HomeMy WebLinkAboutBusiness License License 1984-12-3 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD CITY LICENSE No, "?'10~'7 0 Amount Recvd,: $25.00 Date: 841203 Unit: , I I II , .- ';'-" ,-,"I' ,., "'il' ",'I' IN ACCQ,(DA~KE WITH EXISTING CITY ORDINANCE, THE FOllOWING LICENSE IS GRANTED LICENSE TYpe- LIOUOR LICENSE EXPIREF'- 850630 BUSINESS NAMe. THE WINE MERCHANT OWNER NAME: RIr.HARD GORMAN .. ADDRES~' 807 NORTH "A" STREET ADDRESS: ~g~ SOliIH fiRTH Pli\r.E CITY, STATE. ZIP- SPRItlGFIELD, OR 97477 CITY, STATE, ZIP: SPRIIJGFIELD. OR 97478 :'1 Approved by the Common Council of the City of Springfield. r , I I I i I I I PHONE NUMBER: 746-8252 PHONE NUMBER: _7?h_ ~,:;o!lh A;~~OVED hk7 d~c; /~,r~~ FD: 1:~u/~ I~~S-~ . DEPAAT~ ~ DATE t ,PW:\..... ,CO\ ~~.. \r--' ''1 ,,~ A,! DEPAATM~T HEAD ' mse .: ~: DEPARTMENT HEAD DATE FINANCE DIRECTOR .11____n ,__m, " THIS LICENSE IS NOT TRANSFERABLE 1".~I;.C..J)".;!Il:Tlli'-C..>>"'illl'wJll-C...., .~;, ";"" ... LICENSE APPROVAL DATE ~, . l... 4. PremiseS8ddress ---8.QJ "k1ffi' 0.. Sr. "1m; ()' ""'F"R'....l...c:-IFII'\ (Number, 5',""1, Run.J Roul111 (Cltyl l AN'" (Cou~ty) n'K (Sllltll) q,4'L (ZIp) 5. Business mailing address ,on o~w .'u--.~. <>.._. ....._. .._u._. Liquor License The Wine Merchan~ 807 North A Street December 7, 1984 The Public Works Department has approved the liquor license for "The Wine Merchant" business (attached). However, this license is associated with a new business at the above referenced address, which must also meet certain occupancy requirements as specified in the Springfield Building Safety Codes; the approval of the liquor license is not approval of the building occupancy requirements. Before the business may be opened to the public, the Buildin9 Safety Division must also issue a certificate of occupancy. 0v-..- e-\. ~ "'~ ~Y- '_" David Puent Acting Superintendent of Buildino ,~...-.,.- ...~ ,. ~