HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2002-1-7 225 FIFI1I STREET, ~'\; . , r r" . 'ro.; \ SPRlNGFIELD, OREGON 974771: :' . , , 'INS~ECTIOl)lREQUpST 726.37,69,. = ;. .c::-:.: :'1' : ','City Job Nt umber O:,'-f:)Y'1 S 2,.- ~I_I \. . ;! OFFICE:' 726-3759 "'1 .: :; ." . , . ,i .'!, ; . " 1, -' . ~ . : ! '! , ., '- i i,; ,I~""' ~ '; I .C'::, ,3',COMPLETE FEE SCHEDULE BELOW.' \ . 'i, 1 LOckfIQN OF'lNSTAL~~tI~N U L ji,r / !, I'. ...., .. - '::Lb'O; A ~,?;';...,-r - c '. "..--. ~~. Ne\y'Residential'Single or---~. .. -- - - ..0- . Multi.Family per dwelling unit. Service Included: /, ,. , " , , . , , , ~ ' EL_~CAL PERMIT APPLICATION LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1'"70335't..fl o '1& 0-0 Items Cost Sum .' JOB DESCRIPTION 1000 sq.ft. or less I c..., e<-lAl'I Each additional 500 , Thefollowin' sq. ft or portion Permits are lion.tran~il\yealliWl-wtg~ as submitted has the toll thereof if work is n?t.starteda\~RI\I'fil\80 days I reqUIre specific 'and uJ't\?j, Manufd Home or of issuance .or if work is suspl!lllllOb~ ?10 Modular Dwelling 180 days. ' Dale /-.7- 0 )..-- Service or Feeder 2. CONTRA~:rOR~~m.~. Sen'lccS'or Feeders I.' Elemical Cont~acto;' ,/I It :It~~::::~:n, Alte?tiOns 0:; .1 , ",. /" I:, ".... t ';~J "~,"" (' " Address,. ., I" /. ,;. 200 amps or less' ,\ ,I'" /' " ":"''- 20 I amps to 400 "'nps Cit\' '-. "Phone --c- 401 amps t'7.600 aOlps ":. Sup~r\'isbr Li~el;~e\Numb'~r 41.:l3S ;~v~:';ci;J~~~~.6;:t I . , " '1/ ' .". ' I 1,1,. 'v . t~" '.:Recotihect Only ., ' E~piration Date /0 ..:. / .;...,04' " ' r~' ,c. Temporal.'Y Sen'ices or Feeders LConstr Contr. Numbe~ ,";"; A Installation, Alteration or Relocation' ._'-,~--::, ' ' -- $106.00 $ 19.00 , / ! " -i.', $ 50.00 ,,' '. '. .. .,'; I , _$63.00, ',$ 75.00~: '.- _'$125.00 $163.00_ $375.00 $.50.00 .1 I '. -,Expiration Date --. . . 200',amps'orless . . $50.00 " " ""~.c:..;,"'" ~ ',:'.201 anipst';400 alnpi ':.' ~ '$69,00 -, 1., , _ -It.. , . " J Signature of SUllen'ising Electrician "- ~ -_Oyer 40 Ito 600 amps. ,.', : ' $100.00 . ~ ~___' ',',,0'" I, ,'...- .,' , . " "......., . /1 Over 600'amps.or 1000 volls see:,' . 16~~ iY:~~/J. _ L "B" abr~ .~<\., ". Ow~ers Na~e ;j'J~/JrtiG J::../fl:D. Bra~:$:~:r~~on od!;;tension Per tne! . .. . " , I'r \ 1.1 :,.. " " .' . " . ,-:) ., I, "\ . '.' "'3 "" Address ..;2d6S. Mo{/( S7 On'e',Circuit : I , ..:..L $4300 '!:..:... . "",,: ,~ '. ,'," / 1/ \ .. "'. .I Cit)'};PR.Jll/~ PteUJ . 'Ph;;~e 7.:!c" . ~(:w-l Ea~!l Additio,!al ciicuit or with Servic'; : " . F..,.. ' '.1 or'Feeder Pe,(nit - --':":'$ 3.00 OWNER INSTALLATION . ,"'. :;:...,:~:,'i( ..,..:::.. The installation is'being' made o~ .. E. l\Iiscellaneous'{Servicclfeeder not included) propertyI.o~\'n'which is not intended'. :' '.Each installati;;n .' \;., .' , .c', for'saie" lease'o~t ient:'~"i .',".':. ," ~ Pump\or/i'r:~igaiioii,~ ..j: '. ~ $50,00 . .,.-; :.;'. . ), SignlOli\li~e Lighting' . , _'$~O.OO '. _ . Owners Signature:',,,~:' '::. I" ',~:... '. Limited,i:inergylRes " $25.00 . ;..' '.,' . ;',i' . : Liinited Energy/Com,,)' $45.00 " ." ,',' . ,,' . . l\linimum EleCtric Permit Inspection Fcc is S45.00 + Surcharges .' .. r' , :.,' , t.{>" " 4. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE ~ 7% Stat~'S~rcharge ~ '3,l) 8% Administrati"e Fce ~ :3 ,,0 ",'. . ", ., ,~. TOTAL ~ S/7...:l-