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Permit Electrical 1997-5-23
.~ l=t' .5!.JiI:J. ,rhe. followl~g project as submrnw I':-:.s tn(,) foli:J'v1n(;l .onlllg, ana does not require :i!tJ::i'"'ljic jnn" ,., r, . , " epproval. . . ~ '-"', ,"uV FIFTH SIREE1' Zoning .J (' ,/ _' ZRIN\:rl' J..c.LD, OREGON. 97 4fJ,i!.e C;.r)"'L:tt:1 '.. INSl'EC!ION REQUEST: 726-3769 <.; ------,-, . OFFICE: 726-3759 AljthorjZ~1:l si~na.ture~:..n4 3. 1.' LOcaTION OF INSTALLATION' S~ w. ~F^,lTiNi\J/4L VAL\..~. v/~rL '~.AL~;S~~ION " ([)' \,1 t ') ?1 (.\\ l\-,") , \)~<6 \ . .,' A_ , JOB DESCRIF,rION yAt.}J~'uNpL L'\'1\., (.,1 .sJr::- CAet Nt.-\ , . Permits ~re non-transferable and expiie " ifl,/ork is' not started vi (hin 180 days of issuance or if vork is suspended for . 180 days. ' . ELECTI,U:CAL. .PEFJiIT A2FLlCAIION. " , . nV\, r , Ci~Y Joe Num~er.., V\ \\)~~ , COMPLETE FEE. SCHEDULE BELOY Sum 1000 sq.ft. o~less Each additional 500. sq. f t or portion thereo f . ' Each Hanuf'd H~me. o~ , Hedular.'Dye1ling Service or Feeder S' 85.0cr S 1,;.00 .; .: s. 40:00 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY ,B. Ser"lices or Feede'r.s , . Installation, Alterations , Electrical Concractor rM.4\dt/\JA=n~ Wler: Relocation: " 200 amps or less 201 amps co 400 amps 401 amps to, 600 amps 601 amps to 1000 amps Over 1000 amps/volts Reconnec cOnly Addr'ess~:'f"lq E.. AMJ't'i RO. . . Ci ty e,o~.' .I:.Q Phone s.oo-~2.-PP5S . , ,Supervisor- License Number I~t!> SI6.- JtJl, fCf4 cons'tr Contr. Number' ~~ Expirai.ion Oats Expiration Date ~~~ . ~;;:1::JjJ;::J2J!an... D. Owners Name c..V,Ntā¬AJNlA-L Q.fJVtflIl ~ , .':I:t . . , Address e>fo ~ ,A,J..W. wA-U_ &1: , "2.03 . City. B~..NO~ oR.. .Phone~'- 3~..'-/liL oYNER INSTALLATION . The installation is being made on property I ovn qhich is not intended for sa1" lease or rent.' tJ pvners .Signature:' 'S 50.00' $ 60.00', S100.00 $130.00 $300.00 S 40. 00' c. Temporary Services or Feeders Installacion, Alteration or Relccatiqn 200 amps.'o'!' less , , 201 amp~ to 400 amps Over 401 to 600 amps Over 600 a~ps or 1000 Branch Circuits S 40.0Q' S 55.00 . S 80~OO vol tS, see ~Blt above, ',' Nel,/, Alteration or Extensiori Per Panel One Circuit Each Addi donal Circuitor,vith Service or Feeder Permit $ 35-.00 S 2.00 Hiscel,laneous (Service/feeder -Each installation Pump or irrigation Sign/Outline Lighting I. Limited Energy/Res Limited Ene~gy/Comm not included) S 40.00 '$ 40.00 $ 20.00 5 36.00 '9t:JaJ '/D.DO '.' ~ I. t.t ~~1.. , . "<<""~~D'P~... .b',~~:cf\ ~.~, ~X~~~" 5. ~~B~~~~;. ~~r~~~~e ~~ T J~ ~ 3% Administrative Fee VEIJ BY.' . .,~ _:>..~ _"~:.: TO~" . v:~- ~ ~.i,'.: .~ ~./:;"!~~"'l'l';':~l',_":,_~,, _ ~ _ h~l -- .,- '.. .... .... .... . '~.,,~~.."... .' .. ". ..... 0.:-.0 .~. ....~; .....