HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1982-2-18 .. '- .. RESIDENTIAL.. COMBINATION APPLICATION/PEP.MIT = 225 North 5th Street !" Springfield, Oregon 97477 _ Building Division ;;;' 726-3753 ~ - SPRINGfIELO- WiL~ Job Location: I.!!ie..J (lJA17i A1/fr-'-A.-t_. ____ /7-03--;2 ~-3 =j , / (S?J-o Asaessors Map II Subdivision: Taz Lot #- CA.mel': ~ {j~L1;"rrl- (krnVYJt//~Ja. ~~.4' Address: /7:< E.(j iYh au~ ~e: h~7'-39tjq City: f'j..l jf.Mj) I /) ~ Zip: CJ1LfLJ / 1~~ ~ ~Ij - P.2.- VaZue /1 :3 95" H2- I , I 'Xl I I iV/:!!.il Addition RemodeZ .~fobiZe Iloma Date of AppZicaticn Conr;ractol'S Genel'aZ PZwnbing .' EZectZ'icaZ - Uecha:r.ic:::Z T.Ai- ~ ~~. Describe WOl'k: Address PoD. &::1- tJlJ4, (,b", ~ i Rccei?t ,~ f-<. sRI) 7tl - ~ ~ ~S,tJ() Jf~ / I tJtJ 1f. ,;1 t ; D-O Siqr..ed: Date: u ~ -I; -!2- Lise. II Eroirzs Phone :~.-JLlt}f!... ,~Jl.Q (p-3tJ*R2- ' ~ -.1.. 4.J&..1 Constzouction Lender ~jA1.J..A1~ v.. 7l..Jr~ ..<'9:~'JJ Jo/'A:)1#<rT It is the responsibiZity of ths pe~t holdt1Z' to see that aZZ inspections are mali.e at the propt1Z' time, that each .:ddress is rM,ln;'~a from the stI-eet. and that the pe1'1rli.t card is Zocated a:t the front of the propt1Z'ty. 'Bui?ding Divi::ion approved pZan shaZZ I'emain on thE. Building Sita at aZZ times. PROCEDURE FOR INSPECTIOH RE:QUEST: Can fiB' JA4iS Czoecorderl state your City designated job nurr.bel', job addzoes8, type of in3pectien requested ar.d when you ;,;iZZ be I'eady for inspection, ContI-actors or Or.mers name and phone number. Requests received cefere 7: 00 <Z"l ;,;iU be made the same day. I'equests made aft::1' 7: 00 am wiZZ be made the na:t ;,;orki1l{l day. P",m":1'"rf r"S'f'''''1:-I:rmA ;;ITE INSPECTION: To be I1ItlIUJ afttn' e:z:cavati.:;n, but pZ'icr tc set up of forms. UNDERSLAB PLUMBING. eLECTRICAL & MECHANICAL: To be rnatie before any wol'k is ",overed. jD ! ;0 ~D FOOTING & FOUNDATION: To be rrru1.e after trenches are e:z:cavated and forms are erected. but pZ'ior to pouring acncreta. W1DERGROUND PWMEING. SEWER. W.1TE."l, DRAINAGE: To be mc:z:ie pZ'ior to fiZ- Zir.g trenches. D ;0 WIDEI'!FWOR PWI,!BING & ,\fEC!lANICAL: To be made prior to instaZZation of floor insulation or decking. POST AND BF:AM: To be made pZ'ior to instal.Zaticn of floor inslO.Zation or decki1l{l. ROUGH PWHBING. E:J:ECTRICAL & MECH- ANICAL: No :JOI'k is to be aOl:ered until. these inspeations have been made and approve'::. ' FIREPLACE: Prior to pZc.air.g faci1l{l material.s and bB;oI'e J.~ _..~ng inspec- tior:. ~D 10 ':0 !O " FRA1!.ING: Mu3t be I'eq'Ueated after approvaZ of rough pl.wr.bing. aZecrn- aaZ & mechan~al.. AZ! roofi7lfl bracing ;1 chimneys, etC'. lIT'..lst be c:omol.eted. No wrk is to be c:on- c:eaied untiZ this insvecticn has been made and ~f:'J:,.vL,id. ~ YCUZ' City DsBignated Job Numbt1Z' Is: D I,VSULATION/VAPOR BARRITR IllSPECTION: To bs made after aZ7- insulation ar.d. required vapor barf"iezos are in place but before any Zath. gyp8Ul1l bo=<1 or .nZZ aovering is applied, and be;oI'e any insuZation is conceaZed. D DRYWALL INSPECTION: To be made after aZZ drywaZZ is in place, but prior to any taping. O MASONRY: St~et z.ooatio"!. b~ , bearrra, qrouttng 01' vertu:aZs tn aocorda:nce with U. B. C. Section 2415. O WOODSTO'IE: After instaZZation is ccmpZeted. D CURB & APPROACH AP.,:OH: After .forms are ereotea but pM-or to pOUZ"Lng .::on..."7'ets. D SIDE:WALK & DRP/EWAY: For aZZ c:on- c:rete paving within stI-eet Z'ight- of-way. to be made aftar aZZ exca- vating c:ompZete & form work & sub- baee material. in pl.Gwe. o PENCE:: .'her. aorrrpl."te -- Provide gates or movabZe" sections through P.U.E. I, {l, D / () ::r DEMOE.ITIO.'l OR ,'101::' 3UIL:::::IGS :J Sam.-:ary seIJer cc:;pee. ::t ~opc!'t":i l.ir:e :J Septio tank p-..omped ar.i f"i ZZad :Ji t:h gra;'';.;Z i ~ FinaZ - .Jlhen c:Dove it<!:':!s crre c:cm'Ol.eted j ..,.... . '- , ; ar.d when demo.tt"or: tS c:ompZe~a or s~ruc- : ture moved ar.i prC:':!ises oLeaned up. ' MobiZe Homes =:J BZocking and Set-up =:J Plumbing c:onnec:tions -- s~er =nd wateI' ~ ~ EZectricaZ Ccnnec:tion - BZockir~, set-u'O : -..J and pl.wrrbing aonr:ectwns r.:-..lst =~ a;:provea: before requesting eZec~ricaZ ir.spection ~ Ac:ceSsoI"d BuiZd::.ng I FinaZ - Af"t;;r.?::Jrcf:es, skirting, deoks, -.-J etc. are c:omp.etea. D AZZ project aonditions. sue,": as the instaZZation of street trees, o~Z.Jdon of ;izz required Zandscc:pir.g. G:~C.. must be satisfied Defore t1-o8 BUILDI.~'G FI;'IAL ~an ::e rzques~..d. . 0 FINAL PLUMBING '0 FINAL ME'::HANICAL M FnlAL ELECTRICAL '0 @ FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must De requeated af":er ::i:e Final. ?Zumbirzq EZecrnoaZ. and .'1echar.icaZ Inspec~ionG have been made and approved. D *ALL MANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS MUST BE ACCESSIBLE, ADJUSTHENT TO BE MADEIlT NO COSi" TO CITY I ;:'-e of 2 .. I !Job Nwnber: fj:LO /tJ3 , 1 Zone: Ocaupanclf Group: LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. % of Lot Coverage II of Stories TotaL Height Topography JITEU i iMain i I Garaae I Caroort I AccessorlJ I I SQ.PTG TOTAL VALUE S.D.C. (val.ue) 1.5 x Buil.ding Permit State SUI'charge TotaL Cha.....ges lITEM I Fi.rtures ResidentiaL (1 bath) NO. I I .1 I I Sanitary Sewer Water I PLwnbing Pem t State Surcr,azoge TotaL Cha1>aes IiEM NO: Res. Sa. fta. Na:t.JIExtend Cirauits 2. I I TemporctI'y Service k t1A" .M.-1l...e.... (I ELectricaL Permit State Suroharge TotaL Charc;es liTEM , F'urnace ETU' S Exhaust Hood NO. Vent Pan I Woodstove I permit Issuance MeohanicaL Permit State Surcharae TotaL Charaea I ENCROACHMENT -- Ise~~ritlJ Deposit Storage Maintenance I Permit TotaL Charaes CUZ'baut sidewaLk I Fence I ELectricaL LabeL I MobUe Home TOTAL AMOUNT DUE: * x PEE FEE FEE Interior Corner Pr:rnha1u1Le CuI.-de-sac VaLue I I I I I CHARGE Jj .2.~ . th? Page 2 Reference Numbers: L-COC #: I Lot Faces - I I P.L. !North East South West T.ppeICor.st: Bedrooms: I EnerqlJ Sources I Heat I Water Heater I Range I Firep Lace Woodstove I I I r -1 Tl1De Setbacks House I CctI'age I Access. ..- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit is granted on the express condition that the said construction. shaLL, in aLL respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of SpringfieLd, inatuding the Zoning Ordinance, regurating the construction and use of buUdings, and may be suspended or revoked at any time upon vio- ration of any provisions of said Ordir~ces. * I ,I IpLan Check Fee: IVate Paid: IReceipt #: I Signed: * Plumbing Permit No person shan constz'Uct, instaU, aUer or change any ~ or e:r:isting pLumbing or drainage system in whoLe or in part, unLess such person is the Legal possessor of a vaLid pLumber's license, except that a person may do pLwnbing work to property which is owned, Leased or operated by the appri- .aant. o.&.r..oOio'-.' Electrical Permit Where State LaM requires tiiat t~ eLectricaL work be done by an ELeo-tricaL Contractor, the eLectricaL portion of this permit shan roOt be varid until, the labeL has been signed by the ELectricaL Contractor. . Mechanical Permit * PZan E=niner vate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the compLeted application for permit, and do hereby certify that aU information hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any ar.d an work perfor:ned shaLl. be done in acaor- dance with the Ordinanaes of too City of Springfield. and the Laws of the * State of Oregon pertaining to the work described herein, ~ that NO OCCU- PANCY wiLl. be made of any structure without permission of the Building Di- vision. I further certify that onLy contraators ar.d empLoyees who are in c~T.pZianae with ORS 701.055 wiLZ be used on this project ~/~ 2-/18/R2 Date Signed