HomeMy WebLinkAboutItem 10 Adoption of Amended Stormwater System Development Charge Project List AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY Meeting Date: 2/16/2016 Meeting Type: Regular Meeting Staff Contact/Dept.: Ken Vogeney/DPW Staff Phone No: 541-736-1026 Estimated Time: 5 min. S P R I N G F I E L D C I T Y C O U N C I L Council Goals: Provide Financially Responsible and Innovative Government Services ITEM TITLE: ADOPTION OF AMENDED STORMWATER SYSTEM DEVELOPMENT CHARGE PROJECT LIST ACTION REQUESTED: Conduct a public hearing and: Adopt/not adopt A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COUNCIL ADOPTING A REVISED LIST OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY STORMWATER SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES. ISSUE STATEMENT: At its meeting on September 8, 2015, the City Council adopted Ordinance No. 6341 amending the Metro Plan and the Public Facilities and Services Plan (PFSP) to add three future stormwater outfalls in Glenwood to the PFSP maps and project lists. Staff now recommends adding these three potential, and three existing, stormwater outfall projects to the Stormwater Systems Development Charge Project List. ATTACHMENTS: 1. Draft Stormwater Capital Improvement Project List 2. Resolution DISCUSSION/ FINANCIAL IMPACT: On April 19, 2010, the Council adopted Resolution No. 10-17, which adopted the City’s current Stormwater SDC Project List. At that time, the City had not identified the existing and potential stormwater public outfall locations to the Willamette River to support redevelopment of Glenwood. On September 8, 2015, Council adopted Ordinance No. 6341 amending the Metro Plan and PFSP to add three potential public stormwater outfall locations in Glenwood. Staff proposes that these three potential outfall projects be added to the Stormwater SDC Project List so that they will be eligible for Stormwater Improvement SDC funding when they are constructed. In addition to the three potential stormwater outfall projects, staff has identified three existing public stormwater outfalls that would likely need to be modified to support redevelopment in Glenwood. Staff recommends adding these three outfall improvement projects to the Stormwater SDC Project List as well. Adding these six projects does increase the maximum rate that the City could collect for Stormwater Improvement SDCs. The potential Stormwater Improvement SDC rate increase from adding these six projects to the Project List is $0.00646 per square foot of impervious surface when applying the current Stormwater SDC Methodology. For a typical single family lot with 2,700 square feet of impervious area, the additional Stormwater Improvement SDC would be $17.44. Staff recommends that the Stormwater Improvement SDC rate not be adjusted at this time to reflect the addition of these outfall projects. A notice concerning the proposed additions to the Project List and advising of the public hearing was mailed to all parties listed on the City’s SDC Interested Parties List on January 14, 2016. Public Facilities & Services Plan Ref. No. Stormwater Master Plan Ref. No.Project Location/Description Nature of Project FY Ending Estimated Project Cost City Wide Growth in Impervious Area SDC Eligible Cost Per % Growth NA 2 Gray Creek channel & Pipe Improvements New Channel and Pipe and existing channel improvements 13/14 $0 12.7%$0 115 4 Channel 6 Det Pond, Channel & Pipe Improvements New pond and pipe 14/15 $1,974,250 12.7%$250,730 111-B 7 72nd St Channel existing channel improvements 19/20 $1,472,463 12.7%$187,003 100 10 N Gateway-Sportsway Flood Control & Water Quality Facility new manmade wetland facility 11/12 $522,375 12.7%$66,342 119 12 McKenzie Forest Products Mill Pond Water Quality Facility water quality pond improvements 11/12 $1,850,000 12.7%$234,950 121 16 Island Park Water Quality Facility new manmade wetland facility 10/11 $1,965,525 12.7%$249,622 111-A 18 69th St Open Channel existing channel improvements 14/15 $529,838 12.7%$67,289 108 NA Mill Race Restoration & New Intake existing channel improvements 10/11 $8,975,000 12.7%$1,139,825 123 12 Lower Mill Race Water Quality & Riparian Enhancements existing channel improvements 11/12 $1,277,000 12.7%$162,179 215 28 Q Street Channel Ripariian Enhancements existing channel improvements 14/15 $500,000 12.7%$63,500 Subtotal $19,066,451 Subtotal $2,421,439 Public Facilities & Services Plan Ref. No. Stormwater Master Plan Ref. No.Project Location/Description Nature of Project FY Ending Estimated Project Cost City Wide Growth in Impervious Area SDC Eligible Cost Per % Growth NA 11 N Willamette Heights drainage study 11/12 $62,484 12.7%$7,935 NA 14 S Willamette Heights drainage study 14/15 $62,484 12.7%$7,935 NA 17 Gateway Gamebird System drainage study 14/15 $62,484 12.7%$7,935 NA NA Cedar Creek Intake Reconstruction Study drainage study 11/12 $125,000 12.7%$15,875 NA 43 Corporate Way Pond Vegetation Plan drainage study 11/12 $60,000 12.7%$7,620 NA 43 Maple Island Slough Study drainage study 12/13 $60,000 12.7%$7,620 NA NA McKenzie Oxbow Study drainage study 10/11 $125,000 12.7%$15,875 NA NA Metro Waterways Study drainage study 14/15 $350,000 12.7%$44,450 Subtotal $907,452 Subtotal $115,246 Public Facilities & Services Plan Ref. No. Stormwater Master Plan Ref. No.Project Location/Description Nature of Project FY Ending Estimated Project Cost Basin Specific Growth in Impervious Area SDC Eligible Cost Per % Growth 112-A 1 Glenwood channel & Pipe Improvements (Inside City Limits)New Storm Pipe and existing Channel Improvements 13/14 $2,000,000 8.8%$176,000 NA 2 Gray Creek channel & Pipe Improvements New Channel and Pipe and existing channel improvements 13/14 $0 21.1%$0 109 3 Jasper Natron Outfalls and associated Pipe Systems New and existing Pipe and Channel improvements 11/12 $2,758,125 83.4%$2,300,276 115 4 Channel 6 Detention Pond, Channel & Pipe Improvements New pond and pipe 19/20 $1,126,375 3.5%$39,423 116 5 59th & Aster and Daisy St Parallel Pipe replacement of existing pipe system 10/11 $2,156,000 9.5%$204,820 117 6 Irving Slough new pond and existing channel improvements 14/15 $2,196,500 3.5%$76,878 NA 13 S 67th St existing pipe replacement 10/11 $312,000 9.5%$29,640 120 15 Central Over-Under channel & Pipe Improvements existing pipe replacement 16/17 $2,398,000 1.9%$45,562 111-A 18 69th St Open Channel existing channel improvements 14/15 $2,372,500 21.1%$500,598 NA 19 Upstream End of South A replacement of existing pipe system 17/18 $648,000 25.1%$162,648 NA 20 Lawnridge existing pipe replacement 19/20 $902,000 3.5%$31,570 210 27 Jasper Slough Improvements culvert and channel improvements 12/13 $60,000 83.4%$50,040 NA NA "S" and "T" Drainage new pipes and channels 14/15 $600,000 12.7%$76,200 NA NA Existing Glenwood Outfall A Existing outfall capacity and water quality improvements 19/20 $175,000 8.8%$15,400 NA NA Existing Glenwood Outfall B Existing outfall capacity and water quality improvements 19/20 $175,000 8.8%$15,400 NA NA Existing Glenwood Outfall C Existing outfall capacity and water quality improvements 19/20 $175,000 8.8%$15,400 124 NA Glenwood Outfall #1 New outfall and appurtances 19/20 $350,000 8.8%$30,800 125 NA Glenwood Outfall #2 New outfall and appurtances 19/20 $350,000 8.8%$30,800 126 NA Glenwood Outfall #3 New outfall and appurtances 19/20 $350,000 8.8%$30,800 Subtotal $19,104,500 Subtotal $3,832,254 Project Location/Description Nature of Project FY Ending On Going Project Cost % Sdc Eligible SDC Eligible Cost Per % Growth City Wide Aerial Mapping MS4 Permit Required Planning activities --$200,000 12.7%$25,400 Ongoing Storm Drain Master Planning MS4 Permit Required Planning activities --$200,000 12.7%$25,400 Participation in minor private projects MS4 Permit Required Public Improvements --$200,000 100%$200,000 Water Quality Improvements to Accommodate New development MS4 Permit Required Public Improvements --$500,000 100%$500,000 Riparian Land Management acquisition & management of riparian lands --$200,000 12.7%$25,400 Drainage Channel Improvements regulatory and environmental requirements --$637,000 3.5%$22,295 Subtotal $1,937,000 Subtotal $798,495 $41,015,403 Grand Totals $7,167,435 Stormwater SDC Project List Water Quality Projects Drainage Study Basin Specific Flood Control Projects Ongoing City Projects January 6, 2016 Attachment 2 STORMWATER SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE METHODOLOGY AND SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGE ADMINISTRATION FEE Page 1 of 1 Attachment 1, Page 1 of 1 CITY OF SPRINGFIELD RESOLUTION NO. 16-_____ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF SPRINGFIELD COUNCIL ADOPTING A REVISED LIST OF CAPITAL IMPROVEMENTS TO BE FUNDED BY STORMWATER SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT CHARGES. WHEREAS, on July 20, 2009, the City Council adopted a methodology to be used for setting rates for Stormwater Systems Development Charges; and WHEREAS, ORS 223.309(1) and (2) provides that a City shall base a Systems Development Charge Improvement fee on a capital improvement plan or project list; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on October 20, 2008, adopted a Stormwater Facilities Master Plan setting forth a list of capital projects required to meet the needs of development; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on April 19, 2010, adopted, by resolution, a Stormwater Systems Development Charge Project List; and WHEREAS, the City Council has also adopted a Capital Improvement Plan which includes additional projects which are reasonably required to provide stormwater service to areas within Springfield and its urbanizable area; and WHEREAS, the City Council, on September 8, 2015, adopted a revised list of Planned Stormwater Facilities into its Public Facilities and Services Plan; and WHEREAS, it is occasionally necessary to update a Systems Development Charge Project List to add newly identified capacity increasing projects; and WHEREAS, the City Manager has provided the Council with a revised Stormwater Systems Development Charge Project List, a true copy of which, bearing the date of January 6, 2016, is attached hereto and by this reference incorporated herein, to reflect changes since the list was last adopted on April 19, 2010; and WHEREAS, the City did provide notice of a public hearing concerning the proposed changes to the Systems Development Charge Project List pursuant to ORS 223.309 (2); and WHEREAS, the Council has considered the report and recommendation of the City Manager, and the testimony at the public hearing; and WHEREAS, the Council having considered all of the testimony and facts, and being well-advised in the premises, finds and determines that it is in the public interest to revise the project list upon which Stormwater System Development Charges should be based: Attachment 2, Page 1 of 2 A t t a c h m e n t 2 , P a g e 2 o f 2