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Permit Correction Notice 2007-11-13
" r,."'.,....:.:I!..':" "" '-',- .,,'.......,' ,..(~.' .......r I.,'. " . :._\';~'(;. ,'.'_. ,:c~,;""-:i..........'1I:",:~':r;:~.':;',l-';"[.~':';~""":'_...~.;i'o;..,;._~":',' . ir~.... City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street Date:_11 / I ~ I 2.rJo,7 Job#.L '7 - } 5 ZO Address:. "3 7 5 Z r /VT '~.JL/l)111'7__{)p.)/ft c.... T Inspection Type:_ F7/ r~. A-lAfVl/i. ~ SPRINGFIELD ~- TO: L; A-lA2:.. F--c,M. .4 /A11.IV\ 30C? -b PIL-aV---!:-;t)E. 2rV Ft? <4 /jrJ vu~ TJ-fA-T Iff/'=:. . F-c~ .A-I.-Ml./vt. t:-/J-R IAF. l ,c., ~~ F::::~IC. A- -D /1-4 1_ tJ C,~lA:M) ("') E2 r HA-NU.'t I"J u::r ;=. /IA-4 ~ z:.-.r ;- M/i: c, TO ., / ~:uv 7 J; &Ifr /=:'r, 'T )-Wt.~ , . Corrections and reinsp,cfion request shall be made within . '?() .calendar days. J I J '7 "'> Call for reinspection Dyes DNo Inspector QIJ \j ,r)T,~AA) Date:_' ') ~O I NNNNNNNNNN^,^,NCall for inspection 726-37'69NlvNN--""NNNN^,NQuestions 726-3759^,^,NNNNNNN