HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Miscellaneous 1986-12-9 .... ~ ;', -';';' ';::'11'- . ,""p' ;' ."!'~' './::'\~ '~.:: >. . :l'. . '. . ....- ,=1. CITY OF SPRINGFIELD Office of Community & Economic Development Planning and Development Depart;nent . . .". ~ . ",j . '.' . .,r ;:"! ,l ~ 'j 'li'". ~~\J1~~,':,'i~~.;j'.' ,', . ,~::' ~.,.; .. I,:t"f"c-;-;l,'.t. 0" "',' ". ' ",' ,'I .[d.i:::_~: .- ~1:l.l'~t.' 'i'l { , ' . '" '. \. _ . ',.:'. "',:' ,h o. 1\. ,{ ~ 9, 198 . J , . ',- '., .' :. ~>>;'~:" ~::,~:~;:;'~. :~i~{~~}i..:'..D~.c.emb,er ,6:. :';'.~':.:~.:'~:.'," .l .,. ~ . ~ ,,\.,,! ' , " " .,' ~:,i,;.:,..:.' :.",':"..:.~.~...r,:.:;...~~~;.~:..:{~: \ -..;.:I:,...:.,.,;,.i;..::.,:..;.:.::.:.,....:... -.':~;' -: . .'. :,'.:,;.:.',...::;_~;.,.:..::',:.~,:.....'-.:..:. ;l~.:~\.,:,:'_..'._:.:,.:;.:,...~.:~.).,I.,'.-:.,..'.'....,;,:.':~:' .:;f;ir:'~'~;'.;:\:~~3 .~~~~~ ~~~~s'~~~:';t;;..::':'..:; .:::.;:.:f.,.(<,':..::~;...:.;.::'i.;,:.,..:~._....(;..:,.i;'.~,.:'::' ~"",. :~' ';'" .~. 'i1fi::.;ci;I!,,~i.'Springfield, Oregon: 97478 '.:~~~~,'.f:;(...,...\;:~.::-::~.~.".'h~t.-:....;..,,~.,...' ,; :; . '1,1'''' t, .", ., ..::'0.1" ...."..,)..., .':'.p.,' :':':."':S ,;:. 't.' Incomplete Site "Plan Submitta 1 ' .".. . " '~"~;"::' ,"T,,l,' '..~'.J.' uuJec . . ....~, ".:);\\,..!.:.'~... . . "'. ' \ .",:))\<, ,1fZ;~~~:?"Y~~t!Ufi;;'Dea r Mr:-. 'Johnson': :'::'~.!~~4.:,;',::,::,,>>:,,:.." " t , \' , " {I: ';" " f",~ ": t.;",' .r' ',' -t~lt"'!~~~~);' - / .,,?~,,:~~.,:(l1'Jt,:t:"'1 ~"V'" . . \. '\ . 't,., ~\" .\ :~.'..;r.:,:;h'", ~"tfpt.lW..."'~.:,";,'.'.".' .""!/! \~, .. ':?t.-", ,'"." "'" .. :~ ,', . ..'_::.:~" Your' site plan application was reviewed today and was found to be j'ncomplete. -:...i;,;:~;:: .':-.r.,,":1' .Article 3, Section 3.050(3) states "ANY APPLICATION WHICH DOES NOT MEET THE '''::':':'.",:.1;.' REQUIREMENTS OF SUBSECTION (2)(a)-(f) OF THIS SECTION SHALL BE RETURNED TO THE :~:;;';':").' . APPLICANT. An application which has been determined to be incomplete may be ..',:.' resubmitted after being revised in accordance to ORS 227.178. If the ~,,", ." application is not complete within the statutory 30 day period, it shall be ::\' , " " den; ed unless the Di rector accepts a wai ver for cant; nuance of not more than 30 .. .,';(''';::" additional days." .' . '. I am listing below the items which were not addressed as part of your submittal which made it an incomplete application. You may wish to se,~k professional assistance in completing this application (enclosed is a list of planning 'consultants which may be of assistance to you). ",' '. "-'''',7'', 1. The application form states your application wi 11 consist of: ". "' <. , . a. 11 copi es of the Site Pl an. On 1y 1 copy was recei ved. b. A written description of the proposal. You stated '.'Fence Permit Only". As you were informed by this office the application is for a change in use from a' restaurant to an auto related business. I understand you are using the. building. What are you using the building for, storage, office, retail sales? I also understand you are using the asphalt portion of the lot. What are you using the lot for, automobile sales, storage, repair? c. Compliance with Site Plan Review criteria: A Site Plan cannot be approved by the Planning & Development Director unless the following criteria has been satisfied: Demonstrated compliance with the applicable standards of the Springfield Development Code. . " .225 NQrth 5th Street . Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 .'. .~-':""'.." ~. .~:~.-<l::""r.___~.. .'. '.~ "" . . ~., . ..1 ':"-;:.\~:.M~~'~'''~''" ,,>;..J ,,,....;.;~:~I^;::i!+iL0~i;.t7~~.t....~~:,~~h.~....,\;.~~~+~.;.1; . I. Proposed on-site and off-site public and private improvements are sufficient to accommodate the proposed development. Development plans have been modified to conform with Public Facility Plans and City standards. Inventoried natural and historic features of the site have been adequately considered in the project design, consistent with Metro Plan policles. The design identified conflicts. of the proposed development, as conditioned, mitigates negative impacts and resolves identified land use Parking areas and ingress-egress points have been designed so as to facilitate traffic and pedestrian safety, to avoid congestion and to minimize curb cuts on arterial and collector streets. The Site Plan cannot be approved by the Planning & Development Director because the' site plan submitted does not include all information required on the check list and therefore it cannot be shown that the criterla above is satisfied. If the resubmittal includes all information omitted on the original submittal and if Development Code standards are met the site plan will then satisfy the compliance criteria. d. A copy of the deed to show ownership. No deed was submitted. The assessor's records show the property being owned by Lawrence F. Dorsey. You need to submit a copy of the deed showing ownership of the property, or if the property is not under your ownership you must obtain the owner's signature on your application. 2. The site plan submitted is lacking the following submittal requirements which are underlined below: Site Plan CheCk List # Description 8 Zoning, adjacent across the Metro Plan designatlons and existing properties, including properties street. land uses on lmmedlately 20 Location, size, height, building materials and method of illumination of eXlstlng and proposed s1gns. 22 Location, dimension and number of typical, compact and disabled parking spaces; lncludlng alsles, landscaped areas, wheel bumpers. directional signs and striping. 23 . On-site vehicular and pedestrian circulation. 27 Location and number of bicycle racks. 28 Amount of gross floor area applicable to the parking requlrement tor the proposed use. .,_....... .,. . . 33 Permanent irrigation system, unless specifically exempted 1n sect10n 34.24U(4). 35 A specifications list for all materials to be used shall accompany the plantlng plan. Plant sizes shall be listed at the time of installation and shown on the planting plan at mature size. 36 A description of planting methods in accordance with 31.15U. 37 Name and location of all existing and proposed public and pr1vate streets w1th1n or on the boundary ot the proposed development slte including right-of-way and paving dimensions, and the ownership and maintenance status, 1f applicable. 41 On-site drainag~ collection system and flow patterns, shoW1ng dralnage, the SlZe and locat10n ot dra1n 11nes and catch basins, and natural drainageways to be retained. The site circulation reviewed as plan should include your existing business so that patterns as well as other items listed above can be the lots are proposed to tie into one another. Although the lot which you propose to expand your business onto may not have some of the 1tems listed above existing at this time, it does not mean they are not required. You were given copies of the Development Code articles that address each of these items. For example: ther~ is no landscaping on the lot at this time, however, the Development Code requi res that you install landscaping. The landscaping required by the Code must be shown an the site plan. Until site plan approval is obtained, your continued use of this property is in violation of City ord1nances. Approval of your Department of Motor Vehicles license can be obtained prior to site plan approval if you discontinue your use of this property. As stated, above you have 30 days from the date of this letter to complete your application. Please call this office if you have questions that I have not addressed in this letter. /" Cordlally, 'L ' C~hcl-lLl.Ct.t;:iJ~(J.AI~~.' {/Cynthia L. Harmon , Development Permit Coordinator cc: Gregory S. Mott, Development Code Administrator Sally Johnson, Associate Planner Dave Campbell, Assistant City Manager Joe Leahy, Assistant City Attorney