HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Mechanical 1986-8-21 U RESiDArIALDD APPLICATION/PERMIT 225 North 5th Street Springfield, Oregon 97477 Building Division 726-3753 SPRINGFIELD ... ~. .! ob Loaation: tl~Cf S, ryO'1ii IS () ~Od ~./O D C{30 I (l~1L~W '~tly t!(1h~QUV~ f13?) S 1 70\4:\ ,~ :=~u 1 L{ 1- Y l \ 0 Ascesaol'S Map # Subdivision: Ol.mel': Address: Ci ty : Np'J Addi tien Rerlodel I :fobi Ze Homa ~-Ll .... fb Date of Applieaticn :..;onrrc.:::-r;ors Genel'aZ PLwnbinq :::leetl'ieal l-!eehar:ie.:Z ,A.J~,^-- T= Lot # Zip: ~ribe Il'0rk: . . .~r~ Value 11 l ~DO Aci1i.V1ess Const~~ction L~ndel' Fa4- SuJ!~ (IJYLf' / (,p02g ",eee::Jt ;,: ?-3 . t?&9;.L~ 'f . . ~(W. , ~. / ~JJ ~O/C Sigr.ed: Date: f'C- - <;{ -'2..--( ~ fcJ Li4..-SC. .::: E::::r;ircs 2:-:or:c .:2/ J 1/ 6ff6 -105 b I I:; is the. l'espon[;ibility of the permit holder to see that aU in[;peetions aPe made at -:;he pl'opel' tim<::, that <:::::.eh .:;dd:ress is l'e"''':''o,:" from the stl'eet, and that the permi t eaPd is loeated at the fl'ont of the property. '3uiZdi~1fJ Divieior: approved plan sh::.Zl remain or: thO!. Buiidin? ::;it::: at aU times. ?}!OC::~i/PE FOR I:",rS?~CTIO!l RE'QUEST.:CALL 726-3769 (Yiccorder) state your City design:1red Jot: n~ber, ,-7ob ad.C:rcss, t;~-pe of ~r:3pe~-;icn ~2~uDs:ca a~a u.~en you ~iZZ be ~eaay for i~spcction~ Contractors or Ow~ers nc~e c~d ~r~r.e nu~cr_ 2eques~s rece~~e~ cefcre ?:DD ~ :iil be made the same day, reouests made aft~r 7:DO am w~ll b~ made the next ~orkir~ ~~. ~eO".A.i"'p',i Tr..SDt?ct1:Cr.8 ] SI?E I:'l~:-~':':IJ_V.- To be made after excav~tiDn, but prior to set up of forms. UllDESSLAB ?LL'!-.fBIIIG. ELECTPIC/iL & J"..'ECf!.~:}IC;"L: To be maae before any work is covered. ] J FOOTING!! FOUND,1TICN: To be made afte;~ J;l'enenes are excavated and form': are erected, but prior to pour~r~ eenereto!'. ij!.'DE:RG."!OU';'D ?!"U!,f!3ING, SErE."', e/,1TEH, DRAIllACE: To be made prior to fi Z- Zir.g J;renehes. ] ] UNDERFLOOR PW!fBINC & MECHANICAL: To be made prier to instailation' of f1001' insulation Ol' deeking. POST AND BEAM: To be made prior to instaZiatien of flool' ins~lation 01' deckinq . ] ROUGH ?LU!;'BIl.'G. ELECT!?ICAL (J MECH- ANICAL: No WOl'!: is to be aovered ur.til these inspeetior-s have beer: made and approved. ] FI.oEPLACE: Prior to plaeir.g faeing materials and befol'e framing inspee- tior:. ] ] FPAHINC: Must be reque:;ted after approv~l of l'ough plumbing, eleetri- aal & mechanical. AU roofing bl'aaing & chimneys, etc. &~st be ,completed. flo wOl'k i[; to be aan- " aecZed until thi[; inspec;tion has " 'been made and approved. /\. ~.'...' \ - \- \ Your City De[;igr~ted Job Number I[;: D nJSULATIONIV.~PO.=r FARRIER I,'ISPECTIC,'!: To be made after aZZ insui~tion ~~ required vapor bar1'iers are in plaee but before any lath, gypsum beard or wlZ covering is applied, and befol'e any insuiation is eoncealed. .. DRYI,'ALL INSPECTION: Te be made after all drywail is in place, but prior to any taping. ~Os-<6' 9 / ;)E.',.~OL1TIO~'.l c.~ ~1.X)V':'':::: E:';.1.LD~:.:~S ~ SanitaPY se'.Jel' :)apped :::.t p~op;;:rt:t' line ~ Septie tank p~~;;d ~~ fill~d with gr~~~Z " I Pind - m18n abcve ite7ns are ec-~lete.i ~ a~d when demcZition is ca~iete or s=~~~- tu:re moved and pl'~ses cie~nei up. 'Nobile Hcmes ~ ~ Bloaking .~ Plumbing ~ Eleetrieal Conr:eation - BZoekirJ, set-u~ ~ and plumbing eonr:eations nr~st =~ appl'ova~ before requesting eZec=rieal inspee~io~ o O MASONRY: Steel beam3~ groutin.g accordanae LJith 241S. ~. WOODSTOVE: After aerrrpZetcd:--,. ) '\1 loeation, bond or verticals in U.B.C. Seation installation is and S~t-up connections s<:wel' ar.d lJa-:;e:r D CURB & APPROACH AP."!ON: After forms aPe arected but prior to pouring concrete. ~ Aaeesso~:J' Building I Final - J1ft<:r p:Jrcr.es, skirting, decks, ~ etc. are aomple-:;~d. O' '.AU pro,jeet aonditions, :;ua.'; as the 1',nstaZZation of street trees, eo~letion of the, required landsaaping, ete., must be satisfied before the BUILDINC FINAL ean be l'aquest::d. ] FINAL PLUNBIl/G r FIl/AL UE(;HANICAL J FINAL ELECTRICAL ] f D SIDEWALK & DRIVEr-lAY: For all aon- crete paving within street right- of-way, to be made after all exca- vating aompZete & form work &' sub- base material in place. o , /: -. FINAL BUILDING: The"FinaZ BuiZding Inspection must, bel'eque:;ted after the PinaZ PZumbir..g Eleatl'ical~ and Meahanical Inspeationa have been made and apPl'ovad. ,.,\ t o PENCE: h~er: aompl<::te ~- Provide gates or movable seatiens through P.U.E. "ALL UANHOLES AND CLEANOUTS HUST BE ACCESSIBLE,' ADJUST!!::.'/T TO BE n1DE t.T NO fC'ST TO CI':'Y I ,,~~~ 1 of 2 o JOB NO. gbD5?c; SOL A RAe (" C S S R 'E Q.- 201'tl? : OccupanclJ Grou:?, LOT TYPE Lot Sq.Ftg. : ~f lot C~erag~ · of Stories :'otal Height TopogriZ?hy lTE".J SQ. FTC ',fain C-crace Car:Jcrt o. 'lor.~ .lccessorli TOTAL 'VALUE S.D.C. I vc::~uc) 1.5 :r Building Permit "" state SUI'charge Tota.l Charrges _~i.::".a'es ~esidential (], bath) , ,O=itap'! Sewer .'':cter Pl~:;ir.g Perr.:i t State SUI'cr.a:rge T....~r 1 C;r.:::.~aes ;", ~~s. Sa. f-;D. ,;:w/E:rter.d CirC".d ts .~~rary S~rvice Ele~tricai .Permit State SUI'~harae TotaZ Ci-'..arr:es "7'7" '/':C. :a'r...:!ce PTU' S =haust Hood "ent Fan :;odsto;;e Permit Issuance Me::nanic:::.l. Permit State SUI'chcrae Total Ch.araeG -- ZilCROACHf.!ENT O~..Ir-': tu Dzposi t :oraae :in tenan.:!F: :rmit Total C'naraes u-bC'Ut :dewalk 'n~e ect1"ical. Label :bile Home ~TAL AMOUNT DUE:' NO. ,,'v. i - -- I I .1 , I \ FEE Interio1" Corne1" Panhandle Cul-de-sac x Valuc I CHARC::: I I I j I -=] , I , '.."::;'...,;.;",,,:,. /5. 00 - &D ( 5-fo1J I I I . -~_. I I I I I I ! KfoO T:,pe/Cor.st: . ] I j I I I I I I T.i..(~~ L - C 0 C"'t I P.L. INorth lEast ISoz.;th IWest Setbacks I House I Caraae I I I I I I I Access. I I I J Be:::rooms: EnernOl Sources Heat Water Heatr!!" Hanc;e FircD lace Wcoa::tove Lot Faces -' Fees ,'- \ Building Value & Permit I I , i · J I I ,. J This permit is granted on the exp1"ess condition that the said_construction shall, in all 1"espccts, conform to the Ordinance adopted by the City of Springfield, incZuding the Zoning Cl'dinance, 1"egulating the ccnstru~ticn and use of buildings, and may be suspended or revoked at ar:y time upor. vic- lation of any p1"Ovisio,ns of. said Ordinances. ') , I Plan Check Fee: Date Paid: j"-, l'Recdpt #: I ( . I Signed: Plumbing Perrrdt No person shall construct, instalZ, aZter or change any new or e=istir-g plumbing or drainage syste~ in whole or in part, unless such pe!"son is the legal possessor of a valid plumber's license, except tr~t a pe~son ma! de" plumbing work to property which is ow~ed, leased or operated by the a;pZi- cant. Electrical Permit h~ere State Law reauires tr~t the electrical worK be done cy an EZe~tri~aZ Conrractor, the eZ.~ctricaZ. 'Dortior: of this verrnit shaZZ. r:o"C be ""'-4............ u}:-:iZ j the label)nas been signed :;y the Elecrroicaz' :7on7:1"'::C7:01'. I · i j. rV\echanical Permit .,....~..... I '" . Plan i::xam'l.ner iJate I HAVE CAREFULLY EXA~INED the completed application for permit, and do hereby certify that all info~ation hereon is true ar.d c01"rcct, and I further certify that any arA all work performed shall be done {~ nc~or- dance ~th the Ordinances of the City of Springfield, and the L~~s of the State of Oreg~n pertaining to the work described herein, erA t;~t NO OCC~- PJ.NCY will be made of any structure without p3rmission of the Building Di- vision. ~ further certifij that o':tly contractors and e:l1pl;:;yees who are in co~pliance with CRS 701.05S will be used on this project ~f)KMAf},~/ _ ',,- ,/ ':;-2f-g-6 Da.te