HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Correspondence 1997-1-15 '. ,H1i<ds', -rXG . ' .'~I~riiN(~'I':"_'II~""."_"_' . 61. ........ ==-- ~ ". *1i1 225 FIFTH STREET - SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726,3689 DEVELOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT January 15, 1997 Mr. Lcs Swaggart 2070 Or" Lane ELI gene, OR 97405 Dear Mr. Swaggmt: Thallk YOtl for the application fur i.l paving permit for yuur property at the'S.W. comer of 5lh and South ^ Streets. Unfortunately, \-\le cannot process tIll.: permit until the requirements for Sile Review have been satisfied. The enclosed letter dated November I g. 1994 Ih.lJll Lalll'cn LezcllnoliJied YOll or the maximum 10,0005.1'. area that could be paved withoHt meeting the Site Plan Review Standards. Ilnow appcnrs 111at more Lhall the maximum arCH allowed to be paved has been cxcccdcd. It will therefore be necessary for YOllIO l)hlain Site Plan Review apprpvnl for the existing i\lll! ilny proposed improvements for till: sile 1i.00ll lhe Planning Divi~ion of" lhi~ department prior to obtaining the paving- permit. On rr.:laled mHtlt.:rs, we can find no ,record of permits or inspections for storm drainage I"llllolT from the pavt:d area or for the existing exterior lighting for the sile in our recor(ls. In uddition, the required SDC (SySlem Dev.elopmelll Charge) for-the City storm sewer system impi.let li.olll IlIe parking area has not been dett:::rrn.ined or paid. i\bm,1he pcrime1~r fence on. the: propF,:r\y h\\~ ~\ ~..\tc h:>ct\\c.L\ on 51h ?\TCC\ near \he railroad crossing. ^pproval for a eurb cuI al that location is reLJuired li"om th~ Public Works Trame Division (we do have a record.or the fellee permit issued in 1991l). Thcs~ arc items lhat need to also be resolved d_uring lhe Site Rcvit.:w process. EIl!;losed is i.11I application form for Type II Sile Plan Review lor your conveniL:nce. Please complele the applicalioll and relurn it to this omce with the required information and applicatioll fee at the earliest posgiblc dat~ gO that 1I1C above isslles can be resolved aIld your l)ond call he released. Il is ilTlporti.Ulltlli.ll .aU intended development for the property be shown. onlhe Site PIi.lllto eliminate coslly future revisioils to lhe approved plnH. Please rcfer any questions relating to the review process to lhe Plcmning Division HI this of'liee (726-3753), Your check for lhe paving p~rlllil is enclosed herewith. We will advise you oCthe coiTeCI amount 10 pay when your Sile Plan I~evic\V approval is complete and all required fees. have been calculutcd: SiIlcercly~ P~/'PLL Don MDDre, Conttructioll Represclllalivc dOl Enclosurc: 3 c,.... Dave Puent, Community Services Manag.er/Building. Ornci~\1 Lome Plegcr, Plans Examiner Greg Molt: Planning Manager Lydia Neil, Planning Supervisor Tom Marx, Building Inspector ..