HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 09 Requalifying the CDBG Downtown Redevelopment Area AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 4/18/2016 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Erin Fifield/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-726-2302 Estimated Time: 10 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Encourage Economic Development and Revitalization through Community Partnerships ITEM TITLE: REQUALIFYING THE CDBG DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT AREA ACTION REQUESTED: Approve the expansion and requalification of the CDBG Downtown Redevelopment Area to comply with 24 CFR 570.208(b). ISSUE STATEMENT: The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) allows communities to use Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) funds to assist with activities that address blighted and decaying conditions in a designated area. The city last designated its CDBG redevelopment area on 12/1/2003, and must formally requalify the area every 10 years. By re-designating the area for redevelopment per HUD requirements, Springfield has greater flexibility in its use of future CDBG funds. ATTACHMENTS: ATT1 Requalifying the CDBG Downtown Redevelopment Area ATT2 CDBG Downtown maps DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: BACKGROUND: Attachment 1 is the documentation required by HUD to expand and requalify the City of Springfield’s Downtown Redevelopment Area. Attachment 2 is the corresponding map of the area. Over the years, the City of Springfield has used CDBG funds in the downtown redevelopment area to address blighted and decaying conditions. Past redevelopment projects include: Program Year CDBG recipient Project Grant awarded 2015 NEDCO Code improvements to Sprout! $100,000 2014 Emerald Art Center Window lighting and display $8,000 2014 SRDC Façade and interior renovation of 331-333-335 Main St $35,000 2013 NEDCO Exterior improvements to Sprout! $20,353 2012 NEDCO Downtown façade improvement program $25,000 2011 Emerald Art Center Exterior Improvements $51,000 2004, 2006 SRDC Rehabilitation of the Wildish theatre $322,570 2005 SRDC Downtown streetscape improvements $8,200 Background In 2004, City Council approved the designation of a Downtown Redevelopment Area in Springfield, and authorized the use of CDBG funds to assist with activities that address blighted and decaying conditions in the designated area under 24 CFR §570.208(b). The designation of the area helped city officials begin the process of revitalizing the district. Since that time, new revitalizations have occurred for The Royal Building, the Academy of Arts and Academics, and the Wildish Theater. Additionally, the EMX downtown station has encouraged more foot traffic in the area. However, the central business district still continues to suffer from vacant and deteriorating storefronts, and a lack of investment in the downtown properties. As a result, most structures cannot be renovated in a cost effective manor without significant assistance from private and public sources. Requirements for Requalifying the Downtown Redevelopment Area In updating the Downtown Redevelopment Area to comply with 24 CFR §570.208(b) the City of Springfield has done the following: 1. Determined that the area meets the state’s definition of substandard and blighted, and described how the conditions in the area are consistent with these state definitions. a. In 2003, the City of Springfield adopted their definition of a blighted area from the state definition of slum and blight and referenced it in the Springfield Community Development Plan (1989). Since 2003, the state definition for a blighted area has not changed and was readopted for the downtown area. The definition is included as Exhibit A of Amendment. b. The boundaries of the designated area must be clearly defined, and must contain a sufficient percentage of deteriorating structures (at least 25 percent of all structures in the area). Forty percent (40%) of structures in the updated Downtown Redevelopment Area were found to be deteriorated, abandoned, and/or vacant. See Exhibit B for an inventory list of blighted structures in the Downtown Redevelopment Area. See Exhibit C for more detail regarding Booth Kelly, Jim’s Landing, and NEDCO’s assessment of vacant properties in the downtown area. 2. Expanded the boundary of the CDBG Downtown Redevelopment Area to align more closely with the Urban Renewal Area. By more closely aligning the Urban Renewal Area with the CDBG Downtown Redevelopment Area, the city can address the underutilized industrial sites along South A Street and the deteriorating façade improvements along Main Street. Furthermore, the new district would allow a boundary to be drawn that best meets the needs of the downtown and provides its own source of tax increment financing from downtown for downtown specific projects. The new boundary will Attachment 1, Page 1 of 20 exclude all low, medium, and high density residential areas. See Exhibit D for comparisons of the original Downtown Redevelopment Area and the new area. Process for Ensuring Requalification In order to better align redevelopment with the Urban Renewal Area, the Downtown Redevelopment’s Area was extended on the north, south and west sides. Working from an inventory list of the properties within the extended boundary, staff used zoning codes to remove residential properties in low, medium, and high density residential areas for consideration. The City focused its inquiry on the remaining mixed use commercial and industrial properties. See Exhibit E for zoning and land use maps within the new Downtown Redevelopment Area boundary. From August 11th through August 20th city officials, including both CDBG professionals and planners, walked the area documenting deteriorating conditions. Numerous pictures were taken of the blighted conditions for references. The City of Springfield found that of the 194 structures on the inventory list, 68 structures (35%) were designated as deteriorating. An additional 11 buildings were abandoned. (To meet the required minimum 25%, at least 50 properties would need to meet the criteria within the CDBG Downtown Redevelopment Area.) • The majority of structures are on Main Street • The most common deteriorated conditions were the façade and roof. Criteria for Blighted Designation # of Buildings % of Buildings Met Criteria?* 1) Physical deterioration of buildings or properties 68 35%  2) Abandonment of Property 11 5% TOTAL 79 40% • Other deteriorated conditions found include: foundation and sidewalk cracks, ADA compliance curbs, storefront signage, and general pavement conditions. Attachment 1, Page 2 of 20 Definition of Blight taken from Oregon Legislature Chapter 457: Urban Renewal (2013 Edition) (Note: this definition was adopted by city council on 12/01/03 and used in the Springfield Community Development Plan for the Gateway Area, 1989) Blighted Areas means areas that, by reason of deterioration, faulty planning, inadequate or improper facilities, deleterious land use or the existence of unsafe structures, or any combination of these factors, are detrimental to the safety, health or welfare of the community. A blighted area is characterized by the existence of one or more of the following conditions: A. The existence of buildings and structures, used or intended to be used for living, commercial, industrial or other purposes, or any combination of those uses, that are unfit or unsafe to occupy for those purposes because of any one or a combination of the following conditions: 1. Defective design and quality of physical construction; 2. Faulty interior arrangement and exterior spacing; 3. Overcrowding and a high density of population; 4. Inadequate provision for ventilation, light, sanitation, open spaces and recreation facilities; or 5. Obsolescence, deterioration, dilapidation, mixed character or shifting of uses; B. An economic dislocation, deterioration or disuse of property resulting from faulty planning; C. The division or subdivision and sale of property or lots of irregular form and shape and inadequate size or dimensions for property usefulness and development; D. The laying out of property or lots in disregard of contours, drainage and other physical characteristics of the terrain and surrounding conditions; E. The existence of inadequate streets and other rights of way, open spaces and utilities; F. The existence of property or lots or other areas that are subject to inundation by water; G. A prevalence of depreciated values, impaired investments and social and economic maladjustments to such an extent that the capacity to pay taxes is reduced and tax receipts are inadequate for the cost of public services rendered; H. A growing or total lack of proper utilization of areas, resulting in a stagnant and unproductive condition of land potentially useful and valuable for contributing to the public health, safety and welfare; or I. A loss of population and reduction of proper utilization of the area, resulting in its further deterioration and added costs to the taxpayer for the creation of new public facilities and services elsewhere. EXHIBIT A Attachment 1, Page 3 of 20 Vacant Property Deteriorated Key Storefront Signage Vacant storefront, deteriorated vs. old signage Foundation: Façade Includes: Foundation cracks, faulty foundation, can't see Roof: Includes rotting facia, broken and/or loose shingles, flat roof, bowed Windows Includes boarded up windows, loose fitting, and old vs newer energy Doors Loose fitting, rotting Exterior Walls Cracking walls, peeling paint, cracks in brick, dilapidated structure water damage, cracked sidewalk, aging mechanical/HVAC system Other; Parking lot Pavement is cracked and/or broken Attachment 1, Page 4 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other Even Side of the Street 1 220 S 2ND ST 17033532 07600 2 222 S 2ND ST 17033532 07600 3 280 S 2ND ST 17033532 07800 4 470 S 2ND ST 17033533 00500 5 610 S 2ND ST 17033533 00500 Odd Side of the Street 6 247 S 2ND ST 17033532 08100 7 325 S 2ND ST 17033533 00200 Even Side of the Street 8 330 S 3RD ST 4 17033533 01901 Odd Side of the Street 9 305 S 4TH ST 17033534 07700 Even Side of the Street 10 222 S 5TH ST 17033531 13300 11 302 S 5TH ST STE 1 17033500 00307 Odd Side of the Street 12 115 S 5TH ST 17033531 10400 13 155 S 5TH ST 17033531 10400 14 175 S 5TH ST 17033531 10400 15 301 S 5TH ST 17033500 00307 16 303 S 5TH ST STE Z 17033500 00307 17 307 S 5TH ST 17033500 00302 Even Side of the Street 18 136 S 6TH ST 17033531 11100 Attachment 1, Page 5 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other Even Side of the Street 19 150 S 9TH ST 17033542 09000 Odd Side of the Street 20 163 S 9TH ST 17033542 09800 Odd Side of the Street 21 101 S A ST 17033532 06900 22 111 S A ST 17033532 06900 Even Side of the Street 23 722 S A ST 17033542 08400 24 720 S A ST 17033542 08600 25 770 S A ST 17033542 08600 Odd Side of the Street 26 207 S A ST 17033532 07000 27 255 S A ST 1 17033532 07300 28 255 S A ST 2 17033532 07200 29 305 S A ST 17033531 13700 30 355 S A ST 17033531 13201 31 415 S A ST 17033531 13200 32 471 S A ST 17033531 13300 33 505 S A ST 17033531 13001 34 995 S A ST 17033542 10100 Even Side of the Street 35 232 S C ST 17033533 01900 36 234 S C ST 17033533 01900 Even Side of the Street 37 200 S MILL ST 17033532 07801 Attachment 1, Page 6 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other Even Side of the Street 38 126 4TH ST 17033531 07200 39 136 4TH ST 17033531 05800 40 150 4TH ST 17033531 05700 Even Side of the Street 41 120 5TH ST 17033531 08000 42 122 5TH ST 17033531 08000 43 204 5TH ST 17033531 02900 44 220 5TH ST SUITE 100 17033531 01100 45 220 5TH ST SUITE 100 17033531 01100 46 220 5TH ST SUITE 110 17033531 01100 Odd Side of the Street 47 141 5TH ST 17033531 05000 48 149 5TH ST 17033531 05000 Even Side of the Street 49 222 6TH ST 17033531 90001 50 244 6TH ST 17033531 90003 Odd Side of the Street 51 129 9TH ST 17033542 04101 Even Side of the Street 52 180 W A ST 17033532 01601 Even Side of the Street 53 112 A ST 17033532 01101 54 432 A ST 17033531 02800 55 442 A ST 17033531 02800 56 444 A ST 17033531 02800 Attachment 1, Page 7 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other 57 656 A ST 17033531 03500 58 702 A ST 17033542 02200 59 806 A ST STE A 17033542 02600 60 806 A ST STE B 17033542 02600 61 806 A ST STE C 17033542 02600 62 806 A ST STE D 17033542 02600 63 824 A ST 17033542 02700 64 840 A ST 17033542 02800 65 846 A ST 17033542 02900 66 858 A ST 17033542 03000 Odd Side of the Street 67 319 A ST 17033531 06400 68 325 A ST 17033531 06300 69 405 A ST 17033531 05600 70 655 A ST 17033531 04300 71 725 A ST 17033542 04900 72 735 A ST 17033542 04600 73 807 A ST 8 17033542 04500 74 827 A ST 17033542 04300 75 835 A ST 17033542 04300 Even Side of the Street 76 188 W B ST 17033523 12401 Odd Side of the Street 77 175 W B ST 17033532 01601 Even Side of the Street 78 220 B ST 17033523 13500 Attachment 1, Page 8 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other 79 246 B ST 17033523 13601 80 444 B ST 17033524 14400 Odd Side of the Street 81 221 B ST 17033532 00100 82 555 B ST 17033531 90004 83 557 B ST 17033531 90005 Odd Side of the Street 84 215 W C ST 17033523 12300 Odd Side of the Street 85 175 C ST 17033523 11200 Even Side of the Street 86 110 MAIN ST 17033532 04300 87 112 MAIN ST 17033532 04200 88 138 MAIN ST STE A/B 17033532 04500 89 204 MAIN ST 17033532 04700 90 206 MAIN ST 17033532 04700 91 212 MAIN ST 17033532 04800 92 216 MAIN ST 17033532 04800 93 226 MAIN ST 17033532 04900 94 228 MAIN ST 17033532 04900 95 230 MAIN ST 17033532 04900 96 236 MAIN ST 17033532 05000 97 240 MAIN ST 17033532 05100 98 322 MAIN ST 17033531 06800 99 326 MAIN ST 17033531 06900 100 330 MAIN ST 17033531 07000 101 342 MAIN ST 17033531 07200 102 346 MAIN ST 17033531 07200 Attachment 1, Page 9 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other 103 402 MAIN ST 17033531 07300 104 414 MAIN ST 17033531 07400 105 420 MAIN ST 17033531 07500 106 440 MAIN ST 17033531 07800 107 442 MAIN ST 17033531 07900 108 444 MAIN ST 17033531 07900 109 448 MAIN ST 17033531 08000 110 500 MAIN ST 17033531 08100 111 590 MAIN ST 17033531 08600 112 602 MAIN ST 17033531 08700 113 612 MAIN ST 17033531 08800 114 630 MAIN ST 17033531 08900 115 650 MAIN ST 17033531 09000 116 660 MAIN ST 17033531 09100 117 660 MAIN ST STE B 17033531 09100 118 710 MAIN ST 17033542 05000 119 740 MAIN ST 17033542 05300 120 774 MAIN ST 17033542 05400 121 808 MAIN ST 17033542 05500 122 862 MAIN ST 17033542 05800 123 868 MAIN ST 17033542 05800 124 870 MAIN ST 17033542 05800 125 914 MAIN ST 17033542 06000 126 924 MAIN ST 17033542 06100 Odd Side of the Street 127 111 MAIN ST 17033532 06100 128 151 MAIN ST 17033532 05900 129 152 MAIN ST 17033532 04600 130 215 MAIN ST 17033532 05700 131 225 MAIN ST 17033532 05500 132 265 MAIN ST 17033532 05300 Attachment 1, Page 10 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other 133 303 MAIN ST 17033531 12700 134 321 MAIN ST 17033531 12600 135 323 MAIN ST 17033531 12601 136 325 MAIN ST 17033531 12500 137 327 MAIN ST 17033531 12500 138 329 MAIN ST 17033531 12300 139 331 MAIN ST 17033531 12300 140 331 MAIN ST 17033531 12300 141 335 MAIN ST 17033531 12100 142 341 MAIN ST 17033531 12100 143 347 MAIN ST 17033531 12000 144 349 MAIN ST 17033531 12000 145 437 MAIN ST 17033531 11200 146 515 MAIN ST 17033531 10400 147 519 MAIN ST 17033531 10600 148 521 MAIN ST 17033531 10600 149 525 MAIN ST 17033531 10800 150 535 MAIN ST 17033531 10900 151 553 MAIN ST 17033531 11000 152 555 MAIN ST 17033531 11000 153 615 MAIN ST 17033531 09300 154 637 MAIN ST 17033531 09400 155 665 MAIN ST 17033531 10100 156 707 MAIN ST 17033542 08100 157 715 MAIN ST 17033542 08000 158 725 MAIN ST 17033542 07900 159 727 MAIN ST 17033542 07700 160 737 MAIN ST 17033542 07500 161 741 MAIN ST 17033542 07400 Even Side of the Street 162 288 MILL ST 17033532 01200 Attachment 1, Page 11 of 20 Address Map Number Taxlot Det?Roof Façade Foundation Other 163 528 MILL ST 17033532 04700 Odd Side of the Street 164 311 MILL ST 17033523 12900 165 525 MILL ST 17033523 04500 Odd Side of the Street 166 145 PIONEER PARKWAY EAST 17033531 06500 Even Side 167 214 Pioneer Parkway West 17033532 02600 Attachment 1, Page 12 of 20 Booth Kelly Since the 1990s the City of Springfield has strived to improve and preserve the Booth Kelly Center. Since that time, the Booth Kelly Fund was created to account for revenues received from rents and leases at the Booth Kelly Center. These funds are set aside for Capital Improvement Projects that improve the Booth Kelly Center. The Springfield Capital Investment Program is a five year program that identifies needs for construction of capital projects or improvements for the City’s infrastructure. The program identifies several projects that would benefit Booth Kelly: • Booth Kelly Internal Structural Improvements: o Description: Structural repair/improvements to the Booth Kelly Center. o Justification: “Structural and/or lease space modifications due to tenant vacancies, new roof covering for the southeast portion of the facility and waterline replacement in the east-west alleyway.”1 • Booth Kelly Roof Replacement/Repair: o Description: Complete roof replacement or epoxy over coating of the existing metal roof decking of the “Saw-tooth” building, commonly referred to as Building G at the Booth Kelly Center. o Justification: “The existing roof material of the “Saw-tooth” building is over 50 years old and no longer provides adequate weather protection for the building users or interior equipment.”2 • Booth Kelly Building Removal: o Description: Removal of the building structure referred to as Building D, Suite 188 open cover. o Justification: “The existing roof cover is deteriorating and is over 50 years old and no longer provides weather protection for the building causing flooding in the immediate area. The removal of the structure and fill of the loading ramp with the relocation of sump pump will eliminate flooding and improve drainage.”3 At this time, funds from the Booth Kelly Fund have been set aside for these public improvement projects but have not been implemented. Many of the structural concerns for the Booth Kelly buildings are not properly documented and should be before future improvements are made. Jim Polston, the Associate Project Manager for the City of Springfield, said that the City plans to announce a Request for Proposals from Architecture firms to document the needs of the facilities accurately and for future funding purposes. This notice will be announced by the end of 2015 and would analyze potential Booth Kelly funding projects. 1 Information taken from Attachment 2-152 of Springfield Capital Improvement Program Document 2 Information taken from Attachment 2-153 of Springfield Capital Improvement Program Document 3 Information taken from Attachment 2-154 of Springfield Capital Improvement Program Document Attachment 1, Page 13 of 20 Attachment 1, Page 14 of 20 Attachment 1, Page 15 of 20 Attachment 1, Page 16 of 20 Attachment 1, Page 17 of 20 DOWNTOWN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Quarterly Activities: 1st Quarter – Met twice to focus on business recruitment and retention. Finalized the business Tool Kit, tracked vacancies and potential businesses openings in the Downtown. These businesses included a fabric store, cross fit fitness center. Began gathering data on vacant properties and provided Façade Improvement packets. Continued building DIVA database for property and business inventory. Five new businesses opened this quarter Growler Underground (4 jobs), Mezza Luna Pizzeria (10 jobs), Kick It Vapors (2 jobs), Wise Turtle Acupuncture (1 job) and Metro PCS (4 jobs). The Castle of Games doubled their floor space with their expansion. There were no business closures during this quarter to report. 2nd Quarter – Met twice this quarter. Met with Ward Beck the new listing agent for Jim’s Landing to offer our support and provided the FIP packet. Continued to update the vacancy report and new businesses expressing interest in a downtown location. Worked directly with Ina Mounir Celaya the owner of L`Etoffe Fabrics. Two businesses closed due to personal reasons (Cycle Logical – 1 job, Coen Motor Sports – 4 jobs) during the quarter and 100 Mile Bakery graduated from the Hatch program to relocate to the Paramount Shopping Center (2 jobs). Five new businesses opened Claim 52 @ The Abbey (2 new jobs), Trade Winds Mostly Mediterranean (2 new jobs), Tracy McGeehan’s Supper Club (2 new jobs), Liberty Tax (4 new jobs) and L`Etoffe Fabrics (1 new job). 3rd Quarter – One meeting this quarter. Springfield Cleaners closed at the end of February (1 job) and two businesses relocated out of the downtown Big Daddy’s Graphics (1 Job) and Alkaline Oasis (1 job) at the end of March. Both locations have been backfilled with Queen Bee Tattoo Gallery (6 jobs) and Fine Art has relocated to the former Big Daddy Space. 4th Quarter – Met twice this quarter and met with prospective businesses to discuss their needs and options. Both businesses are food and beverage businesses looking for a turn-key location with very limited capital available. New businesses include Tronson Gallery of Contemporary Art (2 jobs), Kelly’s Dollhouse Salon (2 jobs), Queen Bee Tattoo Gallery (6 jobs), Urban Lumber (8 jobs), Ferti-Lab (1 job), HayBaby Bar-B-Q (2 jobs), 100 Mile Bakery (3 jobs). Annual Businesses & Jobs Gains/Loss Business 1st Quarter 2nd Quarter 3rd Quarter 4th Quarter Net Openings 5 5 0 7 17 Closings 0 -3 -3 0 -6 Subtotal 5 2 -3 7 11 Jobs Gains 17 11 0 24 52 Loss 0 -7 -3 0 -10 Subtotal 17 4 -3 24 42 Attachment 1, Page 18 of 20 Downtown Springfield fosters a culture in support of unique locally owned businesses for the creative minded. Downtown Springfield is fast becoming a hub for resources serving the fine sewing, quilting, and DIY communities. Alongside the work at Sprout - it is a great place to eat and shop local. Ina Mounir Celaya, Owner L`Etoffe Fabrics After searching countywide for years, Urban Lumber Company has chosen the historic Booth Kelly Mill as the perfect location to expand our rapidly growing business. We have been a strong supporter of Springfield since we opened the lumber store and wood shop on Main Street 10 years ago. The recent efforts put towards revitalizing downtown Springfield have drawn fantastic new businesses to the area. These new attractions are bringing people from our neighborhoods and from across the bridge to eat, shop and enjoy a comfortable, beautiful and safe atmosphere. Springfield has a history of hard working people building quality products. This is exactly what we believe in and we are proud to be a part of the exciting rejuvenation of downtown Springfield. Everything from the lights and flowers to the fabulous new restaurants make downtown a fun place to work and live. We are happy to be able to bring new life into the Booth Kelly Mill and look forward to continuing the Springfield tradition of hard work and quality products. Christina & Seth San Filippo, Owners Urban Lumber Property Vacancy & Infill Occupancy For the past year the Economic Development Committee has been tracking the available vacancies within the downtown. On the following page is a list of thirty-seven properties within the downtown where the business has either closed or the property has been vacant for an extended period of time. The first twenty-nine properties listed have now been backfilled with a new business, an existing business relocating or expanding into the downtown. There are seven properties available for purchase, lease, auction or remain inactive. Annual Business Property Vacancy & Infill Occupancy Address Closings/Vacancy New Openings Status 1 230 Main Alkaline Oasis Queen Bee Tattoo Gallery expansion 2 333 Main Art Stuff new retailer moving in pending 3 329 Main Cycle Logical L`Etoffe Fabrics new 4 325 Main Big Daddy's Graphics Art Stuff relocated 5 206 Main Springfield Cleaners Springfield/Eugene Lock & Safe relocating 6 151 Main Coen Motor Sports Flower Market relocating Attachment 1, Page 19 of 20 7 418 A St. 100 Mile Bakery 100 Mile Bakery relocated 8 415 So. A St. vacant Metro PCS expansion 9 115 So. 5th St. vacant Mezza Luna expansion 10 521 Main vacant Growler Underground new 11 725 Main vacant Kelly's Dollhouse Salon new 12 740 Main vacant Tronson Gallery of Contemporary Art new 13 807 A St. vacant Wise Turtle Acupuncture new 14 303 So. 5th St. vacant Cascade Peak Performance relocated 15 418 A St. vacant Claim 52 @ The Abbey expansion 16 152 Main vacant Liberty Tax expansion 17 870 Main vacant Kick It Vapors new 18 138 Main vacant Ferti-Lab expansion 19 303 So. 5th St. vacant Urban Lumber relocating 20 220 5th St, Ste 100 vacant IEQ Technology relocating 21 220 5th St, Ste 110 vacant Republic Northwest Parking expansion 22 446 A St vacant Sterling Graphics relocating 8/1/15 23 505 So. 5th St vacant Jump Start ARC Lane County expansion 24 418 A St. Sprout N/A Tracy McGeehan's Supper Club new 25 418 A St. Sprout N/A Trade Winds mostly Mediterranean new 26 225 Main vacant - Aventis Dispensary new 27 242 Main vacant - SUB Eugene Springfield Art Project Pop-Up new 28 924 Main vacant - Timber Bowl Lithia Truck Sales expansion 29 147-149 5th St vacant unknown remodeling 30 303-307 Main vacant - Fry Rankin McLean for sale 31 321 Main vacant - Tacqueria Daniel Chun, Owner inactive 32 414 Main vacant Bill Ruff, Owner inactive 33 420-430 Main vacant - Club 420 Kryl Investments, Owner inactive 34 515 Main vacant - Royal Building St. Vincent DePaul, Owner inactive 35 535 Main vacant - Spot Venue Kryl Investments, Owner inactive 36 725 A St vacant - Key Bank Public Auction with deed restrictions auction 7/31 37 405 A St vacant Lease via NEDCO for lease Attachment 1, Page 20 of 20 Proposed Boundary CurrentBoundary There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product.Springfield IT-GIS, Aug. 2015 0 1/8 1/4 Mi. NORTH Proposed CDBG DowntownRedevelopment Area Boundary Attachment 2, Page 1 of 5 Attachment 2, Page 2 of 5 5 . S TH S T S. A ST S. H T 4 S T S. 3 R D S T S. 2 N D S T B ST D ST E ST C ST A ST MAIN ST 6T H S T 5T H S T 7T H S T 4T H S T 8T H S T 9T H S T PIO N E E R PA R K W A Y E A S T PIO N E E R PA R K W A Y W E S T M I L L S T 10 T H S T Railroad Communications Duplex Education Transportation Related Government Wholesale Industrial Religious / Charitable Mobile Home Park Recreation Multi-Family Mobile Home on Lot General Park Group Quarters Retail Single Family Utilities Vacant Alleys, Walkways, Bikepaths LAND USE There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product.Springfield IT-GIS, Apr. 2016 0 1/8 1/4 Mi. NORTH Proposed CDBG DowntownRedevelopment Area Attachment 2, Page 3 of 5 5 . S TH S T S. A ST S. H T 4 S T S. 3 R D S T S. 2 N D S T B ST D ST E ST C ST A ST MAIN ST 6T H S T 5T H S T 7T H S T 4T H S T 8T H S T 9T H S T PIO N E E R PA R K W A Y E A S T PIO N E E R PA R K W A Y W E S T M I L L S T 10 T H S T Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential Medium Density Res Mixed High Density Residential Commercial Mixed Use Heavy Industrial Light Medium Industrial Light Med Ind Mixed Use Government & Education Parks and Open Space Sand and Gravel Nodal Development Metro Plan Public Land & Open Space Heavy Industrial Government Booth Kelly Mixed Use Downtown Mixed Use Downtown Refinment Plan PLAN DESIGNATION There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product.Springfield IT-GIS, Apr. 2016 0 1/8 1/4 Mi. NORTH Proposed CDBG DowntownRedevelopment Area Attachment 2, Page 4 of 5 G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G G 5 . S TH S T S. A ST S. H T 4 S T S. 3 R D S T S. 2 N D S T B ST D ST E ST C ST A ST MAIN ST 6T H S T 5T H S T 7T H S T 4T H S T 8T H S T 9T H S T PIO N E E R PA R K W A Y E A S T PIO N E E R PA R K W A Y W E S T M I L L S T 10 T H S T Low Density Residential Medium Density Residential High Density Residential Mixed Use Residential G G G G G G Res. Mixed Use (Glenwood) Neighborhood Commercial Community Commercial Mixed Use Commercial G G G G G G Commercial M.U. (G’wd) Light Medium Industrial Heavy Industrial G G G G Employment M.U. (G’wd) Booth Kelly Mixed Use G G GG Office Mixed Use (G’wd) Quarry & Mine Operations Public Land & Open Space ZONING There are no warranties that accompany this product. Usersassume all responsibility for any loss or damage arising fromany error, omission, or positional inaccuracy of this product.Springfield IT-GIS, Apr. 2016 0 1/8 1/4 Mi. NORTH Proposed CDBG DowntownRedevelopment Area Attachment 2, Page 5 of 5