HomeMy WebLinkAboutResolution 2016-04 03/07/2016 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD FY 2015-2016 SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET No.2 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 A RESOLUTION ADJUSTING RESOURCES AND REQUIREMENTS IN THE FOLLOWING FUNDS: General,Special Revenue, Community Development, Regional Wastewater Debt Service, Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project, Development Assessment Capital,Storm Drainage Capital, Regional Wastewater Capital,Storm Drainage Improvement SDC Storm Drainage Reimbursement SDC,Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC,Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC,SDC Transportation Reimbursement,SDC Transportation Improvement, Regional Wastewater and Vehicle& Equipment Funds. WHEREAS,the 2015-2016 fiscal year appropriations for the City of Springfield were made by Resolution No. 2015-20 dated June 15, 2015 and, WHEREAS, at various times during the fiscal year the Common Council is requested to make adjustments to the fiscal year budget to reflect needed changes in planned activities,to recognize new revenues, or to make other required adjustments; and, WHEREAS,the Common Council handles such requests for adjustment to the budget through Supplemental Budget Resolutions presented at public hearings at which the public may comment on such requests; and, WHEREAS,this supplemental Budget#2 as amended by Supplemental Budget#1 Resolution#2015-32,for the 2015-2016 fiscal year, amends Resolution#2015-20. WHEREAS, notice of a public hearing, including information regarding such revenues and expenditures was published in a newspaper of general circulation not less than 5 days prior to the public meeting; and, NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED,by the Common Council of the City of Springfield,a Municipal Corporation of the State of Oregon,as follows: Section 1. Resolution 2015-20 is hereby adjusted as follows: General-Fund 100 Resources Requirements Claims Recovery $ 9,780 Operating Expenses: Transfer from F419 174,344 Finance 174,344 Fire& Life Safety 9,780 Total Operating Expense $ 184,124 Total Resources Adjustments $ 184,124 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 184,124 Comments: Supplemental Budget request recognizes CIS insurance claims revenue received and increases expenditures to repair the Fire& Life Safety Swift Water Rescue boat. Authorizes funds for the purchase of BOARD software licenses and server equipment. Special Revenue-Fund 204 Resources Requirements Grants $ 19,006 Operating Expenses: Library $ 12,406 Police 74,600 Total Operating Expense $ 87,006 Non-Departmental Expenses: Attachment 2 Page 1 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 Reserves (68,000) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ (68,000) Total Resources Adjustments $ 19,006 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 19,006 Comments: Reallocates Library grants received in FY15 into FY16. Authorize use of Federal Forfeiture Reserves for the replacement of Tosers units,purchase of ballistic vest panels for the SWAT Team and the training of the computer forensics investigator. Recognizes Police grants received for DUI/and seat belt enforcement patrols. Community Development-Fund 210 Resources Requirements CDBG Federal Grants $ 70,000 Operating Expenses: Development&Public Works $ 70,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 70,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 70,000 Comments: Request recognizes a shift in the management of the CDBG and HOME programs. The Springfield 1st Time Homebuyers program has been funded with HOME consortium allocations, moving forward this program will be funded through CDBG. Regional Wastewater Debt Service-Fund 312 Resources Requirements Transfer from Fund 612 $ 715,000 Non-Departmental Expenses: Debt Service $ 715,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 715,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 715,000 Comments: Authorized funds for the payoff of the 2006 revenue bond in order to save interest expense as directed by the MWMC Commission. Regional Wastewater Revenue Bond Capital Project-Fund 412 Resources Requirements $ - Non-Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfers $ 174,344 Reserves (174,344) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ - Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Authorized funds for the advanced refunding and refinancing of the 2008 revenue bond in order to save interest expense as directed by the MWMC Commission. Development Assessment Capital-Fund 419 Resources Requirements $ - Non-Departmental Expenses: Debt Service $ 3,550,000 Interfund Transfers $ 450,000 Reserves (4,000,000) I Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ - Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Authorizes interfund loan for the purchase of BOARD software licenses and server equipment. Storm Drainage Capital-Fund 425 Attachment 2 Page 2 of 5 RESOLUTION NO.2016-04 Resources Requirements $ - Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 1,281,750 Capital Projects $ (1,281,750) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Reprioritizes funding in FY16 dedicated for the 5th Street Water Quality Facility to other high priority capital projects that are within Glenwood:Firing Range Decommissioning, Glenwood Stormwater Master Plan, and Glenwood Floodplain Study Regional Wastewater Capital-Fund 433 Resources Requirements Transfer from Fund 612 $ 3,385,000 Non-Departmental Expenses: Debt Service $ 31,380,000 Reserves (35,295,000) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ (3,915,000) Capital Projects $ 7,300,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 3,385,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 3,385,000 Comments: Authorized funds for the payoff of the 2006 revenue bond in order to save interest expense as directed by the MWMC Commission. Increases funds for the Digester Capacity project authorized by the MWMC Commission. SDC Local Storm Improvement-Fund 440 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development& Public Works $ 6,412 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (38,162) Capital Projects $ 31,750 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request adjust SDCAdmin charge allocation between funds to reflect actuals. Allocates resources for the Glenwood Stormwoter Master Plan. SDC Local Storm Reimbursement-Fund 441 Resources Requirements SDC Strom Reimbursement $ 5,000 Operating Expenses: Development& Public Works $ 4,396 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 604 Total Resources Adjustments $ 5,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 5,000 Comments: Request adjust SDCAdmin charge allocation between funds to reflect actuals. Sanitary Sewer Reimbursement SDC-Fund 442 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development& Public Works $ (21,232) Non-Departmental Expenses: Attachment 2 Page 3 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 Reserves $ 21,232 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request adjust SDC Admin charge allocation between funds to reflect actuals. Sanitary Sewer Improvement SDC-Fund 443 Resources Requirements $ - Operating Expenses: Development& Public Works $ (7,157) Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 7,157 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request adjust SDCAdmin charge allocation between funds to reflect actuals. SDC Transportation Reimbursement-Fund 446 Resources Requirements $ Operating Expenses: Development& Public Works $ (27,988) Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ 2,988 Capital Projects 25,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Request adjust SDCAdmin charge allocation between funds to reflect actuals.Authorizes matching funds for the grant from the Oregon Department of Transportation for the Virginia/Daisy Bike Boulevard project. SDC Transportation Improvement-Fund 447 Resources Requirements i $ - Operating Expenses: Development& Public Works $ 45,569 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (45,569) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ Comments: Request adjust SDCAdmin charge allocation between funds to reflect actuals. Regional Wastewater-Fund 612 Resources Requirements Transfer from Fund 412 $ 450,000 Non-Departmental Expenses: Interfund Transfers $ 4,100,000 Misc Fiscal Transactions $ 466,000 Reserves (4,116,000) Total Non-Departmental Expenses $ 450,000 Total Resources Adjustments $ 450,000 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 450,000 Comments: Authorized funds for the payoff of the 2006 revenue bond and advanced refunding and refinancing of the 2008 revenue bond in order to save interest expense as directed by the MWMC Commission. Vehicle&Equipment-Fund 713 Resources Requirements Attachment 2 Page 4 of 5 RESOLUTION NO. 2016-04 $ - Operating Expenses: Development&Public Works $ 8,134 Police 35,000 Total Operating Expense $ 43,134 Non-Departmental Expenses: Reserves $ (43,134) Total Resources Adjustments $ - Total Requirements Adjustments $ - Comments: Allocates reserves for the replacement of desktop computers, a plotter/printer in the Development& Public Works Department. and the replacement of a patrol vehicle. Total Resources Adjustments $ 4,828,130 Total Requirements Adjustments $ 4,828,130 Section 2. This resolution shall take effect upon adoption by the Council and approval by the Mayor. I Adopted by the Common Council of the City of Springfield this 7th day of March, 2016, by a vote of 6 for and 0 against. Attest: Mayor Christine L& berg ity Recorder Amy Sowa REVIEWED&APPROVED AS TO FORM t DATE: OFFICE OF CI ATTORNEY Attachment 2 Page 5 of 5 RESOLUTION NO.2016-04