HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-5-27 (2) ~~-g? RES~ENT1AL'~ A~~r-~.mIO"/DE~u'I~ 1:'::- __.J..c'rl... l~.... .W, _ ~~~d , .. 225 :lor"';n 5th Street Sp~:~g:ieldJ Cregcn J7477 Building Di~i3icn 726-3753 tv / 0 ~~LJJ AS:lesGor.:: ,tfap , /;-v!):3""2~- Y3 5uhd~::i3icn: 'FAR<.Gf.. ''8' c}:' o 'r . ~\ U \.;,.,,;).A. c'--"----:-\.. '0, 'P4<-~ NtDvtL(t o'ob :.oa.::eion: ~-n2r: );j~l'L(~ ~ fJlv~ Co I 0 '~L,J) ~f~J) A.dd...'"ess: Ci t:j: I '!""J l~dd"':ticn ?€.~Od.2 L "~O::'~!2 .~cml1 rate of Applica:icn ,~ -l~'~ -S ~~.Jntrc.c:o'[ls GeneraZ PZwnbing electrica l :,!Qch...--r.-:.ca Z ,- /-1.1 h.. LA- - Co"str~c~~~ C~nder T= rot # ~ t>;:: /12~ (>Ar:?7/7/CW Tit: //5'/ pr..one: 78fo- &2(;;2. Cj' 7 (17 7 . [j}oq q (/) Zip: Desc!"'~be r';ork: ct cf ~fM; - ~ ~OTl 4lj,'~i ~~ Value /I 2tJ7tJ. Addres3 .~c::::e"':':;~ I 'J gtV Siqr.ed: Date: ~ (.~ (L(/)~ .5-,;). 7-tf ~ Lisc.if Eroi:res Phone I:; is the res-p01loibility of trJ] ;:el"'1fit: holder to see that aU irwpections are ,,-:ade at the propel' timE:, that =ch :::Jdress is l'ea:icW:e :'rom the street, and :nae the pcrmi t a.::....-d is kcated a.t the frent of tr.e property. ~3uiJ.di~.g J':::Ji=io:-: qr;Z".n:ed ;?cr. si-..:::l.Z. remain on the S"iZding Sit;;; at aU times. ?.'~OC::!)U."~ .:-CR J.'lS?!~I()lI ?eQU:.'ST:CALL 726-3769 (I'ccorceI') state YOUI' City desiqr.a.ted job nur.;ber, r~~~es~cd er.i ~hen ycu ~iZZ be ~e~dy for ir~pcct"':on. Contracters or ~-ners r~e cr4 phone number. :.'in be made tile same dc.y, re~~est3 r.:c:::1e afta' 7:00 am wiZZ be made the n=t :.;orking day. ?~~Ji~~d ~~~~p~t~c~~ o sr::~ 1.~:S?E''::':'J:~': To be made! aj':r!l' ~cau~ti~l1, =u= prier t~ 3e= up of forms. o U:1D~?St:'.3 ?L:"','.f3!.VG. EL2~7':?!':~1! j ,~:ECH.J...I';iC:'~: To oe rr.ada ~e./(i"!'€ c.ny lJOrk is .:ovcred. [KJ FCCT~lG 1 :CU:,''JAT:t;H: To ce .~2 c.f:~r :J'encr.2s -=re e=:c:r..Jc.taa ar.d f~~s ere ar~c~2d~ ~ut prier :0 pou~r~ c~nc~et~. U.VD!RfJ?":';,'!, '?~CY2!::G. S'E:I?~, :J.1~E'.;'t DR.J..:.-.~')C2: :'0 oe ma:ie pI""~c!" ::0 ,ti.~- lir.q ;rer.cr.i1s. o o U.'l~EP:-:.-;C.':? !'!J1.~f9T:1G ..; y~,:.q.4,V!C:"~: T~ ~e ~-ce ~ricr :0 ~n3za~~=~on of j:oor ~nsu~=i~n C~ ~e~k:r.g. [] ?'JS7' ,4:'lD 3E:A:'1: To;;e meee ,r-;OI' ~ ::r..sz::cil...::::i.cn oJ...... f7,oor ir.3z..z.a=iC1: or deckir-;. ~ F.G~Y;."-:. ?~~~.'E:::C.(f:-Z::':'.~!-:.':'~'JJ, .'.E,-:.'1- )..aI'::":: ::0 "..;:/ri-: ~.3 =:; ~c ::O;..'2rec. un~~l ;r.cs~ :r~=e~=~c~3 h=~q =qe~ ~~e =r4 =??r?,~d. F::~~!.,,~CZa. ..~~cr;o pi,.=::'i.r.,q :=~nq me:;a1""~a:s ar4 bejore :r~r-; ins?ec- :io7':. o [K] FP.~'~:.'lr;: M'..l3t =e !'eq'..le3t2C cf'~er' ap?I'ov~i of r?4qn ~Z~~i~4, electri- caZ ~ :~ec;...::ni'::I:. Al! Z".Joj:.r.g br~cir.g ~ cni.T.:":Cus, et.:. ~.l3~ be ao=le:;cd. .'/0 :.;Or':: is ~o b~ C01l- - cec:;ed :<r.tiZ thi3 ir.3oec~cn i-.as . been ,T.aQ<! end ,::ppZ".Jved. Your City" Desigr.ated Job NUmb€l' Ie: o INSULATION/V/lPO.9 BARRIER INSP:;CTICN: To be made after aU insuZ.::tion 1X"4 req-.t-ired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum beara or z.xzZl covering is cpplied. ar4 before any insulation is concealed. job adcrcss, type of -in3pec~icn Requests received befere 7:00 ~ '~ ~ ) 1/ 0 , D:;UOLITIO,'! OR !-:OV:;:; 3UILDI;;C;S :J Sanitary se-~er capped =t r:.op;;rt'i Zir.e ~ Septi.: tank p~~ee and fiZled ~~th ;r=Je; --, Final - r"hen aheve ite:~s a:!'e ccmpleted ~ and when de~olitior. is compZ<!te or st~~;:;- ture moved ar~ pr<:mises cle.::n.ed up. Mobil8 Hcmes ~ Blocking ar~ Set-~p ~ Plumbing connections s~er arL! wat8r ~ Elect;rM~caZ Connection - Slocking, set-up --.J and pZlIlnbing connections fT...st be approved be;orc requesting electrical ins?ectio~ =.J .40::e830.-17' BuiZ.:.:.rr.g ~ sk-::rt--:'ng.. dec;=.3 ~ lE] DFI?WALL INSP:.'CTIO,'l: Te be ,....atie after an drywaU is in place, but prior to any .aping. MASO~RY: Steel location, b~~ bear.:c, grouting or verticals in accordance with V.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTOVG: After installation is ccmp Le ~;;d. Final - Aft~r F~rch2sJ etc. are ccmple;;d. o F'I,'!AL prl;Y3I:/G All projact condi:iong~ ~~C~ as ~h2 {ns:aLla~~cn of street =r~es, ~~~!ac~Q~ ~f :ne required laruisccpir.g.. ctCa I muse ~e sar;isfiad be/.Qre the al1IrDI.~'~ ?!.~'A.L :c.n ::e rZq'..l2st.2da =:], ~. 1] :=J Fr:lAC .',~;H:":IIC:"L o FIYAL 3UI[DI~C: The Final 3uiZdi~.g Ins~ection ,~st be reouected =!;8r the :ir.a.l ?r~bir-; ::lectrical, and .'lecr.ar:ioc.L Inspection;; ;-:a.vc Deen :'1ade ar.d' apprcv8::. ?I:IAL :-r~'-"C'rl"" .. _.......l",......_...I"\., o D D CUPB & AJ'P.'IOACH AP:?ON: Afte:, forms are eI'ec"ed but prior to pouril".g .:on.::rete. SIDE:fIALt< -1 DRI7CfIAY: For aU C01l- cre~e paving wi~hin street right- of-way, to be made after aU e:::cc.- vatina comvZete & form ~rk & zuO- base ,;aterial in -glace. .AL~ UA,VliC[2S AND CLEANCUTg NUST BE ,4C::ESSIE!..E, .4.DJ!./S':'.'S:/T ':0 3E 1~:'1liE !11' !lO -=:5': TO ':I':'J o D .."f;'ENC~.a Wher.. com-oZa.te -- Provide ga~es or movable- secticns through P.U.E. D ?=?,z o.f :! JO B NO. r2~ 17) 0 :~e: R...t.. SOLA"CESS REQ.~=;~ 2 L - C 0 (:.'1:;: ~~=-..i.==r-ce.J ";r-;-,A::: !,ot Sq. Ft.;. .......r=:- ......... - -.- ,~ ~f ta~ :~er~;. ! ,,p oj 5tO'r'~es I ~~... T :J . '- _",.G':. ...n.cl!. i . I~ . 1" opog~IlY I :1':~a!'icr .x C'orner P=har.dl<! C':lt.-ae-saa 1:'2'J 5~...:-:''; I X /aZue , I I , /P....17~~~1 I I I I I , ~ I I I ::;;: 0/... ] I .% I I ""I.~ I ~ .'.r-in I':'~~c? I ! :.::r=~:"~ j 1~7 i I. ; _.,~~G:S3~!'.J ~~~.~!: :'''A1:c:,'~ S.:J.C. 4 :.:c.~:.J.~; 1.5;: Euik1:.ng ?em::.t St:c.te SW'cn:::zoge To-:-a l C'r.c.r-ge3 I 1'::::.\f I FL-:-..u'es 13e3id~tial !1 bath) Sa:r.i t.:I!"j SetJ€:' 1;;0. I I I I C2.4i:G! ;late!' Pl:.mbing Pend. t State SW'cr.a.r-;e Tct~Z cr.c::'ces 1::Df Tempcrary Ser-Jice 1::0. i I /i I I I I I Ie:>..-o I .. '1~1 /t::? C/~ I * C'!IAfiCE I . ~''::A.RGE .~es. ,'}o. rta. 3~/EXtend Cir~~its /.P.o. EZectZ"'~ca! :> .... ..~..." State SW'cr.a:r~e Tot.::! cr.a:!'ces l?::.'1 I ;:t;. I I I I ?-.a-r.:c~ ?TTJ'S I E=ha:.lst Hood Vent F= I ",/;'ocsto::e Pe~;-: I33U.::r.c2 .'-tecr.anic.:: l Perm-~ t State SlAI'c;'.c...""':1C ; T,,~c! tj-~?~'3 -- ~.iC.=':AC.:::.:~.~'-: 1- . n . . .,:;-eC'"..l:""...::1 :..I2~C3'L ': I Storcce 1"~!I"':nt~.cr"~<! I J) .~ _C~"'" I I I , I I I I ~ 5yQ - 6 I - I I I ~~. ~~ Tetal :-:-1"..c~':".:!3 I c-.u~~~:; ! S:.d2LJ.:l! ~ I i :C!7t~e i E!.ac::r--:.ca! [c};e Z .:z~ : .\fobi l<! Home I ::'OT.~': AYCU:.rT our:' . M-I :'::peICo.,..sr;: S-N :'cr; ?:1.ces - ~~~~rN I I 5et:c'-zcv.s I I ?~. / .=!Quae t '....arc.~e /,.!.'.Jcess. , f I I SV II i l.iJ~Jb'11 I I I I I I I I 3e:ir.,o~s: ~r:er'T.J SOA.r-::~3 ::r::e .~"ec.t At.", . ila.t.:J!' .:':ga.-;:zl' .'?anqa ?~!,goiace ;looa;;:o~e Itlor';rt lEast ISQ!4;;h I;""est Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted em the e:::pr'i!ss condi.ti.on that the said. .:1ons~!'Uc;ion shall, in al! respects, aonf;;Z'm :0 the Qrdinance adopt:ed by the =it~ of Sprir:c....;,eZd, "':'na!u.din.g the Zonina Crd~nc:r..ae, rea-vtlt.:tir:o the CC1'!3=~l~~-':"~r: ar.d ~;~ of ~ui!dings, and may b.:" ~ucper.ded or r~vokec ;t cr.~ ti~e ~;;n vie- Lation af ar.y provisions of said Ordi"'~ces. :1 Plan Check Fee:'-/.J.r;. ;;L() Oat.: ?!I-id: ....5- l"l" fs.~ IReceipt #: ~ (PO 1sCo ISig:-:ed: ;:;J C/ Plumbing Permit No ~erson shall construct, instalZ, arter or change any new cr e=is;;ina plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such ;erson is the legal <,ossessor of a valid plwnoer's license, 'e:::cept that a per-son ma;! do plumbing ~ork to proper~d which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the c?~!i- CC01t. ' / I I I * Electrical Permit Where St:c.te [,aJ,J requires tr.at the electrical work be done by an EZe:!tI"';cal ContMctor, thiz elect!"'~cal por::ion of this ;:>ermit shall not be vaZid until the 7.abel has been si~ed by the E!ectricaZ ::ontractor. Mechanical Permit . I I I I * ~~c7>~ J.la:a 5""'~-83 I HAVE CAREFUU,Y ::XA.\tINED the aon-:plated appLication for permit, ana de hereby certify that aLZ in;o~at"':on hereon is true ar~ cor~~c=, ar-d i further cezot:ify that any ar.d aLZ :.:ork. ,?er;'or;-::ed shaLZ be done in acco~- dance ;Ji;:;h the Ordinances of the Ci.ty ~.;:' Sorinajidd, an.:: th.;; :'a-";3 or' tb State of Orec~n ozrt.::ininc to the work des~;b~d here-in, cr-d t~.c:= YO' CCC~- PJ.:'1C"f ;JiZZ o~ made oj =~. s~ruct:a'e witr.out ?2rmis3-i.cn oj the EuiZdinq Di- vision. I furth2r ~ertif~ t~~t o~ly ~cntra:tors ~.d ~Z~Y2es ~r~ ~~g in co~pZiance with CRS ?Ol.J5E wilZ be used on thia projecr; I · ii7<9i!J~ x~ Da::e' //