HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-8-27 .. RESIDE.IAL.. APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street SpringfieZd, Oregon 97477 BuiZding Division 726-3753 Job Location: (rl S 4 ( a -rJo /Yl n,("J 1 r-; 0 5~!o q. ,3 T= Lot # toe; 00 ()i/)/a~ IVl FlY'L L//,C;t/ (b~ftzMdJ ABGeS30rZ Nap # Subdivision: Otmer: Adcb>ess: Ci DJ : n I I I Npu Addi tien Remodel .'1ob-:.le Heme g/J7~r~ Data of Applicatien Phone: Zip: ,.... ece:;?t;; B 6~ tf?,/l_"2y , , ~ /JncU~rJ~ ~flr~~~ Value AciVles~ \..:.::;n"!:rc.c-;o:rs Genera l PiU71binq :::lectrical I J I ,,/ I:ecr.ar.ic,zl C "'/)/J'l1<~ ConstT"..lction Louier ~. Siqr.ed: Date: CC/ f-~ 7-f5h 1.;7...SC. .~ i:=DiT'[JS !:'.~O":; I _ cf 4 4/ -=of ~ j;f#7/) I~ . - d != is the responGibility of the permit hoLder to see that all inGpections are.made at the proper time, that each ~ess is re~~~~:~ from the street, and that the permit card is located at the frent of the propert'd. ':;u~?di,'9 Divi::io",- approved plan s~jl__per.:.....~" """", ~.- Eu~lding ::::ir;;; at all times. ,=-::CC:,::YiPE FO!? INS?:::C7'IOll ?:::,nJE'Sr:CALL 726-3769 (r rder) state your City desigr..:;:.r;ed Joe nlo:;oer, <70b ai6>ess, ~~.:;~ of ir:3pec-:icr; ~~r:~:J~:;ca ,::":c u,,,:en you ~u:n"",/" De ~y _far . ~on, Contractcr's or Uw71e:"s r'..cme end ;;r;or:~ J7.UlnDCr'. ..:::eques-:.s recet.::e:: j;t3~"'c!"g 7: D~ c::: '-'~~~ D2 maae 'the same aay, reaues'ts mc:de c:jt;:r 7:DO am will b::J made the n=t :)orkin~ =:;, ~e~~i~pd Ir.svqcticns ] (':-7'''' T',,,,'C<,,,~~r),,. "'0 he maa'e .........- -- -.....- --....._..:. ;.. .L _ excavation, but prier te set forme. UllDE:SSLAB PWIBI!lG. ELE:CTRIC,iL & i'..SCf!);/IC/"L: To De made before a.ny work is .:lovered. _ _ "'-., '",'.,.,., .. .-. , FDOT,UlG !! FOUNDATION: TcJ>be made afte;' trencnes are excavated and form'~ are erected, but prior 'to pou~~r~ cencret::J. after up of ] J ] U!W'E:RGHOUHD ?::'U!J2I!lG, SE'ffE',"? r'i,~TE'H, DRAIIlAC:::: To be ma:le prior to fil- ling trencnes. ] U!!DERFLOOR PLm~ING & MECHANICAL: To be mace Drior to installation of 11001' insul~tion or decking. POST AI/D BEAM: To be made prior to installarien of floor insulation or deckinq. ] ROUG!! ?LU?;'BING. ELECT!?"CAL e MECH- AiJICAL: lio :.JoY'k is to bc covered ur.til these inspectior:s have beer. made and approved. FIREPLACE: Prior to placir.g facing materials and before framing inspec- tion. ] FRA.'1INC: Must be requested after approval of rough plwr.bing, electri- cal & meciumica'L. All mofing bracing & chimneYG, et.:l. ~..lst be . completed. lIo work iG to be con- , cec.led until thiG inspection has " 'been made and approved. ] Your City DeGigr~ted Job Number Is: D .~ Ii,'SULATION/VAPO.9 P"jFiHI:::R I,','S?I:;CTIC:.': To be made after all insulation ~~' reauired vapor barriers are in place but before any lath, gypsum beard 01' wall covering is avplied, ar~ before any in3uZation is concealeda --- -' ~ ~.~ . ~ -..... --- DR':'f/AtL I:.'SPE:CTIO!o': Te be made afur aU arlfwaZZ is in Dlace, but prior to' any taping.' R(o 0 {O [)J :JE'.lOLITIO:'/ o.=: ;',:O!i~~ B[}ILD~:::'S o o D MASONRY: Steel bearn3~ grouting accordance LJith 24lS. WOODSTG:rE: After installation is cempleted. ~ Sani=arJ s~~er capped =t p~op~rt? li"'-e :==J Septic tank p~~~a ~~ filled ~~th :-r'....~..., , location, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Section I Pin.c.z, - rih.en :~'::~e ite"1s are cc::rpletci ~ a~a wnen ~e~ct~t~or. is co,~ie:e or st~~~- &u~e ~oved and ?r~mises cleaned up. Mobile Hemes ~ ~ ~ Blocking and Set-up Plumbing connections s~e:r c:r.:i L..\:::er D CURB & APPROACH A?".'ON: After> forms al'e erected but pr1.-or to pauri,ng .."!o=rete. Electrical Connection - Blockir~, set-u:; and plumbing cennections ~~st b~ apP~OV8!. , before requesting elec=rical inspectio~ I I I I D SIDEr/ALK r, DRIVEfiAY: For all con- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating complete & fo1"'7l work & ,sub- base material in place. ~ Accessor::i Builc.-:.ng "~ Fi~l - After p~rcr.es, skirting, decks, etc. are camplet~d. D !"ENCE: h'hen comDl,;te -- Provide gates or movable" sections through P.U.E. D All Froject conditions, Guch as the installation of s=reet trees, co.~letion of the required landscapir.g, etc., must be satisfied beJore the BUILDiNC FIllAL can be r8questcd., ] FINAL PLUNBIllG ~ FIliAL MECHANICAL ] FINAL ELECTRICAL ] n , '---' FINAL BUILDING: The' Final, BuiZding Inspection must be requested after the Final Plwr.bir~ ~lectpicaZ~ ~Lt Meaha~ipal Inspectionn'hAva. been ~ade and.app~ov~da- D "ALL UANHCLES AND. CLEANOUTS nUST BE ACCESEIBLE:, ADJUS7'!!2.'/'!' TO BE 1~1DE I.T NO C':J5T TO CI'!'Y ?a;:e 1 of 2 JOB NO. ~[tf[)(oC/-I- SOLAR AC"'ESSREQ.- Zone: I Oc:cuvanc:u GrOtt. L-C()G~ '\ ! TiipeICor.st: Beez.oor.:s: Lot Sq. Ftg. : of Zot Coverag~ ,i! of Stones :'otal. Height Topography !TE::.f SQ. FTC .'.Iain :;cr.aae Ca1'":Jcrt Ac:c:essorl1 S.D.C. TOTAL VALUE (ve~uc) 1.5 x Buil.ding Permit State Sur'c:narge Total. Charges ~';'2:'-! NO, :'i=r-..a>es -esidential. (1 bath) 'crr.i t:l1"J Sewer I . \ ":cteY' Plu.~b:.r.g Perr.:it State Sur'c:haI'(]e Tcta~ Charaes "-:::... 1:.'0. i I I I I :es. Sa. ftc. ,";;;w/Extend Circ:-'...I.i ts '=crary Servic:e I El.ectric:al. Permit State Sur'cha:rae Total Cr.a:rces 7'";'Q .. ':aor..:we ETU' S 'diaust Hood em~ Fan "!kj p~ Pe!'71rZ-t Issuanc:e Mecnanic::::l. Permi t State Sur'c:harae Total. Charaes -- ENCROACHMENT ;c-..u.i tv Deposi t :oraqe .~intenan.:!e ,romit Total C"naraes U"b=t :deLJaZk 'nce :eatriaaZ Label. :biZe Home JTALANOU.'lT DUE:- LOT TYPE I Lot Fac:es - Interior I Setbaaks I P.L. House I Caraqe Aaaess. Corner INorth Panhandl.e lEast I Cul.-de-saa South I West I FEE x Value I I I I * I I I I * I I I I I I I I "--I * I I I he. r-:~ r; I I I I CliAP.GE .....:;,r._'~-~ I * ~';;~=::; ~ ~ -, ":c: I , I I I /~5 .~'O I ,(r?DI' (5'. bul I I I I j I I I I I I I (5 .~l) I Ener(lu Souraes I Heat I I I I I Tur>e Wate-r Heater Hanpe Fircplac:c Wcoa:;toz;e -- Fees Building Value & Permit This permit iG granted on the express aondition that the sdid,aonGtruction shaZZ. in aZZ respec:ts, aonform ,to the Ordinanae adopted by the City of Springfiel.d, inaZuding the Zoning Ordinanae. reguleting the aonstruction and UGe of buil.dings. and may be sUGpended 01' revoked at any time upon vic- Zation,of any provisions of said Ordinanaes. Plan Cheak Fee: Date Paid: Readpt #: I Signed: Plumbing Perrrdt No pereon DhalZ aonstruct. instalZ. aZter or ahange any new 01' e=isting plumbing or drainage syste~ in ~hol.e or in part. unless suah person is the. legal possessor of a valid plumber's Ziaense, except that a pe:oson ma:! do" plumbing work to property which is owned, leased or operated by the appli- c:an t . Electrical Perm it rrnere State Law requires th~t the eleatriaal worK be done by an ~lectrical Contraator, the electrical portion of this permit shall r.ot ce valid u,:til i the ~el has been signed by the Elec:r.rical Con"rac"or. ""<7 ....- - - . .- - JV\echanical Permtt Plan Examiner uar;e I HAVE CAREFULLY EXAMINED the aompleted appl.iaation for permit, and do hereby aertify that al.l. info:omation hereon is true and aorreat, and I further aertify that any ar~ al.l work performed shall. be done i~ n~cor- danae with the Ordinanaes of the City of Springfield. and th~ L~~s of the * State of Oregon p~rtaining to the work desaribcd herein, end t;~t NO OCCV- PANCY will. be made of any struature without permission of the BuiZding Di- vision. I further certif~ that only aontractors ~:d e~ployees who are in aompl.ianae with ORS 701.05~ wil.l. be used on this proj$at I I f I I, ~.~... Signed f~d7-r;{h Date