HomeMy WebLinkAboutPermit Electrical 2007-11-6 November 6, 2007 Charles Salamone 3310 Strathmore Place Eugene, Oregon 97405 I I ! Dear Mr. Salamone: 225 FIFTH STREET SPRINGFIELD, OR 97477 (541) 726-3753 FAX (541) 726-3689 www.ci.springfield.or.us Thank you for your response to my letter regarding your electrical permit for your heaters being installed at 94 V Street, Springfield, Oregon. Your letter indicated the units have been installed for sometime a~d that there"was confusion regarding other permits that are also currently active at this location. It is easy to understand how confusing itcouid be to call in a wrong job number when you have more than one'open permit dhthe'same structure. I understand from your letter that after November 7, 2007, you and your renters will be available for an inspector to stop by to perforJn an inspection on the heaters. Please call our inspection line at 726-3769 by November 20, 2007 to perform an inspection on the heat~rs Gob number com2007 -00521).. This will complete the requirements for this specific job number.. ; i If you have any questions, or if I may be of any assistance,please feel free to phone me at 726-3790. Sincerely, b Lisa Hopper Community Services Building Safety ~BY: c ~ <<4" ("5 So ( Cl,-,,<O-r-e ~!:10, Sf/,'qf~vY?d/~ . ,/; () CJ-.e/~.e 0 ~ ~ tYG S ' 5Lfl '3Y3 ~~27 of' q ~ 4 G G ( 7 (df RECEI\TED' ~ neT 3 0 2007 , l. . f.:;. I '-SC1 \/1bp f~/, _ ' . " . - - Ir~ Lul/;A'",,) I~;<;" t/ldl-~ h C/-eC(ues-l- Ct vi ey f-VC;/O"l OV1 4. P ~ru..; f f.s (",'5/:'/ L C, eatevs o ""\ II Do <A-, S 0'-1 0 '-< e cyd,€ 6-fJ I;c.e do 1:/"1' I C) L<I Vf o;-f- cUf T Cj'l. V ') 1;. Tt..; s IfJ et/ fA, if- Lv ~s ~ I, ~4 D <1+ 1'1. H '" "j I"'" ;'" 'J to '1 Cl..... eJ 'ec f,/ ie,'c, _ reo"" -f.-- 4 cia, J. C( 11 01. Lv Z 0 14 e", o-f, -c! ff.. e tvo r fr. /Fe> ~ G 6'-<., .. 1/ e"SD <-, t.v "'- d, d lfl ({- 'See?u i-f- f'haf re" I&tS/ec:4'o'-1 LvCt.s Scl,ejo.(~. _ t "",<€c{e~~ '" (ef~C/ t.ro"-<, h,e c ; /1 tJ f ,)fJ(/~A. 5? ~ e fj t:; t.... 'V W e~...Jts C( '7 e> . Co v + ... g b (.) c:/+I- i f co VI G "'./ VI J c< .,.., '" <J fJ-e.-- fA, ; f 0 ~ Ie, I '--, eo( !JJ P1f t). '-1 c) f~{V <:: / eo!{/' ic {O<A do r ~"J ok ...~ Lv o~ ~ q + f-C, -e- du fiJ Ie }f. W!....(l-A I t/ec<f{;.~ f-~&j- f-(.., I 'e~ W C< S u v-c:J ,:'" 51 ~ -e +-0 tj ""i... CO <> to. J L<.J (fit t ~ ~ ,.... ~ ~ "J fJ eel, 0 VI () + -Kr ~ w or h f./ c.-v<- f- L. .&! vO (J.r CA ;! l /\ ~ e... c;. fJ 1/ ,. 1. 9 I Lv ct) I 'e...Q.V ( '''-c /-0.-- C( iou') ( ~ 7 ~$,s;o t if' ( 'to . h -r fA. '" ( ( q,.-,) C< '" J C <.> j d.. ~ -I- "'-if tr 0"'9'P K-e l ~7 h ~Cl-,tJ'\A wit tx ~ ~ C ll-W 'i '-? J vt. <--f /-'f!/l'-f-V~ Ie, ,r r . 7 ' · Q...... ~ I ""' + ,le . / 'p ;C'f' tD e)( va 4 ~ f-Cc.~ "t. 0.-- UI/'-7 2~ c g .. I '€q lJV()1 ~4SI--o fJ 1-6 ~ f!rQ C4-r/J:? d-f ?-f. Ol'S soc)~ OtS r ve.f-JJ'I/).e.J. fUdVU ~e.(1 t (~ !JJ 6t J.-, VV\ '1 1---<' 0/1 of' "" -4 ~ fA. <.>e. C;; 0 "1 e /tV- ' C{ Co u t;41", . 0 ~ Lv e ec (, <; ~ It" I;' d.... "( 'l -.J C{y- .e cr- e.l0" '-'1/"'>'1 f h -e / I- ft c) -r !lJ () {/ (itz--e Lv c)r/ k lJ ~ S dJJ y 19 1tJ~~ i/uJ 0 Ct --.0.( ft.",,,.., ., s tA 0 I (~ e C( to (/f'f i <:;~) vf'. 1 4 OIP e.- +--o . Cj.QJ -f-{. -e I :., j f{J c~/-vr; I t/I ~ '" v" C{l/ 0 cJ <.-, ~ f(, . 'e.. vt J C) fd 111/ e y +. u.J er:e{1. r f-{ 4,,1 VI 0 C/ \' , \ 1 I I' ......J'"