HomeMy WebLinkAboutSpecial Inspection Correspondence 1984-4-13 - ..t SPRINGFIELD CITY OF SPRINGFIELD . Department of, Public Works Apri 1 13, 1984 CERTIFIED LETTER ...... . . '.r ..... . . '; ;'Mr. John Koelling ,'"."..1968 West 34th Street Eugene, Oregon 97401 RE: Courtesy Inspection at 488 West Centennial Blvd., Apartment Units~:V7, 8 and 11 ~~ Dear Mr. Koelling: , At the request of the tenants, Robin Maes, Cynthia McGruder, Juliann Willingham, Julia Miranda and Tammy Massey, the~;:-Springfi'e-ld Building Safety Division conducted a Courtesy Inspection at the above referenced address. The following items are deemed hazardous and do not meet the minimum standards of the Springfield Housing Code. STRUCTURAL 1) The outside stairs, located at the north east side of the apartments has support posts and hand railings that are falling apart due to dry rot. 2) The scupper drains are not connected to the rain drain piping system. The rain drain pipe located at the south east corner has been crushed and must be replaced with an approved type pipe. , ' 3) The weather cap and damper serving theauotmatic clothes dryer in the laundry room is damaged and must'be replaced. APARTMENT UNIT VIOLATIONS Unit #1 1) No smoke detector adjacent to bedrooms. 2) Kitchen range exhaust duct has been reduced from 71/ to 4" pipe. The kitchen range exhaust duct must be 711 ~ipe from the range hood to the exterior of the building. 3) The hot water heater relief valve is piped with a flex connector and is trapped. This could cause the relief valve to become inoperative. The relief valve shall be repiped solid with no traps in the pipe line. 4) The kitchen has no lower cabinets, no kitchen sink and the oven is sitting on con- crete blocks. This apartment was damaged in May, 1981 by a vehicle accident and repair work was being done under Building Permit Number 810347. This repair work was never finalized and an occupancy permit was not issued. This work shall be completed to make the kitchen usable. 1'vD ~~l 225 North 5th Street · Springfield, Oregon 97477 · 503/726-3753 Mr. John Koelling Courtesy Inspection April 13, 1984 Page 2. 5) The bathroom exhaust fan is inoperative and shall be fixed to that any moisture can be exhausted to the exterior of the building. 6) Replace missing and broken face plates on switches and plugs. 7) Replace defective light switch. 8) Complete repairs to wiring for the range and the hot water heater. Unit #7 1) Smoke detector needs to have a new battery installed. 2) The toilet tank is broken and leaking. in good operating condition. Install a new tank to maintain the toilet 3) The hot water side of the bathtub faucet is leaking badly and wasting hot water. This condition is causing the cold water pipe to the water heater to sweat exces- , sively. 4) The fau~et on the kitchen sink is also leaking badly. The plumbing fi~tures and faucets shall be repaired to good working order. 5) The wall and floor behind the toilet is rotting due to the bad toilet tank leaking. The wall and floor shall be repaired. 6) The kitchen floor covering has extensive damage and is presently repaired with nails. The linoleum must be repaired and secured down in an acceptable manner. 7) Repair existing light fixtures. 8) Replace missing and broken faceplate~ switch plates and outlet plates. 9) Replace existing defective light switch. Unit #8 1) A smoke detector shall be installed adjacent to the bedrooms. 2) The kitchen sink faucet is leaking and shall be fixed. \ . .~ ~J/' The bathtub faucet is leaking and shall be fixed. _ 4)' The linoleum on the kitchen floor is damaged and needs to be repaired in an ac- ceptable manner. 5) The formica on the kitchen counter top is damaged, with sharp edges, and will have to be repaired or replaced. 6) The hot water heater relief valve shall be repiped solid with no traps in the piping. <, . Mr. John Koe 11 i ng Courtesy Inspection Apri 1 13, 1984 Page 3. 7) The bathroom exhaust fan is broken and shall be repaired or replaced. 8) Repair defective light fixtures. 9) Replace defective outlets. 10) Replace missing and broken face plates on switches and plugs. 'Unit #11 1) Install a smoke detector adjacent to the bedrooms. 2) Repair the kitchen sink faucet. 3) Repair the bathtub faucet. 4) Repair tile and wall around bathtub which has been damaged from leaking toilet. Toilet needs to be resecured to closet flange. ' The condition of the outside stairs creates a situation where the daily use of the upper level exitway cannot be continued in a safe mannero The Springfield Building Safety Division will check on your progress in 30 days from the date of this letter. Please direct all inquiries to the Springfield Building Safety Division 726-3753. Sincerely, 0, ';} /<~/~00 ~/ Roy Bordeaux Building Inspector j1.~I~ /lel, / Denny B6rdeaux Plumbing/Mechanical Inspector /It /11/P-P;--~ /Charles Watson Electrical Inspector cc: Fire Prevention Bureau DB/lh ~.\ ... (J> ~ ' ( ~ if (. \,! P 329 960 371 RECEIPT FOR CERTIFIED MAil NO INSURANCE COVERAGE PROVIOED,-- NOT FOR INTERNATIONAL MAIL (See Reverse) SENTTO Mr. John Koelling STREET AND NO. 1968 West 34th Street P.O., STATEANDZIPCODE E@i'!'e.'ll}e;' . Oregon POSTAGE I CERTIFIED FEE SPECIAL DELIVERY RESTRICTED DELIVERY ~ fi. :;:s, ~ '" c:s w CI) ~ ... a: w ... '" ..: ~ ... 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Add your address In the "RETUaN TO': space on reverse. . (CONSULT POSTMASTER FOR FEES) 1,The following service Is requested (check ana), xU Show to whom and date delivered .."....,",.., D Show to whom. date, and address 01 delivery" '2, D RESTRICTED DELIVERy.........,....,..,.....,.., '(TIl8<rllslIlc/ed deUvsry ft16/s Cllarged In add1rtDn ;- to the rorum receipt ft16.) ... c '0< co '0) l\) . TOTAL ~ 3. ARTICLE ADDRESSED TO: Mr. John Koelling 1968 West 34th Street }J'lWtOF.'SeRv~5'::';-' 37-1-0;: ARTICLE NUMBER , DREGISTERED . DINSURED xKkERTIFIED DCOD 329960371 OEXPRESS MAil t (p,t.vays obtain signature of addressee or agent) I hav,e received the article described above. SIGNATURE o Addressaa DAuthorlzed agent . ~9-:~ a-~~ 5, DATE OF DELIVERY (,,11 .,., ~STXAR() Lj r ?Jj .~ . 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