HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 1999-7-13 -g-....... 225 fIFTH STREET .',', 9JOlBU6\Sp.aZ\JOl.\lO';J , - alBa' 6u\UOZ - ' 'lB^oJddB SPRINGFIELD, OREGVN .97477' '6uIUOZ INSPECTION REQUEST:' '726-37h~dS aJlOu saop PUBO 0 'aLli. o FFI CE., 726 _ 3 7 59 aSO pUB! oU\!1 'qos SB loa!oJd 6U\M \I l '. .. 'e..v-: '9ln se\.! pamUJ ,.'. , =, ;.]V. 6U\MOIIOl, ' , ' ' 3. COMP LETE FEE SCHEDULE' BELOTJ l.LOC ION OF INSTALMTION '/ ..13::. -n~/~A-L 8~tH. " . A. New Residential-Single or SPe!Pff&RI: . OR. q 79'77 Multi-Family per'd'w'elling unit. LEGAl. m:~ PTION Servj ce Included: , ,/1!J '32-7'1?J o5rov , ELECTRICAL,:PERMIT APPLICATION 'City JohNumber ~~~7~ 190 ~S}, I't ems Cost , Sum '....rOB J)ESCRIPTION ' ATTENTION:o,regori.' G~o.' i~ir~tY~If()less. ,,' , r..ee../t;A. ' .fol~ow rules adopteq ~yldh3.~9gd:r:!'~fltY 500 , . . ' '. . ,,\' ~\jUllTICaIlOn Genter. Thos~ rUles~<?es~~fu1f~pn,' Permi ts are non-'transferab'le..l~rQAij~f}01-001O,thl~F(9AR952-001_ if 'w'ork is no t started 'w'i thinO<l$!ID. ~may obtain g~~~sIiflI1Ht relf,~Cffi1le. or 0 of issuance or if 'w'?rk is suspe!teillerdg ftwcenter. (Nd1@?tljl~eleR>'11uhtlrl'g' 180 days. numberforthe.Oregori13fffny<Nbt~rcafi5ftde~ .. Center is 1 ~800-332-2344) 2. CONTRACTOR INSTALLATION ONLY B. Serv~s:es Or Feeders " ^} JJ ..J-~ / I..' 'InY'Lllation;.Alterations Electrical Co~tractorJJlDeT1AlUe.cst~f;lVAl G'~&~~atio~: . " Address~/St\([JI@.,y ~.I+~.I' '200. amps o(less $ 50.00 'SCJ.oCJ 201 amps 't6400,amps $ 60.00 CitySPR(/l)~~ p.ho,.ne7~b-(f,O'd..(}... 40.1 amps to ~OO'amps ". $100.00 ~ '. 601 amps to 1000 amps $130.00 Superviso~ Lic~nse Number /~ 77'S, Over 1000 amps/volts $300.00 , 'J Reconnect Only S 40.00 Expirat'ion D~te /~/a//fJ/' ,". ///1"/../2 C~Tem, porary Services or Feeders ConstrContr. NumbeL~r~_~7e:, Installation, Alt;eration or Relocation Expira tion' Da te 0//6/ !t;/. 200 amps.'or less $ 40.00 " " ' 20i'amps to 400 amps $ 55.00 Signature of SupervislrofJe1::~icianJOver>401. to 600 a~ps$ 80.00 '~~' ~MITSHALLEXPIREIFT~ElNO~ amp~~r 1000 volts see "B" above " ~.',(j /2, ,', AlJT):I2AlJT!iORRII' UNDERtHISJP>ERNllEralSd'llOlir, ,cu.~ts' ,. Owners Name ,...~co~iA AN DONED FOR '.;' , :... " N'e'w', Al tera tlon or Rj.(tension Per Panel Address rs-s AYPERIOD. 'City #',., $ 85.00 $ 15.00' $ 40.00 , Phone ", One Circuit, ,~ Each- AdditionaL Circui t'or, w,i thService' or Feeder Permit $ 35.00 OVNER INSTALLATION $ 2.00 -~-,----~l-~Z---~~--~-----~----~--~~-~-- DATE: '/.')..~7f . ,'. ' " RECEIPT '#:' tJ~,#51, q '.' IJ, 1 / ~3'1)ttl' RECEIVED BY: "4(...( (,.,/ ~ '/ E. Miscellaneous (Service/feed~r not included) -Each inst.aHation -Pump or irrigation. .$ 40.00 SignlOutlineLighting $ 40.00 . L'imi ted Energy/Res $ 20.00 , Limited Energy/Comm $ 36.00 5. SUBTOTAL OF ABOVE' S?;.oCJ 5% .State Surcharge' (J.SCJ . 3% Admil1istrative Fee 1,50 TOTAL "~oo Theinstallaii6n is being mad~on prope~ty I ~~n'w'hi~h i~-not intended for sa~e, leas~or rent. 'OW'Ilers Sigri<:lture::,