HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1999-7-27 ." ,; COMM E.RCtALI iNDUSTR1A <" (PEAMIT APPLICATION 225 F,!th Street, Spri/'lo'ield, Oregon 97477 ~a LOCA.TlON OF PROPOSED WOAK -1.6Dll (""AUt-Ann; ~l R1.Yc1 ASSESSOnS MAP: l J. Q..2. ~ OLf OWNER: Wells Farqo ~'"L\ ADDRESS: .-1300 SW 5th Avenue. 61 01 ~ 146 CITY: _ Portlgnrl STAT~: Jje<"",UMeeR qq /e!'J:2 :<> IN~ECTlON Ll~~: ~7;6.J769' OFFICE: 726.3759 ~~;ngfielQ Or~~ TAX LOT: b q:...!:LQ. ~ PHONE: _ (503) 88~:-4643 ()~ ' liP: Q7701 DESGRIP'fION OF v.JORK: _B.:m:p:. ~~Hr.:g.rcof. T~....ll n:w blil~ '~ .L' . .( Sj':=-I...,.,,- NEW nEMOOE.L X ADDITION DEMOLISH _,'.__' OTHER NAME AnCHITEGT:..AJ.a"l ~Puo-..... A.......-.... CONTRAGTjR'S NAME ADDRESS VALUE 47,245.00 . PHONE (319) raC;'?.grvLh-mA ~19 dQ9() 71 st A\P CW C r< :..., ~t3c. CON . 1~~ Ave l'E ~ 1."..... Ga.!":1 _ ~ CONTRACTOR · EXPIRES __...:J.l31/OO PHONE 1c{)1' .:3:18.-0 83 ~I:-' ~,I ~irf) GENERAl.: . PLUMBING: MECHANICAL' ELECTRICAl: _ . h ..liO_ -1-.. .PI.I.l.mI NG SlnOlO Plxlure r.- - RolOe#te<( 81Cii).'-- ~. In" fix addllf , Waler SeNlee ,--"- -Sanitary s.w.r I -~torm Sewer It. ft. fl. B.llckrl<)w Device - -c=- .. I TOTAL I'cRlIIlT QUAt) AREA. , OF SLOGS: _ . OCcY GRCJUP: . OF STOF:lfS: _ -__ SQ FT. SlJ. fTG MAIN ~o.. FTG A';CESS _ Sa. FTG OTHER PLAN CHi:CK FEi: ! BUILDING ~~~'T 2 -?..d.. (JO .. ,slal&fl!t.~p.~ q .40 ~VE~az.e L ., '2'7. T .... . State Surc~roc , PAVING FF'" CHARGE - OFFICE USE - LAND II.~'" · OF UNITS' CONSTR TYPP' HEAT SOURCE: $ISQ. H. x x x RCpt'" DATE PWMBING SllU. Surc:nalllll FENCE VAwe $ SiO!WALK n. FT. , CURBCUT , ..JHL. 291 - . ~.M1;C.tJANIr.Al_ -.---...-.~~.~ '1 . . ..._ _ . HI' I CtiARGE.... . Furnac"lhlJm"r A v"nl < 100.000 8TlJs . F\lrnacetbiJrner &. ven"-. > \00.000 BTU6 Floor furnace and ve.nl Sli:;pencGd w~il or Iloor t1lOlI'lled uP;1 he.'e' ol.pl'lIolrlce V~nl llepalllte SlallOI'latY evap. c;:ooler VeM Fan/Single ducl Vent System aparl from AC or hlO. Me<;l1anical l!llhausl hooll an~ duel 1- PeITflIt 19l;lJant;e TOTAL peRMIT HAN01CA,P ACCESS. ___... _ . FLOOD PlAIN' ZONING; LICHT1NG POWER 8UOOET: WATER HEATER' VALUE TOTAl. YAW' OF PAQ~IiQT BV OEMOLllION I SUBTOTAL PERMITS I SYSTEMS _---LD!V~UOPMENT TarAL PERMIT FEES ?D I 4<; exClUQING El.ECTRICAL _.. J I ( j '~''';'''''''~'';;'I1r'*~'~l' . .... ,....\ .~ -l- ,. ~ $10.00 .j 1 I .., ! -1 , uj I · REQUIRED INSPECTlONS IIAII alblllt 0'"'. ..,..,It l'told.r te ... ,".. -'11......'1...... ....... at ,~. ~re.PQr ""'0. 'Ib reClu4S1 afll l"e"..II.... ~d:.~9~=rd.r). s~a.t.,)'OUr ClLy designated Job number. lob acl'dreu. ty~e or In&p8ction requested e.nd when you ""':':: rea:y for Inspeotlon. A.queat. received before 1:00 I.m. will be mad. the same wQrtdng day. re~u..ts mllde .t..r 7:00 a,m. w { m.. lhe following woric day. BITI fNPIlaT'IQN. TD 1M mu. aher NC:..va\lon. but prior to setup of forms. SlRUCfURAL MASONRY; (3C6 8.7) Y /~1t Y ~:?~. -~- /'" , "in aldltlOn to tl\& Inspec- . " . :;> tfons ~P8c:/fIGd, 1M BUilding Official may make or requIre CURB ANO APP'ROACH other Inspactlcns of an'( FlOOF SHEATHING AND APRONS! After fOT"'S are COtlstrucllon work 10 em!lure NAfLlNQ; Prior to 'nstalllng erecl.a but prlOf' to placing compliance w/tO the Bu1l0/nQ. tn)I roof covering. concrete. City or OAvelopmenl COde. --------------~---------------------------------------- ... UI/~f';Uf aut:. ll~'" l'~_'\ ...........4U..,""...u,.. ,~ / UNOERSLAB PlUMBINO. ELECTRICAL .. MECHANICAL: To be matte h'llore any work III covered. FOOTINGS. FOUNDATIONS: To be. made ...ll.r trenches are e~cavaled and lorms are erected, all .~.l In gl..~~. but ,,';or to placIng concrele. CONCReTE SLAB: To be rrade &f~r all Inalab building lOotJlllc& eQuipment, conduit, p: pIng, BC:cesllorlell and other anclllary eQlllpmllf1lltem~ are I,. place but before any c.merele Is placed. UNDERQf\OUND: Plumblng, e.ectrleal. g,"s, :sanItary sewer. s':orm sewer, waler and dlillnilge IIn". To tMl made p 10r t<l oov~\f1g or IIIIl ng trenches. UNDERFLOOR: Plumbing. aloclrleal. meenanlcal. '1b be rr.4lQQ prloT to In&la1laUon or flOO' Insuratlon, decking or lloor &heathlng. POST .. BEAM; To bv made prior 10 InstDlIallon of floor Insufatlon, deCklno 01 floor l>heatlilng. FlOOR INSULATION .. VAPOR BARRIERS: To be made prtor to Inalallallon ot decking or floor sheathing. lItlASONAy: Sleel location, ~ tleama grouting or v~rllcala III accordance with UBC 2415. FINAL pl.UMelNG FrNAL !LECTRICAl FINAL MI:CHAtoiICAL. FINAL FIRE DEPARTMENT ADDITION,\,L COMMENTS. ROUGH PWM.INO, i!l.ii:CTIiICAl. a. MECHANICAL: No WOrk Is to blf COl/9nilQ until \he.e IMflectlons nave bee'" made e.ncs aClPro\leO. ATTIC DRAFT STOPS" CI1RTAIN WAllS FIREPLACI!: PIIQr tQ pl3clng tacll'lg materials and before framlno In8~eCUOl'l. FRAMlt-4G: To be made after the IOQf. -'I framIng, lire blocking and bracIng are In place and all pIpe., ehlmneyt and vent5 are comple\e and the .rough elec:rrlcal, plumbing ana mechanical are approved. INSULATION. VAPOR BARRieR: To be mad. aft.r all Insulallon 8(1(1 requIred Y4pcr bar,/er, are In place but before allY lalh or ~ypsum hOl>rd ',,,er/or wall covering Is applied. FIRE" SEPARATION WALL: LDc.Wd ;;llld constructed accon;flng to planll. LATH ANOIOA CVPSUM BOARD; To be made aiter elf lathing and gypsum baBrel, 'nterlor and exterior, III In plaell but before any pluterlng 18 applied or Defore gyDsum board lolnts and '..tenera are taped and finIshed. SIOewALK & DRIVEWAY; ReQuired ~ all conerele paVIng wlIhln streel rlghl Of way. to be made after a1' 8lCC&VaUng ecmp1ete anc1 form work and llub-base materlal'n p:a.:e. MVINGl "'/I~ .r....' I. Irl pi lice but prior to placing aspnall 01 concrete. SPECIAL INSPECTIONS: In accordance Section 30G o( tne SlalEl Spwo;/oiIlly Cod,; a epeelallnspGCIOr shall be employed by the Owner! Conlractor durIn; cor>strl,lcllon 01 lh~ following work A COsw of the spada! teslIng reports shall ~ fUJnlshed to the Rvr1ding Oi'I'$;on. STRUCTURAL CONCRET!:: In exceSS Of 2500 PSL (306 8.1) STRUCTURAl. WELDS: Parfolmel1 on the iob. (2722 1) HIOH STRENGTH BOLTING: Ol/flng all OOlt jll$lall..Uan and tightening operations. (:lOtI a.6) SPAA"t"O ON FIREPROOFING: LJ.SC Slarnlllfds 43-8. SPf:CIAL GRADING, EXCAVATION AND FILLING: OUJlng earthwork. (308 a.11 & Chapter 29, GLU.LAM D!:AM$: lns.pe~lIon Ceniflcate by IIn 8pprt)vp<l agency, fumlshad 10 the City's El'JI!dln~ DivIsIon be!ore beams are placeO. (2~ U.BC STOS. 25.10,11). SITE PLAN REVIEW BOARO: Mu!';1 be requBIU9tt 2 (lays In advance of the date you wlslllnspeetlon. AU protect conditions sueh a$ IMd!c.aplng, parking lot strtplng. etc. must be cQmpleled betofe requesl1ng Hils Inspection. --~ FtNAL BUILDING: Requested .Iter Ih. /lnal plumbing. .'&culeal. ffitoChanlc&llirlO Fire Departmenl ~nSllecllQ"'$ aJe made and ap~. . J. "'0 oeeupancy or the premlSell can be mad. unlll II Cenlti"te of Occupancy ha3 been Isaued by the Building Oiyislon and posted on the Drem1S8S. P\.ANS REVIEWED BY DATE By .Ign.tu.... I st.t. and agree, that I have carefully tpxamlned the complated Iipplleallon and dO hereby certify that 1I111"formatlon hereln!$ tru. and corr.ct. and I furth. ce..tify that lItIy &l\d all wor1e performed Shall be done In accordance with 1he Or(llnance~ oj u,., City of Sprtngfleld, And the l..&ws of th.. Stale of Orllgon p"rtll!nln~ to tne wQrl<: c:Iescrlbed nereln, and tTlat NO OCCUPANCY witt be m8de of IIIny atNetu"" wltftout PermhJal6fl of the 9ull<tl...g s.tety OMalon. I furttt... ~tHy t~t 0"110' eontf.elora and e",plo~n ....ho WollIn c;om~llan" WUII ORS 701.055 w1Jl ba uud on ttll.s project. I tvrl!1li/J a~r~ 10 ,-,O$U'"Ih&t8.11 reClulre<1 InspectIons are ,equested lit 1M proper tlmf', II'l~r pmjer.t ll<1dr~"s Is ,.,...d"hr.. 'rom Hm lIlrae', lha\ the penn" ~.rd Is I~led at 0\& r,ont 01 'h. properly. and the approved ..1 of pi_I will r.lnaln on II'Ie aile a' all limeS tJlJrllI~n:Sl1u.Cllon. Slgt'lalu;> ~~J..Akl.A - .1 Salem Branch Manager Dale ]"1111, ?1.. 1999 VA.LJ~QN: AMOUNT RECEIVED: ~~/. L;/df!::' DATE PAlO: /...::2C3...~ RECe.PT .' .,-?<),6 "/'0' "WE..e. .q~ Jul-27-99 03:42P :',,": p.as BRE RESISTANT PRODUCTS & COMPONENTS ROOF COVERING SYSTEMS (Con1'd} ~ ' ~KEY ROOFlHG CO. . Portland. OR IConr'dj Comb. Deck SlOP&: 1:12 1. Optiollal Insullllions; MarnJlactvter spec~ied, ce11il1lld insulations. 2. 2 Piles ol't5Q" Ol'.515'll8S! sheet (ASTM 046011 mechanically al1aCI\eCl. 3. 1 Ply 01'.160 API"'. torcile<l. 4. 2 GallonS per 100 sqJl\. 01"726 A1u'!'inum Coating' (per ASTM 02824-94 Type III). . Comb. Deck . SIO\l8: 1-112:12 1. Optionallnsu\aliol1S: Manu1aclurer ,...,':::.';' certitiecl insulalions. 2, 1 PlY 01 '. \(.00 ESHA Vl;nl@' sar. 3i:llle~le base sheet, glued. 3. 1 Ply 01 "'61 APP" cap sheel, torched. Comb, Deck S1Cpe: 1 :12 1.. Oplionallnsu1alions; ManutllclIller ...,.'::..i, certriie:f insulalions" 2. . 1 Ply ..,1#501 or.515. . 3 1 Ply 011159 APP, lOlthed base sheet 4. \ Ply 01.160 APP. tl)fClIed base i>hi.... 5. 2 Gallons ot Aluminum CoatirlQ. Comb, Dee!< . Slope: 112:12 ~ 1. Optioflallrisulalions: MaIlulac:\IJref specified, certified insulations. 2. 'l-Ply ;I~l', '1i515-, '1IGD2', '1Ili03', '1505 Panoply' base _1. hol mopped. mechanically faslened. .. 3. '1',2., 3.Pliesol'I5OO', "506" ply ~lS, hol moWed. 4. 'I.Ply'1601 Premiu",' cap sheel hill mopped. COIIIb. Oeek Slope: Unlimlled I. OpOOnallnsulalions: Manufacturer specified, CEflified insulations. 2. ., 1230' Alaskan SBS Moditi~ FibelgiaSs Shing~, instilled per ma.nL~aclU!er',..struc1ions. Note: This system is AsTM.D.3161 Wind Resistance raled up 10 \10 mph. In addition, il nas been tested to ULC22 , 8, and it has achieved a class 4 impad resistance rating under criteria established by Ihe Texas Department ot 1l\$Urance. Comb. Deek SlOpe: Unlimited 1. OllfunallllSUlalions: Manliladurer spealiBd, ce~JfiM insut!!ions. 2. '_240 HurriCane' SBS Modified FterglaSS SI1ingles, installed per manulatturel'S Insl1\JCliOllS. Nole: This system is ASTM'().3161 Wind Resistance rated up to t 10 mph In addilion,~ has been tesled 10 UL'22t8, and it has achieved a class 4 impact resislaoce rating under criteria e3lilblished by the Texas Department 01 Insurance. Comb. Oeck Slope: 112:12 I. Op60nallnsulations: Manulac1Ure< specifiecl, certified insulations. 2. 'Optional.l.PIy '.501" "W, 'UOO3', '.605" base shee~ mecharJcal1y ar.achoo.01 ~lJ1y adl1erOO wilh "705'. ASTM.!J.3019 cold process adhesiVtl. ASTM.D-312 roofing asphall hol mopped: 1 'lllY "'lIloo ESHAvenl(!9' SI!Il-adI\eSMI base shee!. .. 3. 'f.Ply '1602'. "9603', '~5OS' or 2.Pbes ,,~1' nase slteel, mechanically laSTened or tully adhered willi "70s', ASTM-D.3019 oold process adhesive, ASTlA.O-312 roofingasphall. hot mopired, I-Ply 'WI QO(.l ESliAvent@' setl.a<lhesi<e ba;c st"'l. 4. 'I'PIr ',EOI Premium" cap sllee1. fully adhered wilh ASTh\-D.3019 cold plocess adhesive, ASThI-D-3l2 roofflg asp/Tall, holfnll/lllP.'J. Comb. Deck . . Slope: 112:'2 I. Optional InsulatiOnS: ManulacWf" ;pwfoed, cer.f.ie<l ir.su!ations. 2. '1.,2.; 3-PJles 'i501'. 'U602', '~603'. "60S Panoply" base sheet. mechanically laS1ened. or ItAly adhelBd wfth ASTM-O- 312 rooting ~. hol mopped. 3. 'i.Pt; '~S'07 Pclyglass" cap s!le~. lorr-.heddown or Mty adhered with '~705', ASTh1.0.JOI9 ool1l plocess adnesive, roohnll BSpIIaR, holl\'lllllll<'<l. Coin!). Deck Slope; 112:12 l. 2: 0pli0I1aIlnsula1ions: MenulaCWrer speQlisd, cel'fJiad iAAllam. . "-.2., 3.P1ies "SOl'. "'602", "603', "605 PenopIy'_ sheet. me(tlanicallyfaslened, or tully a!tienld with ASTU-0-3121Ol1lin9 3$h811. hol mopped. 'l-I'iy "919 Po~~' cap s!lr)e1.fon;hed down Or IuIIy ahred willi cold process adhesNe or roollng asphalt. hoI ~ Manutacturer specmea water baSed omu!;ioc, c.oa\in9 m~oting ASn.4.D.I227 spet;mcations 3. 4. .1 -- ROOF COVER",~G SYSTEMS ~Co!ll'dl UAlARKEY ROOFING CO. - PMlllrrd, OR :COJIt'd/ Comb. Deck SIoJle: 112:12 I. Optional1nsula1illm: ~ spetiI\ed. oortifrild insIb-"ons. 2. '2-. 3-Plles "SOl', '1602', '1l603', '1005 Pef\o!lly"baSe sheet.1uIIy adhered I!illI ASTM-O-312 rooflfl9 eSllhalt hoI~. . 3. . 'j.ply "B6ll1 Prami'Jm' c:lIl s!I!!f!t, tully adhered wiItlASTM.!J.312 roofing asphaIl, hot rnlJllll8d. Comb, Deck Slope; 112: 12 . 1. OplionallnsulaliOns: ManulaCtuier specified, certified insulallOl\S. 2. . I-Ply 'ISO t'luIy 8lIheroo v.\tlI ASTM-0-312 roo!inll asphalt. hol mowed. 3. . '2.?\ieS 'Jl)Q3', M'I adhered with ASTU-D-312IOOnng asphal1,lIOllflOlllled. . 4. Surfaced wi\IJ ASTM-0-1227 ~ emulsion app!ied al a mmurn (XJIIaragB I8IEI 0\ 3 981jsq. C,omb. Deck Slope: 1/4:12 I. Optional \nSuJations: Manu!adlJfel specified, certif.ed insulalioroS. 2. 'a-, 4.Pfi<!s '~50I', "602', "603'. "605 Panoply' ba5e s/leet filly a<lheredwilll',700' Adhesive, or ASlL'-D-3Q19 COld procesS adhasiVe applied at a covera.!jB ral8 of2 galJsq.each ply. -3. 'Coated.,;!h "705 Adhesive', or ASTM.D-3019 cold process ad/leslI/8, at 2 gat/sq. and e, ~. ;,;.,; wi1II3M llIarCl No. 11 rooIing granUles ala mll\imum cvveragll rate of6IJ Ihs.W't. OR . 4. 'Coaled with "70s AdlteSNe', or ASnA-O-:J(l19 cold pnxess ~e. &14 gaijsq. and el11badded wiilllQOling yia,g ~ at a minimum ~rage rale of 400 IbsJsq. ~:;~k ~J.~:1~. /f Pe7f .t:to//f' I. < ations; Manulacturef spe<:itied, oertllie:f insuIa6cns. ~ t6 ~ ' ~1 2. '1-P!y "501' ,SlS' bas8 sheel Of invertBd ,.502' cap sheet. mecnani;aJ'1Y lll~ned (optiOllal .. _ ~lIU1n \,'2- h"'\SUlatoo bo31d is ~!. 3. '2- .Fhe "SOl' base sheel, ',500", ~r.l\' sheet fully ad~ered -..illI ASTM-0-312 roofrlg . : ~. '.Plv ~3~ ~.p slteet fullv al1IlelBd w~h ASTM.D-312 roofinr. asphaU.lIOllflO/llllld- COlllb, Deck' Slope: 112:12 . 1: Optional1nsulaticns: Manulac:\IJrer specified, car1i1iecl insulationS- 2. 'l-l'Iy 't5Ql', ,,6Q2", '<<003', 'iffiG5 P;lllOpIy' glaSS flllered base sheet. mechani:ally fastened. 3. 'l-PIy '1i919 PoIyglass' cOp sheel. flJ1ly adhefed _ ASTM-D-3'2Type III rooling asphan, hol mopped. or '#70&' or ASTM.o-31119 cold p,ocessadllesive. 4. Su~...ilh 'Malarltuof 3l:Jminum roof coa6ng awlied al a minimum coverage rate of 1.1/2 gallsQ. Comb. Deek Slope: Unlimited 1. ' OptionallnsulalionS: Manulac\Ufl!f speclted, cerliiied i1iSUiaUons. 2. '3-, 4;Plles "501', '#515", '.602', "~603'. '11605 PaNJllIy' base sheel,lully adhered each ply with ASThI-l>-312 roofing asphalt or "70s' altIeSiW or ASThI-D-3019 COI0 process adhesive. 3. F\ocd coated ~ .o6f"'9 ~ or adIle",e r.nd em~edded with nominal 3/8' pea gra\llll al a minil11lJffl coverage rale of I ~ IbsJsq. .' 4. 0pIi0na1_ 'HSi1S/lield' primer arid rock bOnCler applied al a coveraye rale of 1 gal1sq. 5. Surtaced w~h 'Healshiel1' cementi60us coating per manufacturers'. instnJclions. Comb. Oeek Slope: 1:12' 1 Optional Insulalions: l.\allU!acturer specified. certified irlsuIalions.. 2. '\,f'ly "501'. "'515', "602', 'f603', '.605 Panoply'.lJ4S8 sheel, mechani~1ly taS1ened, 0' l'J!!y adhered V!it11 '11705" Of ASTM-D-J019 cold process edIleSive Of ASTM.!J-312 roofing asplla", hot mopped. Ill' I-PJy '111000 ESHAvel1l@" self-adhesive base slJeet 3. Oplional' I.Piy '1500'. 'D5()6'.~; sheel 01'#501', "602', 'lI603', '11605 PsnPPIv' base sheel. fully adhered viiIII '1705" 01 ASThl.O-3019 colcl process a~5ivV 01 ASTM.0-312 rooting asphall, hoI mopped. . 4. ',.Ply "917 PoIyglaSS' cap sheel, fuDy adhefed ,'lith '~705' 01 ASlM-O-JOI9 rXIkI process ad!tesive or "SlM-D-312 roofing lISIIllalI,lIOl mopped Comb, Deck stope: 2:12 1. Qplional tnsuIations: ManuIatIulef opacified, cer',i!;ed inw..lions.Bf. 2. -'1000 ESHAVtlnl@"lherrnaIly adhered rQOllng membrane. 3. 'I-Ply lle1Il't5OQ"pIy SIIB111.hcJI..". -- ASTM-Q.;J12 ospIIa.'l. 4.' 'l.P1yof'~5Ql'. '13~'. '.502", 'f917', '41919"capsheel. 691 . ..1. 'J 1~.J!I'l,,, II 11m. I I' __".11_.'...... .'.~.L"'_..'-',~ "".." ,,,,..._11 1+_'