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Permit Correction Notice 2007-11-26
',. . .:-;';'''''t. .' '" ,'o'~ ,.,:#"~"'~: 'r.:;.....~...'..:., ,'::',-, ':~ "...~: ("I; ~'''+' ".,.:..A.:.J\~~...'l:--'......_,~-., ':"-:"'';.'r.~.''. ;",.,$",,-1..'1-', ,.~'....-\..'''.~ ',-,.'~ .~.....'''' .~...,.,. ,~,.....,..,....,.,. '" ,." ..". City of Springfield/Development Services Building SafetY 225 Fifth Street '~ t.. l41r &1'\ ~ 0 b " ,.t'._ Date:_ / I / 2 b / 0 7 , Job#. (7 - 7L.J I . Address:, h "?"5 3 tj tt. .t;-!, Inspection Type:_1<. (!)uuL, ell" C /...t--IL Co- ) , TO: 6UJ J/J e v . /Vet]) Ifpj/vo v ~J c:;-I-JC ~/uc.-, s 6 el 5 /'le.. A;FL 2J/;: ~Ll~/I}: (lP~f/11 (/I' Sf}eu< l<lrf 4/<,l-d.-t'v'> r;",/<. I/Ie~/s l2et'<Ac/~ ~ t ~ 1/ (j , / Z-: ) -e y ,// (<- -< 1/1+ 11'(,< " ~ <:. (& 6'lJ.l &~'.... Ol/,{'I VI e ~ /c; -J..u (; e ~ - WI;' <- tj /~ 4//q .?~ ~ /,ooJ sIde. oY ~-(+,<'V t/I e~jt; ../-() Jea~ Pa. '1-(;1: f{..e ~ .f'(/ JI/OI;Y'1 /t,e, . uJ/,'!dy J<t'/C; -h/ TOI9 tJ1. /41-!I-(y {J(),.se. !Vel '2 C;tJ. (PLJ I 2150. b~ U4) avou VlJ ; u.1 '..e / ~e..f-YoJe (eJVf) uc-/o".. i/J ~-eJ7 .J.o 6 e / ~s teA II",) : +- ~ #((cc;s/b/.-c. Lf IAC,'~A ~lU/ v,~ +0 e;~~ ('~Hn('c-f~~...., IVCc Zit), 10 " U tAr/tV -av/1IA."j t;.(,tJlt.e 1I)t-l<,,~ rit'~.)s +0 ~ e {.()If/lbl-elf'~ ., I Corrections and rein~ion request shall be made within '30 .calendar days. /' / I 7 Call for reinspection ~yes DNa Inspector gV.Yllv/ ~I( Ir.{}."tl\ ~P""J Date:. ~". Z D -0 NNNNNNNNNNNNNCal1 for inspection 726-3769NNNNNNNNNNNQuestions 726-3759NNNNNNNNN