf&J III L ';igl. .' - . Sy.2d . 'x02'/7-j<1 Date