HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Signage 1980-11-6 :l~..... ""'_ .....01::: ~ i,NSPECrlo11 LINE 11726- 37 69 ' Job ,;ddress 'liJ 3 9 LA),' 0. /'IV"t~\'\y,:\ oj) I , J I CITY OF SPRINGFIELD 'COMBINATION APPLICATION/PERMIT ENERGY SOURCES: Heat ' \-later Heater , I INFOR11ATION ,liNt. 726-3753 Sq. Ftq. r,1ain ::q. ctg. Access. Sq. Ftg. Other New Add Alter Rep. --Fence Demo Change/Use --Other -- --, d:J. D Legal Description Ranqe Address -D[SIGi~ TEAr1 j Pri mary I I 5t-:t!c:~ral i I ::;;;;;::; 1 ,__,,,",,""J"S (name) , Phone (address) ValUE of Hork: ()() 1,~qS. Builcdnq Permit Info: Describe viork(i.e., Build Single, Family Residence With Attached Garaae) j or.' Crl/YYLQ./1.. C\.. S h.o L.U (l fU) 0 ) ~J~; ~tf~Xtk~C', (lies. no',) (expires) U (phone no.) - , Owner' ,'(\Ou'\ 1: ~ X'\ 0) f\.lF-,. Address D, (1 ,P")())( AI) l 0 q F) l X\-Q ru, (CJ J\.J c~G--0 Co~struction L~r ' ~l~JJ ~ One. , , Phone -C-. CJ! I . ,.:{" ~i;"~ ~~ {... c2:1eral b.l f';~ (address) P. (), eO'l-~f)((J9 (1 ics.. no. ) (expires) (oherne no. ) (name) n~ o~"iu~ It. Piumbjnc J I Electrical t \I~C 1": ~ n i [21 .~ ~ 'f :1 ~. " i\' . ~'t.~ 'I , I; (: .. ,",,; 1 I I rHIl.RGr j . I, i I I :.f. Plurm I tlG I ~LEC:RIC.~L MECI-iAN I CJl,L <f ,~ .;;.:)' i Each singiefixture ] Residence of, .1 FEr:: i, i CHARGE j NO. 1 '~FF ~lv _ ' Ft~ i CHr\RGE NO. SQ. FT. furnace/burner to BTlI's .' iRelocated buildind, , i (nel'l fi x, additior;a]) I ' I ; S.F., Residence ! (1 bath) , .1 Duplex (1 bath) each IAdditional bath " I \-later service I,se\~er I . ,Storm Se'.'/er New circuits ~lts, or extensions Floor fu rnace ,and vent ' i! 'i I I I I SERVICES Recessed'wall ! SDace heater and w'nt,it: ISSUANCE OF COMM./IND. FEEDERS' Install/alter/relocate distrib. fpeders' ApDliance vent sepa ra te I Stationary evap, ; cooler ' I V~nt fan: wi th s,i no 1 e, duct Vent system apart heatino or A.Co Mechanical exhaust hood and duct Wood stove/heater Temporary Construction Change in existing residence multifamily, comm. or , Industrial I Of amps, Of . I amps.1 I r TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES TOTAL CHARGES ,I,JHERE STATE, L'\\{ REQUIRES that tile Electrical \10rkbe done by an Electrical Contractor, the electrical portion of{~hi's permit ,shall not be vali:J until the label has been signed by an Electrical Supervisor and returned to the Building Division;'.; I HAVE CAREFULLY EXiVlINED the completed appl ication for permit, and do hereby certify tha~ all information her,eon<l;~ tr~~'", and correct. and I further certify that any and all \'iork oerformed shall be done in accordance with the Ordinances of the City of Soringfield and the Laws of the State of Oregon oertaining to ,the work described herein, and that rlO, OCCUPAIKY will;be made .of anY,st~uc~ure \'iithout the permission of theBuildi,ng Division. I further certify that my registration l'lith the,8ulJder's::", " Board lS,1n Tull force and effect as required byORS 701.055, that if exemot the basis for exemption is noted hereon,;and that: ::,::, ::::::t::::::~td ~m:'::,~ "hm .~:m: '.:~" "i th :::,,:::,:€:Z7 fl'~/ / o",j/k/~fJ' I. ~ FOR OFFICE USE /)r'!L Y\. t,,/:,i; ,~' 'I '~ '" I d ' l , " I',' .1 ~,' ".t ,\ . '"1 ~ ;i ,~:;~ ,:~.,)y,", ' ->:,,:j ,}: -: -I' Jb\~-):~., ~'t}',':;' t';.:':"'~ ~:}?1.~W'. Zone Fire,Zone Tyoe/.Const. Bedrooms Units Occy Load Occy Group So.' Ftg. r1ain Sq. Ftg. Access Sq. Ftg. Other x vaiue Value' x Flood Plain Stori es x Value TOTAL VALUATION BUILDING PER~HT Charges and , Surcharges I Plan Ck. __~_ ___ _~ _ __ 65%/Bldo , Plan ck, 30%/Blda C.omm/!nd Per Fee Res Per Fee Syste, ms Deve 1, opment I' Charqe tl.5rl ' ---:--, PLur~8ING PERr~IT Charaes and Surcha leges 'Fence I~-- ~J (:~rn, A/C Paving Total Comb, Permit . ~~ !.1 W ~ Dt;mo ELECTRI(;,L PERrin Cha rges and Surcha rges ' " , "" -------.----- 'Sidewalk MECHANICAL PERMIT Charges and , Surchar']es Curb Cut I ' I :",1 TOTAL i ' '.. 1, I ~t~-,-J .------------ . ."- . '.. I. Applicant to furnish A. Job Address B. Legal Description 1. example- Tax Lot 100, Lane County Map' Refer 17 03 43 i 2. example- Lot I. Block 3, 2nd Additidn to Springfield Estates C. Name, etc. of owner and,construction lender D. Energy Sources, ' , 1. example- heat/~lectrical ceilin%r forced 2. example- waterheater/electrical!orsolar ,E, Square footage or valuation, etc., ' 1; examole- 1250 sq. foot house. 500, sq: foot 2. examole- if new project, check-new ~ if adc '. check add, etc. ' F. Building pennit information: 1. example,~ construct singl~ fa~ily house ,wi4 R-ec' 'd' attacnea gar'age " 1 . 2. example - ,remOdel, existing garage into fami- , j. examol~ - con~ert singl~ family'residence restaurant (cnanae'of use) " ' G. Vaiue of \~ork as defined' in Section 303 (a) of Structural, Specialty Code H. DES I Gii TEAn jl,ND CONTRACTORS To avoid design or construction delays, Buildir Division Staff must be able to contact appropr~' A persons regarding design information or job sit ~ corrections, etc;' , II. Abbrevialea PIGmbing, Mechanical. ~ Eleciricai SCh8 A. EXcept where'blank spaces occur in the descrip1 portion of the:~echan i ca l..a nd E-l ectri ca ISchedL 'the applicant need fill-in only the No. Boxes 2 to the appropriate item(s) to be installed B. Full Plumbihg, Mechanical, and Electrical Schec are available at the Building Division .' L To conserve space on the permit form the 'sq, have been abbreviated ' I 2. If the item(s) to be installed are not cove the abbreviated schedules you should consul full schedules ' C~ ' BUILDING DIVISION:STAFF WILL 'FiLL OUT ALL FEES CHARGES ON'THE SCHEDULES' D. As ,noted on the CAP, the label must electrical contractor for signature supervisor. The general contractor to sign the electrical label. ' III. Applicant to sign and date , Whenever possible, the initial appl ication ,will ,be a worksheet only. Hhere' pos'sible, Building Divisio: will prepa re a type' written copy and return it to t: applicant at the time the actual permit is issued f, . BY, signature. IV, Fees and Charges Plan check fees are due, and 'payabl e 'at the time of ' A' a~plitation. and no plans will be processed until tl ~ fees are paId. All other fees and charges are due q I v. ::;':;;1:: ':,;":,,::'"" " i, ",d I ,~eFi t C;'~ r K' '. ':. J--" ............. -.;;........_."....,.""'_,"'.!!~"~-------...1LUl ~...,~_l~....._,~"'-"'".~ '''~~''''''''-'-~1lI'''' ,.....u.ooa ...... ..~ ..........._"', '"'.~,.-~..lJ.~, .L.!!:II.L'-.~~.~~~~~. ........L.,,~,~..o&I..~J..,;......,.~..'"""'-'..... .1...... 1 PROJECT CONDITIONS TO' BE SATISFIED' BEFO'~E O~CUPANCY.: , I I 11 ~. I , .~I::," . Additional Project Information: I I ~"----~-'''''''-''-''-''''''''.....'''r''''''La,"*II;,........."... d~~~.__"'~'" 1..............,.oILJ _4~'____"'''''''''_ ..._'''''_''''-.....~ ..,."..u,_____~. I.. PLANS REVIEWED BY: name " 1 1 I I ~ , I ~, , ~ ~ ,.c. I1ii ~ g 8 .~ i\l j ~ '" ill I I I , I 4 'I COMBINATION APPUCATION/PERMIl (CAP) , be del;vere by his elec is not auth ~"'~ ~,,~ ,,-;.. ;~Iill:l .';;r;,"'~1 till Kli.., j"III"'IIIIII~,"', ..IlIJL;, PERMIT VALIDATION . CITY"OF --- .~ SP R I N G FIE!. D . , , City Hall , Springfield, Oregon Department of Public' Works OFFICIAL RECEIPT e Date, c:: r::: 1 '1 '';), ' vVJ...l.....Je . , No. B -1/,.r ;" C;.A; ,/.' -;... to 190U FromUr70JrtU1 fB.An~ ~5{ crfl '. '.,' J Address P. O. f~Y c9c(oCf ' l,j~ ,~ ~ , r;1J!r., ~ Received For: ~~ ';'JrA fr ()'~ 9' - (J'" ~ . 'ie'.. . .. e ~LCrn (i! Ill{ u ''i , rl~\ \;0. , ( tin" ! 13. CO ~ ~ ~\ . ..\ ( ", '~";P r '. ') n,,+ 0 i..J:CL....:, r1-. (';) j, D - I " 8.()O / #!!.i., ' ~ e 5~~ ll\14 u 'GccL~;; () C ~'* ~ uXuu). , aR. fY)o ??LJ.OO ~ ~. . -S (n'\ :L! 114 , , u ' , ' .. ~~ .' < @ .... .' r .'j. ". I" I. .~.~"!"':~:-. . ,Amount ;Rdc~;s~d"'ld3;:'@~:~-/:;(;fN!~;;'(~P0<" " .' ,~~":';'~;:,' 0,:r,.,;' ,,' ,>' . ~. , .;;, It:J~ , . "--',.. .. ,f.f~, !','} (e ._. '. AU.THO.RIZEO "SIGNATURE. ;SH~L,TON"TUANrUL'L.'PAI~.T:,~~RS -';~,-!G~~E. OR 97401 ''',:~ I ,,) '.,. ,", ..) . ;i.:~:r~" 58511"8 0) I --1', ,..o.~, ..~".........., .. ~,.~, ',," ' ' ',' , ' , , . ,-' ..-.' , , , .. ...' .f '-. . .' , Permit applicant exempt from registration with the Bu,i1derls Boar.d because: ......~ ...-..,-:......,...l.'_~""""' "1,:'_ signature, -. ".' . " ;. ""}~'" 1 l '. , < '.J ~'':;~~l _...l.w~"",~' """~'_;""--. . "L _ __-'II.'~ '_"___-'j ,. :.~~ '~;:ft ';l' . .'~ t' :r,' t...... ~ ~ c~' i~' ", di1~te -:lBIICliII' _ ~~ Wf.'J. ,< -- ._--<- J-.-...- ~ .=~_... 1 _~