HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 01 Budget Committee Interview , . AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: Meeting Type: Department: Staff Contact: S P R I N G FIE L D Staff Phone No: C I T Y C 0 UN C I L Estimated Time: ITEM TITLE: BUDGET COMMITTEE INTERVIEWS November 26, 2007 Work Session Finance ~ Bob.Brew~ 726-3698 15 Minutes ACTION REQUESTED: ISSUE STATEMENT: Interview one candidate for the vacancy in Ward 2 on the Budget Committee. The Budget Committee has a vacancy in Ward 1 due to the December 31, 2007 term expiration of Darnell Manning. Mr. Manning resigned the Budget Committee in April of 2007, shortly before the first meeting, and the position could not be refilled during the Budget Committee process. Me. Manning served one term on the Committee and would be eligible to reapply; however he has not done so. The person appointed to the Ward 1 position will serve a three year term that will expire on December 31,2010. No applications have currently been received for this position. The Budget Committee has a vacancy in Ward 2 due to the December 31, 2007 term expiration of Mark Molina. Mr. Molina served one year to complete the remainder of Hillary Larson-Wylie' s term. Mr. Molina is eligible to reapply for another term on the Committee. The person appointed to the Ward 2 position will serve a three year t~rm that will expire on December 31,2010. One application has been received for this position. The Budget Committee has a vacancy in Ward 5 due to the resignation of Diana Garcia. The person appointed will serve the remainder of Ms. Garcia's term which will expire on December 31, 2009. No applications have currently been received for this position. ATTACHMENTS: Attachment A: Interview Questions Attachment B: Application of Mark Molina Attachment C: Budget Committee Charge Attachment D: Budget Committee News Release Attachment E. . Budget Committee Display Ad Attachment F: Springfield Budget Committee Member Profiles I)ISCUSSION: In response to the news release dated October 19,2007 and a display ad in the Register-Guard dated November 6, 2007, one application has been received for the Ward 2 opening. No applications for the other two available positions on the Budget Committee have been received. The Council is requested to interview one applicant for Ward 2 (Mr. Mark Molina). Budget Committee appointments are scheduled to be ratified at the Regular Session Meeting on December 3,2007. ' \ . 7 . . Budget Committee Interview Questions 1. Describe some personal goals that you wish to achieve by serving on the Springfield Budget Committee. 2. What do you feel are the most crucial service priorities for the City of Springfield? 3. The City is subject to the effects of rising prices for the goods and services we buy, just like any other organization, but the City's ability to increase revenue to cover those costs is limited. As a budget committee member, what types of suggestions would you have to help offset the annual impacts of inflation on the provision of city services? 4. Sometimes the members of the Budget Committee have different opinions on how the citizens' money should be spent. Your opinions may differ from other members of the Committee. How would you make sure your opinion was heard? If your opinion was not the majority, how would you go about "mending fences" with those you disagree with, in order to deliver the best budget possible? 5. The City provides a large number of services to the community. Sometimes these services benefit everyone, like Police patrols, and the Council believes everyone should pay for them through general taxes. At other times, if a City service only benefits a small group (for instance Building Permit services), the Council may choose to have the people who benefit pay directly through user fees. Sometimes services benefit specific groups AND the public, so the Council may choose to fund them through a combination of general revenues and specific fees. If you were on the Budget Committee and were looking at one of the City's services to decide how much should be funded through general taxes and how much through specific fees on customers, what questions would you want to have answered in order to make your decision? 6. One of the purposes of the Budget Committee is to get the citizens of Springfield involved in setting the priorities of the City. Describe to the Council how you would raise the interest of your friends or co-workers in City government? ' 7. The Budget. Committee meets on Tuesdays in April and May, generally for a total of four or five meetings. The meetings start at 5:30 or 6:00 and usually last three hours. There is occasionally a mid-year meeting in December or January. Will you be able to meet the time requirements of the Committee? 8. Do you have any questions for us? Attachment A . . , . APPLICATION NOV 13 2007 City Manager's Office 225 Fifth Street Springfield. OR 97477 (541) 726-3700 fora City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee Please print or type: Board / Commission / Committee applying for: , ,/l , (;~ 11M.. (A separate a' plication must be completed for each board. / commission / committee) Home address: /f/I :f' /h /{lO!rdA S~:-;::: hfLv ea.. 97/1";Z- City Zip '. Evening phone: ,(; 0& 7 ~/7 ? cT7 S/ iZ-7 p?z Name: )tlK'IZ Ii First Street Day phone: 7' 3'~ -- ?-3// . Do you live within the Springfield city limits? . .~. ~ If yes, how long? . ,,_ ".'<_ ~-... ~. -'--~'-' ~""-'.".",.=--..-,.. r.-~ -,-. ~_ ...-. _ .,__,_ _ .~, '. ~. , . -- -- '-'-~- o No ~ If no,'do you live inside Springfield's urban growth , boundary?" . -DYes 0 No Ward number (city residents only): ~ Are you a Springfield property owner? ~s o No . - -. . - -- .,.;- ..-" ,--;----,._-----<-_...:..--',.~_._-_._._- ---_.,--,."_.._~_._- ~-- - .----- ~ .. _ . _. .._. ._....... ... ... _'-_ ..0__ ...n..... _ _ Are you a Springfield business owner? DYes ~ ~' Are you a registered voter? ,0 No OCL;UpatiOn:~tU ~c~ Place of employment 7lVu.s~J ~G ,( Business address: ~fl/o (fZ~}~h<(;- / Education: 1/<;; ~dyy~ I . I /ljJ-/~{1 , (Over, please) Attachment B - Page 1 of 4 , . ~..:::- iii APPLJCA nON for a City of Springfield Citizen Advisory Board / Commission / Committee . ~2 _ . . Please print or type: 1. 2. 3. (Lack of previous involvement 4, ~ 5, o .Noontime (noon-1 :30 pm) gj Late afternoon (4-6 pm) er . Evenjng~ 6. How did you hear about this vacancy? o Newspaper ad 0 Newspaper article 0 RadiolTV 0 Mail notice' 0 Word of mouth IT! Board I commission I committee member 0 Other Applicant's signature Date ~ ReturA this application to the City Manager's Office, 225 Fifth Street, Springfield,OR 97477 For more information please call the City Manager's Office at 726-3700 . ft Prmted on recycled paper \1 Attachment B - Page 2 of 4 . . '. . Questions for the Budget Committee Applicant . (please answer on a separate sheet of paper) . 1. Please discuss why you are interested in serving on the City's Budget Committee. 2. What are your time commitments and availability, which may affect service on the Budget Committee? 3. Do you have any experience related to municipal finance or other public sector budgeting? Please discuss. ,,-~ -" ....:~"'.';. ~::' .':;;::,'::~'_:'-~.='~~~ - ~."' . _::....~"..,- -.:: -=:, _ .....~~:;.::.~__n__'-_,: .-, _'. ,_ ."_.,. _ _ Attachment B - Page 3 of 4 '. . .. tZVU4-~ 14"'~"u7fu-0~ .;0 ~ /(u.AJ'.( L~ tL,/d<~~ h;{",U ~~ .'. )c~" a~ '. I-~' '- ,-1 '1-/ . .~ d~\ ~/ 'c - hUt_ -i-- ' -<k &0. 1P~ ~t h (4 /~ (/. ~ ~- ::i. iY(L:Ii/ ~CL~ / /~. ~ ~ ,I r .--z;r-::-' VI ~/7~~'- WL-L _G:~ 5 ~/Ji~ /~ ~ /~~~ 4a-~7 s-J4c-7!#_ ~' , ;I : (.i) -r: jlA'-t~ '2'loL:&r7Y7/-//~ ~~ ~ ... ~Lh<~~_ ~A.k0!< /77 ~~ ht vL 47" . //?Zb??7f~?I; ~\ / .. ~rf!./1.AAce.. 7w :. .~"~. -..U /pu-~~ . /, -t:::U'~. ,'~.' -14'1 S7 ~~ bL0I~L~ ~~~ .-J{c~~~~~~~c<<Z~ ...-~k,--#~.:~hv~U-=--P~(/~~4._ ---~ /~./ ~<:e., . _' .. _____..____~=--.-------- i -r ~----_._"._------ ---_._...~.--_.._--...~-----,.__.-. ...--.-. --.-.-.---------.------..-..----.--..--..----.-- -_. .-.- "- -------_.._. ___._._...________ __._n_.___.___...~__.._____. ------.-----------------.--..-----. .---..-....,----.-..,.....-....-- .-----____ ...___n.. n_", __..__"...._. _~_._ Attachment B - Page 4 of 4 '. . March 4, 2004 Budget Committee CHARGE The Budget Committee is provided for in State Law. It is responsible for reviewing the fmancial plans and policies of the City, including the review of the Annual Budget and the recommendation of the Annual B:udgets to the City Council. Source of Existence: Bylaws: Code: State/Council No No Sunset Date: Mandatory Membership Number: In City: Out of City: 12 12 None . Terms (2 max): 3- Years staggered terms Ward: Qualifier: Yes (not required by State Law) 6 members from the Council and 6 citizens by Ward (Citizen members may not be officers, agents or employees of the City, per ORS 294.336(4). Appointed By: Council application and interview Meeting Time: Varies through Budget Season _ - - ..- ..-- -'" -.. ..- ~_. . . -- _ _ _ ..- ~ ~ .- ---_. --... -. -~-~, - Funding Source: General Fund Staff Liaison: Jeff Towery, Assistant City Manager, 726';3700 Bob Duey, Finance Director, 726-3740 Council Liaison: All Council (Note: the Mayor may participate with the approval of the Budget Committee as an ex-officio, non-voting member.) cmo/common/bcclbudget Last Revised: 3/4/04 Attachment C .. . www.ci.springfield.or.us FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE October 19, 2007 Contact: Niel Laudati 726-3780 '""-J Media Advisory '""-J APPLICANTS SOUGHT FOR CITY BUDGET COMMITTEE The city is seeking applications for three open positions on the Springfield Budget Committee. The deadline for submitting applications is 5:00 p.m., November 16, 2007, with interviews scheduled for Monday, November 26,2007. The appointment by the City Council will be made on December 3,2007, Application forms are available in the City Manager's Office in City Hall, 225 Fifth Street, . - Quring regular business hours. _..,-.,Applicants.aresQught to represent Wards 1,2 and 5 and will serve term expiring on December 31, . 2009 or December 31, 2010. Pleasevisit www.ci.springfield.or.us/pubworks/GIS Web oage/06 GIS Standard Map.htm to see a Ward map. -- .Backgr:ound: The Budget Committee reviews the. city' s -financial plans and policies, including the annual budget.-The 12 member Committee is comprised of the six elected City Councilors and six members from the community, Appointed by the City Council, each of the Committee's six communitymem~ers must live in the ward they represent. Meetings are typically held between. April and June, but the committee may also meet on an "as needed" basis. One position is open to Ward 1 residents. The person appointed will serve a three-year term which will expire on December 3 1, 2010. The position is cUI!ently vacant. One position is ,open to Ward 2 residents, The person appointed will serve a three-year tenn which will expire on December 31, 2010. The current Budget Committee representative for this ward is eligible to reapply for another tenn. One position is open to Ward 5 residents. The person appointed will complete the current three~ year term which will expire on December 31, 2009. Attachment D - Page 1 of 2 " , What: City accepting applications for three open positions on the City Budget Coinmittee: When: The deadline to apply is 5:00 p.m., November 16, 2007. Where: Applications are available at City Hall in the City Manager's Office or by calling Cindy Stripling at 726-3622. . Additional Information: Contact Bob Brew, Budget Officer at 726-3698. -30- .. ...,.....,. ~ ~ ";-- "{:~'<'l"":-::..'; ~~'.-::':~:~"~'~''':c--''''''~~'''- "" ..' "'-.. 0" - ~"--. _.' _ '.",;:...:O..~::_::.:I::..-,,-=-;O:: "~::;._-.;.Li::",,':,_=,;. Attachment D - Page 2 of 2 " , S?RINGFlELD City of Springfield Make a Difference in Springfield Work side by side withyoUI City COlmcilor to review the city's budget as part of the Budget Comminee. Appointed by the council, the comminee reviews the city's financial plans and policies, including the annual budget. Meetings are typically held between April and June, but the comminee may also meet on an '.as needed" basis. ine city is seeking applications ror three open positions on the Springfield Budget Committee. ine deadline forsubmining applications is 5 :00 p.m., November 16, 2007, with interviews scheduled for Monday, November 26. 2007. The appoinnnent by the City Council will be made on December 3,2007. Application rorms are available in the City Manager's Office in City Hall, 2:5 Fifth Scree!, during regular business hours~ What: Apply to become a member of the Budget Committee Y\"here: Applications are available at City Hall in the City Manager's Office Contact: The City's Budget Officer at 726-3698 with questions www.cLspringfield.or.us AttachmentE .. ,~~'>1". _~"''''~-'~_~'''"''.'''' ","-<_.-",.,.~ . . ,~.. -, -" .....~"_." , . ... ....- ~.- ~. ~ ., . ~- - . .' ~"""..:':=:;:.,=-:::::;. ..:::,~ ~_ ='-"':-::0,:,0__ _..:::.~,,~ ( , . y , . ~ ........-........................................... .................................................. ;:::::::;:::::::::::::::::::::::::::;:::::;:::::;:- .................................................. ~:~:: :::: :~:::::: :~::::::::~ :::: ::<:~ :~:~:=~.:~:. Ward 1 EiiR1IIiitWmIWl@iMmMIii!@iiilIimMI!I II1I!mmlimi_iiMIIilWimIImI iimlImMI_mmIWiaimJliIi Lundberg Christine hm: 520-9466 Councilor 127 Woodlane Drive wk: Springfield OR 97477 ' email: Vacant hm: 12/31/2007 wk: email: Wylie Hiilary hm: 744-9699 Councilor 339 South E Street wk: 343-2993 Springfield OR 97477 email: Molina Mark hm: 517-9082 1 1/21/2007 12/31/2007 146 E Street wk: 747-7445 Springfield OR 97477 email: Ward 2 Ward 3 Ballew Anne hm: Councilor 953 C Street wk: 744-9324 " Springfield OR 97477 emai1: Ward 5 P. Maureen hm: 746-1837 1/21/2003 11/7/2005 12/31/2008 wk: 746-1837 OR 97477 email: mosinorcomcast.net "~ "Ward"-;f'"'' ,."" < ," i>aVi'ir OR hm: 746-7081 wk: 97477 email: Councilor . --.. -.. ,"="-=""'..::.".._ -...";:;'00.. hm: 726-3142 wk: 744-9518 97478 emai1: elm65@msn.com 11/7/2005 12/31/2008 hm: 988-0955 wk: 736~5748 97478 email: Councilor I man' hm: wk: email: 12/31/20071 Ward 6 Joe Pishioneri 961 S. 70th St S rin eld OR hm: 747-3033 wk: 682-2222 97478 email: Councilor Rita hm: 747-9907 2/2/2004 11/21/2007 12/31/2009 wk: 6$4-5440 email: rcastillo@pacificsource.com OR 97478 City.;.Wide Leiken Mayor Sid 6856 Holly Street S rin eld OR 97478 hm: wk: email: Attachment F