HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1986-9-12 RESIDE~ IAL.. APPLICATION /PERtJIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield,_ Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ~ ~~ c'ob Location: (0 J I (tJ /I//7;/J// n"/ d fI /l /J jj / ! JAfj) _ / !A../l07/?1PV ItJ I / /}, d~I1:)tiJ} Phone: ~ ~ -- v A8aeS$Ol"~ Nap # Subdivision: Cl.mer: Address: ci t7j : I I I I Np"_' Additien RenoceZ "~o~:.le .:':c:-::::? 9-12~Y;6 Deta of ApDlicaticn ~::;r.-:Y'.:::=~a;';:; ':;encrc.7.. ?LLL'7!bir~ 1).0~ ::lccn'icai. ,'..'c::;...:::r:.i~,: Z :ons:F~ction Lender T= Lot # 1Lft -q()fC~7 Zip: ~ 1J::w~ , - ,.. , . ce:Dt . .k4-- I(J 17/) h /7 Value AGC...Y)e0S - (J~ad ~~,,(\~~ . ~~ //)M #~O~ Siqr.ed: Datc: CG q- fZ -K'0 iJ7..3C. .:: r..:::Ji1':J S :--,-:0'1:': -; is tnG' res~onDibiZity of the permit hoLder to see that aZZ in$pec~ions are ~ade at the proper timz, t~at ~~~h ~eS3 is re~~~~:~ ':"o,,! ~_he Bt~e~t" and that ~he perm::t.,=cuod is 7..ocat,;d ~t the fron" of the proDert:':j. .:~:..!.::i~:.:: D7..Vi.,:;!.o~ ap'Pro~'ea plan sr~L.{, re.-:-:.:::.n 0:>: ~r~G. Eu~7..ciin? ::::.:;;; c:; ::.ll .times. -:?::::,:::'.'p~ Ff1:"' T'iS?=:C':'IOt! f?'::~U'::5T:CALL 726-3769 (rc[Jorder) sta"e !Jour City iesigr"::"f:d ,70:; nur.:beI', :'?(T...I.:Js=ca c.:-::i L,,:':en tiOiA ~iZ.Z De ready fa:!" -:.r:.s"D~ctio~:, COr':'tracr;crs QY' Vw'7'2e:"s r..c'71e cr.i ;;-LJr.c: 1i.uJ":'2Dcr. ~z. Z. De r.:aae r;nc same cicy, requesr;s 171ccie cf=.;;Y' ?: DO a:n ~....~ Z Z DZ made "the n:;xr :.Jorkir..; c.c:;. q~~i~~i Tr.s~~~~~c~~ ] 5::-:-~ I:/E?'2-:-: ::J:.': To b2 made c.7"'zer exca~.::"~cr., but pricr tc set up of forms. ] U;','DESSLA.? F.~.~.';~.8Il,!GtEL~':7'P~CL~[. (1 /..'~C,:';'.~;':i~;..:".: To De maae Defore any worK is covGred. J F:)OT.r::C 5 FOUND,1TIC!l: To be made af<;e:~ ~re"c;,es are excavated and fcrm:; are erec"cd, bu" prior to pou~~r~ ccncret~. ] U!.'D:::T1C_'?~Y.",'D ?~U:',_'2Jl.'G. 5O.'i-.'::.=:, r-.'.1TO.'H) D~~;'Ifl;C2: To De made prior ~o fi Z- lir..g ~renchez. ] V!/DO.'.'?FWC? !'LU.'~r.IC f, VECHANICA!.,: To be maCe Dricr ~o inG~a~7..ation of fLoor insul~<;icn or decking. ] POST AND BEAI-!: To be madc prior to ins~a7..Z~<;icn of floor ins~lation or deckin; . ] J?O~IG.r! ?DU!.'EI:.'G. ELEC''J'_r:ICt~L 8 NECH- A::ICAL: ;,'0 :.lork is ~o DC covered UY."il these insoections have beer. made ar~ approv~d. ] FI.oF:PLACE: Prior to plecir..g facing materia7..s and bcfore framing inspec- tion. ] FP/L'~I!J(;: Nu:;t be reque:;ted after approv.::l of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & mecr,aniaal. AE roofing bracing 8 chimncys, et~. ~~st be ,completea. ~o uork is to be con- , ceco'led until thin inspection has , . been made and approved. Your City Decigr4ted Job Numb~r Is: D ::':SCL.~'!'ION/VIlPC.~ E.4H_r:::I~.~ I.~~rS?~C'!'IC:.:.: To De ma.:ie after azz. insuZ.::tion w..d reQuired vapor carriers are in place cut cefore any lath, gypsum bcard or wall coverina is ~Dlied, ar..d before any inau7..ation is 'concealed. . DR~r";ALL It,7SP~CTrO,1t,1: Tc be made. afur all dPYlJat~ !os in place, but prior to any taping. ftM50~~Y: Steel location, bond oeam3, grouting or verticcls in a~cordance w-~th V.B.C. Section 2415. WOODSTO,'E: After installation is completed. JCO c~css, ~~;e ~equ~s~s rece~~2= . . . 0.- -:..r.~pe~-=t.cr; :;c:.~c!'e ? r,'l - g0~Zf~ :JE.'.::JLITI0:,: c_~ .~:OF::'=: c:./I~D~:::'5 =:J Sani".;arij se"..Jer capped ::t p~ope!'~' li-r.e ==:J Septic tank p~~ed w~ filled uith ;ra~e: ~ Pinal - "~en ab=ve ite~s are cc~letcd ~ a~d ~hen ie~cZitior. is co~ie:c or s=~~:- tu~e moved ar~ pr~mi3es ~ie~nei U?_ ft'obile Hemes ~ BLOCking Plumbir..g and Set-up ~, :=J .conne::tions s;:wer ar.:::. wc~er o o o D CURB & APPROACH AP.'?ON: After forms al'e cre~ted but prior to pouring ':!o=rete. SIDEWALl< ,~ DFlIl'Ef/c~Y: For all con- crere paving wirhin strect right- of-~y, to bc made after all eX~a- vating comp7..ete & fom work & sub- base material in place. 'Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u~ and plumbing connections rr.-~st I:;~ C?pro~2.:i before requesting electrica~ ins?e[J~ic~ ==:J Accesco~- Building ~ Fi~l - After p~rcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are completed. D D !"ENCE: h~en' complete -- Provide! gates or movable secticns through P.V.E. D All project conditions, auc~ a8 the instaZlation of street trees, co~Ze:ion of tne rcquired landscapir:.g, ctc., must be satisfied bcfore the BUILDI;;C FIt/AL can be l':i!quest:::d. ] FINAL PLU!!BWG ] FINAL lfECHA.'/ICAL ~ FINAL EL::C'J'!?IC~L o FINAL BUILDINC: The Final Building Inspection must be requested after tha Final Plurr.bir~ Elccrrical, and Mechar.ical Inspec~ions have been made and approv~d. J D "ALL UANHCLES AND CLEANOVTS !WST BE ACCES!:IBLE. ADJUST.'!2.'/T TO BE 1,~1DE 1.1 liD C'~ST TO cr:y P::::::e :! of 2 '?011C: '\ JOB r~o. gto O~Y,?SOLAR Acrl:SS REQ.- L-COG~ occuiancu GrOl.L I Lot Faces - I I P.L. North lEast South West 'I';-.pe/Car.st: Be:::rooms: :..at Sq. Ftg. ~ ~f lot Caverag~ i of Stories ,'otal. Height :'opogra;; hy ~'!'~.'.J SQ. FTC ',fain ~ace ~aJO:)crt iccessor'J ,. D.C. TOTAL VALUE I vC:~UG) 1.5 ::: Building Permit State Su:rcha:rge Total. Char>ges I NO, 'i.:::~es esiCzr.tial I~ beth) .:7::' t;~r'! Sewer :::te'!"' Pl.u:~07-r.; Perr::i t Eta~e Surcr..QIJge - ,T::tc~ C'r.=-~oeE: FE 2:1, f-=~. I ..~. i I I ;:c.~' ~'_ , .-., <>, i I I 'I I I I I - I I e~Q e1 itJud'k r v Elect~ical Permit ~/~=zer~ Cir~~its ~craru Service St:::.te Su:rcr.aI'ae Total Cr.a:rces -:-" ... Tr..::zcc ETU' S ;haust Hood 7ltFan lodsto-.;e Permit Issuance Mechanic:::.l Permit Statc Su:rcharae Total Ch.arap.~ Ei.'CROACH1-.'ENT 7~ri. tu D~'D03i t ?l'CrUJ ~ntenar.~e '.. ""M. _ Tctal Charocs ".:,cut ie-..Ja lk 1~e ?ctrica Z Label 'ite HOf!Ie ( ~5 ~ .e I I I ! :-~L ANOU.\'T DUE:' LCT TYPE x Interior C01'7ler Panhandl.e Cul-de-sac Va luc C[-:ARC::: I I I / t:) ,O<l I j -htJ I I (5,(pJ lk '-;:"-':~~ . " ~'- I ":' j J I I I I I , k I I I I l , . I t 20 f s. ?o .r En2rr7"J SOUT'Ct'S J .'leat I j I T.~;"l(, Setback." : HOlAse I Caraae I I I Il'.ccess. I I I I Water Heater' J1anpc FircDZacc Wcod;;~oz;e Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ia granted on the express condition that the said conctruction shall, in all respecta, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, including the Zoning Ordinance, regulating the ccnstructicn and uce of buildings, and may be sucpended or revoked at cr.y time upon vic-. U1tion of any provisions of said Ordir~nces. 'I I I k J Iplan Check Date Paid: IReceipt #: ISig~ed: Fee: Plumbing Perrrdt No pereon'chdZl construct, install, aZter or change any new c~ e:::istir.? plumbi~~ or drainage syste~ in whoZe or in par~, ur.less slAch ;ercon is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, e:::ceDt tr~t a person ma~ cc plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the a;?Zi- cant. Electrical Permit Jinere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be do~e oy an ~Ze~t~ic:::.: Contrac=or~ the eiecf;ricai r;or'"tior: of this verr.7it sha7..Z 1':ot: ::2 v.:;Z-i.C z.n::-iZ tne iabeZ has been signee ~y tne EZecrricaZ- Con~r~ct;or. .- --- - - , " - fVlecha n i ca'l Permtt Plan EXCln1..ner L'ate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the completed apDlication for permit, end dc hereby certify that all i~fo~ation hereon is true and correct, and I further certify that any;a~~ all work perfoP-TIcd shall be do~e i~ o~~or- dance :dth the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and th:? Lr::--:s of tJ.:c State of Oregan pertaining to the, work described herein, a~A t;~t NO CCC~- 'Pt.NCYwiZl be made of any structure without p3rmission of the 5uilding Di- vision. I further certif:i that only contractors a;;d e:71pl:Jyecs who are in co~pliance with CRS 701.05[; will be used on this project 1?~ c;--/z-gh D.:1.te