HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1990-8-24 .,WI I: ,.1.;. .....,J..II...l..I.~I. 1110. ,.,1."." ..,1111111" 111I11I1;IIl.iIIll'. ~1I1 .. '~"~~''''"...Jfuo.:::.. RESIDE (\IT I At.. APFLICAT IOl\, __ 2RMI1~ 225 NOY'th 5th StY'eet SprFingf'ield~ Oregon. 97177 Building Division 7,';(i-3753 , ' - Y' ~'?' Ct?~ cb X\~,ns) /I ~/3-'7" j?-.CJ3- =<6 - --~ f Tc.'C Lot /I ~ /' 9~e:::::=> ~.?g/3 L-6T /7 I ~ /' 1 I j/ t / ecJ fA uGrf--'%, bJ;-/ //QI2I L./o r' () {{Of f3q/ 7oof( PtzY ~~ciL Phone:7;<~ crY1-(O ":[;CI, O'PltfJ t1~(\-r 8i zip: 9' 71(0 ( -, u ' 'ob Locatioll: f:DeSDOrz M:1D :ubdiv':-sioll: Urler': Idrlress: .'i ty: ---'1 ~' ----l " ~ Net,) f(epia- c e .1dc!iticll NemodcZ .'!oll-:- 7.e .'Iome Describe riorlc e>c(t..rr; .f.-cJ () 00 Ab Rcceipt ,/f /??/~'?-- , --' t:~ ///?-S/ '- , , Biyned: 4~ r r ~- ?'7-.e:;??> ~/ r::z1liO ' Value r ~.5{) 0 Acl{Jress Lise.1 /I BId r8 Board Reg. tJ{tn'tlJ.. H(lnl'~C/!CI f)/,() C/Mi'1it t40 r t) --. J- c./ Datc of l1pplicaticll / untrdctors :enera 1 4.I.l2z :J;:V7C , J.ul11b-ing leclwnica.l 'I 'I , ,~c[r"L_!':.;j' Date: E}~r)ic,(~_ IJIAJC11 I Phoni> 7' f ..5" 600 <;? ; II Pt' ti'\/r:.f:.t;;r_lg_I':lec t r.i c: i d 1'1 'C is the responsibility of the permit holder', to see that all 'inspeations ar'e ,made at the proper' time, that caah .::.ddress is r'eaiao:e "rom the street, and that the per'mit aar'd is loaated at the fI'ont of" the proper-ty. '!iul~'Zdi.'v.J D~vi::io~ app!'o~'ed plall lihell l'emain, on th<i BundillU S'its at all times. ' l[IOCEDljf?E FOR INSPECTION R.<:QUE:S1':'CALL 726-3769 (l-caorde;r atate YOUl' CUy design..?ted job number', job address, type of ir13pec::iclI 'cqucsted ar:d w.':erl you wiZl be peady for' inspaction, Contl-actoru 01- Ownera nr..me and phone number'. Requests reaeived befcr'e 7.:00 G:.'l 'i l l be made the same dey, requestsmc.de, after' 7.: 00 cell wi l l be made the next :.JOrkin.] day. lenH-'i'(l/~d Tnr;p{?ct1:cn!~ ] 817'[-.' INSPE'C'l'JON: To be made excavation, but priell .to set fOl'ms. after- up of" ] UNDF:RSD,![J PU/MBINr:, ELECTRICilL .~ ;.fFCII!',"jIC,1L: 'fa be,made befm-e any u>ol'k is eovcred. J FOOTING ,~FOUND,1TION: To be IlKIde after tl'elwhes(u-e excavated alld for'rn:; arc eY'ected, but prior to pouring CCllcret.::. {J'mSRGROUND PDUM3INC, SEilER, W,1TE.'? D!lAINAGf':: '1'0 be made prim' to fi Z- ':n:r--:;Jtrene he c. ] ] UN/Jl'.'RFUWlI l'UJI,!JJING ,e MECHANICAL': 1-:0 be '7r/ud; IJr"iol- to irwtaUat-iC)fJ of ,j'luo!' ilwuZation OT' decking. 1'087' ,4N/J BEAM: To be made prior' to 'installat'icI! of floor in8l.:lation or dedillq. 1I0,/r;11 nW,','nTfiC. Er,F.'CT,fITCAf, SMF:CII- ,1NrCAf,;---No':.Jopk isto bc eover-ed- w~(;i l,' these inspections have beer: . ~}'!n(le (1~1~1 -Cljipr!01)~...~. P[-'~r:l-'I"AL'E: Pl'l:or to plc;cir.g facillg , IIIG-t:cpirIls and bej'or'e fr'aming inspec- tl:(":. !:'!WirNri: Must. be requested aFter' appr'ovclL oj' r'ouuh plumbillg, ;:dectr'i- ca l ,~ mecJIm/'iea L A Z! roo j'ing l.'}I(J{.J'ing g (!Jdmll,:Y.'lJ el:.'J. must. be complci:ed. !lo /')J!-k ,is to he con- eed,ed lmti-l. this ,inspection hcw , been. made Gild approved. J ] ] gj YOUT' ,City Designated Job Number Ia: D.1NSULA7'ION/Vltl'OH /l.411T1n;[{ INSPECTION: To be made after- all insulatioll a~.d , ,- -required vapor ben-riel'a aI'e in place but he foroe any la th, gypawn board Or' LXlU covel'ing 1:8 applied, and bej'or'e any insulation is concealed. o DRYWAU, INSPECTTON: Tcbe made after- all drywall 'is. in place, but prior to c.ny taping. 90 /tP~ S 'DEMOLITION OR ;~:OVE!J BUILDJiJGS :=J Sani i(11'~ se'J~r' :?a~~~~,j,~\,,~~~fr~,~,~~ ::t~,~ ,\ ~ Septic tank p~ed and filled with gl'a~el' ~ Final - h~en abcve items are ccmpleted --.J and when demolition is complete OT' stJ~iJ- tUr'e moved and premises cleaned up. Mobile Ncmes ~ Blocking and Set-up ~ Plumb'illg ~onnections s<:wel' alld wa::er ~ Electriaal Ccnneation -Bloaking, set-u? ~ and plumbing connections ~~st te approved ,befor-e r-equesting eleatr-iaal. inspeat.io': ~ Accessor'u Bui ldi~ I Fin, ell, - AftDl' parches, skirting, decks, --.J etc. are aompleted. ' o All ppo,ject cOllditions, such (13 the .tnstallation of stl'eet trees,'eo':1pletion of the l-equired land8cc:p'ir.g, etc., Imwt be satisfied befol'e the BUILDINC FINAL aan be request3d. ] FJ'lIAf. PUH!B [fIC ] ,P///;1[. l,fF.'~'/!/l;UCM, J f 1 Ni1/J FrEe']'.'? rcl'. [, 1 D location, bond or' vertica ls in U.B.C.Section ,~ FTNA[' BUnDING: The Final Building Inspection must be requested alter' the Pillal Plwnbing Elect7'icai~~nc! Mechar:ic,:Z Inspectiolls have been made and appr'oved. '/1T). l/ilNfICf.F:S ANfJ CLr.'ilNOIJ'I':;','/If,'o'T Ell': /1(:CFS:;[ll[,[\', AD,TUST!I.~.t!7' TO .'it: f,I.1DF: /'1' NO ("1ST TO CT'!'Y ,," ..... ~ D MASONRY: Steel beams, gr'outing accordance with 2415. WOODSTOVF.': After' ilwtallat'ion is ccmpZe ted. D CURB ,~ APPROACl/ Al'!!ON: After forms w'e er-euted but pl"io'r' to pourillg , i:!onerete. 0, SIDF:IIAGK,~ DRnTI/,U: For all con- crete pav'ing witldll st-reet l'ight- oj'--LiCy, to be made afteT'all exaa- 'vaUng complete & fpm LJOrk & sub- ""_,',ba:;e mater-ia.l'in, i1!I:z:Je. ""'~, '" " o !'ENeE: ~Jher. compl;;te ..,-'- py-ovicle gates or movable Hections through .P.lJ. E. .. 0, I P'1~7e of :~ I JOB NO. I Zone: ---+--C . L - coer I I I I I I I I I 'Permit ", SOLAR ACCESS REQ.- Occuoancl/ Gre LOT TYPE Lot Sq. Ftg. Z vf lot Cvverage: .# of Stories Total Heiaht , Topography ITEM SQ.FTG- Mldn Gc.raop- Carport I AcoeslJoru I \ TOTA&VAWE S.D.C. 1.5 x ~(.vaiucJ,,, ".", BuildinrJ Permi t State SUl'charge Total Cluzr-gea Interior Corner Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Va lue I '?b,5Z'? ~-8-~ 59 ..~ IlTE.'M I Fi:rt1:<l'es" " n,:E "- ... ClIARr.E Residential (1 bath) 1.11'0.' , I ~,' '. I I: " Sllni tary Sewer [,later Plwnbing Pend t State SUl'charge Total Charges IITE'M IRes. Sa. fta. .'law/Extend Circuits Temporary Service I Eleatriclll Permit State Suraluzrge Total Cluzrges ITEM ,INC. I Furnace ETU' S I E:::haus t lIood I Vent Fan I W;:JOdstove I Permit Issuance Meahanical Permit State SUl'charoe Total Cluzraea -- ENCROACHMEII'T -- I See-.,(rity Deposit I Storage I Maintenance I Permi t Total Charqes I eurbcut I SideuJa lk I Fe/lae I Electrical Label Mobile /lome I'/'{)'I'A r. AMmlNT DIlE: 4 NO. ..,.:.,- - FEE C/lARGE '., ..", FEE CHARCE . . ~ ~"'..~3 TypeICor:Bt: I hOt Faces ~, I Setbacks I P. [.. lIouse r.ar'llge INortll Igast ISouth ~lvest I I I I I I I I II Ener(FI SO;il'CeS !lea t Watel' !lea tel' Range Fireplace woodGtove Bedrooma: 7'llfl(! This permit is aran,ted Oil the' e:qTi>ess coru;li tion. tlza t tile savd, .:!OI1S tl'lid 1:011 shall, in all respects, conform to the Ordinance adopted !;y tile City of Springfield, incLuding the Zoning Crdinallce, regulating the CCI1Gtl'l,-:-,6cl1 and .use of buildiYl{]6, and may be suspellded 01' revoked at G/:~ time upon vic- lation of any provisions of said Ordinallces. -J No percoll :;}uzll. construct, instaU, aLter or cluzllge (i.ny new Cl' e:::isti,ltU plwnbiYl{] or dl'ainage syste.'11 ill whole or in part, unless sucll PCI':WIt i,,,' th.: legal pOllllc:;nor of a valid plwnb<?r'll license, except that a l)(lJ'DOIl md,1 d" plwnbing work to property lJhich, is owned, leased or opel'ate,] by the ol'l-,l1:- cant. '. r.,here State Daw requires ,that the electrical wopk be done by all Electl'ic.l[ Contractor, the electrical portion of,this permit shall not be valid wltil the label Jzas been -,~igned by the Electrical Contractor. 1"\4~;,_ ~~ I /lAVE CAREFUDGY EXAMINED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all irofor-mation hereon is true and cor~ect, and I further certify that any ar.d all work performed shall be d9"e i:l accor- dance with the Ordinances of the city of springfidd, and the: LlT..JS ,of tile 4 State of Oregci/l pertaining to the work described herein, G\1d tJzat NO OCCU- PANCY will be made of any structura without pel'misaion of the Buildi./Ig Di- vision. I further certify that o:lly contractors al1d c-'11pl.:Jbees /J/:o are in cO'11pliance with ORS 701.055 will be uBed on ,this project I1Cce3G. Fees \';-' :~:. .',,;" Buil9ingValue & 1 I, I Plall Check Fee: Date Paid: I Recdl) t /I: ISigned: Plumbing Permit I 4 Electrical Perm it .Mechanical PermH i. ; I ,. . it ~-'27"5?~' ~,/a : ~h,W 7;/~