HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness License License 1987-7-1 OUIECT All CORRESPONDENCE TO DEPART. OF THE TREASURV - BU~EAU OF ALCDHOeBACCO AND FIREARMS LICENSE 118 U.S.C. Chapter 44) In accordance with the provisions of Title I, Gun Control Act of 1968, .nd th~ regulatIons Issued thereunder 127 CFR Plrt J 78), you Ire licensed to engage In the buslneu specified In Ihls license, wlth1n the IImltaHonlo of ChapUlr 44, 'TIUe la, United SI.tes Code, .nd the regul.Ooolo hsued thereunder, until the eMplratlon dlt_shown, See "WARNING" on back. REGIONAL REGULA TORY AOM1NrSTRA TOR LICENSE NUMBER 9-9J-020-0I-GT-1224J BATF. 525 MARKET STREET 34TH FlOOR SAN FRANCISCO. CA. 94105 EXPIRATION OAT! JULY 1. 19/31 NAME WILLAMETTE ARMS INC lYf'E Of LICENSE 01 - DEALER IN FIREARMS OTHER THAN l:ESTRUClIVE DEVICES lIR AMMUNITION FOR OTHER THAN OESTRUCTIVE_UEVIClS ASSISTANT DlAECTOR (REGULA TORY ENFORCEMENn B't y;;:,L J IJ.-J-7 PURCHASING CERTIFICATION I cerllfy thai Ihls IS a true coPY of . license luued to me to en9.g. In the business specified. WILLAMETTE ARMS INC 971 N 54TH ST SPRINGFIELD. eR 97~77 . (SIGNATURE OF LICENSEE) The licensee named herein shall use a reproduction of thIs license to uslst a trar'ls'eror 0' flrarms to verify the Identity and the licensed stltus 0' the licensee as provided In 27 CFR Part 178. The Signature on each reproduction musl be an ORIGINAL sJgnature. ATF FORM 8 (5310.11) (8-82)