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Permit Correction Notice 2007-10-26
, ", '< '.:l:":~,' ,.;......:f<.'.'....r,,'... " -" '>''-','./,,!;, "';'[ ""h""'; " .. ,~. :" .;,' "\ ~~ .," c, '.". ..' ,:..:,',.:~ . ~, ..,.f~ City of Springfield/Development Services Building Safety 225 Fifth Street \..J Date: 10 1?6 / 07- Job# &7 .- a/2JL Address:. ) 10 . f,. J<1'<<' !/ Inspection Type: f)&I~1 !f/r ~ t!4LuU:f:o, I SPRINGFIELD WiL*, TO: /'}/l /~; I a / r f 11M UAJ".... /"'1 {" /ur , ~ o fr~tll.k /;:-1Aj J~.~/(7f)- LJl/1dt!/I~or:' (S"1,, /tJ/{;J",~6 p,?;P#99C?~:?2.J / 7, ~o':/l~ >1.1",/1" r!ttilA-ul"'l -feJ..,-l- 171" VC/)H(A.iJV>1- 1,1/ u,rl/HJ tlcdlte/'i.D/Z~G'.. \ i 7t /tovl:k / \/J It./ oJ 2t:J~ .l?dl- jJ;?;ff~ Icf// ~/ vC/J//{.q.4..... ),L/ ;'--/"';; Hr../ / _ v ) '"...,; / Vt''''')r1er; :" S/l,l,J ~ rJ)2, L.r ,dr/A 1'7e- 2~2) ( /' /);/,/1/)1..1. f-t/ " /J hQ11Y J / --to/" f]/)/J/~va / /J.i /f k.?//qA F"..i 11",.1,/ Vt!"vj a/I'"' f Var.PJM. , / I Corrections and reinsp~ctionrequest shall be made w;ithin calendar days. Call for reinspection l!2Iyes DNo Inspector ,~ _Date: fVfVfVfVfVfVfVfVfV fV fVfV fVeall for inspection 726-3769fVfVfVfVfVfVfVfVfVfVfVQuestions 726-37 59fVfVfVfVfVfVfVfVfV