HomeMy WebLinkAbout02/22/2016 Work Session ' J City of Springfield Work Session Meeting MINUTES OF THE WORK SESSION MEETING OF THE SPRINGFIELD CITY COUNCIL HELD MONDAY FEBRUARY 22, 2016 The City of Springfield Council met in a work session in the Jesse Maine Meeting Room,225 Fifth Street, Springfield, Oregon, on Monday February 22, 2016 at 5:30 p.m., with Mayor Lundberg presiding. ATTENDANCE Present were Mayor Lundberg and Councilors VanGordon, Wylie, Moore, Ralston, Woodrow and Pishioneri.Also present were City Manager Gino Grimaldi,Assistant City Manager Jeff Towery, City Attorney Mary Bridget Smith, City Recorder Amy Sowa and members of the staff. 1. Historic Commission Interviews. Mark McCaffery, Planner, presented the staff report on this item. There are four vacancies on the seven-member Historic Commission as a result of two term expirations and two resignations. After a 3-month recruitment period that closed on February 8, 2016, the Department received applications from Kristina Koenig and Mackenzie Karp. The vacancies on the Historic Commission are a result of term expirations for Commissioners Dannie Helm and Kuri Gill, and the resignation of Commissioners Vincent Martorello and Kerry Barbero. Qualifications for membership on the Historic Commission include expertise in the fields of architecture,history, architectural history,planning, or archeology; residency within the Metro Plan boundaries; or as residents,electors, or property owners within Springfield. In addition,the Council shall solicit recommendations for appointment from Willamalane and School District#19 (Municipal Code Section 2.502). The School District declined to recommend appointees to fill these vacancies; Willamalane recommended applicant Kristina Koenig to fill the vacancy created by Commissioner Martorello's resignation. Ms.Koenig has a Master's degree in Architecture and Community and Regional Planning, is a resident of Springfield and is employed by Willamalane. Ms. Karp has a Master's degree in Architectural History, resides in Eugene and is employed by NEDCO in Downtown Springfield. State and Federal funding of the City's historic preservation activities stipulate that a majority of the Commissioners have professional qualifications in a field related to historic preservation. Two current members and both applicants possess these qualifications and also meet or partially meet the qualifications and standards set forth by the National Park Service regarding commissions. Springfield Municipal Code Section 2.506 states that any vacancy shall be filled for the unexpired portion of the term of the member creating the vacancy, and Section 2.504 states that appointed members shall hold office for four years with the terms staggered to provide overlapping and continuity. The candidate appointed for a first term is eligible to serve for four years beginning on the date of appointment by City Council, currently scheduled for March 7,2016. The candidate appointed to fill Commissioner Martorello's vacancy is eligible to serve the remaining portion of this term, which expires on February 2, 2018. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 22,2016 Page 2 Mr.McAffery introduced himself to the Council and said he was the new staff liaison to the Historic Commission. Councilor Ralston asked if the City was still continuing to recruit since only two applicants had applied for four positions. Mr.McCaffery said they would re-open the process once this process was complete. The Council introduced themselves and interviewed the applicants: Kristina Koenig and Mackenzie Karp. 1. Describe your professional and personal experience as it relates to your desire to become a Historic Commissioner. (Councilor Wylie) 2. What is it about Springfield's history that interests you most? (Councilor Ralston) 3. Have you attended a Historic Commission meeting? If so, what were your impressions? (Councilor Pishioneri) 4. Why are you interested in serving on the Historic Commission?(Councilor Woodrow) 5. Describe your familiarity with the City's historic resources. (Councilor VanGordon) 6. What initiatives are you interested in working on if you are appointed as a Commissioner? (Councilor Moore) Ms. Koenig asked the Council what they want to see and receive from the Historic Commission members. Ms. Karp asked what the Council had as a general vision for the Historic Commission. Council responded to their questions. The Council discussed the qualifications of the applicants and decided to appoint both applicants. 2. Proposed Format and Process for City Manager Evaluation. Greta Utecht, Human Resources Director,presented the staff report on this item. The City Manager's evaluation is due and staff proposes that the new form be used by Council and the Mayor this year. It does not require raters to write long narrative review statements, but provides for individual comments should the rater wish to provide them. It attempts to address most, if not all, dimensions of a City Manager's responsibilities. However,there are additional spaces on the form in order that Council might add any additional indicators they believe are missing. After review and discussion of the form itself, and assuming Council is supportive of its use, staff will finalize it and redistribute it to Council and Mayor,who will have 2 weeks to complete it. Upon receiving all completed evaluation forms from Council,the Human Resources director will tabulate the scores and summarize all comments on one master document. In the meantime, the City Manager will complete his own self-evaluation,using the form and providing a narrative statement in response to Question 1 on page 6 of the form. City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 22,2016 Page 3 In an executive session on April 18,the City Council and Mayor will discuss the City Manager's performance. On that same evening in regular session,the Human Resources manager will present information regarding city manager compensation to the Mayor and Council for their deliberation. Councilor Woodrow asked where they might be able to add future goals or expectations. Ms. Utecht noted there was a place on the last page. She will reformat it so it is clear which part is for the Council to fill out and which part is for the City manager to fill out. Councilor Woodrow said sometimes the goals and expectations come out of the full environment of the CMO and another staff member. She asked if there was a place to identify that. Ms. Utecht said there is a section on the last page under"City Manager's Self-Evaluation"for the Council to fill out. She will reformat this page so questions#2 and#3 are at the end of the Mayor and Council portion of the evaluation, and#1 thru 95 are at the end of the City Manager's self-evaluation. Councilor Woodrow said there are times when their goal for the City Manager also involves the City Manager's Office(CMO)and other staff. She asked if there was a place to incorporate that piece. Ms. Utecht said Question#4 under Element D asks if the CMO is effective and meeting the community needs. She said they could add another element or another question in that section. If the departments aren't responding it reflects on the City Manager. Element D would be their opportunity to include additional comments about how the CMO or other departments, in general work together to meet the goals established. Councilor Ralston said he liked the format and felt it covered all of the areas.If the Council has a particular goal,they could write them in the blank spaces in Section A. Ms. Utecht said that was a great idea Councilor Pishioneri asked if the ratings were looked at individually or holistically per element. Ms. Utecht explained how she would compile the ratings to provide average scores per item and overall. It will not include names,but only scores. She gave an example. There is another 360 evaluation that will also be used by staff. Council will see those scores as well. Councilor Moore asked for clarification on Question 1 under Element B. Ms. Utecht said part of career development and growth is to have staff present to the Council. If there is an issue that comes up,the City Manager would work to build a good relationship between staff and the Council so they could be more effective. Mr. Grimaldi said he sees it differently. The Mayor and Council set the policies for the City and staff supports those policies. In order to accomplish Council's goals and objectives, staff needs to work as a team. Councilor asked about Question 7 in Element E, "Professional Leadership: Seeks roles in local and regional organizations". She is thinking that many of the staff are involved in regional organizations City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 22,2016 Page 4 because it's not possible for the City Manager to do it all. She asked if it could be restated that it is not just him personally. Councilor Wylie said there has been a formal goal for the City Manager to be involved in civic activities. She did not want to lose that aspect. Councilor Pishioneri said he wants to know what the City Manager is involved with, so feels this question is appropriate. It is also important to note that other staff are involved. Both deserve ratings. Councilor Moore said she felt Questions 1 and 2 under Element F: External Stakeholder Relations referred to Councilor Wylie's concern. Following further discussion, it was decided to make the following changes: • Element E: Change 47 to"Seeks visible leadership roles in local and regional organizations on behalf of the City". (focused on the City Manager) • Element E: Add#9 "Supports staff in their endeavors in organizational leadership activities" Councilor VanGordon asked if they could consider flipping the scoring so the higher number is 5. He referred to the definitions at the bottom of page 1 and said they would need to collectively discuss the results. He is not sure why the results are anonymous, and he is fine listing his name. Councilor Moore said she would prefer to leave it anonymous in case there are concerns with future City Manager's. Ms. Utecht said the Councilors could let Gino know individually what they said if they wanted him to know. Councilor VanGordon asked if they could move the two questions from Element G to Element B. He asked if the Council could get the results from the 360 evaluations before they start their evaluations. Ms. Utecht said doing that would push the evaluation date several weeks out. Councilor Pishioneri said he would also like to see the City Manager's self-evaluation prior to doing their evaluation. Ms. Utecht said she could get it out to staff, calculate the results, and send it out to the Mayor and Council with the revised form around March 16. She will send out the form and they can start working on it. She will get the results of the 360 to Council before they submit their results. The City Manager could finish his self-evaluation in narrative form by mid-March. Mayor Lundberg said the goals will come from the evaluation. Somewhere they have to decide what to evaluate next year and set the groundwork for what they want worked on. Councilor Wylie said often the evaluation stems from the job description. Mr. Grimaldi said the elements that have been developed outline what he needs to be doing. ADJOURNMENT City of Springfield Council Work Session Minutes February 22,2016 Page 5 The meeting was adjourned at 6:30 p.m. Minutes Recorder—Amy Sowa Christine L. Lundberg Mayor Attests , Wrl Amy Sowa City Recorder