HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Building 1983-5-13 ~Il .. .. RESIDENTIAL" AP?~~CATION/PERI1TT 225 North 5th Street Sp~:nqfield, Oreqcn 97477 Building Division 726-3753 'e>u..E> Job roa.::tion:6t.:2- ~~\~~\~ Asaeseorz Map II I ?O""'~..2.Lrfl~ Suhdivisicn: ~"ner: ~~:,~ ~~ Add..ness:ff:>l~_ ~~eJ-\N.;'C<- Cit:j: ~ .'ler~ T= rot # JI/DO Pr..one: Zip: 'i -;::q'71 Desc!"'~b~ r';ork: ~~>,eecf 1<j,d~ ~rr~ I /1 I/'I Add"': ticn I I Remodel I I .'fobi!i! ,'!oma Date of Appli;:aticn ~h 7 :;on!;rcc~ors "C)t:::x~\ C:> ~ ~ -',,. ,K.L ~ j General , Plwnbinq i electrical /It.,j~/ ft'~1 ~t::..::r;-_ --v ! Nechar:ic.:: l j -= bnstY".lction l<:ruier Value 4'9~ Address:2.,.7<15'N. 74 .J:::tZ- en~ ., (J)()<--1/J.JfJ .~CC8:p",; ~ ....... ) Siqrtth.M ~ . Da"e:- ~ ^ l.J.d\ 1 L (.3> H~ ,(\ I , Lisc. .';.407.1 z., E=oires r-:~/43-:S '-Phon~ [~ is the resp07'lcibility of ths permi~ hoZdar to see that aZZ irwpections are made at the proper ti.71e, t.J..at e;;;ch ::ddress is readab:e from the street, and that the permit c:rrd is kcated at the front of the property. "Bui!di~.g Jivicio,-: ~~roT:ed pZan sh:::.U remain on the BuiZding ~it:;: at aU times. P.70CEDUPE pon INSP~CTIOll P..:QUEST:CALL 726-3769 (rccorcer) state YOUl' City desigr.ated job n:.w.ber, job adircss, type of ins::Jec-::icn r~ques~cd a:-.d when yeu wiLL be ;,ec.ay for inspection, Conti'acters or IA-mers "'.ane end phone number. Requests received cefer'; 7:00 ~ .....ill be trade thE; same day, requests mc:de afta' 7:00 am wiU be made the =t :JOpkinq day. " Reaui~~d !~3~~~tic~9 [R] o S IT~ I."lSP~t;-: :J,V: To be made al=ar excavati~n, bu~ prier t: set up of :-. ... r:a4.l>~th>l7/t>N UND~RSL;3 ?~0~BIJC. ?L2~RI~1! 1 /..'ECi:'~.;IIC':"~: To oe made be."~c;~03 ~ny work is covered. o Fco'!'!':;r; ~ :CU:~lDA'I':C.'l: To ce .~d.2 ajter trencr.es ~e e=cxJcted ar~ forms c:I'e arec"tac, .;ut prier to pourir.g ecnc:'et.;;. [] u~vD!Rr;.=?C!J.".'D ?~~.MJ I;VG.. S~./CP.. :;J.1TE'.9, D8AIltAG2: !'o oe r,-:a:::,"e prier ~o J"'Y':- Ur.g ~rer.cr,ez. [E] UNDERPWOR !'!JJ.'$I:IG -: YE:':.'!A.VICAL: To be maCe ~rier ~o in3~cL~~ion of j1Qor insu~~icn or ~ecKing. Xl POST AND BEAN: To be rr.ade prio!' ~o instaZkticn of rZ,001'' ir'.3uZatiC?t. or deck.iro{i. fK] RO~'IJ;~. ?!.'J~.:E!:.rG. ~~EC":'P!C.~[., ~ .1,f'EC.1- AHIC,J.!.: :;0 ~o"!'i< i3 :;~ ;;c CO:-'2!"~C. until ;r.cs~ :r~vea=~~r.s h=v~ ~€e~ nL~~e zra ~yr?v~~. FI.=E:?LACE: .":->ior;o p kcir.g f=a-:.ng mat;erial.s ara bejare fr=ir.g inspec- tior:. o [Z] ..r;'.'?fi}~I.'Ir;: Must =8 re~...L2:;;ted c.f-:el' approv~l of ro~qh ?l~~ir.g, aZact~:- cal & rr.ecr.ani.:~Z. Al: 1'":)ojir.g braciY'..g 3 chimn;;us~ et;~. ,~..l3: be corrr;:;le;;cd. .'10 ~;r,< is ;;0 be ~on- - cec;'led until this ir.svec=icn r.as 'been rr.adi! end epproT:ed. Your City, Desigr.atcd Job Nwnoao Ie: ~ INSULATION/VAPOP. cARRE!? INSFr::C':'ICN: To be made after aU insul.::ti.?n lX"a rcquired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum beard or walZ covering is applied, ara before any insuktion is concealed. B3J (oS I Dcl!OLITIO~1,r OR ;'.:QV:;: 3UILDIL"~CS :==J Sanita.~d s~~er capped ::t p~op~r~' Zi~e :==J Septic tank p~~<:d and f"':lZad w~th ;r::_eZ ~ Pinc;l, - ~~en a~c~e i~e~s ar~ co.~Zeved ~ and ~nen =~cZ~tton ~s comp~et8 or st7~~- tUl'e ~oved ar~ pr~...;ses cle.::nea u~. Nobila ,~'c"-::as ~ Block.ir.g ar~ Set-~p ~ ?:umbir~ connectians s~er c;rd wa-::er ~ Electr':ccl Connection - Blocki~~, set-~? ~ and ?~umbing connections ~~st te a?proved before request~ng electrical ins?ectio~ ~ Ac~es$C.l.'~i 3u-z..l.;:::."'.q ~ Fi~l - A~t~r =~rc~as, 3k~~~ing~ dec~3, etc. ere ~~?let~d. [K] DRYWALL INSP.:CTIO:V: Tc be "..ade after aU d:I'yo;aZl is in place, but prior to any taping. D AlZ Froj~c~ conditions, auc~ as che ins=aLla~~on ?f street ~~esJ ~:.~Zat~Qp' af :ae required landSCa?ing, otc.,nust be sa"isficd before the 3UI:DI~~ :I~~L ~an =e r~~.l2S;;2d. ::KJ, PItIAL PWXBI.'iG ](]. FI:IAL ,'!E;;;::A.'IICAL [Kl FINAL ZLECRICA[, U @ PINAL 3UILOI;VC: The Final BuiZdir.q Ins;;ection .":'.'Ust oe reaueated ~/;er tr,e :-ir.al ?l:w.binq ~lectricaZJ a:r..d. }1ech.a.r.ic:;.Z :nspeaticnG ~1ava been made ar.d." ::.:;o!'cu.z::.. o location, b07'ld or verticaZs in U.B.C. Section MASONRY: Steel oeamG, grouting accordance ur;th 2415. ;';OODS':'O'l2: Altar instaZlation is ccmpLi!ted. 'ALL NA.'mCL~S AND CLEANOUTS .'1U~T BE .4CC2SSr3!..E, ADJUS,.'!;:.~'T :0 3E gADS it::' :':0 ::::5':' TO ::1':'Y D D CUPB Ii .4PP.9CACH APRON: Afte:, forms ,cre erected but p~;or to pcur':nq concre te.. D SIDEWALK Ii DRIYFWAY: For aU C07'l- creti! pavi~.g wi~h"':n street right- of-I.x.y, to be made af-::er aU exca- vating ccmpLete & form ?XJrk & zuh- base materiaZ in -place. D ?ENCE: When compl~te -- Provide gaces or movabZe' aecvions through P.U.E. o ?::~a of 2 JOB NO.B?;/~:SJ :cr.e: 2.. '- rot Sq. Ftg. ;~ ~f to: ~~er~c~ I - :'~ of' Stories I :'ota! Heich: i - ITopo~ny I I !-:'~:! I'.~-::n I ':'..:::!'':ce I ! ~.::rr==r~ I SQ...:'TC j I i I llPPm~N I 8e. i. , .....r:~e33-jY'~J ~OT.-1.G ~:ALUE Is.D.c. 1 I VC~;J.':) 1.5= BuiZding 2er.r:-~ t State Surcn:zrge Total Cr.a.:oge3 , I':~N I Fi--tures S,IYA. Il?esidential n bath) :,'0. I /1 I I I I I I Scr.i~I"j Sewer , r./c'te:!' Plum/r;,...g Perd t State Surcr.a.rqe T:::ta! C'r~!'oes I -~-'I , ':'.I:.l' IDS .~ ..ea. o. t.a. IN~/EZtend Ci~~its lTemporary Service SEl1V/C::~~~6 1.'iO. I SOL A R '" C C E S S R E Q.- r:c~..J.=anc:J IJr-7'..J.=': ~~~ l.eT ~'r:;:'" Ir:terio1' Corner Panhand!e Cu.l-de-sac x 7aZue , 1 I ~/.:>ac1 I I * I ~2. ClIO I I. .:is I 33.<&.1 * CHARGE I S":#M:AI I I I I s:oo. I . :c'O I ~ <,0 I * CH;J-RG2 1S:.:ac I /~, .. 2s: 00 I. lIP I aI:~ * 24.~~ I I Eleatl"";ca! Per.nt State Suranarce T~taZ ChLrr'C2S , .-.71=-~! I ,'le. , ?:.lrr.:2C~ ETV' S I III I I I I I I E:.::haust Hood 7ent fan iI:,ods "o:;e Pe~;t !33U::zT'..ca .'1ecr.c.nic.::l Permit Statc SUI'ahco-1c ~o~c Z C""'.crry~:: f 2.,CRCAC.=:':.'(~:!'!' -- I " "!J . ~~e~dr";~J 2~C3~t Stor~qe .I~~n.t€r.cr.:!e I Perm-!. t I TotaZ ~~r7es j Curbco.l; I Sidz:,;a V< ! ?q1't~~ I EZec~rica.l [c};el : :>fobi Ze Heme -:'eTA!' ANOU;'lT DUE:' F7E CHARGE ~. 'fi'O I I 10. ~-I /'1,S~1 , j'"SI IS'. ~81 * I I I i I I I I I I * I I I ~I I I I I #7~_ ?:;qe 2 L -CO G~ East South I:lest S-IV , ::ne!'(T1J i I Access. I I I I i I I ]',.J'De I':Jpe/Cor.:n: :'ot :<:zces - :Ji:;.urN . 5etcac,v,s P.:'. ~~;:.._I Caraae lIorth _", liJti"J I 2?':J I/SJ I 3ec>ooms: Sour~e5 .:ieat; ~latq!, .~'qa=ar .'?anqe Fireoic:.ce WoOci:Jt07J8 Fees Building Value & Permit This permit ic granted em the e=r;ress aondition that the sdid. construction shall, in ~Zl respects, aonform to the ardinance adopted by the City of Sprir..qf':.eZd, -:,ncZu.ding the Zonin.g Crd:nance, '!'e~.A.lc.tir:g tha acnstr:(ct";'~n. and use of buildings, and may be 3usper~ed 01' revoked at cr.'d time u;on vio- lation of' any provisions of said Ord"':r.c.nces. I Plan Check, Fee: Gj . (j)() Date Paid: ffiP.\> '~R~ I Reczipt #: ( () (J X ,:~( n ISi~ed:~(~~~ Plumbing Permit No person chall C01"~truct, instalZ, aZter 01' change any ,..~w or e=istir:g plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hole or in part, unless such person is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, ~cept tr~t a person ma'd do pZumbing ~o1'k to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- cant. / Electrical Permit Where State LCLJ requires tr~t the elect1""~cal work be done by an E7..ectncal. Contractor, the electrical p01'tion of this permit shaZZ not be valid until the Zabel.. has been 3igned by the Electrical.. :7ontractor. .-.1'.., Mechanical PermH ~~ S--/~-a~ lJa~e I HAVE CAREFULLY E:XANINE:D th.e completed c:pplication jor permit, c::r~ do hereby certify that all information hereon is true a"'~ aor!'8ct, ar~ I further certif~ that any ara all work pe1'fo~ed shall be done in acaor- dance with the Ordinances of the City of Springfi.:ld, and tn.: L~~3 of tha State of area;)/'! o2rt.:zinina to the work d.escribed herein, c:.,...d tha~ :YO OCCU- PJ.NCY Wizz ba ma2e of' any' structure withou.t p2rmission of the Buildir:g Di- vision. I further aertify tr~t only contractors and employees who arg in ca~pZiance with ORS ?01.055 will be ;J.sed on this proj~ct .)?nf)o~#J/ ~~/A'~ Da-.;e