HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-2-5 " .. RES IDE N T I A L . . I .'?cce':.;ot,~ I~ S? tf 7...s- ~. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT - SPRINGFIELD _ ~ ~ 225 North 5th Street ' '_ i: SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 ~ ~ ./ : Bui Zding Division ~ 'f 0 ; 726-3753 ~ C_A. _~.'- ~ ~ ~ ~O ~' Job Loca.tion: 14 c, 7 CtE.f'JlfElJfJ lr:J__ .# 17-03-~S --3 3 Tez Lot # IIS"aQ AsaeS80rs Map Subdi:Jision: Olmel': HOU5i ~C... A..\.)\\\O\'(. l\)' ~ COMM.UN\~S€Q.IJ\ce~ Address: 110. E . ~-'\'r\~~E. Phone: ~:/6l- '3 C?Cf9 City: (;.0Ge.. Nc.. 6~ Zip: crl 40 I I ;1 I LLI .: I I ;'lm,] Describe Work: Addition 'RE:'fY'(::)ck.. 'l() SPec. \ ~\<:.~\ \O~~ C>~ \-\O~SING ~\::J\\-\o~\\\ * ;;:onr:ractors Ad.dzoes3 General ~d-L. (~OPST; 1339 S/;'I LONC::. tMr61? PZwnbing EZectrical 17ZJ...(2,TLr-' 1St 77 SEt 9KTiI CI/.H2kAMASOe:JJj'}/ 'j-I'-/'I-C Remodel ,~fobi Ze Flome Date of Application ":1- q-8''d- ,\!ec:har:ica. Z Constl'Uction Lender vazl' ~ ~ CJ C.1 , ~,",1 ~ I-!OU.sII\J(.., d- lJr<l-,A,t\J nFUP-/6?J/VL~A.I t lJo-'t)t) . ),.l) ~ -s ". ()"i) '.1/0 . ~ '''\..:';:-'.:' . ......... '. .JIs.:u Sigr.ed: Date: Lt ).~ .2.-5 -fl'2... Liac.# i ErDiras Phone (),?f... 9;; Iq LJ-/~- g-~ 9-fi:J.. ~(' 011 P8 t ,; It is ths responrribiZity of ths permit hoZder tc see that al,Z. inspeati07l8 are made at the proper time, that each ~ess is readab~a . , from the street, and that the permi t card is Zoaated at the front of ths propert:y. :' ~BuiZding D{.vi::ior. ~"t" n'ed FZan shaZZ remain on tJw BuiZding Sit~ at al,Z. times. ;. PIWCEDURE POR IllSPECTION REQueST: Cal,Z.~~ ~ CIoeaordsrl state your City designated job 7lUJ7"ber, job address, type of i713pecticn . requested ar.d when you <JiZZ be ready for inspection, Cont:l'aators or Or.mers name and phone number. Requests received before 7:00 cr.l "- : :-r..~7;7,-:\" ......d/rthrl1arrreci...~~ ....quests-made-aft~7-:.(}()-em-wiU-Ga-rnati.B....the-l'U:rt-=k~.day_ - P20'.J.i71~cT r,~~(r~'~;~~ ~ 0 SITE INSPEC':ION: To be M2ds aft6Z' . e:ccavati.:m. but prior tc set up of . forms. ~ '0" UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. ELECTRICAL & o NECHAi'JICAL: To be made befol'e any i work is c01Jered. i Jo } J, roOTING & POUNDATION: To be rmds after trenches are ezaavated and forms are ersated. but prior to pouring C07lCl'et,;. 'd. j" : U.'fDERGROUND PLUMBING. SEWER. W.1TER, DRAINAGE: To be mr:z:i8 prior to fiZ- Zir.g trenahes. ~D UllDE."lFLOOR PLW:BING & MECHANICAL: To be made prior to instalZa-z::ion of !zoor insulation or decking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior tc installation of {Z001' instoZation 01' deaking . ROUGH PLUMBING. E:r.ECTRICAL & MECFI- I<.NICA[,: No work is to DC cOl-'ered ur.til these insoectior.s have been made and approve'::. fIREPLACE: Prior to pZaair.g facnng materiaZs and before fl'aming inspec- tion. H~ ~D ;0 , iO FRANING: Must be requel1ted after approvaZ of rough pZwrbing, aZeatri- ool & mechanical. AU POofing bl'acnng & chimneys, etc. l1T'~st be aOTTTDZeted. No wOl'k is to be con- ceaied untiZ this insoBcticn has been made and approved. YOUZ' City Dsaignated Job Numb6%' Is: -:::::1 INSur.ATION/V/lPOR BARRIER INSPECTION: 6J To be mads after aLL insuZat~ ar.d required vapor barri.srs ars in p Zaae but before any Zath, gypsum board or wLZ covering is appZied, and before ~y i~latwnisc~~Z~. l\7I DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made ~ after az.L drywall is in plaae, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: St~eZ Zoaati~, bcmt:! . beams, qroaut'l.ng or v6Z't'l.aaZs 'l.n aacordance <Jith U.B. C. Seatwn 2415. D WOODSTO~'F:: .4fter installation is acmpZeted. D CURB & AFPROACH APRON: After forms are ereated but priOl' to pouring con...'Tete. O SIDEWALK & DRTIEWAY: POl' aU con- crete paving <Jithin street right- of-way, to be ma:is after aZZ e:cca- vating ccmpZete & form work & sub- base materiaL in pZa::e. D D ::ENC!':: .'her. =pZc;te -- Provide gates or movabZe section3 through P.U.E. ).,2,D J /) .5 . 'DEMOLITION OR ,1101::' 3iJIL:::iGS .i ~ Sanitary SBlJer c:~peci ::t FT..oP<;~:i ~ir.e =:J s eptic t~k P"..JJnPed cr.-.i fi Had :Ji th ;ra:Je l : --, FinaZ - .f-rnen c.bove it<17'1s are IX!Ir1,Zeted ---l ar.a when demolition is co~Zeta ~r strua- ture moved ard pr~~acs sZeanei up. MobiZe Homes ~ BZoaking and Set-up ~ PLumbing connections -- s;;:.;er c:nd water --, EZeatricaZ Connection - 8Zoak":-r.a, set-u.v . -.J and pZumbing connections ~~8t =~ a??roveci ' before requesting eZeo=rioaZ ir.speation ==:J.Acc:eSGO~d 8ui~inq --, Final - Aft;;r.,?orc..':es, sk-:.rt-:.nq, dec:ks, ---l e-z::c. arB aomp~etc;a. D AZZ pro.jeat conditions, such ae ths instaZZation of stZ'eet trses, cC!7Tpl.;ti.:m of ;iw required landscc::pir.g, etc., must be satisfied before tr.e BUILDI::C i'I:IAL .:an =12 !'acuesr:ad. . 0 FINAL PLUMBING . 0 FINAL MECHANICAL !ZI FINAL ELECTRICAL :0 <<> PIN.4L BUILDINC: The FinaZ 8uiZding Inspeation must be requested after -:r.e Final ?lumbinq EZectrioal, and Meohanical Inspectiono have been made and approved. ~ ~,4LL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTYENT TO BE MADE AT NO COST TO :I7!r I c--e of 2 . ~ ..... IJOb Nwnber: I ! Zone: !Lot Sq. Ftg. '% ~f lot C~verage II of Stories TotaZ Height Topography lITEM I iMain i Ga2>aae SQ.PTG Caroort Accessort! I I Is.D.c. TOTAL VALUE 1.5 x (value) EuiZding Permit State Surcharge Total Charges lITEM , piz"tures I Residential (1 bath) I Sanitary Sewer I Water Plumbing Permit State Surcr.a:rge Total Charaes lITEM Res. Sa. fta. N~/Extend Circui ts Z. i Temporary Service I SEt? ~IIIJA/6e. I Ele:::trical Permit State Sur:::ha:rae Total. Charges f ITE:M I I PuZ'naae ETU' S Exhaust Hood Vent Fan ~loodstove Perrrrit Issuance Me:::hanical Perrrrit State SUI'aharae Total Cha:raes -- ENCROACHMENT -- Se~~ritt! Deposit Storage I Maintena~e I Pe"''mit I Total Charaes (Curbeut I Sidewalk I Fen:::e I Electrica l Labe l I Mobile H~me TOTAL AF!OUNT DUE:" Oceupanay Group: LOTTYFE Nil NO. I PEE I NO. I PEE NO. Interior Corner Panhandle CuZ-de-sac x VaZue r 39S00 .. 5,001 ,2-0,1 5, ;). tJ .. CHARGE PEE CHARGE I I /6(6'01 I. /().{)O ~S,{)O Ii 001 dft,.O(J I .. CHARGE . "l I I I I 13/ I~O Page 2 Reference Nwnbers: L-COG #: ". Type/Const: Bedrooms: Enerqy Souraes Heat Water Heater Range Pireplaae Woodstove T'1'oe I Lot Faces - Setbaaks I P. L. I House . Garage 1N0rth East South IWest . Aecess. --- Pees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said eonstruction' shall. in all respeets. eonform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield. including the Zoning Ordinance, reguZating the construction and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- Zation of any provisions of said Ordinances. Ipl.an Check Pee: IDate Paid: IReaeipt #: I Signed: Plumbing Permit No person shan aonstruat. inataZZ. aUer or ahange a:ny new or existing plumbing or drainage system inwhoZe or in part. unless such person is the legal possessor of a vaZid pZwnber's license. except that a person may do plwnbing work to property which is owned. leaaed or operated by the appli- cant. .. Electrical Permit . -- Where State L01JJ requires tr.at the electriaal work be done by an Electrical Contractor. the electriaal portion of this Fe....~/, -sfraH,-nctr-be-1Jal~a-- the Zabel has been signed by the Electrical Contractor. Mechanical Permit .. PWn E_1JL- -?-_-5- g:2-- Ja1;~ I HAVE CAREPULLY EXAMINED the aompleted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aZZ information hereon is true and correct, and I further aertify that any ar.d. aZZ work performed sr.aZZ be done in acaor- dance with the Ordinanaes of the City of SpringfieZd. and the LtI:JJS of the .. State of Oregan pertaining to the work described herein. c.nd that NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further aertify that only aontraators ar.d. employees who are in aompliance with ORS 701.055 will be used on this projeat oLfL -U)/8~ Dati f Signad .. L,' . / """I'""" "Z"" . 'llIr,'""~ . ... · · . . -I' .j. . , '-e . . .~ . -( [Y . ~ c--- '-!'-J V ~ \J j' .. ,'... _ /4_ 0 7 C 6 IV r~(V M' AI " _. _ ,'. SPf2IJo/6 ?',e-ld (JRt:;-GOA) .. .. . ..' . H3r2-/V1 (T SPeC IF /CAtloNS _. ,_ ___ llJ$T,A11 :7;;1.0 SQ pr, c{r ,6(0 MJ I Uis Q{)(;::'-~N {)/Jd~!2. ,-Iou S G ,A ~ iAPoa..134fl.f!.torLf'-. ., ,/ A/ST~I/ 1~'REdOQt'?: _{?e]).vt::;6.AJ a4tZ~~. A/tJ d_l-fo (.) s c:::... . _. , . m _ .,. ,. l/J 5 TA" Q.lo f SQ 0 I. D F . S'I K II T yP~ ,.r ) WAil !2oPn.c) O,/y G4i?4&~.WAtl roAcT I-\-.~ A f',-~t:;. WA 1'1 -? J tfJ-S TA /l .b -. Add, FtOIlJA I ro.t.J.ttJc!A TiO/lJ ,LJ~"uT~ r. REM{)v~'ANc/ RE/Q/4Ck.-.At{ Mud 6t/ I A::c/ I<tA/J fo 15 (S, .JoISTI::./t.-t:/5 A NC/SDb F-/GDr?/t.5 A.J/.r"pc)Ec/ E / Ec. 71< ICA I ~ .. Re P/AGt::.- EX /.5T]A/6 MAl IV S€t2ulce" (JAIIlEI WITH /af AMPl~ CIf(cui1" 8I(GAk?~IhI1/c.l \JJIT/j ;111 A IN br6-:4kft? . PEPIACE EAJ7R.4uce:. CAble.wiTH PKOPfl(' 5rz-€A IU/fA I/VU/VT C!.\ 6 t~.rQ /VLt:6 C-O.c!6' _ , . IIUSTAI/ f~/vE. (s) )JlrWEJccf: f24~6J9(f~/2L// IleAtclZ:5. IItJLludf/v~, t::, V6 (s),ger.J.4feAle: . LoU-!. WA t(Afk:..WA/j'/}AOVNT 7f16)R/t(,o.S!LlTs# f 39{PC:;