HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 02 Proposed Format and Process for City Manager Evaluation AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/22/2016 Meeting Type: Work Session Staff Contact/Dept.: Greta Utecht/Human Resources Staff Phone No: 541-726-3787 Estimated Time: 20 minutes S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: PROPOSED FORMAT AND PROCESS FOR CITY MANAGER EVALUATION ACTION REQUESTED: Review Proposed Format and Provide Input Regarding City Manager Evaluation Process ISSUE STATEMENT: The City Manager’s evaluation is due. Several Councilors and the Mayor have indicated dissatisfaction with the form used in past years. Staff proposes that the attached form be used this year once the Council has had an opportunity to review and edit it. ATTACHMENTS: 1. City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: The City Manager’s evaluation is due and staff proposes that the attached form be used by Council and the Mayor this year. It does not require raters to write long narrative review statements, but does provide for individual comments should the rater wish to provide them. It attempts to address most if not all dimensions of a City Manager’s responsibilities. However, there are additional spaces on the form in order that Council might add any additional indicators they believe are missing. After review and discussion of the form itself, and assuming Council is supportive of its use, staff will finalize it and redistribute it to Council and Mayor, who will have 4 weeks to complete it. Upon receiving all completed evaluation forms from Council, the Human Resources director will tabulate the scores and summarize all comments on one master document. In the meantime, the City Manager will complete his own self-evaluation, using the form and providing a narrative statement in response to Question 1 on page 6 of the form. In an executive session on April 18, the City Council and Mayor will discuss the City Manager’s performance. On that same evening in regular session, the Human Resources manager will present information regarding city manager compensation to the Mayor and Council for their deliberation. Attachment 1 Performance Evaluation for City Manager Gino Grimaldi Rating Period: Performance Standard Rating Value Exceeds Expectation EE 1 Fully Effective FE 2 Developing DEV 3 Needs Improvement NI 4 No Opinion/Not Observed NO NA The standard evaluation form rates the City Manager performance at four levels defined as follows: Exceeds Expectations: Employee work performance exceeds normal expectations of the position. Fully Effective: Employee has achieved full competence in all critical measures of work performance and overall contribution is entirely satisfactory. Developing: Employee has not yet achieved full effectiveness but is in a training or development mode AND the rate of growth is proceeding at a satisfactory rate. Needs Improvement: Employee has had adequate time, training, and the opportunity to achieve the fully effective level but work performance in one or more areas is below the level of full competence and effectiveness.* No Opinion/Not Observed: Evaluator has no opinion and/or knowledge in this area. *NOTE: If a Needs Improvement rating is given in any category, please explain in the comments section at end of form and provide suggestions for future improvement. City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 Page 1 of 6 Attachment 1 Element A: City Council Goals/Objectives Indicators Rating 1. Provides the City Council with clear report of progress on approved Council goals 2. Effectively implements policies and programs approved by City Council 3. 4. Element B: Organizational Management Indicators Rating 1. Does the Manager facilitate an on-going leadership partnership between elected officials and Department Heads? 2. Does the Manager provide effective communications to keep the Council informed regarding agenda items, participation in community events, meetings with staff and public, progress on administrative projects, and other anticipated issues that may concern the Council? 3. Does the Manager take a long-term view and initiate and manage organizational change for the future; build the vision with others; spot opportunities to move the organization toward the vision? 4. Does the Manager evaluate City organization, operations and programs, and explore new methods for conducting city business and enhancing city effectiveness? 5. Does the Manager actively promote, support, and champion efforts to involve mid-level managers in city management issues? 6. Does the Manager foster an environment that promotes an expectation of high work performance standards throughout the organization? 7. Element C: Financial Management Indicators Rating 1. Does the Manager develop financial plans that allow City Council to anticipate and respond to changes in the City’s finances? 2. Do the budgets developed by the Manager reflect Council priorities? 3. Does the Manager ensure that the City budget is based on a sustainable service and funding strategy so that ongoing expenses are supported by ongoing revenue? 4. Does the Manager control expenditures in accordance with approved budgets? 5. Does the Manager ensure that City financial matters are clear and available to the public? 6. 7. City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 Page 2 of 6 Attachment 1 Element D: Department Operations Indicators Rating 1. Is the Finance Department effective and meeting community needs? 2. Is the Development & Public Works Department effective and meeting community needs 3. Is the Fire Department effective and meeting community needs? 4. Is the City Manager’s Office effective and meeting community needs? 5. Is the Library effective and meeting community needs? 6. Is the Information Technology Department effective and meeting organizational and community needs? 7. Is the Police Department effective and meeting community needs? 8. Is the Human Resources Department effective and meeting organizational and community needs? Element E: Interpersonal Communications Indicators Rating 1. Communication: Ensures both oral and written communication is clear, concise, and articulate. 2. Initiative: Proposes, when appropriate, ideas that could represent new or different ways to advance Council, department, staff, or management objectives. 3. Judgment: Exercises good judgment in fiscal, personnel, and other matters of public concern. 4. Fairness and Impartiality: Deals with the Council, Department Heads, and staff in a fair and impartial manner. 5. Creativity: Demonstrates a willingness to explore new ways to leverage existing and potential assets. 6. Professional Development: Seeks and undertakes professional development opportunities that could enhance efficiency, effectiveness, and creativity in areas that would benefit the city. 7. Professional Leadership: Seeks roles in local and regional organizations. 8. Ethics and Morals: Exhibits high standards of personal moral and ethical behavior. 9. 10. City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 Page 3 of 6 Attachment 1 Element F: External Stakeholder Relations Indicators Rating 1. Builds and maintains active partnerships with local, regional, state, and federal government jurisdictions and agencies. 2. Builds and maintains active partnerships with non-profit and non- governmental organizations. 3. Builds and maintains active partnerships with private enterprise. 4. Builds and maintains relationships with members of boards and commissions. 5. Ensures strategic pursuit of financial resources (grants) from other agencies, including proactive notice to Council of opportunities that may require re-prioritization of goals. 6. Contributes to good government through regular participation in local, regional, and state committees and organizations. 7. Lobbies effectively with legislators and state agencies regarding city programs and projects. 8. 9. Element G: Foresight/Vision Indicators Ratinq 1. Maintains the long-term view for the city in national, state, county, and local affairs. 2. Communicates and interacts productively with governmental entities at local, state, and national levels. 3. 4. City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 Page 4 of 6 Attachment 1 Please provide explanation of any NI ratings by referring to performance indicator’s number. (Example: D8) Overall Comments: City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 Page 5 of 6 Attachment 1 Date CITY MANAGER’S SELF-EVALUATION 1. Employee’s overall self-evaluation of work performance: 2. Development plans and areas targeted for improved work performance: 3. Recommended major goals and objectives for next year: 4. How can your Mayor and/or City Council assist in your job success and enjoyment? 5. Additional Comments: Employee Signature ________________________________ Date Rater’s comments on employment input form: Rater’s Signature_______________________________________ City Manager Evaluation Form 2016 Page 6 of 6